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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1941, p. 4

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THE ORONO at, The Times Office Subllscripytioni, $1.25 nited States, $2.00 e Our Promipt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publishier te.Must 1lkely he is strutting witlh the 'help of thre Germanys. hurchili ýsaid in 1lis broadcast on iave made Mýussolini's cars burn. t their brand new budget ýhangea utnade which wild. an ýèndýeavour te stolit ýce 'along th4e road te o- will have to changýe thelir vsitheut the luxuries, also io' makie both endis snleet- long as they..can see, vi- y take the e0untr-y a longý ig contracted, even the iu- million. pouids of Cana- liciai standards. For the >1i in 1941 will ha graded aset war lias woovl playedi ffort as it does nom,. Total 127,000 poundis compared MO ai-ueunted te, 101,616,- st figure in the last ten früom other- parts of the wiodI produced in relation ta the total ively srnall. H'okwever, the bulJk of eas- isiderable pereentage o-f wool pirouc-,ed qpality kntown as Irlitary wool. It is the essenptial1 characteristicýs of the var- upairment. Day by day wooi growing ger in fibre and the fleece wbile pro- canther is steadily being grown into a r the air, snd on the ground wool keeps mrifortable. Every pounid df wool pro- care ef sbeeip rai.ser- free of seeds, e piled up in icous lnes of n tradle. as a Whole in rebukiug Time Magazinle s, War effort. 1deal of criticisni regardinig it sound, constructive criti- ,g the critics. TV feels that -out war effoýrt Vo which Vbls 3Ueh criticismD-self-ecntici3mf effot-anid cheap jihes that in the war, tbere iýs a wol frern a reýader to' know what her what Cam- a story of ach-ieveinent 'fet wýhieh iii a fervent desire ta o the struggle. vions have ever bellore sare a-viixiule Vo pay , manpower, munitions, ailable totee cause of are denying themselives to ensIMe, war neede te er sud dollar exebange. tg its, finauicial strengthi ýe ber purebases on this lespite so grveat aii efilon-t, there more and do ît -pore &lffiiently defectre in order that they miay 'ay the vilel ar effort is Ipful; the second le unjuet and ft ax sinbsai!ially inereased. ,cees profite ax fiat rate, iu- ad frain 12 per cent. Vo 22 par , mahing maximum 4, per cent. -w surtax owf four per cent. on in- nent inearne, and preseut sur-tax Sabsoiibed in new rates. ýemption for gifts o echaritable ilas"tionýs cutfrn 50 per cent. Sper cent. 4aiment inconie tax payment te :týeided snd due date changed April 30 te iVavch 31. tomlobile ax osil value Up Vo $900 ascl from 20 to 25 per cent. in crensed] a galion, 11 $1.50 Vo District News MEMORIES OF ORONO Classified Piovn,ýil ontaleArthur n As 1 sit here se far fremii home, lyl FOR 7RENT chiii-a, a native of Cobourg, who had ImThd is hound Vo wan'der, becen stationed at Pickering for, the 1 think of sotsl ere I ust-d Vo roam Goodid ic bueime past teni years,. bas been appoînited and of the f olds bacek yonder. south e f Kendal, witlh garden. Apply Pro,,vilncial Officer for the Oshawa 1 do noV know w.vat is ahead, 1 hink te .Arhiîe floY> Kend-al, a-l6-'p. district. ort of the past, 01 gooed timies that we al have la FOR SALE Lindsay xiii go on dJaylight saving andi praiy its noV the last. I ~ o, 'ni, 1rx~ tir-ne conimenching ay -4th. Only oee couneillor voted against thec ieasure, hie contdcwiug that Lind-say was oes- scntialiy a farm-er's own andl that the faraxýe-s 'of the district were 1 tçrongly against a change in tune. Paul G. Sise, odf Montreal, 'bas been aipliin'ted Bell Telephione manager- in Oobourg-, succeedirig J. T. M. Ashley, ýmho bas been ranfferred Vo -Toronto. Mr. 515se will also suýper-vise the offices at Pkrt Hope, Bri'ghton and Cobrue. He ecommien4ce'd hie new duties on May Highway Traffic 0Itffcer Hug~h Me- Keliar, head4î"'uarters are in Poit Hope, was transF4erredi te Belle- ville, 'is duties eoanmeucing May lst. Officers 3MeKeliar went Vo Pot Hope six years ago next July. Office'r Chane Siple, of BelleIMle, will take the place cf Oficer McXellar. * 0 * * Provincial Constable Dlavidi P. Mo- ris, of Bow,manville, Fas been trans- f erred Vo Peterboro Cbunty to re-place P. C. Davi'd Silverster, who bas gone te Bowianville headquarters. - Con- stable oori cigianlly joined the Belleville police force anl des a pro- vincial constable has been stationed at Picton andi Bancroft. Firedeiic 'George Kersalke, of Hampton, passedi away at his home on Easter Sundauy evenlin. e was 'boru near HanpIDon on June 7th, 1866, and had lived in the cormm-iunity al bis life. Mfter 30 yeare of fanming lie sold out and moved 'into the village The stream it m'arders the park, it never ceased to flow, The 1-ockerv a1on~g the road wher'e1 ail the flower&s grow; Those happy heurs at ' he sio:hool, with boys and girls I knuw, The teacihers aflways gave the breaks to theimi that w\ere so slow. Tho-se friend.s of ine that were e kind 'when tinies were net se bright, 'Wîho, when 1I went te VLhaaik thern, siaîd, just tr5r te dc what's right. Those folks 1 used to work for, on park, St. and round borne, To me they are the finest, ne matter where 1 roa<m. They ah~ays made me welcome and met me wibh a smile, And imade the work . eemi easy and living vas wortih while. 1 tbink about tbe lodge room and happy hoiuxs I've spent And of the different places -withi the 01-d Gang 1 wenît. I think about -my faniiy, they mean se niueh te me; I realize r'mfi¶ghting so they can still be free. Our village isn't ve-ry large, as most folks will agree, But the moere J, hinik the more 1 know it's Holiie .Swetet Home te me. Pte. Tom Lewis, 3Midland Regt. sime twenty years ago. He is sur- vived hy ene dauighter, one s'on and two brothers. Hie wife pred'eceaesed hire corne eight years ago, savings of her people. If YOU HAVEINI'Tpiedged yourself -ACT NOW! Canada needs AiL you can save and lend. There are hree ways to pledge: 1. Ask your employer to deduct a speci- fed sum from your salary or wages each pay day. 2. Authorize your banlc to deduct it each month from your savings account 3. Sign an ý'Honour Pledge" to buy Stamps or Certificates for a specifled amount at regular intervals. TENDERS WANTED TendJers will be re-ceived by the Secýretaary of Oronie Police Trustees for equipinent for six firemen. Equip- nei e onposed of rubbeoe hats, coats and boots. Sealed te mr nust be ïn thie hand- ofthe Secretary by Mtnday. May 5th, 1941.J. J. MELLOR, r Secretary' If YOU HAVE pledged yourself --keep up your pledge. See your invest. men~t grow as the months go by. INCR2EASE the amount you have pro- mised to savýe and i nvest And remem- ber that, in addition to your regular pledged annotnt, you can at any time hu>' extra War Savings Certificates froin >your local Bank-Post Office-or you can sendi your money direct to the War Savings Committet in Ottawa; Publisbed y the War Savings Committee, Ottawa INCREASE YOUR REGULAR INVESTMENTS IN Thuirsday moi Ororlo, 0O on reqUtis tiocn to the Ur A large fiock of ho ,illage on Moud g- for lie norVi geese iy evcn , and .%e best yeare. Prof essional Directory. MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PIIYSICL4N and SURG7EON Officee bure: 2.00 to -4.00; 6.30 te8.00 p.m. PIIONXE '7rl ORONO VETEIIINÂRY Wlfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERIŽJARY SURGEON Officee: iMain St. Oronoo Phsone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. % John J. GlfiHau e-tý OUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Licentiate of the College of OptiOm- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 amn. and 2 w 4.30 p.n and by appointmnt Office in O. R B Tyrrefl's Drug Stom Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY EN SUR AN14C E Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile anid Liability Ooroo - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Oonducte Aucîtion Sales of al i im an.d at reasonable rates. Comminnate with bim nt Fort Perry, On tario, or see ie 01eirk, X E. M~otoii, at Oromo, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical WatcIunalie> AHl Repairs to Watcheri, Clocks. &ma Jewelkery, wiIl receivt Our prompt attention PAR~K STREET c«~ PORT HOPE Friday & 66ARIZONA"Y Greateest of Outdoor Hits, withi Jea A-ithur anid William Holdien Monday and Tuesday "4YOU'I Find Out" tMeldy and fiMystery, with Kay Kaiser and Orchestra rWednesday Ol rRed Cross Night IlT.herels Magie in Music" F. F. Morris & Smn FurieralDirectors Furniture Dealersf AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Bowmanville. Day- 480 Nigh:, 734 and 57 Oro)no. 27-1

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