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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1941, p. 4

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id Januiary, 1937. Lay morning at The limes Office orto, Ontario lest Subsicription, $1.25 the United States, $2.00 Receive Our Prompt Attenion R. A. Forrester, Publisher rimanents mranufacture for g onut arniainenlis at 60pe -tn, 3 pier cent. of Canadiens s. A steprup cl 40 per enit. ien comiiig frein ? The ffl lu. bbc D1cqnn3/brook Fair te be ae fer the peo-ple of Clarke it andi dorjate a- certain-per- e K use for are thlis p"air. la confirnmed the provinctial riglt te liense. TPhe case was a Prince Ed- d ie-inced witbhthe Islarddilu pressing within a province&s iowcr. It ebeuld riving wl .prelbabl resuit in somne sa real deterrent te reeekiessaiess. If elrenic,the suspension ray well 'bei Another Dunkirk are now facing a 'very severe erss. he -withdrawal frein Greece will be thlat boats wvilil ie scaneer at that mk, as all available boats in Engluans flanik cf the Britisha, sur- it m'esýt difficit Vo evacuate riian armny, on level ground, tMens to try 'te eut off the e. Il theay are surreunded or surretnder, aienig with bloýw te the cause of Uic . i,., ;,b-> Gern tnu li ýr the coun- have Vo be isses would 1have been lable Vo try fhat oppor- it will have it aiiidthe District News ConùIstable Doenaldi W. Eilskine, of Gobiourg police departmient, leaves ln May te take eover duties as cdnst-nbie at Parry Seund. RHe has been -an of- ficer at Cobourg for three years. W. F. Warqid, ehairnian cxf the War Ser-vices ý com-mittee, announced last ,7wek that Bowi-anivilie's objective, set at $2,500, had ibeen ove r-sub scritb- cd. Thle $2,500 )was raised by the workers in the tirst week of the caa- paign. TPIe conittee plans te go as mucib over the objective as possible. Mrs. Charlotte Mitchell, of Port Hpe, .passed away on Friday of iast -week in her 96Uh year. 'She was that town's oldcst citlizen. Deccased was active until two wceks ag-o. She was bern in Em'i'iy Towuszhip and livcd istof cfbr life in Port Hope. She is survivedi by two sons, aise hy thre sisters. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Rober-ts, cf Port Hlope, celebrated their 59th wcdding auniversary on Easter Sun- day. ýMember-s of their family and many friendis tendered congratula- tionis. Mrs. Rchet-ts is 81, whiic her hLiu>zscud is 86. In 1910 ;Mr. Roberts estjiseda nmarket whkic j 1w comdu'cted by two sens, Walter and Ralston. Josephi LaBelle, oue of Bowmxian- villc's two 'century oldi residents, died on Tuef-sday of last weeik. Hie was a life memiber of St. Jaehur's Anglican churcl ansd a prominent worker mn the lurpcih. He is survived by lis widorwx with whom he re'eitly celebrated 66 years of -mirried ilife, and eue son Oscar. For many 'ycars the deceascd0 wos a grainer 'with tihe Dominion Or- gam andi Piano 'Ce. 'Charles Brown, of Lindsay, cdc-, bratcd his lO7th bi'rthday this week. The centenarian possesises a retentive n-enmory, going bacli as far as theý Frenela-English war. He was a Younig main of 18 ycars when 'le first ca-ne to Anierica, scttling iu the United States'. Mr. Browi, stated,, he laad al- wayas worked bard and given) bis cm- ployers honesit effort. He bas ne-yer smoked, chewý,ed tobacco or iuduged lintoxi*catiný- liquors, he said in CA NAD IAN SCHOOLS 2hidio« Boys and gfirls are eneouraged to, ask questions in Canadian schools. 'They are not foi-ced to accept faise principles si-d theories with- out challenge. This is thc freedorm of democracy ... the freedom we are fighting te maintain. What a differeence this from the fetters that- a Nazi vic- tory would imipose on Canada... and on the world! S. .. you who want your children te be educsted in schools where freedom of t anhtsd action is allowcd snd eracouraged. . . do your part te help te in the war. Keep up YOUR PLDGE ... Incrsase Your Regulcar Investments in WAR SAVIIIf CERTIFICATES 1eeierwe V.crory is wnyordollars corne bac t.o yo, ith c mpoundioreesr he ,oe o .s . ad lend, the beter f.r Canada NO tebetter for vou THEN. Patd1w .,JVrSaiGsdmaUtoeOtI.qwa You Earn This Year Wil Be Used For War Coods (Olontinued from page oene) 000 a ýyear ýte maintain and this rneney miust le ebtaiued from the citizeuns on shre. 'Recently Mr. Ilsley gave parila- ment a sunimary of his probleni. He wants $6G6,;574,000 for the Axnny biis year, $169,640(00 for thae Navy, $336,61,000 fr ithie Air Force aud $1S01458,000 for munitions'. 'Plere are ether war costs distllibutedi among the governmenht depaoetnents whueh will bring the total te 'about $1,500,- 000,000, not counting drect financial aid Vo Britain. Canada titis year will slip allient a blillion ani a ihalf dollars worth cf geods to Brillais for Wblc'hh Canada wili receive $350,{)0,000. This means that lu addition to meeting- our own costs, we will bave te find s>o'me- thing moi-qthas anirtlher $1,00i0,.000,- 000 Vo aid Britain. _We sbaul spend shxtiy cents out cf ever',y dollar we earn this year on the State. In the last %var, te the Spring of 1918, we had spent only $877,271,000, nue(t iuh 'more than half the cosit of a single year in this -war ef miachin- cry. We maintained titis arhmny, cauchl larger than the active list of the pi-es- ent 'war, et la fraction of Unie present cost. To) lelp psy for this w\e shal'have te devote smtiî arou-ndi 4,0010,- 000,000 werking heure lunfthc present year 'Uo te¶h wrlunCaandi. 'Phis is anotiier way of saying -Ébat the_ war will ecupy oeue third cf enr finie. W'heu you go to e bd t niLt yen eaun recken, if you ar-e au average Cana- dien, tiaat you have Iaborcd about three heurs aud thirby-one minutes for the war. 'An average Britisher speuds fourhur and foity.ive nmin- utes ina war work. 'Phe average Ger- mas spends more. The _geývernimtent wil find imeans of taking your labor wfebe ou know iV or net. It will tax you, visibly sud invis'ibly, andi ask, you te boan your mioney te ýthose whe stand in Vhe front lise, on the declak or at the l&blae. Al cf us are woriking in thc war, andi the r'.ay tha,-t Mr. lley kee-ps raising bis figures of est, iV indicates that yeur tlirece heurs sud thirtiy-one minutes will certainly le increased. Four School Teachers As Coy Commanders! Ai or eonmpany eonanders of bhe Midland Regimcent cf Durham eounty, now stationed iu Ottawa, bas four sichool teachiers as comlpauy coi- niadeirs. Two of the coniliat offiýei's are chundla ministcrs in theïr privat rcapadit5y ami tha ssistant adjuVant a lawycr, sud was st 'ne bine kuown as Canuda's youngest ayor. There are ase etiher p)rofesions represent- cd. Couamandhing tihe regimeut is Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gamrey, whuese rankl sriegees back Vo 1912 Inlu civil f e lie is a fariner, rpostmaster and an aeceuntant. Hie was lu the D)urham Reginient -when tiis 'unît Nwas' re-or- ,ganized in 1l936 te, fornm the Midfland Regiment. Major Gamaey had gene everseas an-d aras ser-ving with No. 1 Infantiw Holding Unit wheu he aras cailed bacik te..-'Canada in Octeber, 1940, te bake comamand -of the isit Battalic of the Midland Regimient. Bis rank service les back te 1912, when lie enlised. in the Grey and Simce Regdmeut. In the last wçar, lie enlisitesi in the l247th Battalion, C.E.F., i 1916, ami saw service in France with thec 54th Canadian Infan- try Bttùalioni. Be was commin-issioed as a lieutenant in the Durhama Regi- ment ini 1922. Thle four teaicher's who are eonipauy commandants lare Maijor~s R. S. Ganieýy, K. Bail, P. J. Bigelew and' F. E. Lycett. lMajor 'Gamey, a brother of tire Officer Consaènding, is ceom- manding tihe lieadquarters ýeompanhy. Bis home tear is Toronto 'Where hq' lias ýbeen teachin.- -more VIan sixteen yeiars. HRe cnlisted as la private in 1915 ami saw service in Englasd and Frtance ç\Tth the 23rld Battery, R.C.A. Aftcr the -war, he was centinuously cennected -with the Canadian militia, sund wasl'aa memiber" cf thc 48th High- landers before being tiausferred. A *arriednmail, aud tbc father df three 12hildrcn, Q'ajor C'am-ey is as graduate cf the To-1onto Normal Scfhaec'l snd of the U'ivcreisity cf Toronto. MUajor Halil, comnanding ~A Comipany, lias becs teaehing for seventeen yers rýami is a m1alsual SrV- inistrulctor lu publIe schoels- Be is a 4XOMING EVENTS Thle W.C.T.IJ. Silver 2ý.eda1 'Oontee.t with boyfs and girls coniîpetig for mied!als. Rw< Orclhesitra, quartettes and solos by our young people for the msiawill ibe held in Park St. Sun-. day SrJhool room, Orono,, on Thursday, April 24V1i, at 8 o'elock. Ad'mission. 20,c. and 10e. ýGvARDEN FOR RENT In Orono. Apfly M. E. G. Waddell, 72 Cadjsýon Ave., Toronito. ýa-15-c. FOR StALE A Useid iinin>groom Suite. Apply Rolph, Hfardîware, Orcrio. j-15-c. FOR SALE Timothy Hay, 4 feet of ensilage, and nine Yorkldiire pigs, 6 weeks old. A. H. Keane; Phone 51 r 3. FOR SALE A S", Large White. Pekin Duicks, $1,00 eaejh. Apply to TMrs. 'C. S. Hughes, R. R. No. 1, Clarke. c-15-c. FOR SALE Oarrtier Oets, 'als limited quanftity of )Ooronation Spring Wlieat, good qJuality. J. H. Davey, Phone 54 r 5, ôrno. e-1 -P. WANTED At orwce, young girl for houisework. Apply to Mrs. Anderson, Newcastle Arms; Phone 3324a, Clarke. a-15-p. FOR SALE One Double 1BecI, Springs and Mat- tress; 1 Sinigle Bed, Springs and Mattress, in'perfect condition. Ghelip. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Gamey. a-15,c TOMATO ACREAGE WA,ýNTED Representatives will be contraeting April 25th and 26lt, at, Orono. Ca na- cldian Carniers Ltd., Port Hope. BABY CHICKS Ilood Tested White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, Mixed, Sexed and St'rated Pullets. ..R.O.P. sired chicks. Ail eggs proiduced on our farmn. O-ver thiirty years in business. Low piices on Rocks and Leghorn okri- Alviun Gleimens. Eowmaânvillo; Phone 12433. Hig-îh Sohoül and Lindsay Collegiate Institute and is a graduate of Queen's University, w hle took a C.O.T.O., course, after whieh he was a lieuten- ant ini the Huron Reiginient (1932). Hie wa' strnsferred te the Durham Reýginetn in 1934 when tcac1hing at Port fHope Biglh hol. He was aP7 pointe'd commandant of "C" Coînpauy i tihe Midlian~d Regi-iinut hen thuls unit ïiwas formed l 1936. A niarried man and a feither, hei j a teadher of scieice and the director of pbiysial training in the Port Hope Higla school. ,Major Lycett is comniandin~g"D Oompanyý. He lias hem iteachagfý thirteen years, 'mstly i Oshawa, whlere Lie'wias a principal of a public sechool. Be oined the Dlurhiam Regi- ment ini 1927 and wças counissioned ini 19290las a secrond lieutenant. The assistant adjutanit is Lieut. H. R. S. Ryan, who wvas 'f or s'orne time tihe yoeungest May4or in Canuadia. He was ecteid et Port B(ope in .1939 when still ini his twtemties. A native of Newibungb, .Ot., he was ed'uated' in publie schois in Neuiburglh, Ring- ston and Port Ho~pe. He attenýdedi the Port HBec igla Schooi before going to the University of Toronto, where ~he igot honore in classicsi. He teck law at 'Osgoede Ball and pPac'ticed as a, barrister in Port Hope. He was a signailer iu thue Purrham rRegiment and joined the Midlard Roigiment for .active servie in February, 1940-. Attend the Silver M'lda1 Gontest at Par~k St. 'Unitedi Churcha torig!ht. CARI> 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Stone 'wislh te exýpress tiheir sineere tiaamks to thei: Iiinany iývfrilcds and nelghbours - ,ýho have been seý kiand and hougtful at the tisse of the r-cei-t death of a dcear CAIRD 0F THANKS Mrs. J. Wamnan and family wý,ish Û,,b ex-,press 'heir appreciatien for the inany acts of kindnesse and ex2res- siens cf symptl)athy and condolence, aiiýý for the beautiful florýal rem-emi- branees exterided by friends and neilabouils at the tin-ie of the recent dTeath of theïr beloved 1-usband and IProf essienal Directery MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offl Ice Hers : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.ra. PHONE 47r1 OBONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwim B.V.Sc., VEITRINARY SURGEON Offce : Main st. Ot~ono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont é John J. Gilfillan UIALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Licentiate of the Gollege of Qptoma- etry of Ontario Ofile Hours: 10 to 12 and 29,ite 4.30 pn and by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Store 1ilhone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability Orono . - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator OoDducts Auetiezi Sales of ail eiuoe and at reasonable rates. Corniunicate with hlm at p.e* Persry, On tario, or ses hie 43)erk, À. E. Moretoni, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Piractical Watchinaker Ail Repairs ta Watches, Cloeks, and JewelIery, wiIl receive Our prompt >attention PARK STREET' O RONO / PORT HOPE Saturday "ANDY IIARDY'S Private Secretary" Starring Mickey Rooney Monday andi Tuesday JUUY GARLAND In "Little NeIIie Kelly" Wednesday and Thursday "FOUR MOTIIERS" "Tail, Dark & Han;dsome" F.. F. Morris& Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowtuanville - Orono Phones: Bowmariville, Day 480 Niglit, 734 and 573 Orono, 27 -1 The Oldest, Largest ani Most Complete Ftirniture Store andi Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-Ti-E BEST Otir Goods- THE NEWEST Ouir Prices-THE LOWEý'ST MORIS& SON BWANVILLE - ORONO Appeal on the Ranid for 2,000' donors to proi-vide b'lood serunii for South Afirican soi1diere fhad ani ininme diate and enthusiastic responee. On

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