Nlorth To ALaska Cojor Fand EMry Days Arýý SiliTc, Be Seen Thtre By the Traveller a1pea s ant cuation wicb 11in vtel ili prov-de dligbtfi pro- Mlgue te the actua! acnes cf this, >IortherlyItend. Frno h frt Wie intendîýing -traýveler leimpo Led witb h tIse celer ndt'isedrm i!i fitho arly dy.Th-eroac ef the gold rush perod led to e presnt eveepientwhicbhe!la preen Iserel vluecfwhat bad been econsîdeed prfitise olly but which tumned eut taehorcee «fNeue' ie reasure buss It is net noessary te undertake g a-,e.nthy corselathe istorie before gig oAlekaI; once tho ta'a2vler bah onere the awe in- spiring fjords ledig te the ports <fA4 ek, hevery ,mnjcsty of tie counitry apaste bhmanid onho wiliho egerte leera il that l ssil fthe territory adneighbboing Yukon wca roeh Aineka bas a disatntsounld, 'but ci l a nMost nncesibe plac. soal- way cennetienis te Vancoluver are rtnmereus ed co-îifortele, At Vancouverpitie city and ,< hief port cf;' Britieýh Colýumbia, hûIhdsoale Crift -cf thle Cana-iodia-n Nation1al hayopoi'ateoms es to Skagway and rture. Frein Vacouver )n ack again re- quieiine days -durýing which ithe raeeris et homein a cofort- nuabe sIsipwitSailthe pleasmirs cf an ocean voage-et sheltered by islands which frLabrnr ethe wýîinds cjf thle Pacif'ie. Tie is knlown kas te"nîePassage," a deep wter wypreeentirtgcn inrU.ously ipeev vss, MidnightSun For 1941, Moens Uch cruises have been arnetIse first by thse SS "Prince Rupert," leaving Vancouver on Jane 16. Thse eariy seasen vy gesgve pas- sengers an opportuity of smong the "Midigt Sua" bLecanse t this period Nother das Ore et their longee't, !Fainly Roil-ail LÂke Buzzing Beés TIse Z's have hiton ths Jackson- -vile, FIa., famîly',,. Th-e 'il sons and daugitorsof Biggs Ccx and 'J ,utry JemIimeElzbeh etrd Hart Ccx are: Zadie, ZylpIi, Zuh, Zadoc, Zeboer, 7Zen ,)b;ie Z e ronial, ZehheZol, Zero sud Zelbert. BB. BlmedFor Puttinq U* On Air: Heazted ArcQUm1ents Thse state-cotohdBiis Brcadcecsting Cbrperation - th8 VQokeocf Brite,*in-has sprunIIg t îÏcs own defenceaantacu- tions of ù-,itig ntIsewr a "so-called Oxford acýcent." R. A. Renai, drector cf Es p)ire service, w itigin tIse B.B.C. H-!andbo)k okcr 1941, says- that whenever tise Cýorporation i15 dis- e uss ed " annnei , i,ý in-g l- a -1vay s MSkly te 'bcome tIshe subjeet cf beated argument. OTHERS ARE GRA'TEFUL "Soneiear y balme tfise- B.B.C. for inflicting a so-cp,!led Oxford aiccenit on -tliseweld 1; Qeth. - ers - esp2ciailythe in distant parts cf the Enieaegae fui for IlatthOaregeneroIus *nougis to regarï!d as an objot lesson in tIsespeakin.gtif aleg nag<Ie whosee rgnlhome tbîey inay nover have se. Hoe, aid tIse FB..C's Dljeccîl icte give tIse wcnid tIshe nesead by the peopîeie belong te thieso Isliande and te de we -it-f- isolation w if utdionagn oeît f accent. ,Two noue ,oined iestfen hers ae -Window VegetaJb1es If yn lve l e ouse seithnext New narlo Sperc o FoioalBi Ch Cgsinthe Toronto Exes tie priment of The oa ~ankof Cnad to opewith cx- aning uins hruhotO- trio were announced hY the Bank last week,- S. A. Dukýe, o om er has occu ir tecamined .office of Asistant Genoral Mjanager and -vi otnue as eretfor a AssitantGeneal Mnaiger and as the v SanlscIf repeentaive inl OnltarIio, ihhaduresin Torento, career fIn 1904 wý.itb the Trades B3ank 'at 'Grnd Valle'ynaro Hie was attc -ed t te Staff of a iiumbiIer of OIntarie rachs of the T-rder-s Benk and Thýe Roa flknk f Canad a1912 'be wsappointed Maniiager at Bar- roston; siace 1915 he has served is Mlanager of the Bank's branches in Brandon, Sherbrooke, Windsor Toronto. Mre Duke ban sirey assumed bis nw duties, ithhaqatb in Toeoto, ...-. 4W5,,OIOCI clic4 il * whicb appeears toý be nature's ownvi way of peetn stomaecbulcers, one jof the jmeet wi,7despreýad and' baffling cf'bum)eu,-,disea-ses, je an- nolinced b-y A. P, HaaITds, G., B. Fauie-y, HryGreengerd and A. C. Ivy, ah of No:rthIwetern Unjl- ver-sity's Medcalsool, Chicago. CANCER AND SUNSHINE Sunhin istodof sm-ok,*ing was declared te ho the cause cf so-called smoker's cancer -of tIseý lower Qp mong workmen. Dr. George C. Anidrews, New York Cjity, me-de th !4satemneet at a forum on sunlght amd cancer held by the Aeia Society for thse Control cf Cancer. Excessive over-exposure to eueiight's ultra- violetrlaye bas lng ben Iknown as a causýe cf skiaancer. X-RAYS AND GAS POISON A peculiar effeet onq- the blood produced by -ryscountoracts the effects ofcab-onxe pconing 0ad, ïle expPeients on rets, .ee the oie f some thaèt had been sbmited te evere toxie o:ffsets freilin thiegs it was repcrted at ithe amnmul eein cf the AmercanAssciation cf Anatomiste i Cicgo NEW OIL PRODUCTS A wide new arayof chemnicai p)roducts from petrojeum le iikely to recsuit frcmn studies cf thec- ef- fect cf varicus kinde cf eetia 1diechiar-ges on ils, made in the leboratlories cf ts Universal Ohl Produets Comrpan--y. Tie electrie arc, they discevered, produce frcm lmeet anykind cf0cil eicetylenie, the trigmtra frouawhchthe retmaoitof organiecheiasaemade arti- WNhy net support your cwn Company? Hihes pycesý, DAILY PAYMENTS Wte fr Cans NqEW "NcKU0DRUG 1 Discove-cry tof A new "knocko-ut'4 dre rmwhich a persoil reco- esquckly wth no iM after-ef fec was annîounced at the an- nuam metngof te mric itha the tongue-twistinigte- The drug wassuggested as Us-- fui nmdcn to produce a shiort anshei or minoroertos 8V ROBE~R VA LEE ï,Wllawelbdpoi son j eVer attemýnpt teoentertain a rou of people byrelatig te expesi ence ,of is recenit ilesor o 2. Wh1at Should a br>idesmaid wear Ut the wedding if she is in Mon l ng' :3. Wha'it are the correct hours for a Sun aaternoon au 4 Whna hostess has arrang- ed for some kind of garne l en- tc'tantnntmi it pmissible for aguest to ask to be excused? 3' Is i-t proper to nto, c children to one another by fou- mal phrases? 6. Whlen you h a-ve roved inÉtG new nieie'hbýorbtood, isni't it ail >-rgt to col on Il the neihbors that yuws to asociate wUth? Answri 1. Nye.Evenif UqUesýtioned, heowCH reply in as few words as possible and then change ithe sub- jeet. 2. Shec would probably prefer not to Serve as bridesmaîd but if she does accept the nia t,-,insheo must dreçss exact1y the saine asý the other bridlesmYaids. 3., dwe 4 a'nd 5 pm. 4. Neyer'; itu is very discourteous to dlo so. .5. No). A mnother nay, rsay, "aththis is MJ'aryJoc whoas corne to p)iaY With you, N. No, The nghoS sousd eail fir'st; thoen you should rtr those Cals Canadian National Railways Revenues hegrosa revenues ef te 0- inclusive Canladlian National Rail- 1way System for the week ending Apri 14, 1941, were ?5,34p,553 as compared witb $1609P320 for the corresponding period of jo40, aii increase cf $1,247,283 o'r SANNE ASH-LEY Q. How cau I makc fab)r iocs fire resistant? A. Soak the mnaterial ýinP_ solution of five p'arts of boricý acid, sZix parts of borax, and 100 parts of water. After soaking, the fabl'ic shou-ld be squeezed out a 11d hung up todry. 1 Q. How can 1 hi cake batý f- ter wblen it is foun4d to lbe too stiff? A. Beat ani egg and add abi at a tim'e until the right cuIlsist- ePnoy is reaChed, Neyer pour ini milk, for the purpose of'î thirnning, a1 batter, as it will rosult iiia 'poor (cake. Q.Iow can 1 cdean nickel? A.Wash the nickel with Soap- s;uds and po1ish wîth a paste ofý a1ýýlcoo and whiting~ applied with a flnusot. Q. ow can. I rostore filannels thathave been badfly washed, and are bard and shrunken? A. These flannols can be re- stored teo teir formrer soaitness by soaking tbem in gasoline for, a few hours, thenl wasbling in ,Soft so-ap suds, as usual, folîowjig with a rinse ini lear wator of the sýaiue temperatire. frono Purina Fed fRocks, BarreSd Rocks ilaS Wiite Lgonbretd for ment and eggs, blod tstd, ounRocs re ntigidly culled $10,00per lundreci $15 GUO for two w -ek Idl. $ell ic athey BarieOntar'o yeers, Qarl rocks s bned to av and S. C.W'ý -Legilorns arronî stran. ocebutl, arge eggsst Rok Iadlghornls a a itChed ,S (cents, Rock pullets 15 cents. Lgrnpullets 18 cents. Lvery ,hick le fnom iblood tsecoreed- ere.satsacinguaratpeed.$1,00 books-,your r sj. ïD. jolnson, eS hiee LghensRocks. Hy- býrides,alo2%PleLghr CoeJcrels $1.0011 hun&red.Evy sg st from bod- te red er11on my1 ownf anno. GenRocý VOSCAN STARTR T NOW wlith Ilj'1cike'sare cicks, 0iîes ther! ar doinig it to makomone latr. Tere's a-L d choes f beed, cosss, taýrte(I puletsPrmptdlivery. (Turke0ys avilbl frjunie dlvey rder N.. Halmiton, Onit. WITHE RY 100 PULLET;11(ora100 mixeS ickos odrews e e2 fre ciek. ullts$110fo$10 Per' 100ýi ixedChicks 4 *.00 lto $1.0Per,100:ý Coo1er'els per 1-00 liglit bed,$1.30: heavybed, $4.0. mmeiate doilivery. (GoSSdid Cck H a t Ilhe l y. Bitannia BARGAI PRICE , ATH'PUBS, tiet.,s i n k s, f rnces ar- eondtioing pie, fllesfittinige. pIste with 1 alntank,.7.0 IInqulirias welcoedPaikin supply Company, 215 Barton Street E.. er. lo euilitequliomïeni ai- 'ivavs on ibaud. Tere rranrgeSd. Poirtable Oven .Co-, 105 athr but sehen a distant relaieif hlm eS neme1i0L rue, holertoda te ing is ameon choques ho put twocrose, adri; e fli k peid. ceshie a cheu sindedit -,tre "WMat's- OM deinanded thse Cpcasie. You've Pauttreecros- "I keow," «'s the re-y but S'le ,eays,; mst hae ze middle MWAS that builing?" asked the otran~ger. "Tlsat's the asylumn for t01e bnd"sa~d the native, "Go onr, yen Ca't f Cl m1e,"1 nid thie sti'aliger, "What'à il Uthem Windows for?7" AnEnigîlstourist traveýlile tIs Noth f Sotlanid, fer ewey from ayn boe, cain1ed te one nfte n atives:ý %Wby hwbt (do you do we on f ynare 111? Yen cenn over get a doctor."- 0Ne, sr," replied Sendy, "Wove uettedee a nai'turel usmr:"Can 1 exechange thsunhreakable doit." Shop Assistanit: 4"S le hee esonaetintg wrong with 15,?" Custtomer:. "No, osly the bab1y's boe every break- p.Lte thing ln the bous>e with Auntie; "Da yen ever play withj WWi' S, Aunti." Akuntie: "Wby don't yen play teith gced Mtte boys?"l WIe:"Their mothers 'wc't Womlen wvrlkers Ï1a German faceris uetnethoo lnploye-d fer hndhiggoode Swei$hiînï ore EXHAUST FAS NPAGIN RA Ecrcway undler woeae Torû2nto , ranl 29 Melinda, STOCK 1,=D: BUSHIEL AND O7 JNE haif bag, 12u pner baginuin the' bag coeked erennefromi "pnffed whieat and ries Kvaag FOOdsLiied 99Sora'Luren AV- eniue, Toron to. CAV GSOLNETO30,CRO ple, iexeniv ad gunaranteed method. Shgb, Box274,Cadr Sask }IEtîBS WANTED enýt lHeýrbe, ooeBarks. Write W, 1425Man ote. itor Threatre Buildinig, St. Tlioaas, Onai.Specla] Departmieni for farmiers collections. lii NA'l ioS Roil 'em with Ogden's! ~ Red Cross NMarks Scene (of Crime Montroal opten ask questions me- gafidin-,g e bg o o d Ur()cross pei:ate d le sbe(" tver tsefonce cflth Mothecrflous-e fthe 0Order cf tbo the 'C(anadienNainl alwy cerrid e ueryte DriW. H. Mb oron uthlority orn historie Mon01- trlnd ho recouted e etry ià explanation. in the tUme cf the Frec gn e MOwn Montre ans ebiing te extend beyond the fortifed maly ,"le Chemin 4uRoi" (Tiseing ' Rcd) strag- gied aiong thse edge Yf thsemid- tewu ermesabout tî1eprst locf Dorchester Street. At the pitwhere Guy streetno l- tersce,stood a farm bouse and t'Ise rerwas çcrodited wit!)OS- aosngestore( of gi.Abni attempted te o ibthse farmer and wbe Isdelaer resised, killd t(he fermner, hi wiïfe eand aduh ter.Capurod Frnehjusticede- creed tiaet ho sbeuld ho hanged and quartered, the body te swing- on the gibbet oeed et thse seone cýf the cie Afterwerds a cross4 paspiaced ît the spot. Yeers lete:r wben the f -irst r'oads wore straightened, the Cross wes à th(,e centre cf thse thoroughfere, and Onrqut of the mnunicipal antIs- eritiers the Grey Nues agrýeed te miaintaiin in per,3petnity a cross te mrark: this page in the record cf tIse former French colonys Revenues Rise' inicrease by 33 Per Cent mi March 1941 Over Same Mortb, List Year An inclreese lu cporating rev-I,-i- ues cf $51478182 and anincrease in net reNenue cf $Q,29,078 for tho me1ntIs of Mercb, as compared wibMaeh, 1940, are shosen"r in the nmontbly stit'cfopore- ting revenues, operating exponsos an-d net revenue cf the Canadlian- National Radiways alincluive, eytmiseued et Ieadquartere I'ast wje ekL Net revenue for thie fi*rst thro menthe cf tIe prosent yar înereeeed $35,2 5 3,6 05 overth Correepnding pe'id lm! year. Opereting revenues were $23,- OFIER TO INVENTOUS AOFFER TO EVERY IVNO fJist of invuentions and ful i4 nainsent iree. The Rm& Co., RgsesPatentAtonez 273 Bank Street, Ottawa,Caa, PROPRTYFOR SALE 1,cated in Dundas County, Eas.tern OnaiNear location of peee new, power develpmsnt: sel ;Mt ,)r nmighlt xchangs foi. city irpar yAN.sih 13 Sad 1na 1,j GO O 0 ESOLU1TION E - l, sufrrof Rheulmatic Plain., or SNAPSHOT,"rS TO-DAY TPREA'SUR-ES TO-MORRO'W mAake sure thsy lPst. 6or e8 EXPOSUREFIM a mwith bea utfl enlargemunt mre. 8 reprints thearen 2. Th0ousands of lettors from sat' i icl qualily and servie, Depi D, tatin JToront, SORBO" I ice $5.110 I Co., 171 __ I IMMED- I CAR - 1 ...LASSIFIED ABVURTISEMENYSU. Asic for Ogden"s Cul' PIug tJing 'expenises seere $85591 lest 'yo.r. TIiierewa -aletre- nue cf $, as,5necompeýred, wih 2,002,9)77 le 19410. For '.the lthree menthe c f tIse prosnt yar, perating î evoî '.es wer $6,69,467,compax'ed wîth $5i37 n15 l te co roe peio f Jlest2yer, s3, nga rvneup te M'iarch 31 cftisîj yeaI wS $ 10,60',965, compared'I w-ith $5,437,961 for the sria An iirplaneIfty-ug nt aýà gh ef800foot was beyond te reacýh cf "mn batteries in 1018 emy pianos have bee oot in rC(eently le 16,000 feet -nr