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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1941, p. 7

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ivrSpc Copiasrofthe 11 om s Prize lisf, of the aada. a able te ilineatd oenni illa thic oin P, etwaene Ufs attractive oversthey Wi!l finti doens of sil mpetlUîos te bce enfredhundreds o! clsses la AH prses offered ave been1 greafl icraad"thýisyarwitb aspacial prise of $00 o high ~ axibior l boh Hme-baýïking ad SevinaJunoransdSeior Secorns. lu eca lletter, Mrs1H.M. Aitireni, Director- of Womîea's Ac- tivites nt the ..Ecailsth winaers te several of the eut- staîunding eet e9 atrdl Doll DasigColpetLitin-C'hil-i drea'a Day. (Al doîJ1s la tthis cempeition "il)e sen tethe Nurser y Centres of tha bornbed citoso! Britan). Senior SclnDutms h $5.0Ap.ple lPie.' Canaa'mab te use up lber srlsarclua ~- il~oduts;wbat better way ister aption of -i cheasa? ur guasts s; You're waya te ffl , 4 u. o an if lu Tiio by CALEBjoHNS,1ON4 C-HAPDTERJil pihterqa of ice Wue-, an a cupl ofbotties. to ýý tak e e urseoff.Woerf e tcanl't hurly lMr. McalsU. "Ask im tebring aogmy on lie hethinks would like te sith,"adHedro."xae btter ha fve"He incdat the gIas,4es infotof the oh ers. "Ail filed gentlemen? Then hier's to the prospective brideý- groom and hils lvl ay> DoanIe coloired again as th othewrs drank the friendly toat. FVherty went to wtheteephene, and returned in a fewi minutes itb the information that Mlax Mlichaeiis and a friend were just getting nt ataxi toone ever, "Mmld if I use youirphe agin?" asked Doane. %11l jus! caïf up Miss Lane. S'he wa' LARGER SIZE PATTERN lncludes Three Skirts 4z8 ,)f Writ- in New kt[ spec~ ýýirc , ',pe, Arn or cut -. svords, ~ ly four witith. ,.>~.,1 h~ TRs hl lutf io tie ibj By Loise Lnn An ex'-traLIsurf eÉ aulataiu n littiapie Tlapttr n clades thee surit strt, tesigu- et seoal for tha oraawh wer ara is. Weryour new skirf with loua htye-u bave on buantid ibyourit jacke't for anchange. Yo'"ïfinti nf aniy tms bna sîta nt blouse imake jusit te rigit cos- tumie for Lt-eocainatwlih glati te bave suob nwellcutskurf On bad cray mens war flan- ual, beige tweed orufine cheoketi wolen are ail vary Chie this Sprig anti nautralenh te go cwihnnyhing. Style Nýo. 281is aiga e Ses 2p, 28,W 03, .3 ,3p888 4f, nti 42-incLhas waistmesua eut to-night or not; bal! eàxpvetd a sommuons from a dowager aunt or semethig lie that,." - "He's, on the Inside"ï "Surely. Help yeuraalf,"ru- plîedHedro. Giebr y compimetswoni'f yo u "Teilnme about iMichaeHls,"'h3 0et n, addIre ss ing Frazier. "*I've heard sontbîýg about hm ofl counrse. You soe,"headd tnig teInpc te)r F11 ery, "th sis lar0,AllyFrazier's party. 1 dntIrnow many i people la New or-tobusy lar nylaberatory' untji lately te miakerayfriands. Donne aïnti Fritz, of ïcoure-got te know th-em lan my pituaork. f if ha nbeen for metin Fraiar heetbrougb Fritýz, I weuldn't have hati the pleasure o know -7;ing yofr exampjle." "There ýisn'ýt rmýuch totellfeu about' Maýx Mcals"said Fazer "X- rapt that beu's [the shre.wdast la yar n New Yeri."ý "That'a saying a gooideal ab lti hik," said Hnesn "He's rather ou the laside ýo! dhoge, în'tha," "If by that yen merantmat ha bsthec confidence of the Dsrc Atonysoffice sud th fe Plc Depriant1Isho',uld say that, he's very mnuch on the inside. He's tbat rare bird, a crimîna)l lw w-no ls absolutely 0on thelea. 'it say haiesL," Dan Flahierty gîowletd. "Gets ýrny gasemae- fime, butting lun 1pjoliýe mt fers. But, daainhlm, be's always-- rcgt. Cpt thnbasf set of braM of any manI 1knew. 1Probably ftesAx now." Une doorbal ra'ng as hie spoiRe, Deane rejoinedth ie oethars. " No an iee"hasaid. "urss'he's gene te sec har sont." A TriE le Disturbedl To Dan Flabrty'sshrawc ys Ktixevr,1 the acter aeeîme(1i a ft'iflel dfuhdundelr bis eutward cahm. "Deesn't liRe ,if _because rt was geinge meet seadarne andi ttha Lana frail's gone ouftee,0" ha whisaredcteFraziar,ashy aIl arot greet the aawvciniers, Max Michelis and is frian, a stccbokrnaniati Williams,. "Aýfr.aid 've gof your rugs soaked," apoiogized the iawnyar as an valanchie of Snow vcascadetid froi ha shoulders Of ! is for.ý "Quite ail rigbft. M cals' saiti Headarson, as Fraziar intr- dcet-,ý i hlm."Nothing hist waer, afral, is if'? I'm neý1f quita sure, e sea, acase I've ee bad any axperience with ne. "Where titi yen corne froni quacriéd Michaelis, sipigouf o!f b-is gr-eaf cent. "Nye ave sean was bhei sud raisedinluseuthara Clfniant irny0o1]Y viit f the North andjEusaf have beau lu taSommner. ive . oaly sean snew af a distanlce, on the molunin pe ï,"rplieti Handerson.'" eSouthiein Ca,ýliforula ehi" said Mihnlî, eing ever te tha openi fie."Ls ngL'ees? Oh, Pas- tiens Donf bapa te kowa faliw naati vareft, Jesph v- ara-tt a laWyarý, CdO Youf Greaf frd of mine." "why,I'va met M.Eaat tbeu1gh I n1'tsay I1irnow hlm Hme"ha ceuitined, as his n camaea itbisfresb goasses l'O"r'LIe neéweemners, "I don'f suppose you gentlïemnen ili objo te a rink1î?' "Ne0t "," sit iiimthe stcUebokaor, "rr--! Wîntar'sý erail rgb.This woulti aa grntigbit for amuda1 [Hartat Pan'.-"sai M iche- is te thaenpce. Wa r you ctoiag, taiking a holidlay on s nigt ike this? Wifliamis says if wbuld a n geet nigh1t for. a muLr- dern" "Well, hiera's suceas toeTcime, the11," rjiaiFaet as 'is rafilic'tglass1. "I've neyers noiteti the weatbar made mueh xaah va gof ty'ti t., f oronto. ~me, atidreas ~e sure te trn."Conplc here, Mm.Renirs remthat if a Pledge for' WarSvig liRe lm bi oltiN il dewn bysnu ff Request Recipes sBtorrn o n -untilyou cam-e in o- ing lk SnaClus," said Ar chie Doane. "'t has to be sound-peoùf-aus sonexpamnd."M'y werk n h talkng ictuesye>1kn$w, I hav t0 'have absolute sile'ne in rnY "Good place f.or a m rurder, oo asl a s odnight for it," saidMicaels, etting down hns the newspa er e wo l o lh a sondprof rornas ithe scene of that sort of thing, you know. Wonder ome fiction poritr Mant puldoff a inuder a ataikie>' studio. ideal aettin'g, eh, Dan ?" "And fo thaît reason thLast p4eto expet f" grow'led 1- spectr Fla'1herty. "Most imurder are unpremýneditated. Thiey hap- Snastersi of a sddnirn-; pule cmbîed ithopp)ortunity". Thats hatmaesit hard toeon viot àalmrerer.If he has Set Us leave dues ecan pckup, 5and once we prove wonset t/hestag tha d motcf 'tho uresau leave fewest cdue.s behhid" p)arty .vis tknl nepsd~r even maRs nme shuddler -e!o e i la tepictures. ImsupposCjed t ýhoot a toughhomnbre ila thie film-ï I'm wor in l10o,and iîtgve me e creeps even te p'ick up toie iloperty isol." aoi (C oiue Next aWeek Fu*ususg , Stwing l(-- Age Woankidnd îh-à Unnecv t essy Wu orryi Dee Awfui-t dir ethinoodsote a Pro' Mouttiag aa endg cnstAt ll dredflly aeng trey wman Jietwory sessin, duigwil sol ve r atesetate fbetter ofrwrsdifea't de pearly se tinue us rttingand fusdng. Areal wory, vena ra l traecextra jobe onfeenef U umn uawlthiuscate tijedavrage ce haot y begla a nervous dthber twil o-fïldeg1 the tie oCr yarinl l. cPzýb are ti te aupset eofh te you are, ther c uext M empan or jtCnoif miflst be nd iarf bain b tor oadia -flienits poa Iligh imne tliat you started dsi plining yearsef. MAYBE A U AMI Admit riglitoff thle bat ta nr vostaeirarnant" anine finies ou, of tan shenld becalled whaf itfsl- bjad temper. Doin'f indu-îgo yersl in enpe-r tan1t1 rin.1 Yn o va w ltaf fey in!jurie nef ealiy your boire but your standing i% Leraterel1ax andl te fire t7ings itetquit su ard. if 'Vounaeq gin to de heexrajob )at iii, yeu iit as wal becheer-fu'labout if. Stops Hom-e Fîres Burnîng combine Houisecleaning Wth Extermination Jobs h e s moths andi ris-pect ing thila-,somme) i -r, A ec. orýýd inglg suitable precatienois should h taken as soon as possible lu the ap)rin(g, eapecially when wae clothing la being put away d wilno e ausýet again for am 110W TO1 STORE CLOTHES,"- Accordirig te information bisetÀ by the Divisien of Ea-tGoolgy,- Science Servic> D omninin De,- partmucit o! AgrIýi cultulre, elothing, blauk7ets, anti other articles iu-- jeotte tamaqnIga ahoulti e ha th- oughy brushedt or ha well cleanùetiý baefore beinig stored away during the warm weatbier. Foiio0wing hithey mýay ba laetinboe or trueka- madeý as mth-tlght at a-tgtas possib.le bayseln ail cracks wtbathealv e tape., Te remoeaay dager o!fetio scatter albout euer pount of ite fresh nahthaitianie flaires or par- tichI Oou4e11 e crystals ila aachî large trun fe!cîotihas andih sure dthat thle lit l lseitgf1y These preduets ena ha boughf at, any trug store. SAIC1OUTBIED G PLACES The lamraeo!fclotes motAsanti carpaf beefles rnay tivelop i aay eut.of the-,way places, sucb as invartat lamp globes, furnace air shlaffa, floor rckbeh'iatr baseboartis, antiaven la th ment igbasket, Discardet aota anti furuishIinga le!t ilu the bsa mient or attie are aise) a freqJuent- source of infestation. A proia bouse-cleaainig, wbich tairas Wt, accont al these andi simlar likel-y Jbreedinig places, ila('eao!T ha mroat effective coatrolmesr, Rugashoutihacleaneti ou breth sie.Where aalbe a vacuumýî clanr a a valuable aid ijeiu a thorough job. Giant Ballanae A u,ýtra 1',4la 0ow- r-aty tIete cinai s ag-aina thde os e ,o!fen othier ceuntry laIfthe womld for. comattio l se. Those grewavý at Bilinutiel, Mlimumimhy msua12 lcasi length-, r VI iniu Finds U.S. People Need Bîgger Hiats, United Stafes connzus ae de- veioj~ng more gray matf ea-. twea the eanrs. DP.Aies rd- lieRa, Smlithisoian ,,Insittinan- thrpoogitreporfetilafweelç, f bat mtiasurernentas how askulîs ef inooti Americans are breader thn th'ose o! enilier gýanerafiona.3 J 15 two ~ ~ 10 ripsntgifen îhas week's mçenu -- One the whe]e "WbeafMuffia an the other the "Dae Loaf. These reues rcnmiaded mie thaf a feu, ohera have acmuata-so ft gies me grant pAe':uvecterepent tlhe-ý 1 e gg j cup Sour milk i scnt teaspeon sod 2cupa whole wheat fleur Cr eam blutter and sugarthr oughly, add wall beean egg. Beat fogether gatil creamy-tlheu aM so-ur milk nto.v'ihbsbe stirredthe soda.LaslyaMdgra- dualy the Miel what fleur, For vraiesAda.dasb oY nutmagôr 1/4cup choüpped ate --added mat.(chers Prefer ne seasn or' f-rtbu /cuch- cainlyjust fer a littide extra by Date l a f i eup ebepped dates Y4 cup boiliag watar l teaspeen baIking sorda i gg 2tblpoamatdbte Scup graaulatad augar icup 11white fleuO"r with'ca whele whaat fleur or Ici cupa white fleur iteaspoon baking powder li teas-poon sait Scup wvalints, brok-en lace cbopped dates la a Donl and add boilig wafer and baking soda; cool te lukeý"wari). Add ' cua, ete gg and maîted-but- fer-beat vigoreuslyý. Sift fleur m-enisLire, add saIt atibiung Ia k 'By SADIE B. PAlrEl- !yeli p dar and thL'Ien sfttheetiea If usqing partt whote wij i!ent fleur- Sif baing po'wdaran al wt îht leur andadwhlwet fleur last. Lastly, add walnut and heat weiJ. Pour into weli rese 1 îP'tea or 2 bakiag pouwir tr, (1 lb Size). Bake l, e ra SevnA5 d i-efr 4t3 inues r se fer I. heur and 15 minute. Turn eut' on w-ire rackladcolbfr %cup butter Icup sugar 2 wel beatan eggs 2caps fleur /teaspeen sait J t-easpn!sbaagp de gether unfil ligh. ThenAadd agz yolk's. Mix aud slft flur, asut and baking powder. Adc alter- att;ely w ithil pineacpla yrLi (f leur . Fold a gg hina Bajke ln layercaepnM md- erate oven 20->Ote 5mnts u pineaple icing bte ado top Of cake. Pineapplelin 2eg-,g whîtes 2cupas ifted porew aradsuar 14cup wl-rie rse ï pineapple Beant egg whites t sif roh A d d Ltha pewdered sgar,--aud crusheil pîeapple, Bent s elland add the additi lpodred sugar' until mixtre howldà tjsape Begi>yn Attack Now Yowr On Clotbes Moth Need

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