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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1941, p. 1

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ORONO, ONT., THU1ýSDAY, MAY 1, 1941, ~ubscription, $ t of Orono Hydro System Shows Profit cLaren AndI[ 1 Silver .Contestý LODGE ATTENDS DIVINE SERVICE dlay mlcJl#ing the officers rs cd Orono Lodge No. 4l61 tended divine ser-vicýe at igtnaeLodge No. 66, e. Afte'r the service Mhe 1marched Vo Vhe Cente- lacedl a wreath in enr rit s'eus of Vimt commrun- 7e theïr Ai on the altar cf 'Lrs Bro. W. J.Rkde, Grand C.enduc- Th gr catestnt erhad o c the Grand badge of Ontarie, ffist and g-ave their pieces in the fol- gave Vhe address. The -%vde as led 71Uowing order: W VIe High Scclc Cadet Ban'd, and Contestanit No. 1-4Helen Wood, -la'iile eveiaxiV te Bothens %vent Vo Tlhe Accident." Duinham Ledge -No. 78, Port IPoýpe, Contestant No. 2-Greta Mercer, Ud tihe Cadet Band cf Bowimaniville "'Who ,vants tthe liquor tarfflc heie." i the parade. The parades weire, ConestntN,. 3 - Donna Wensarkeýd by good attencda pce front al "'The boy who wasn't ogsitedsrc. J~2 L. 'V ' t A flU i -. - -- - -0 - U011 (S TWO BONES ABOVE LEFT ANKLE uesday afternon ast Mir. vy, Clarkre Union, sufferecV a adetwhen, stvuck Puy a , breakking two bones. jus-, ]eling Vo E. Armi- Cthse sitoneiscat struck thse reid end ofthe an, edgiug n-Mr-~ cither b et w e en the re banosk or part cf a aVen, who was on Vhe thIe stoneboat, wus srrel as it xas jolted d nie injuries, Vhough ýc 15 feet before thre en first aid by io, thea rushedi vle an X-ray ýne thre aqnounV thre bones were, his bçme ferl ht Saving Time A re-soIlution referr'ing Vto Dyi Owing to tVIe faIct tbat the Police Villaige of Oioo reveited lack Vto Standard Time wenit-v was esirious tIat ail )uiuicipalties alr-eaid on Duyiihgît Saving Tume reaaii so, it is hcvohy -e v tiamt the Police Vil- lage (f Omrono, in hi-amony wiVI Irise wisfhes cf thse Dominion Governament, reîSîcime its obrservance of layligiit SaigTimie, comtunencinig ut 1.00 o'cleeik a.îmk., -iMay. hitir, 1941, and shall reniain se until -miels imne as Vire Goverameuit sees fit to authorize a BRITISHI GUNNERS FRQM NEWFOUNDLAND Prom Britainls oldest colony cone these menicfNo f oudild nw an- ning one cf ithe guns la Britaiai's defences. In thlis picture they are seani brining î,-uîp siheilis fromn the asui tflcusifbe. $M10000 Crypt WiII Be 'Erected By Dr. Lang Dr. Rosis Lang, of Chicago, in hon- Our Of lis foitbears, -will have a memi- orial imausoleum ereccted l nhe Oronjý 'eunletery. lNegoütiationas for a site and peimission Vo ereet the structure have béenprceng for. somle tiue-, but it %vas flot until Siaburdiay, April 19th, that final arrangements were made. H. J. Souch, President of the Cem e- tery Board, announced that the baild- inig wouid start ealy ili] thesum. I t w house si-x cryjdis. Its c'ute r wa-Llls -will be of hghira.e marhl ,uîth the jtOiorganite. The build- inîg was decsignied by Uda Koernier, C-f C"hicagý,,o, and the plans reveal tâat iV -wiid' have no rival in tlie district for architee!tual beauVLiy. Dr. Laig -was rbru at Kirb-Y, Vie son of the late Aleýx. Lan'g, a formerl funer-al director. lie has made fre- quent v'isits Vo the homes of his sis- ters, -Mrs. John Nodlei, Oronro, andl Mrs. Little, Kandal. This niausoleum- wil haafitn t~nira o the pa.1ents and the TRUCK AND CAR COLLIDE AT BOWMANVILLE Two men are ini RowmanvilIe hos- pital s a resiulft cf an accident involv- ing a car and a true'!k. The truck 1nias driven bW Art/hurv Hearl who' es- caipedi unîinjur.ed. The two vehicles côllidedi at the intersection of Ontario and Nelson streets. Th1e car turued over after spiiniterinig a telephone pcaie. The two injuped nien are Lloyd Passant, driver cf the car, w-ho suf- f eired seivere he-ad injuries and a broken -wrist, and Percy Luïxton asho iras i ho legs ratued lHward Ed- modthe VbuIird passeniger in Vhe env wvas shaken ilup ami bruisedJ. Chief SidIney Vento~n inrrestlgated. MrIis. W. P. Rogeurs was electèed president cf Vhe Woren's Canadian Clubh at BomWmanville fit their annual meeting. Mrs. Rogers ýsucceeds Ms A. R. Virgin. Lanig fai-nily, as weIl as the archi- tectural beauty spot cof the county cf Duvhami, Canada's War Effort A weekiy review cd developaseuts on thre Humne Front frin April 17th Vo Apil 24th, 1941. As British an-d Greek troops, great- ly rýutncnilbtred, batle desperateiy agIbt VIte Germsins no,,th cf Athens the United iStutes and 'Canada taire e~ffective steps te coordlinate thir prvograimmes cf defenice production. hFdIOllowln couiversations at Wasintlinand Hlyde Park, N.Y., bu- tween prime Mini -tel- Mackenlzie Kiag1- and Presidenit Rooseveiît, joint statement (Declaration cf Hyde Park) i-ssueLi (April 2'Othi) annelunicing agreemren', "las a genevral pria'cipie VIlat in nohiizig Ve resources cf Vils continent, enelcoutryshould provjidle VIe oterith thIc defenice arlticle wbidhi it is lest aIle Vto pro- duealta-love ai prduýe quickly and( that productionis porm e sho udîE:cordCinla'ted Vto Vils endr." ,Underi agreemnat, Cnaagets heneifit cf Leaseý-L.eud AcAt -a ahi corn- ponlent parts iliapor0ted bW Canad'a from tIc united States for am1m1enlt prodluction for Britain, Ca-aîawil seli between $200,000,000 and li0)0(, - o00,000 woi-th of war materials tU;the United States. Can adca le, shiias United Sti inilusa, gui exploisives, clGthin.-,r 4. As ýs te Minister (f Munitions, Washing-ton te assist in ep necessary organization for tien of pregranie-s. 6. Canada-Unîted State, nent jeiut board cf defelne lcompleVion of stratLe ic lai mnilitary and naval defen( ustera and western cu United Status and Canada. (Plans preývide , acicrdiaig ment ly MyrLa Ciardi cau crairman of tIe Beari fence lit Canada aid It States cf wtr iIhu of tirpr A t&aWi and Pacill 7, Arraugemeunts lase NationlcèBank of and a gveup of anadian bavnks Vo lrenew $ 1,000,00C sue 'T $0OOO09iDomuinje ada 2-montIs 1ï/4 peri duae lu New Yolk, May' 1, 1. 8. Departient cf Trade merce esltished expor Irancî. BrandI wîll centi, rai in Vhe isstuce of eia Order ia Counil Iestahlishil becomaseffeaceMAby h. 9. denitracýts awarded week endiimg Apii ltir mis 1partaiienit cf Muinitions ai [Orono Hydro Commis Has Surplus 0f $19, From LastYear's SCOUJTS AND CITIZENS wiI1, ENJOY SOCIAL EVENING1 On' A soicial evenlilig was sipeit in Parký Street Snly Seiheel 0on Fviday The Pi eýVening cf laest Week, when the Orono Hydro Boy ScoUts, alonig wvitl many of th-e Neil Pc citizenis of the village, and visiting thW Scouts fopBaîavie ahrdThe miii te spend a social tine tuother. Mr. wer'e vea JO~ J.MelhorScout Masterprepared The A -the eniteitaiinierit for Vthe evenin'g andcr whieth was enjoyed îinensely biy Coinypan, those pr-esent. 33; B.F TIce:ve1nJing oipened with. the sing- total cf ing of God Save the King, foilowed Mir. CI by prayer, delivered hy Rev. Little- of $900.0 Mwood. oep Rev. Lirttewevd acted as chairmanteke for the evcninsg. The finit part of year waý WV. RiddE the progamme wats given ever to Meided Vh. investiture cf Vwo Scouts, Carl Flia- r1h toif and Peter Chm-ara, who were-fi,'h pronieted from ithre Ctilbs. Scout Miaàs. wire, me er Meilor, ass4sted by Scout Master niateria] MeNai, of Bocmmanville, performed sîble. tMe cmemn .Mr. Mellor tMen toldi The AÙ these two new Scouts cf their re- J orderýedf sppyn'sibilites Vo VI-iir troop, sayifig Follo'w there -was a big- differen ce fromi being itemis in ai Scout thaii a Cuqh. Af er the ivs titure Vhe Scouts' VIen gave a d flomea 1 straticon on sending ýand receivimg Coumarric m1e'ssages hy alim s'ignaulhing.oniiv MImey Lit tlewood and Glen. Tam- Cliir blyn then favoured wit a cornet Street Ii duet. Watev h The services of Brian Faherty, cf Bowmianvfffle. were sccured for the emvenin.g, and hiemytfd the aiud- Mee y hileih-frn pevformii- Powevpi nce.Thés young muen no more Ami Ditri 17 or 18 years cf age, was just athout tenance as good as any performiers we bave Line tvai seen on any stage. 41e kpt vup a ance continuLai cihatter while performing Meter mi his trickes.lHe was tied ba a 'bag andi Sreet Ji managed Vo workc his w1ay out, could ancee meike u-noney disiappear an.d tur Up Bi iig ai across the roovi, doc ard trichs alengrGeeralc with nsiany others. lie -,as assisted PDontur in ils perfcnnslauce hy Gordon SIle- Dèdheintui- Pcegclîar mieetini Electriec clim vrter's Office on thail the i inctes cf Vhe p,,, ead aInd appvov, folloinIm bis cered pa id , iy $l,'0.00; H. P~. U. C., $4 Clhase submitt, W0 Vo ibe spent i t in good sh: as received, an( Net 4peratinig wenV ovet tac je anked tlie citi-I Vo state- 1 Vo a cli cake a )t Have yeu Ieeef)drsisci-gveet1 pair it. "-C larke Township Donnyl tie air At Orono Wednesday, vv1. Girla 'was ia isasemE mnan, andi ol Éertainent Iby prayer. +uht4>Vea . 1

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