OflONO Wi fte-sday I11 & L E io id a fs-hure. Il LetLIVItothe dito - ~ -The Police 'Trustees are planing to :R- At Takelleld, on Fr-«day, builci a water- tank in tlie north end 25thi, 1941, Vo Mr. and Mrs. of tbe village for- lire protectiocn. Thnis ?, Hunter (neo Hazel Cowani), will be, goosi news forý the property (William James). o;wners In that part of the town. ROUN0 ME A T M'AR KOE TI Wire seli the Best MeatI in town 'D V A L ... ................B.......... ....17e -BACON ................ LB.... 7. CON ..................LB.24...... d ....... ... . . ..............LB...... . ý)ASTS ........................ LB ........ T,... ...................LARGE BAG .......15c. SORN FLAKES ....3 BOXES... 19c. ,FIED ý cash PrLoclamation Commencing at 1.00 A.M. Sunday, May i1I th ['he Police village of Orono will declare the eion of DavIicqht Saving Time.i accordance athorities,. and wilI remain until the Government auth- e Trustees Ungs might be ave them, doz 22c 8c eat, 3 pkgs. 25c large bottie 24c k 24c :es, 3 lb. box 23c botties i17c >'aper, pkg. 24c ts, IL.14c nice assort- Prices right. nmed, b. 22c eak, lb. 18C ,Ib 21c 25e 23c Dear -Mi-, Editor: From timie to tisse there have beeni itemis i your iiew- cuis about the g-oing and eoniinil-s oif the guld fGlk, or Orono andi it bas heen, verY initeresting Vo e how -wide and far our tizens do travel. mti.e ît's for pleasure, or businiess, other tînics Vo'visit friends, but picking niews ot of the n-ews, 1 have diScover- ed a velryiinteresting Vini-g and in t ha've founsi that Oronýolbas a very unique , pportunity to lie proud of itaýelf ber-ause d~ a cotribution it is m-akig tdirougli t'ree of its meICr- chiants toward shuiwing how a helpîng hand can Lbe extended to peoplee far sud ride. I an refer-rimg Vo tlhe lirce m,,n on Mondi h lave heen apjintted Vo Grýand Mr. an( Lgeoffies- in throe different losiges ville, vis having braniches in oui village. 'l Se-i spite of the joking reforence o thre goat ini these odge-, thie lodges are Thce iloing a big worrk ns any- manm ap- 'Club danc ~poiitted o a Grand tLosge position previoens has proved h-is aVhlity as well as wilI- Mis. . igssto woris liard, iespeciallry just Lek r now wiion ail thse lodges are doing vekfo extra wu awrk, andi contributingth ie thousi-ands and thousands of 'dollarsLag ýtoward wr çirtims in the Olsi Lansi. The Or I ami wondering wvlien, if ever, a sîmaîl Society ý village like Orono could boast 0-f thly meet harving such an honer , as Orono lias Rýoom or o this year. at 8.00 oc We harve "Bus" RoIph, as District IMr. Do Deputry Grand Master of Ontario Mrs. Thoi District, A.F. & . fi 1-s distict (Dr) ,El exteiidis.frbni colborne Vo WliiVby, andson o ifo think it's a cineh yon just have on, Mr' à look at is cr;rrespondence file and a ti hies aileage. Then -wo bave "Billy" dYtn Ridilolli, Who is Grand' Condutor of (To-da Ontario in thre IOOPandi Lis juris-. enlmen v diction extends over flive districts, favrourite ginjig as fat- east a's Madec; andi last do'uht hea there le Neil Porter, who is Grand aIsýo poor Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of E's- tlint olcl tomn Ontario linVthe Orange Order. away. Ail these tities nray sorýnrd fantastic intire ears of Viose who do) rot under- Orono stand, but thýy mean re2cognition of a cordial work weIlldotie, andi in reaching brook IL 'th-eSe poCsitijons, eapeiallyV hree at iflg, May tie sani:e tisse, tlieeo inen dre ro g- Tie), fI ing hbcnor Vo thse little v-illaýe of ' y Plan' Milk prices in Orone âd a c1c tquart; a.lVpo i(. a Pint(tda) DANCE Thne Boaerd of Maniàgement of New- ast]e Ooinunity Hall wiilliolsi a ýane in the Cmn.nt Hall on ridac-y, Mary 2nd. Ey spetiail request riyord's O&ehestra NilI supPiy the nuaie for the eve-.ring. )ronimo Tinshop It IPays8 to buy the BjEST in PLUMBING and HEATINLG R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 3Gr16 Pev. 6 lbs. 23c lb . box UNITED CHURCH S. Littlewýood pastor SUNDAY, MVAY a.nm-.-uay S'C [LOCAL AND SOCIAL[ Mrs. H. MùKrray visited frien4s ii Whitby recently. A. C. Roniald Patter-son lias mioved froni Fita o Toronto. Ptes. Geor)ige Mitchell ansi lElm-er Misdileton weie home for the week- end. Miïss Edr-a Best, M oitTronrt1o, sîpentý the week-end withf lier mother, Mrs, H. J. Best. Mr. andi Mrs. C. T. 'Miller have re- journ in the Sourth. Park 'St. Young Pecsple's Union en- tainesi Kirby Younug People's Unioný Oit Wechiesday evening of lasýt week aj thief stole a roll of f enel wi'e fo tlie rear of 0. W. Rolpl's Hrwr storýe, which has n ot beeni rec v- The, wire wvas rolecd frýomt'lhe ha-k of the store over Vo the roadwa:y hy' the prioperty of -1Miss M E. G Wadd(ell's pruperiy, -where it -,as Up ended and litted i lto some'ctnvey- ance to hoj carriesi awa'y. T'his -was sometimne between Pinle andi tenl o'cock. On the road goinrg north a barri- cade was erected acrosîs the roasl were Mr* M!DeI qia]ldvas sationed Io stop traffic. On thit evýenïing an old CChev. car with a traileru can-e al'ong witlh a eoil of -wire on the trailer îwhich was (Ckmtin'uied from page four) is less than 'one cenit per bottie lof Budet lte-s22 itemis oit tarief sehedule with somre revision do-,wn- waud an)d no increases. Gener-al s'aies tax level remains un- Changed]; buïiling" nai. 1ia1sis remove( from niexem1ipt Iist. Budg-et imi-posc2s new 20 per cent. Vax. on miotion pictur-ve entertaiinien. a.ns five per cent. tax on ra-ce trach- wage1 S. ivery genen-, wolkirsg on1 )rosie Branch of ViLe Red Cross will irois their regular mon- etiag la thse Orange Lodge nTirursdary evening, May 1eV, 'dlock (stanýdad time). avisi Morrison and daragliter onrpsoni, loe Bowmanville, Mrs. .liotit ansi Misa Mary Thoinip- Toronto, callesi at the homne ansi Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan co week. -y) CMay lat, the ýardent flirh- vil be, meandering along their, etroýut strearis. WPe vil.l, no ar 'd some good, catches, and, r ones. Thon we. will ies-r story cf th ire Mg one that geV SLodge No. 436, I.O.O.F., iras al invita-tiýon to attend Mill- 'odge No. 308, Sunday e-ven- iy 4th, at 7 p.m. (Standardî for er divine ser-vice. Kind- Vot( attend Loti of these ser- Thse Orono Meat Market are ni.ak- ing- extensive changes ia thre appear- ance of their store, At present thre contents are considerably upset, but wLen (-oiipleted the ýstore wvill have a city appearance. Tt will Le rua on a cadi.and carry Lasis. We were pleased Vo aee Sergt. Major W. C. H. 'Mitchell lias arrived hýoriae after spendig months la thie hosîpitals at Oshawa, rKingston andi Ottarwa, witlh a badly fraetured leg. HQ is ale te get arounsi without thre aid of crutches or can, whieh mens that lie wiUîl soon be back to normal again. Thee cao hundîresiansi tawentyir-econd anniversary ofith ie founding of the (standarýd time). All mernbeis 0or Order ar-e urgently requested to toend. Assemblhe at losige -tooms 2.00 P.ni. Rt. Wer. Bro. 0. W, Rolph, D G.M. cf Ontario District, mado official visit Vo Oorinposite Lod Whitby, on iVoay evenirg last. was aco-npaaiod by Bros. R. E.1 gani, Dr. iSherwbmnn, Norman AI! Charles Shaw, Benijamrin White,J Nixon, .Samn. Allen, J. J. Mellor, others. Bro, Mollor gave a talk Masonic Educat.*in. rWill there be anry softlbail lesý ia the village ths seasion, Up Vo present time no 'hall talk has Vai placýe. Thse Forestrîy ansi tle, lage have lost aearlîy ail their play on aecorunt of war wrkand ent mnts. Proba'bly Kirby. couisien a teamn, thoughi we are noV sure.î tim--e 1k organize lias arrivesi, anc there will ho eas available, no'ý the time to#4ýetr hibuy tohave a m( of Mrs. J. J. Mellor on TIuesday alter- noon, Apiril 29th, Vo dlieusls the Girl Guide Monient IMrs. .1l.bhs, Divisional Qo-nnittee, of Oshawa, apoke to the ladies pres- ent andi a local assciîation wasforai. ed as foUlows: Presildent, Mi-s. M. H. Staple, Treasurer, Mis. Littilewood. Secretary, 9frs. Porter. iMrs. Dr-unmonsi and Mrs, McLaren. Capit., Miss M. Mý-)owell. Xcting Lieutenants, Mis. W. E. Armstrcng and i '~rs. FP. Ik-ott. ARMSTI It Paxys to Specials, Thurs.,'Fri. ai ýI ~Phones: 21 r1 MAPLE LEAF LARD 2 LB. L 7c. CORN S'FARCII PKG. 'wc, LARGE RIPE BANANA,ýS DOZEN HAMIýBURG STEAK LB. on1 playii .0 Cents Vo wear. Provinci'al governir vacate persenal and' field feon diuration of' valent dompealsationt. New taxation ex $300,000,000., Total revenue esftiri -6 FRESH ASPARAGUS BUNCH .111'.'- resux I Jay P