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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1941, p. 8

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Neal, Mutonp Ciofti uln County District o tcrnt genesu-al ming hil,-leld at Weul- veuy a '199, ~cor ai- Theîe was a general discussion Of resps-obles affe tmg theAsoitn and am.1ppiltnenlt of dlgtsV b the semi-annua i eeting in bMa.y of thi- ()Toronto socaio.The delegates toa-:WiIl Bickle, Harr-y J GeC Ta iblyn, S. Jeffrey an B. Tinli. Msr- Mutton po-e on the Adrîsý,- ent os-y C ard meigin Torolnto, s-dat- at i!nig t h erewas discussion on Vie trans- osnn heop, te portationps-blem oa ewPlus milki t, theeineed for- but that no decision had 'been reach- ain %vh(,ve the ed. Tbere was aIso a rumor htsr (6) Neeensity plus mil'k would be. -o'u7te2d to cheese Lad in t ee, rtion in thus fatories to miake up the quota for! 1 Foreat-. Ontario.Thishowees-is otps-e rt .o er ti csDm- M due to the siîpping costs. Tiere Agrculus-, \a anther suggestion ,I bonus 2>10" t o i iipper's whose produet was sent toi suseee. I tbhahese-famtoies UmPe matte contibuions ia ea pending governnment but was soime fus-er 1 O ac I ans etoa questiconire- thse ' lerk igrdn u unilk it was said tie Ifrom hirwremse hpiesdro pjing out of the 1'oronito amea than there çvere Rclu Ile- oms-w shippers coming ini. oroO, s ais tbe Dr-. J. B. Reynolds. spGoke on a tterslon p)oint- ismberu of top)ies of interest ü-o the ioni vv'as sulp- Asscain osll sb'ortage of Unt, ltit W5mi-iateatnnsa o-eat n;ativýý e to doh abuiws «eat ,ithi it, but up) basned on the decrease of dais-y cattle ,es. lie eaIIt hrougli sale to United States pur- faet tlvat one is little likdllhood of a shostage and 0ie ever whte cattle pgo on the grass short- the Vackers' îy but combinied itli te natumql sVbe hogs the "libi-tage of iflk in the faîl, it was lpacker.In he idea of a feI there is a possiibliy of a mil h eiig fo-n shos-age of inerseas'ed pyoport;ions at tint tim-e. Dr, Reynolds urged Dte at t1le tVown- nmernbes-s of ie lasdatdn to assure van were ai- tiemiselves of Dheir- <sein quota. li]edi on farm. Ties-e was a discussion on truck- hether to tor- iugp-ceioTrot u a hr all tih'e ;bad 'been o definit action theres t o, Wtt n-nothiiug o report. ed TamibI n, The meeting waýs infos-med thse As- t, tsat t'ie or- cl-elatin iad aisreef1 -with the AMilk Inter on. Conts-ol Boas-id thlat Viere should be a fixedipue o ntie sus-p us ak)ove the INE sI ýtreet sales of aili siiped b1y the TrnîS YEA local asociaton but that w"atthe jpi- e would e , had. not been stid il] lie kept in MÂLE TEACHERS ASK )th. TiefDo- INMU OF '$'800.001 l1h niale1ubl fic cool ta in l amo will be asýked (to sigii aipledIge ttbey will not ac ,ip asalas-y less Vhiau$800 yeas-ly, it was de- ,Iat li'e amnual m-1eeting of tic asiki s liceiSchool M en Tewoher'-ss es-aion in Tornto seenitly. ýt the meeting a sus-vey was ps-e- bd ýshowing -that tses-e ns-e 525 iteacters iu rural dî,stricts who receivinug less Vian $800. Tt was omnced tihat -maie atudents in nos-- sclinols have ibeen approachled on mnatter of an $800 minimumi and c greed i aprinciple. la- 'Township Donvbrook Fis be bold- in GOsnue on Jaise iSth, thse Central ICýmittee or 'busy th% arrangements. Mc Stas Suci has deait cars,11e .s siprting Ford cac nw cotda positionin Bh ownuawville., iVir. Femin, '4 Toont,<kspend- ing Lhe summer with Mv. and Mis. Arthur Suunders. Ms-s. George Fogý,g, wh as been in BowanvlleIloapital, bas retuirned home somewhat irmpsovcd ila health'. Mr. Ross Shetier and huissiter, of hannonville, nd Ms-s. Fred Black- Blakbrn sent the wek- n h Msýj. and Mi.Jim Pattes-son, Tor- otand Mr. and Mrs. Brilce Dram- mond T.rn ,visited with M-.Ur.anddi M Ss. John Patton on Suada-y. iMr. Roy7 Scott, 'who has been" wos-k- ing on the hdesii>Ce last as retus-ned home Vo lassist his flathes- on Vie f«arcis-. We welecvie biis back. Ms-s. Jnigwho lbas been in To-ofor ie inte-tiaule J au(ghites-s, Mrs. Laws-ence and Ms Rowe, rtrnd homiýe ith Mfs Blackbus-nfor Vthe summer. TPhe uIm nd Sehool Club miet on- Frdaiglit. Tlie-meeting opened Withi the si1ng-iag- of "O0anda"foi- lowevîd imytbýe L Pd' rapes-. The miinutes of the last metngwere s-ead and adoplted. Tbe convener of thepsorm e Mr-. SiILaS soucli, thin toouk charge t tlVie followiug pro(,- gramm-e: Selection by Clairke Union orchlestra; solo 4y Miss Stella Besýt, ajccompaniîed by,,-Ms-s. Sandes-co'ck; rý,Caing byMs-s. W. H. Rowe an-d (ecore; selection by orchestra; m!ihuti os-gan solo by Alvin Fostes-; duet by Cuendoiyn and Os-ville Chattes-ton, accomjpanied by 'Miss Ireland; cello sol>o byý Ms-. EdwivnaSandlerck. Tise speaker for the evening \was Dr. Wilfs-ed Shes-win, taking- for his suis- ject '"blood," w¶hich pr-ovced-hPpifl Vo the miale sex, we don't knOw about the ladies,.lHe stated that wlien anl ainiafs blood was iu good order tbe-y were utsunliy in pretty gondcon- dition. This was follouwed by1 a sele- tion hy Vie Orchestra; mouth organ, solo by J'ack Os's-,ne; readiug by ,Ms-s. W. H. Rowean encore, which î,a ber caipal'ie nrtnnerý,bout theý bouse deýtvn; solo by Stella Best, ne- cunpanied by ss Sandercýock, w;as wel recleed;an-Ia iuoutlio-gi hi y ackCovile.Theclarai then tianked ail for takig part, af- tes -whiclitheie meeting closed by sing- in)g "God Save the Kn.Luis-h wasý KIRB-Y MoersDay ses-vices will be held atKsbyUniteai' Chus-oh u Suday, MVay llth. There wasu'V a very large tus-iout at chuus-ch on Sunday- aftes-noon iast, wvhen e us-minis Ver deli.vered n very intes-estissg disicous-se on hirds. Glad to see ojus-oas- friend "Andy" M1os-row anti daughte- Peail home again, afters- spending Vhee wlnter -with bis dauehte-, Mrs. Roy Bryson, off H aimi lt o n. 'Sprinug rwos-k is preogressisg favos- ably in hils' d'istrict, with mearl-y ail tie farmiers out with theis- seed drills, If the weather holids anothes- ten days will about wind up tise seecling. Mm alae ' the illage ,ow. wmth tînat tou4le. iVs.lias-nid Breo ootwa-s borne for btheweknd M--and Ms-s. S,.ilutchison visited frietids in Cav-an rceai-tly. MIiss MVary Lane and Mr.-. Melvillk. Jones were in Treniton Sunday. Mî ss Gwe n Gilmier spent the week-end withhlher parents at Stiark- ville. Mrs. Reg-. Woodlxam and 'J' ie of Tor-onto, spent the week- enid witi relatives. .Mrs. H. S. Powers and Jean, cf Peteliboro, -were guests of Mi-s. J.M- Laeilani, Saturdayr.- Msr.JadikWae Leland Milîso-n and Keith fuly of Oshawa, 'were homiie oni Sunda y. Mlr.aMr. CIleand Lane and fairn.iJjy s;pemt Sunday t\-with M.a' Mi. i-s-y Lanle, 'Cliborne. M1r. and _Mr!s. B-tsilt]M-s.Mis- iler, of Trno wer-e Sundjay guests o)f Mr-. andIs. Sid. ilutc-hison. Jim Savery, yugrsoni of7Ms-% andMs. L. Saýrvv, uvas opeï-ated on for appenidicitis ln Bo)wmaiiville linYs- pital on Iauda Iight. lie k doing asW-11 as Ctri be e-pected. T'he g-irls of 'Mrs.MLachIan's S. ýS. cl-as put on a seesh play~ Friday nigbIt, entitieti "Those Husbants of Ouris." Proceeis wern a ad of War Saviug1-s Certificates for the United Chus-uch. This coniing Sunday, Mamy 4th, lUrs. (Di-.) Mullctt, a returned mmssiouias-y fs-oiu China oia fus-mugi, will be gust speaker at the annu-al W.M.S. Tiank-. 'o'ffes-ing. at 7 ' (standard tinie), lu the Unte huisch. M-s. Mullet't le ain intimiate frienti of Ms. (Rev.) Mc-Lachlan andi she with lies- husband, who is a deutîst, bas spent 20 years iu China. The W. I. mnet la Vie United Church bas;emrent on April l7th. It was th- annual mneeting and electioni of offi- Ce s was as f ollols:lo. Ps-es., Ms-js. M. J. liolman; Ps-es-., Msl-s. L. T. 1aefy;lt Vice-Ps-es., Ms-s. G. C. '4artini; 2nd( Vice-ýPr-iden't, Ms-s. J. TF. Peas-ce; Sc-resfotapontd -s. ,A,thur Rcdknnpp, whblas been, suba consientious aniid efficient Seceta-y-s-esuses-for tice par;t six- yeas al'.I!s ltshI must resigu land as yet no oue lias been found Vo fill hes- plc.Tic funiianciail report showed receits, $39.9; expnditseIinO8-~ 7)2, witi h alneof $t.6.Nm ber of ;Miiebers, 4 2. Mis. ionk In, convener of Vite lied Cross Conisnittee,ý gave a rop):s-t of Vie work doule In nu- eomun'tywl ch is as f ollows:118 pair of sock-s, 58 scarýven, 381pais- of wsistiets, 10 sweaters, 4 helmets, 1 pair of msitts, 1 quilt, 7 liospital goNvas', niglit dresses. Monthly; c(ollecetions frcmm 4'oor to d10or1 for the Retiý Cross approxînsately $106.50. This cam-ipaigan was beg-un less tlian a~ yens- ago. Alter- the business the meeting closed nand tWo quilts -were quilted. 'yrel'sDrug Store DRUGS STATINERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO GIL' BIUI ONI, DUI CIul LLE KRI £TARKVI - Ms- and MmRoss HaillcIwell, wlti Ms- and MssJ. E. White.I Ms-rs. Wm.Savrsy wVi Ms-s. Lawr-ience Sse-y fClarke. Ms-. Love-eneeBr-oute,, with is parents, Ms-. and _Mss. Fr-ank Soe 31r. and Mr.Russel Savery witLIl Ms-. anld Ms-s. 'A. Muldrew. Elizaibeti- ville. Ms-s. Mlomand Doýnald, of Bun- keur 11111, -with Ms-. and _Ms-.Et Jonces. Mliss Mdlu Fox and(1Ms-I. Roy Chientut, of Port Hope, witiMhs.G. Silves-. Ms-s. B'iag' andMs-s. W. A.lamo weui have heen Us-e latelst victîma cf theà fln'. SMs-s. <Miaie -Bennett ans-d Miss Joan, of Tos-onto, wit<h <Ms-. and Ms-s. Jacoyb Hammowell. M'iss Gwen Gilimer, Clas-ke, andc Miss M-,edla Iallnowell, Nesvcastle. at - their homes lies-e. Do <Ms-VI . a nti M-U s-s , uss e-l L ow e ry, Tos- T ii o)ntoý, wîvti Ms-. sud Mrs. Alf. Dobson. Ms-. Dobson is stilI confincd to bed. ,Ms-. sud Ms-s. ArthIsur-Fallsand fanily, oif Boxcmnniiville, 'Ms-. and Ms-s. H. Little and Gars-y, wiith Ms-. sud Mrs. Thomsas Falil. GROOERY SPECIALS )SE KETA SAUMO--I(N (pink), 1i1lb. tin,.........-.. S....1 [1KJ, SULPHUR, 2 libs...._..............-........................._.9e. rLK LA-ýUNDRYý STA\RCH, 2 11--s .............1 ........ 9e. -ONSM L LES, 2 Ilbs. for ......................._.....15C. 1'CH- SETS, 21lbs. for .............._.............................. 2 -)e. 'RRANTS, good qu'ality, 2 lbs. for ...........-..... 5...c EEMY PUFES ( Ptffed Wea)biu.ýel. ..49e. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TO $1,00 STORE SCAI Men's Boys' Cild's Little Gent's 6-10 $1.89 pair 1-5 $1.69 Pair 11-13 $1.39 pair' 8-10 $1.19 pair Walker's Pioneer Overalls $2.25 Walker's Pioneer Smnocks $2.25 They woni't crack ýon't forg et te see our samples befe7re you huy your new suit. ýTep Tailers gives you more value for your dellar than yeîî can get anywhere else Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc.' Office at Rear of Store Spri g ousecleaning 7Needs Save monâey on these Spring Cleaning specials NIOTH1 FUME CRYSTALS, dtestroy meths, eggs and Iarvae, 1 paund tin ......................... 39e. 2 for .................. .......ý75c. MO0TH PROOF GARMNENT BACS, large size, side or end open- ing . ........... ............>.......................... ......... . s ., 25c., 50c. anid $1.00l .1OHNSONS LIQIJID ý-L-COÀ'T, no rubbing 'wax, large tin ....... 69C. FOURSQUARE FLO4)R MAX, 1 lb. tin........ ............. ........ 39c. FOURSQUARE FURNITURE POLISH, large bettie.......... ................. 39C. OýPNGES are general purpiose, each .................. .... ............. 19c. UNIVERSL CLEANSER, the perfect dry cleanser .....25c. and 39c. ~or;e atmReALDEHYDE Forthetretmet (f sed g-ains, 1 11).........25c. 2 lbs ......... 4.5c. SÉMESAN BEL The Dip Disinfectant foi seed potatoes. one polund effectively treats 60 to 80 busihelIs, 2 oz. envelope .........35c.i_1lb1. Un..$2.1.5 and 5 poumid tin f(oi........................ ............................... ............$9.20 BLACKLEG (OIDS For inuoculat.ion ' of cattie, when pasturing, agaist blacleg, bottie of 10) oids. ......,.. ................... ............................... ... $1.00 Neilson's Delicious Ice Cream This we treat yourself te eone of Neilson's Famnous Ice Cream Bricks. Five regular flaveurs with a special new one each week. This week's Special is the "TFutti Frutti." Neilsoni's Ice Çream is aise supplied in Ice Cream Cones, Ice Cneam Pies and Dixie'Cups. You'll enjoy its superior qua'lity. There isn't any better. We deliver. You SaveWith Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Remtember Motheà-;r on Mother's Day, May 11lth MOHRSDAY FOLDERS.....e and lOCý ICE BXC R AIN and ROSE BUDS, each.10c. LADY 11T1S17L11OSIEY, 1test shliS, par.), LO CBI OICOATSi1h. ox............6C RO 1b .... ........ 29C. GlveSca;rv-es, 11OUSe DneýSCSetr, Lingeie Slips, Crcpe Nghgonetc., etc. Smnaller gifts for thecildrento iverto ot> eraning in price fr ....................__............ 5C., 10C., 15ec., and 25C.

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