Ti 1!zSving OntariO'st I Natural Resources i RaiingYOLg Bass (No. 39) I My acle last weelk 1 told of the way lin'which the basass *,pawn in nature. Th'e -Gme and isriaDeprtment rarse manyr o' usauisulig baas eauh year but they have to limitate teat m'ai uvir~ment losely for f il gueeess. To do this le vel- expens- ive and Xlgelig basastW imuch msore than fbigerlings of troutor pik j~.il la thia higli cost ithat mnkait so diffcuRtato aise young ia ÏR g 44J SNew Bodies englues in 26 mnedim YTH E WA R- W EE-Cmetyn Army. Current Events New Russo - Japanese Pact May Change War's Course i when Sir Robaert Cliva, the einent -e low- Etitisher wvho has brecs Ambass- ador At Tokyo andBrussels sud inisterte toeVaticnannsd Per- belng ais, sud is now tavelin on tüh IruICted cnietvr(ecnl Xpressod! of thia tise viev',that to sd&ioatRussia, ç-ct sud sudJapaýnapeaedtohold the ,3el 1 £ key it thefuturc of ïthe world. lMe over pr Iedicted theeal signiuig of an) do ot MaY change War's course carS Off subsequeutet s roa-niticail]y bor-e ot his p-dcto.Last week On, t a ~Soiet-Japanem nautrality pact, to th wàas ag eandiuig 24A erso Muel wa-ied p'ar Eaate rompltuîs snd umben ivlug tise weternnions a new eu tor groed thnt thse paet rivalled A eoid a1,old1iportncetisenoag se seo- grassion accord la 1939 between aoj ise ers MaW Rua s dtistit kîetUods -woold powerfuily affýct tisa coure tr'y tO et tise wrounvefront, sbasa EditoriaiwritmaCuOmaile e theny z aoîgt~ score ot inter- ey ae prtatinsve huvo seected so.. naurl iai elpresentativc opinions wl1 Eti-w ligi ton vrosangle2s of thse siation: Tomi-oto Glbe sudlMail: "Tise net ramhuof et hpast on tie Eno- a PMaU situation ha tat Rusieu now pote a iguin luGeïn.'s ibaý wîthoutfe ar of JpsIiu ie cEsat thle sziuatindOes not seemi to be rrnh altred. Japau's mot dogged au- eas dMs- amy.îý , la iIna, w'hicit receivod aidi ýed An- Pfrom ise ited Statea, fimm Bný- )IIs A- tain and ,IfronmiRusas.Thi-,ee fmm ict o! ati nl ie naw pact whiihp bOPSîP iis Russia fi-on, cotnaung lier 3 7 per ad eCin.Thr as nover an r-war teSuhr Pcf',w Ihlas atter whicconicerns ouly the se 190 Neha-lndatise UltedSats heBritïkainad Frne, ale wouid ,f Cuba, aem wolable e tak c,are -o! their S Cou-,1ts, lutareýi,ats ln a hina hangaý d7,969 Pad, ieCmmuniant partyr cotra oga u hiMoscow: "The ueutrality ppet sud deearation are documients evatpoiticalsîniicsue, ainca shw- tie cntiut u prant stop 174v' fo the improvement of relations Brn- waen Vi1e U. S. S. R. s ud Japan, 9q Sni 'arliefse goverendtsosaonsie- .88; La wen tMe Iwo cnauis'Thse d iqus arto pt nan oai1ot I U. , S.R. Talks With Turkey led: V, lrtyTopoclmit .ncnde '~hepact Ila aq deflutiie giin for 151 Boy Rssiw afr î m'ans that Japani o, Scu o)Ws: An- joli [ bows ont 0ý f the Axýis as fa3r s- jt onl somil bsfor, Gormlïauy, inig Rsawcak sudoccpe ie whero t1ý!issuluthe Màiddle East Tie -s-infý!ormeicd ipeeploail sceas cerin'tat thoSoviet Union ,w-li iesa aiý se laatncko, but officiai* pronouncements ainoasoscow do ihdicte tar it su W repsrig to give wflnt, aid sýhe eut Tur'kc'y, tiselas on-~oiatd paio lu hithe te besure'tisat, ifaise beeomeplau gagutlu 'a- i lis e wst, japan \iil not attet lier lu ie esateý. The, po p metasureslier of j"f t ts."ý SIicslNclii, Tokyo--: "Tseco- cluou0 tie now nedurly pact shlow's Jaante ,avoid tofOop- pratonathat% a in ghting bOttheC Uuitd Satas sud tho Sovieht Un- Ion incas cfa positive advuee (4 lier sotliar poicasuscria- la lu tise Pocific U, S, Unruffled? RiP uli mdo fomaistateenp-t ith regardto tise Pact delariug: "Tise significanceo!tishe part between tise Soviet Union sud Japan relut iing te eutroaiity eould o over- ,s atd. , ,Tho poliy ! hi govereant, Afcourse cromains un- csaned" Mocre lelp For BritaÏn Nevrtiei 0, ("ubero!stepa werotatu Iat wel by the poess-lit-e uhice Unitd State whc. si-edte, ring the niation te the entitof Fniadser into tise waIr:tanices ua'd c mues were traufaxredto BrItain for ainti- aubmrlnasespatrol; Presidont Rooseveit reopenled tisa RutSv', sudGuicfAen to,0 A1cmpDanvos- 'Sels(U S is iow ai-e permit- ted tio go ail iaheway twtheSuez Canal ii J1suppliaiefr)is- Alis) tis UntadStttes pledged p-tc tio teGronia d dobau ie viîgltit ebadair hss nifor'ti- ficaion tisi-e- te southrrra Up cf Griýeenlaa-ýd as mde Èt1ie naW 1imit ci!western itemisphere de- fuere; resident Rooseveit mode a deelratln t ,lite Uitd Statas will pro erla-sisaeyiee oxce-pt ilu comebat zonecs; tise U. S. nsvy began pieparations for tise Sawift amng- Cf some 3160 or-s moint an wprvately ewed er- With rgadto tise ticklisls on voy q-ýustion wiciMust e îsettled vea- sen Ameioa-prDxnued wmatai-li la e otine te -oac Bi-tantis NW or TlmLansatde maeilat(0laifa, ebetrans- Three Warnhgs Waruiings tilat thu Unlitet States wson thepoin of oingto formai war itl Geman cme f Lc he lips of at, least t1ree mmeao thlePres;idenlt'a abnetýist ek that dthe United STatýs wa ady fo-r war if Aerca iglits wereý trsnslýgî esaed. (Preaumabl1y 1he had in niind tthe poault ht U. s. ships~, owgin oRedSeaP.portaý -wîth war material for tieBritisli, wouild be ataced y the Ai at whatever time the Axis was will- ing to accept a formai stat of war with thle -UnlitedStatesi. secretary of the U. S. av, rai ox, to.ld tih uenvlafiacm mutte that: 'y dN'Mlatobea aoar~monerPut from is ifom atin hveIfaywe are n' lu tiseiuist f ise j(dcisive per- Henry S tmotiyn ta on ý-l greMMInlhearig onu lJnuite CtatdmseUnitd Stcste W " 49 acnga dpagerous eMergency plich may, be very prolonged. Ha sasd alec -FANNY BY GASLIGHt-T" By rMlïhael SadPil lu "Fanny by Gaaight" Ain. Sad- loi riecaens a onduo f seventy yons e go whon tis dark strets of the Empire capital moue lit after dakby a yellow fieter of street ture of tise taverus, nigistiousos fuIli of motley lbondon crods. Rt tlireugh thollm moves l?.sm-all, rmeets lf e ,,ith ciieorfi lanr aud whose loven-stor labotilene ami paselnste. The gil Fanury was a ýc!hild wlth- nu background save. one o! viot- onice ndl catastrophe, a ciiid who groüws u'p nto a 1f e of courageý, gaiety and seif-'orgetofuldevotion. As an11old woluanliMving hlu a a mail towv n -uFranice, shie toila her story tasmptetEnglishmn. "Fanny by Gaslighit" ,. ,byivih ael Sadici. . . Toronto Macmit- Ian Com,,pan-y cf Canada .. $2.75. Orids grown frmseed i-e quire a period o utigfromi seven te twalve yesrs to reach the blsoigstage. The motteof oui- SoverM-eigu, "Diieu ePt Mon1 Drot" (God an11( My Riglit), waa fi-aýt ised b-y Richard thse Lion H-eart n the twelfth iýcentury. e More Virile tbûf, Art Net As H ath Contrai-yto a longppuabe lie, te dcity manýis or irl hth he miii te cuty c cdigto Dr. OswaldSinntey Dr. lowaley, head of the , de- part~iet ofuroogy t te New' Yor ilsptalofNewYok it,> saidthciy animoevrl bcueheis bcgin-jr to ppre2ý ciate the beefits of execis n said.d Yen and wonen should SYStAM- ,aticallyivork to attan the beat physial conditon in the fce of world, crisis aud nerveýs , Dr. Lowsley mail 'They will need thýis bolsering to be ableto "ake i' lie emphassed. "The lot efthJe man onth stretc hg ly important today," he decvlard d to lMlk - îerve, Bread aud Butter, Scie titSster Proud 0f WiIIkie's Attitude BriIIiant worr-an chemiast dlevotes time to research on Ontarjo Wines Points to Benefits W1Then WnelWilikie visited ýYornto, 3ue f thoýGse wiigon the city hll ai tep(,s wahssister Julia whose uierJý-t ife devoted t acüinific pursuita is iii shar-ýp con- trast o the umulto pblic 1ýf e of th-eget mrCan chamin Crows swpt hc polie asidle, p)erbapa for tlhe firat tc i h cty's h:storyas thle triumplhaýl prcsso wept up Yo-nge -street te the Cheera of theCnais hadtrveiedto Great ~rtai t Mliss Wilikie, had corne -from St. Cat~rieasomewhait lnervolsl, wneigwhy vTorontoahul b intresed a .ierail of a sudden.j "Goocd Exposure" Not Sttitislytiaies;he ould l)e pleýnîty o!fiouse-yomin l edn have been eautt.Buttseset of i-nies ,tisat uow mua!hoem'2ploy- ad te jutige enu apartusent kaocta atatistis into a cocted hea!,2N longer is a op floor itisa fine iustead, ts prmn-sue OSA: s lÉitstoe, sud cencret? la a! nlear .a iiiuryobjctiv-e? la it close Athie grouni? gra0t itude i te Wadeli Wwilkie by giving ha sister ïs day slre'1l norver forge't. Rut nlow tisa! tise lhol ut- ing is ever, SIsle las ýresu'iled ile quietfe lu St. Catarnee výtjIlug lier timo to lierbokfid rootns dher iaboratoru.Sie in s wine ciserjist, But lier statuS lias alter E uisane longer at s serios, Mmdleaged woan, but a e(elbrity, Elle snter o! 't1ise insu wiso mrnany bolire\ e may lieiee prmesdnt o!ftie JNied SAtes. She toi. reporters aieCbervs tisat tiseocso !din~so be adleninto smr ovva ffa'ir Iwitis wines. "Lu ime" aie said, "tise enstoaswui av beneficial affec't o ienta digestion sud Would probsolý)Y miate Canadians juteaï,atOfo brullialit1y itycvestost" one sgesinMiss VWillkie mnaie wsts! aainwines Èshould 1)ho-givos naîmes 'n tisa! breatise tise spitéo! Canada ia- Frenci in, is tii, eu nover bclIr ateienu a adasd sud Frencis ines areawseo "Our umulela îedîffei'ent frein isa!o! FranceNWe Could gîve Oui- ine tise saine csorto bouqu et but we are chîflycon- cev-i- wýith inakýiiugapltbe prodet f-ouiCanadian gripes~ Tise resuit mu! e jgeiOn tise moi- !tise prodnct.1Býe Ca us e tisey ta-ste differentiy, Dntari(o w'ines s'rcil-olune iso lu! rior"Y' se sii digtisat tise cutting off o! Frenchs wie supplies wouIid mate vesy littie differeue te Canan rwinecousumption bo- caýuse inpraten ere over o a Juvge scale Net cpital co!tise Wcllaud SPI p aalto Canada te Mlaich was inormed lu a retrutawld lu tise Couimlons eety Ts i-(,n adled teat astiî- natied ces! of wort requireti t'L ho doune ,cutise W adSi Canal udrtise Si.L~aoc Waterway Agreement lan1100, 0M0,Tinis amount i l necessasy teJ compotedregig a isecanai By GENE BYRNES tiSe 'a ered. If pi-opa a! ga neat i a fi of the ,s~* * REG'LAR FELLERS-Retiring from Business