R.A.F. 'Invasion' of U.S. Beý ever altenice of rihetimatie like ~caxe foer, aiad pevr and oth- ilfeetion ilutrodCuces pase whiwith tne od vesCeldi;ease" a la the lis cf pub- ,umîatie ever >anks o.é ,inost se cm disfl- Mt sa ammenaIeot syphilis and tuber- weC lag h- aurcef- ei tius eipp!ilpg is- NSCHOOLS in the cont ai f Lii t begîIi in thei nations of chilcren imcovered sorn ai)- 80q per cent of the heart iseea 0f ià! l asa reumatîc cornes an important na consderltat, 010)hid are ý-suf- aad ly bo Lbed id be weývil onset r. ARTICLE No. ass Eariy its no,,s t rap*d cool vweatior of 01u this accaunît, uiew or ropair n-a. arred ot just -,m vise anc ihorougi pading lu tic ato p, ar if tic lot is a 411! ho better ta get ýst before itlier op- e graund 15 poor jit idea ta lave same ianure turnes under. Ddi, orpiowing it ecesary ta e tivat a'keC. On.ehrog c tus once a yen? îe sou la shape aud o c'arr-y on êasily haud cuhtivatar, or lther of these inox- eau be operated ing tic back and sufficleut ta cc ýp cd andstc weed le remsuder af ti SCHOOL LESSON THE RESPONSIBILITY 0F TUE HOIME REGARDING BEVER- AGIE ALCOHOL Deut. 6:4-7; Jer. 35.5-110 GOLDEN TEXT-Train -up m chuild ini tii way h. %ho'uld go, And even whei he iId he wifi not depart from it.Pr.226 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTINC, Tin.ie-71he jbook ofDuton amy was Vwritten csomehee . tween t4159 and 1500 B.C. Th parteiclr ha1ptr( here qýuutd fromnthe book of Jeremiai was teronom1-y is dvtdt rt e vealed t1 sreh0esh a wVandering for fryya~inth The. One Tri,.God Deut.614. "Uear,0 Lrael Jehiovah arGod is n Jh-a. This ei, toissrsta i Lord lGod of Isri.aelaoei JcbehoalheMabsolute, uncaused elcton fthm md Hm self kînowýn ta Israel. 5."And'7 thou Lishait lveJeh ohjt yGa-d mith ail thy hbeart, and wt I thyý sol, an wit'Lh al h1 mg . Naw, if there be any sîngle tr- bute ini whic the mraI haace of the Supreme attans ta unity that attribute is liS laoe. The acharceristctiude assurned by Jehovah in Old and lNen Testa- mevnt revlaion, and particularIy ;In the Gospel, is t'his of""a Saqviu'r fromn everyei.Welothtb theý relationiship udrwihw haive learned ta ecme>m brace, and cfioLu Godtruh Jesus Chrit; and %wo shal find that we have welcQme, purc and boundless love. Those wards To eve(ry statle in the(, inwiigo itesivrPpr u pr lnelike thiÀs one, shown vrtelwe i fMnhta.Mre wvith thinilsignia of the Royal Air Forelte 48planscare"Invadig th ..on behlaif or h ...BeeoetFn of the US.A. ai Dcuterouiomy whiihDur Lord recitcd ta tic scribe and which iey Say, çevry Jew was cxpected tarctt imnself imoiruiu.g aud Uveiuh'g-at ils devotions, frma mrost penetrating Qcommentnry o the First Law ,ini the Decalog-ue;ý aud you ,soo, how thcy ta-xlag uiage ta express tatahity ofde- cation on aur part ta tLus love aif IRADIO REPORTER I WHAT CANAD'S DOING Ahllister Grosart, who as rvl led acrass Canada as tdeDepart- ment ai Iuiormaitio's ofiia adla at work an the lame frnt whcn leeaisfrom Trouot istenIers ai thc CB-CNtoa Netwark on liday, May tu, 7.30 pm E -S..Mr, rsat à former Toronto csnemn operations uýp tic Pacifie oaT ta the voltary iiý,war efortsai'an- nda's foreigul-boma itizenîs.Ho las just eoncludcd thC second heg ofilis observation itipacosCn ada it a touir ofticMrtm Proïnlces, ACCURATE ANALYST Caaasbest jncws aayt Dr. E. T. Saiman from ýtic ý Mc- bell again ou the aia cm paigu. Dr. salm-on wrkd'n the Bakans for a mber ai years as aq Kiug's Messenger for té, Briisi Foreigui Office, and the wai. moved inM an ares whieh lY kniew as weil as lekuiows t-ue roads ai Ontaria . Amati b.- fore tlic camlpaigr was under way le predlictcd its doq7el-,o Puri1,nt along the chauncî'.s we 'have wateh- cd tics. ast few days. Thon one cauld tunt back and remiembe-r tliat Profeýssor Sailous predtic- tions wc'-rc workiuig out, ta bean hundred Per centcret YOU eau follaw tic war with a greater undsdig Md greaer kaowiedge Ai what cach, m-ove menus, by dîiiu iii the i autbjoritativc sumiuiiÏ,g-up -by CAnAda' bestiufomed obsever, He is icad over CKOC Wh~ weekii nligt but Saturday at 7d15qqun- d ayýs at 6.00 p!.m. AROUN',D THE DIAL A program with asetena touci is prceseuted o0ver tclleWOU Mvutualdam Thursday inights at 8.15, wheni WalterScnout standcig concert tenor is heard Sans i relan1d. Tougveyou some idea i yau Govruents ret n(eed f1 oeyta mcoet the caStýs awar the DpaomntaiFinanuce la prec_- sentig a series af radio programs etidiË ,".Al Star Thieatre" 'Fri- day eveuings at 10.00, that are ati once 2enIÎgite1in1g an1d et taiing. By dialiig ilu these Fn- day v eveuring troatts you eau enjay a to)opatch program, anid t1ti same time, leariu where youur mouvy goca lu ,t'icecost aifwarfor freedom. TiceAhi Star show brîngs ita the microphone oaci week a par- adeai adi,sEcreeni, andý stagýe stars irom Haywood, Bitl aind Canada. This so iltr you. inigmatie Evelyn is caty at times. Thc otier day snc e- mtark1edI: "Somre fat girls are cwait ing for shapes that never cm r Trivia: Bell evj it o-r i 'tut suchi tougi fllw as Jack Deniýp- Sey, Max Baer anid Lbu Nova ahi, are v oti f.ai"Mi.Figte wintiey go lu aL radlio studio -,Amjerican niews cammictator lmer Davis hms gone ta Englaud for jiirst-han1d ook atprecig 1..Baud leader Artie Shaw las anuotier mad on suid wil retire fo a while ... Sangstress Doliy DaWn wiOU take aver George Hall' "POP-Depleted Acccunt WI-SAT 4R~ "'ou WOPRVM\J~ ABOUT God. Every artaief vry l, and the w of ai ery paîrt, iS tab illedwthlove. Teach Unto Your Children 6. And these word,whch1 comlmaud thee tms day, shah bo upo lty har.7. And t shaîtctach them diligenty ut thy lhildren, and shit talk af thcm when th u st b-tl ,t the way and wien thou hiesýt dnudwhenithu lrisest Up.", H-e laareligion whicl cove,<rs every attitude aof man. Tcci tzem aio Divine trauh jta the nosdannd hert, tc fomation of haiýt aud th training ofdarc ter, tie noar not aand by sud- den ud soltedefforts, but by, reuaad iunceasing repetition. Tii the law aial gr.ow;th in nature, ud of this luw Cielsecs ta make use in the lçîngdam af g lmc>jin-depIendencù,u-pon undJ subservieut tathe power oai the SoAY Spirit. Thie Loyal Rechabhqte Ti-c founder of t1ie tent of Rechaites ("Son of Rechab", May mean "son af the chariot" or "iscile a the great proph. et)was Jonadnb xwho appeare as the ally of Jehtj in tic over- ti2oýw uaf t.ie buose of Ahab, Prom, 1 Chr,ýon. 255itappears that the, hueoRechab beiongcd ta, the itsoun tivrexadlus fram ,Egyp, aud mdsettied lu their lands, re- fore hosons aCI the house Cftu> Reciaiteabowhs _4fulai of e an: ups; and I 1said unto hem Drink ye wine." it ïrno said that Jeremniai de- lieati tteiptcd Lta sechuCo thee Rchbites to lead them i- tA someosin. Tint la not th, point, l Hither Jçrminh urged" thepepleta bre ak te ir forme ould t asLIYrefuse ta o o hemgthav-e a poweriulills v moe esil t Uptd [s ra elite wio cre i wckerstuf; or, h mny ave antc tapersuae tbese echabtes ta ore .iose1yc idnii hçelýves wî'IitheticIs- meuties livn nJerusnlem, and ta gîvo up their severe custonus whiclkeptthemseparate framn ai, tbhirnearby -neighbars Iey are nlot rebukud for their stand but "W. WIII Drink No Wine" 65, "But thoy 7Said, We will drik no wine; for Jonadab the fo Rf, echab), aur father, cm rimnded us, saying, Ye shail drin-k ro, wine, nieither ye, ror your sous, for ee:7, neither s ha- y bu-ild house, nor 50W seed , o plantviyad nor have aniy; but alyaur days ye shah dâwell in touts; that ye m-ay live mnany days iii tIhe Iland wý,horein ye sojourn. 8M And we have oboyed the voico of Jonadali the son af Rechab, our ftht'er, in aliltint lie char-ged us, to drinkJ no wýine al aur days, we, ar wives. aur sons, or Our daughýIters; 9. nor ta buîld 'hotises for us ta dwell iu; neith2r have wo vinoýýyard, nor field, incor 'secdI 10. býut woe have dwelt in tentf, -ndhave abeye, ariid doue - c cording toa ai that Jonadab aur fahe ommanded us," Thie Force of Exampzte Týis lsonhsprimarily ta do wihthe teaching, and practice of temperance in the houle. R is stogysuggestod that if par- enswi llivewolsmhpy sýince-re Christian hives before their chiden, being excedingly care- fui l thought and ii1n at to main- tain the practiceoaf constant ab- stinence from intoxic-ating bever- ageýs, tic iuîdren thenmselves wvill adopt some af1 these conivictions. This wo blieve is the bostwa Frt iirmî-, taý hjave been aesiSradier, of Ox- fanrd. ýHo mnade the first suceess- fui ascent iin that, coun-try in 1874, Cotton Coats Cover Newly Shorn Sheep ranges ci tii. eatsoon wiUl r.- ceive new icoats ,aL catton throzigh the o~nine efort ofse-veral des ans! the cotton praceesing, divisiofa te SouthemaRceoal SmaIhj-Scaloestscarried ot Mstyear we 30 earagig that largersaeexeintapa- ed amh ampe.The Preliml- i-ary tests indicate-,,d that oncer- tain psuolnsin cald, windy clmatesune OF te coatsr a qualiy aoftuenwoo Fra-vorte Cutilwr 0feu fow rad greonsi. 6,174,f9 f daffd ils, 5,7 53,878S 5,054953 ectons, 3,461,688 ch at'il m ,iand 2,597,9,70 setPeasrepresent,,ed thýe prilt- cyiasales in a pist ai 82 kindýs ai et flwersrepatodsold lu endedMay -1,1940, The, inosL withan verao vlueOf $531 perhnnre, flloedby gardon- hues($8) Among eut flaw- ors gown utoWrs, ne gladiolu with 46,75sale-is was againý E By J. MI/1LLAR WATT CANT SE~ T~T t IN, f-t