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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1941, p. 8

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lnýinous crs, Fsucc;!- as alitalfa, ns v lc i Ls, etcý., haîve on tiv lad on whichthy e nI a hrcond(ition than it, bfrViecrop. Tivencs isitions are, l aditonto the sg in gocd tiJth, and well Vat thora huld bho in the ain species of bacteria known ne Blcei.These legnine Spentrate the yo)ungý roots IEýgumons where they-, produe elAin)gs or nodules, sngly or hes. On clavers theise nodules yr sanîlp but nurmerous, while they are consparatively lar-ge i nanhner. Thie hacterla in duleS fix thne free nitrogen of Gosphere se Vivt the plant eai s focd. Witlhout tne aid of live pauts cannot do this and toher thban the legurnles eau, ven vith thec bacteria pr-esent 0On oH solsor whiere coer or! 1"(r legumesrsues ' U sC",fully gr1v Cir)p rttothe atraar-e 1l, "aacag of seeds to se-nd erea,"bougit in fourtueen pack- es. The offiýer-s of Vthe W. L. ere -elecutedi for the 'coming year. Pour- coý- qulltshih have been maide byl le ladis were on diiplay and were l>LIirtwlle seeilng. Five quilts and tir blankets have been sent through le le(-d Cross (O rono), six quilte ruhthe' I.O.D.E., Toronto, an'd yen are left e..) send througlihbile -tlation Army, al for the British Ia Victim-is. New alid tssed clothing a's alano handed in, to he sent throughÎ- ie Salvation Any. AnyneiaVing y a ilesý suitable for the British ar i ins may leave liheni ith rs. Wmi. Patterson or Mrs. MÏltonl Lnul, A1.1o% re rI~ tr.Lewis Simpsn Cary, in àer On-ci eh3lt fol'lowi'ng a sihort ill- ns.Shl(,i sunivied by one son and tihee aivhtes. Interment wais miade linthe Piresby,ýterian Cemetery a1t Millbrook, vidh too,ýk place on. Scitool of Fine Arts Usn1~ s ent. la n Iew soi!, how x- over, or<when nw lguaCrops, as aflaor SoY beans are grownI in o so, he apprù.;iat ( acte1ia ar cass ore 'etodof inoculationý ter ia. Nuterous xernets anc p)r longod oxpriece aveshown that the, best way to dIo this is toiouat the sped viti2 the -nuessaxy 'bactoria. For stuleh seod ilnocuLilatioln atificial- lyg e ultures nf the bacteria, c.rýigiiialy recured fromn the nodules on the ronuts of the siame specles of pLant whiev is to ho hown, are ap- pilied te Vive seed shortly before it is sn. Rflitis metthod thebacteria are oarried itno Vthe soil with thve seed,. and in an-ple number to practicalLy insuro infection of the ucýOts, with consequent increased growth of the crop), Cluyvèr seed :and affalla are quite e_,ýjensiîve ai-d as, an extra insurarice it will possibly pay you t(> use cul- ture this Year. For your a C c nmno1d(a ti 0n y0ur A\gricýultural Representative has a ,7 ply f cultures at his office. A culture Wil'1 treat one buSivel of seed, but if you have less than a b)usbl'L the entre Culture may, be used withi- "Lt har'm. Cltures- for alfalfa, j-r civrasieand sw(eetclovoýr Pare twýenty-five cents while p)eas and soy beaii cutures are two fr tetyv cents. If it is neot convenIienIt for you Vo caîl at the Departuient Office, cul- tures will be sent by nmail. Toronto Courts 'Oif 1,100 w,,men taken to Coui-t St. police station, intrre liban hlaf f aced liquor charg,-es, Rev. James A. Miller told a meeting of the North Toronto W:C.T.U."ý Mr. Miller's duties in city m-ission work cause him to keep cloýse ta!) on the court proceedlings. "HIe aiso raid that of 17,000 ar- re,ýts i or offences agmainst peace and order, 11,000 -svore due Vo drunke.-. ne, sand broaAh of the Liquor Con- trcl -Acti. A diloraible f eature of po- lice court records, he said, was thne convitcion of so, iany young boys bie- wen D and 20 years -who had goneý astrity throiwh adinfluenes or hack o;f prprtraining." ,cdfunua will b(ý bothnold and y( pathy is extoin wdwand tVie Thos. Wallmacev ed ReQv. J. 3licliL service on IM made in PortE Sol to recpor FLoyd -Milison is Mr' Stanile'y Rowe hts purchased a niew tractor. Mrs. CrbrrNrw0 'c visited brvotjhe, Mi-. Tivos. Burj-kell. Ur. LeLievecr, of Toronto Nýormial Sch4co l, l ser â nd teac'iing in our sehool this week. 3,1r. Ross Strike, of Bo>wmianville, coa&ucteýd the service in the United Oburcli on ýSuiday evenin'g. Mr. -and Mrs. J. Nalîs and tamily, of T1oronto, were Sundlay guests of -Ur. and Mrs. Win. StapGtoni. Mrs. He(skin spent a few days witiv ber daulter, Mrs. Imison Tamblyni, O1shawa, ansd assiste.d1 lier Vo imove. Mrs. Jlames -Stark and Donna at- tenided the weddihg at Castleton of Mrs. Stark's brother;- Arthvur Mee,,re. Mr. Robert -Morton bas -a larg-e aýcreage cultivatced al'-ead.,y, iaving hired a traVýtor and lcibivato-ï to dIo it. MWr. 'andti Mrs. George Cam1-pieliý lovd'O iheir own ho'me Saturday ufter~pend 'g',h,, wînter at Wel- 'Miss JonMÂundïny, MiieGrove, spenit Fasteýr holîdays wîth heý uncle and aýýunt, -Mr. and *Mrs. Sid. Lare. M1iSs Marlon Bruce spent a few da-ys wt friends at Bancorft. Mis June Ware tt'ok her, place ut the sw,,itchboard. Miss Jean Canvpilbell, haqvin..g suc- ecssfully comi-plèeted her studies at Port Hocpe Highn School, purposes en- tering Osha-wa IHospital lanVthe near future to train for a nurse. Mr. J. T. Pearce, of Toronýito, -Miss Jean Wadie, Lindsay, _Miss Audrey Jaynes, ehr, were at their hiomes and attenided the funerai of the late C. H. Walkey. FM. ranki Har- ris, Ridoi-d Hill, also attended the funerai. iMr. and Mrs. Arthur Redcnapp at- tended a shower for their nephew, LlOyd Brarlety, at Toronto,, on Satur- day evening. M-ýauy friends were present frorti Oshlhawa, -ive bomne of the bride-to-be. iMurs. 'W. Whittakor r htre orne wihMr, Redknmapp after . nd- the winter in Toronto and Hamilton. T ecomin-anitywaa gre4atl ýTS11clc- cd Satur1da1y whoiinnew's sqreadv cf th1ej -iudden p-1assing of Mr. Cecil WValkey. Aivuhin grlave danger at firsýt frman attamk - of pneumoniia, the crssseemie, to hvepassed und eýveriyone felit sure hie waýs ireCover>ing" niýely ý. He w'll 1Je g1reatly missec by the many who requireti iis skilied labour and his cheery sinile and love Apil re Sale.I April 24th, 25th and 26th See the latrge circtulars ini dhe mail todav COLOREDRYO TABLE CLOTHS, 54 nx 72 ini. eladhi................................................. ........ CoWVBOY OVE7LRALLS (new), sizes 3 mo 6 yr., eaclh.7c CULDENS IROREand SLJRSSUITS, (nlew), sizes 3 Vo 6 y ars, iad ................ ..............._...71)c. LAKCAPE GOEwith sïlk p%4,par...98c, WOME'S NGHT GOWý,NS, prinutd ci-epe L teil assortled colours and syke Sort siuevs.,79e. and 89c. DENTAL BR>-,USHIES for f aie teeîh, each...5. MJAPLE MAALLOWVS, f resi bfrom thue mens.WE - END) SPECIAL, 2 Cs.. ls.......... ................. . .. .......29c. RAING SUGAR, 2 lbs. for ............ ............................. 19C. FINE OLD) NIPPY CAEEE, lbDi ......29c. DIAONDS. STOVEI PIPE ENMLgod quality, per tin... ....... .... 3GO BAKING POWDE J RE GOOD B XNTA M iiEVtery. MIX] WOMEN JOIN AIRLINE INDUSTRY W'inniipcg, marein: Woinen bave heen drafted into the airlinie indus- tr.Trans Caniada Air Lines shops were sacred te the mi-aIe until recent- ly. Ncrw 'a dozen yvoun'g womien hg tenVhe plant. Six are enrgaged la Qeemo1ntar.y work la the flight inl- strument laboratory an'd the rest a-re ln the upholýstery sýhop. The wonen wokes ep!lace maie enupîoyees on, iuilitnry service. WAS IF iafaN.s., March: eCheok)ng tino lifeý story oif a frnrwhio f r~ thyuyers pasturIjed theha2 kend of his far'nim aldafterwar-ds igr thiat bce hadl spent twvo heuirs oaci rumier ay divig hi eows o and' f rom pasturýe, Vthescetfc giu uristsý calcuiated that this chore ne- counted for nine bhundred 10-hbour days, or working tur-ne for three fuil years doing- nothing but elhasung- cows. That tale was one, of s;eve-alI stressed by J. E. Montyre, of Monctcn, Agri- -Men's Boys' Child's .......... . ..... ................ 15C. 1, 1,Jb. tin ......«...................... .24C. ORN, 2 tins . . ..... ...... 23c. ÀL, 2 Ilhs ................. 1 7......... ...1/C SPECIAL, per l). - .... ......15c. ,CLOTII RUGS, niww assorted lxaý,e, 4 ft. 6 indtues by 6ft. ..... . ................ ...... ... 98C. mi- Seteds, 3 Pre g. - ........10oc. A-R SHOPPING CENTRE u $1.000 STORE -AMPERS * * . . $1.89 pair * . e * $1.69 pair * . $1.39 pair as' * . $1.19 pair :ots Work Boots Harvest Boot, with sole Of Lfld complete insole of leather $2.25 Boot 1 - . $3.75 anco Sole Boot RY NEED $3.25 7 Ltd. Bonds, etc. rof Store Tyrrell's Drug Store'_ DRUGS STATLONERY KODAKS PHAONE 68, ORONO HeId over ,-,n Extra Week Canada s tGreatest Drug Sale, The Rexail One Cent Sale Buy anyone of 400, items for the regular price, and get one just like it for ONE CENT. Protection Against Moths, DEE-TEE M4OThI FUME CRYSTALSI, kilis moths eggs anid larvae ini clothing and furs. h is stinless. 1I lb. tin .....39c.. 2 for..75e LARV EX LIQUTD, 16 ounce bottie ...........-............................ .......... $1.00 MOTHI PROOF GARMENT BAGS ............. 15c, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 For Treating Seed Grains FORMLDEHYDE AND CERSAN- WE STOCK THIE1 i'tou SaveWith Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store

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