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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1941, p. 1

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,member Mother Township ,Ok F air June 18 To Bring Drive For Recruits to be to Make clade For Active Armly mess the soffering Ottawa: A recruiting drive during e of this Wnr lvI ay aad Jneto raise betwveen 20,000ý i their honmes *acf 25,0W m io e 11,n ail al'ctive units in Canlada to fli:U strength an(- to pro- es te go to vie for re!Iacenien.ts and wastage, Bétish War <erseas wýa-sfrcat hy Honouraýble x~pnss o soJ. L.RaIsiton; nstr f NationalI -e.eyle do")IDefence, at the week-end. ce offorig to The numiher songlit, the Minister e---pIaîned, is hbased on dischargesfo orwnlship-À-wkle, variouis realsons froin the forces over- every boy senas plus an a!llowanIce for battle cas- sHopj cfein a"tis &farbaste casualies have ip to he owe- rot octurred, and a large reser-ve o'f rýe-infoi1cenients lias been built lUp e, snch as : verseas', but p)art of ithi.s reserve has ce, furniture, been uïsed ia the fonniation of new xin achn-units.Obhes are roquied to lring i~evelrvtihin, actve mservice units in Canada up to ýe poicýy of brilngillg everseos miel aI to Canada, and sei- fficers and inien froni units here asahioad of thedr foraitions lan eiperience is\heinig continiued. INNi T fVI1T D FITI T' GLASS1 SIt s f or the -heild on Wed- the Orono Coný- 1from larg aLre the olow 'citeJun!io)r Boys' Solo tiay Roans CuesBethesduia; Everett, hobe as Keith WVVood, Aatioch; Earl Broman, Siw';faviciFee, LoýskardI, tien)- ans Don White, Orono. sary1 Junior llrl'Solo f ree.j Joyce Cox, $hws Marie AlIani, wthv I Lckrar's Gen. Chatterton), Clarke ,rouajý Uniion; IELlen 'ac1,1Ana Getlick, of sof- Cowan-ville; Aileen Allen, Shaw's. -ices. Senlior Boys' S"lo ated Bill Dudley, Tyrone; Douglas Bur- tadiett, Prcyvidlence; Ray Mundy, TWlaple s-pGove; Normna Andtrew,-, Cowaniville; ery- Grant Brooks, Providence; Ross Net- ause, calfe, Base Line. ~, ~ Senior Girls' Solo 's June Bowditeh, Rnte-rpri:soe;Norma L1ship, Rasber, terprise; Marilyn rook Runnalis, Efienezer; Florence Run- 1, a- nalIr, Bethesdia: Gwen Gibson, Lock- eu to ha-'s; Gwen Brooks, Provid,-ence, andi thtLorpraine Whlyte, Maiple Grove. Faýir MNr. Geen, of OsLmwa, mas thre uncih juidge -for thre evenîng. -th, [2-.00 BIRTHIS -tain COW<ýAN - On 'May 6th, 1941, at the pro- Priva)te Patients' Pavillon, Toronit goodI Genoia sila lto fM und Mrs. It is, R. Allison Cowan (nee Helen Gise), -a son. or tional Exhibiti'onl ý,mjergenicy Classes mill bhoztag ily. A special coinpetitioni la for air-raid sheiters mili ho one Be of ma-tr wok he CokngSohool, the propara- lcd use of Caniadian foodsswil domrinant the.mieafternoon ansi Subscription, $1 Sunday, rMay 11t Clarke Township Farm< Found Dead In Ha3 With Rifle B1Y A deadly lad of lire is s;eintifroihese multiple pomi-pomn guns on British warsi>,hipn,-. Raipid- fiviiag and with a im npressive range, they r an effec- tive deterrent to attacks from iiv-bmh neny airlaft. RED CROSS MEETING Orono RoiCros Society held their reg-ular nmonthly nietingig n The Or-alge 1Lo,1ge room n 1 Thursday eveniing of ast week. The m-inutes of thre formier meeting ere read and thre treasurer's report givon. The finance conmmittee have decidd to hoI tlite regular monthly dances, coniunencing on Frilay, MUay 80tIx. M1r. Arnnstronig reported that a uniit hais been orgianizeid in Leskard with Mrs. Lorne Ro<bbirii charg'e. Ht was deýcided to hold a toni-cent tea on Thurscday, May 28th, ainsial aýre invited to attend. MIDLAND REGIMENT liAS MOVED FURTIIER EAST The Midlansi Regimient, aiter a short stay in Ottawa, left for the east on Mondiay evening, Alpil 30th1. lVany of the people of Ottawa more aýt thre station to see thre boys gk>. Residents of thre capital city comsider thre Midlands the best regiment which has been stationed ýthere. We ids fot henr of many larýgeý tac -ut catches ait the oýpening of thre soeas on. Trýout are plentifuil but s-mal Canada's War Effort A wee-kly r'iwof 1vlpmn on heHomeFrot fou Apiril 2i4thi to Mlay lst,1941 : with its ma,ýin taisk provision oef finan- cea! sine'ws of war. Hon. J. L. Itsley Minister of, Finance sbo Ltei hrd1 wvar4ime budîget April 21th. 1. Budget reported over-alile i for 19410-41 oyf $385,056,000 whi con- siderably lesis tiran estinmat, givea ia previous budget. Forý 1941-42, total expendituires ans revenues (on hasis of existing taxation) were estimated: Exîponditures .......... .....,00 ReeusP,... .,5,0,0 civniret d.*' U .Vi""i't'* Doiinrevenues for 19411-42 est',- mnated at alpproLxiiately $1,400,000,- 000. Unier budiget,'Canadl(a pays 73. to 79 iper cent cf war and non-wai- ex- penlditure Out -f revenue. 3. Reviewinjg thre %war situaýtion generadly, tire Primie Minister (April 28thi), anunieithe-, .sigmilficance of the iHyde Park deciration as (a) t wHIl elp 'oo th C aaand the United Sta'te-s to provide miaximum aidl to Britaini and to ail diefenders oýf democracy; (b) it wili incýronse the 'effectiveness of Canada's zvar effort and (c) tirnougli increasýesi industrial efflciency, it mvili increase our ownvi se- curity oet Nlorth Arerica. 4. Thousans s(d Canadian fig-htiag men baand ln Great Britain. Contia- glent incliadedi largst groufp of Coin- In the above figures, -war expeadi- mionweailt Air- Tiing Pan gas turc estiiatediatb $1,300.00,00. untes to arrive ha Ehegandj. Shoulsi îwar expendliture reach $1,- 5. 3Men nom doing four mnths 45O000,000 I(mlrhich goveruiment wvar compulsory iivar'ily trainling unsier programmle) apparent deicit rise to Hobilization Act wili be detailesi for $768,000,00ý0. Adding bctmeen $800,- "'active service ln aCanada on comple- 000,000 andi $qopuosu00 estimated tion of tiroir Voitary'en- difernc btwenBritain's deflicit listmnents for active service loverse2a, \vitlirClanadlia ani C dasdeficit agoaealmiost 200,009. :0f the(_se, mwith Unîtesi Sitates, asiditiorvalsuln ypactc /,70,000 are srv n uside te 19e rnised by taxvtion ansi borrow- CndRecruitinig caïrpaiga an11- hIg ha 19-1-42apo9inae $,00. ouned tu secure between 20,0AOU 000,000. 30,00 me for ovrea ervice wlth- îHow to rietai*s sum mas budgeý't ineat Llree iaronths. probem.Briolybudgt poposis 6. SIpUcial Pee Board Ll(Depurt- menu mnt f rcut ure) afnounce an or-1 Incme nddefnc tasapproxi- dr c r 5,40000dozen Canadian eggs maol dubes. xcsspofîits tnfor shlipnt itoBritish iniistiry of fu iat st increaseifrom 12 Per cen.Foosi cig May' at appoxmae tfý 22 per enIt. ma il inimumo- prceof 23to 2,!" cents pert- zn poration tan 40 per ent. Nom Do'- acrigto gr 1adedlve duo mKion sucession duty imposed. Sur-hoordslip at Montresl aesi ready tan on, investienlt inComie. Domi-inioni for- export. tax (-d three cents a gallon onga- 7. E. TJ. PBruiinig,. <Muntions' andi lino. _Nom 20 iper cent. tax on reeeiipts Suîply epartm-ent, iaplpointed fly Or- of mnotion picture heuses,,an (fiepe er la Couneil Conftroler ini the Hane- Cent. On rance track wagers. 'One Cent ilIten plant, National Steel Car Cor- n o asiaditional on sugar. Ton per noraition. r rnnmlidto h war-timiie e ulsual bE ýe linens, CLARKE MW. COUNCIL Clarike Townshlip Counc(il imet in tie Couaceil Ghaanilber, Oronio, on TUesday', Mvay 6th, with ail the mieniers preos- (2ntIL The Cllrk was instructed to s.cure the muamber of acres la thre Towns1hip b)eingl left uwrie beause of the labour conditions resulting fr-om the war aand send the samne to E. A. Sumi- Res oliti ons were presented andI paýsed1 on the following matters W. A. ReidI rlq'uesting leave of abi- sellce fromi the position as rond su- perintendenit for the duration 0! thle war if necee-ssairy. This 'was ranted S.i s.W. Sniith was aipointed to act ln the inciantimie. C. F. Aswde mas continued as collec- Ptr of IRates and' Taxes for 'ancther iiionth, Thre Council visited the Towcfnship proiperty la Orono andI erderesi no trespa'ssing signs to ho erected. t was also decided that 'the Courcdil insippecit the Township roads on Maiy 101th. The followinig lins wore orderýed paid Townç4hip of Clarke, dehenture account, street wicleing, $430.69; OronoWeeky Tnes, 'rnii,$.0 E. W. Duigan, 'ceaning ans(i adjusting j tyýp(owriter,$2; Jo>Se'ph J. Mellor, May saaWy, $00 Joseph J.Mlor mffiieag-e on Tr'wanshp business, $7,0'2; office supp1lies, $7.8*; Mrs. E. J. Ran- duîl, -R vs F, flvay payment, $,32.00; S. Rl Hart, asoso' upplies, $8.11; Dean's Bkry-supplies, $5.04;1:Wmi. E. Dnivciy, B.OAH., $225; Rolph's HLarcwaresuplis,$1.M; E. L. Macý- Nnuhtan, 501%(nrtce hospitalization. Body Found By]1 Iey When He Workman's 7, Concession 3, Clarl voas shlot thirough ,1the foeedwitlh i 22 ri rifle being iiirc ased ti and whea ILe wsfii tiniet. On the ooning f t] mPerc'Buiyo to the Workmaa faniiiit ihotitie of liniment nmade of Kennei. When thiei se*e Keaniebli and was iný father that he vaýs in t in,-. Not finding-hian i searched the Stable, 'a barn, ç%here he fonid tii hay mow. Lt is thiouglit thiat wa the motiff f or itihe shoc was of the o*inlion that latnIer ji 4 5ripl iKenneth iras a the wýint(2r nt i piil i t up neat futur-e burnIing. TheicProvinicial te h cene o-f th lt is; felt tihiat a L12'2 Clanadians ',l., T.-I 4.m '- ti ue suliji un C2.5 . G.Arstog supplies, I on its waiy t' $4.0; Mr. HG. aconadsup- tion. Tire shi plies, $"5.00; 0:,0r: oCei and Lumuber tary permnn Co., ýs Lpplies, $7.00; Chas. Wo, dc, care branchtelio of town hall, $12.85; Wiim. Patyne, 1 sireep killesi by dlogs, $13.00; Clarence J. Ah-mii, 1 trip as valuer, $2,50; J. OddfellOY Lyai bomery,'s salary $200 - 0O and i tgs $1970, total $219.70; R. About elig L. M.vles, electricaI we'rk on tomai to St. Savioi hall pimp, $8.50; Dr. W. H. Stan.,ley, l asýt, B.0.11., '$3.00; C H<l. Froste, supplies, eýqr ft $35.74; R. E. Logan, work on tomao riot hall, ""39.85; R. ýR, 1del forestr'y acýtosi as Ma gintS.S. No. 12, $150.00; Road Vou- zens' Band si sIher No. 5, $02-ý5.55. Brothers m Council thoen adjournesi te meet mý'1anvilie, Pot agala on Tuies'dlay, Junie fitir ait 10.00 , ,-o ýam', Pt o'cloick for, thr ti-ansaci2tion cf g'enerai fRer.' D. R. Hlailie Selas.sie, emperýor (f Eilhiop>,i> is agin ack hi 'tire capital of unr, coun tr, Asidis Ahiý0aa. Ail the Ital- ins re nraining, in thle cityv stayosi in- o iheln o Ethiopian ntv ario.A greacelebraton hlýcd to c omr th ie vi tou again]st tire Italiano. 50 pulý Sby t], at mc tirE cm lererea ts vo-(s of lire varlous I1 Mrs'. Doris Ross Awardt Double Indemnity MIrs. Dois J. Ross, Bowmianville, suit of a fire at thei gasi2'ven juidgment agaînst the E-x- 24th, 19-410. The. in ceisior Lii e Insurance Company by hias dis1puted Ipaym1el His Loirdslhip #Mr. Justice Urquhart at that the mi-anner ir the Non Jury Âssises cf the Supreie camne to his de-ath Court heddut Gobourg on Tuesday j ly the terxns of thie afternooii of liasit weêk. The judg- -MiNr. Justice Ui-qL vear Askq Tir e ne National being di-

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