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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1941, p. 4

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mnorning a Ontario 1 states, $21-00 ur Prom-pt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher 'Canada bas bocomie ed in i -e last decade tory v\alue cf tire out- orte voTe about $70,- >ices are much bigh- Lor a bottie of ginger id trobie that ,)rice is han tirat. That being gues that this coun- a year on soft drinks, talstic, eseeiall~y when it le ne- clothes are niot givenl lemionade rfolkc sel;domn indulge, althougbi iii need cof a stirnÇbant, m'ay miix -h ginger beer. Generally speak- wed by thIe oteJaie f the the mainstary 0f titis particular )n't tbey ? The swain who likes vith the chit he le sparking and is reaily sipending mone'y. If he he more par-sîmoniLus thani he very far lln these eivening excur- * 0 * * * w To Spend Later eFinantcial Poast' j:deeat isef unless inxury spendng le ty, Pesdn of the Canadian Eloctinical Columbia audience the other ýday. Mr. Private citiznene as vieil as governmiients cf ï'-ïSave novi and spend later." H1e said: r reaehigai redistribution of, incoirne. The ackets have their incomnes dra'sticaîly ne- ity are btter off. Those viho for years cunistances fireak Out ila 'a pending rash lose cash, and it ie not thbe necessîties of uxunios. Titis, by creating activity ia the rts rnan power and foreign exchange from var effor tends to defe-at itsolf. flustconibine high industriai activity with r ail. The workors m'ust recoucie them- t to dlefernýing the 'reward lfori thein labons 'o esay, heymuet save until it huirts wbîle uver the spending¶ of these savingsvi Lpost van r peso. i sense. Only tbrough adopting suc~h a ores 'spiral f inflation, dangerous to our t(o the udruetîients to the pence wbich papidJy appnoachinlg capacity. If unfebeclked Juxuniy spending Sother wvar demnande and 'ne. resut. Le our moneoy, our -war are te have, full value after rcednomw to guard againatý Last vieeks, nevitaxes take r. They niaku a lover stand- ýh ,, day. Theeief difft-rence will that instead of sseling Our Pr- efor our own personial benefit,, we be !sllinig it. to beLp those Who in dire need of our helP. ,t may stil[ be asked, w'hy not let ýh give 'money and bave done with SThat, of course, is eifiple, piro- ed you have the inoney. But som2 'e -not, while they ovin something ,t if turne-d into ioney, they would glad ito give. That is the idea be- ýd the sale. Ton for- one, perhaps, short 'of cash. You have some- g that would lie of real use ta> r neigblbour. Hie bas. cbsh. You ýe this article, -which is put up at sale, your neigbhbouw buys it with cýash, and so in reality you are king a cashk contribution to the r1 Victima .sFued. b wa's thougbit at one tiine that ar- es of high a lue ight be sold on ertenitage basis on the understand- thta certain portion wouid go the fond wbvile the remaindler was mcind by the douer The manage- nt cummÀtitee examinnd this idea efulWy and d4ecidied that it would an unvvisu, pioecdtire, and except ft Drinks ksecoisum-ied in 4-MONTH TRAINEES WILL BE WILL BE CALLED FOR DUTY Ottaiwa: Graduates of the first group «of 4,840 called Linder the National' Resources Mobilization Act for a foUr-ýmonths' training period %viii ha kept in the arnmy indefinitely Jfor defencee work in Can~ada.,Honorable J. L. Ralston, Miiister of National Defence, an- nounjced ut the week-end. When they have 'co!mpleted their traiing in July they will go on duty for coast defence at the Pacifie and in the Maitimes, and on internal se- .curty 'an-d guard dutLy in the interior to ýrelieve mien nov performing this wortk, 'wvho have signed mp for oves,- seas. Mr. iand tirs. 'Rex Boice, . their daughter Carrol and girl fricnd, tirs. Wni. Boce and Wilbet Sott wvere guests of lMr. O. W. Scott on Friday nigiht of l'ast week. They were re- turning from Toronto wýhere theoy lad bheen ettending the wedding of Wil- bert Scott's yoýjngest son, Maurice. They left on Sa turday for West Guil- Tord. ers greatly if citizens have iloughilt the maiitter- over an'd are ready wvith District News Dainages of $700 and coýt s w r e awarded E. B. aInd Mabel CheshrJon'gh of Oshnwa at d.î,bour-g non-jury sit- tings la't eek, in their action for, $1,741.60 against F. A. Werry arud his son Percy, of DarlingtonTo - si.The acdn followed a car acciidenit last sununer 1jear Bowmafl- ville. With Canada at vwar, 'pidgeons are novw barred frorntfiYing- acrosS the United States border. The Port likipe Pidgeon Club bas 'been infornied that no %birds, in races, can lie allo'wed to fiy acYon's the initernational border, seo r'aces h ave heen cancell'ed for the dur- ation,~ even the 500-mile M'assey tro0- phiy race will be postponed unt-il after tbe war is von. * q. N Dr. G. C. Bonniycastie, chairinan of Bowmaniville board of enucationi, bas been elected grand superintendent for the Onttario district, Royal Arch Mas4ons. A past master of Jerasalemr 1odge, Bowmantville, be is also past district deputy and past first principal of Palestine chaprter. He bas been an officer of the Grand Lde A.F. & A.1. in Ontario for -inany 'years. Judginent for $1120 and costs in favour of F. B. Friend, of Port Hope, in bis act2on iag-aia t Eldorado Gold Mines r-va- gra'ated plaintiff at the 1 ion-jury sittings of the supremne ceourt held at Cobourg last week. tir. 1Friend sued the conpany' for $1,275 and costs. :He claim-ed tbat amount, is due hirm- as tbe 'balance on bis un- expired contaret of exniployymenit as production dheiit in tbe radium planut. Pliaifirbf sai'd be was en-iployed on a yearly basîs in 1982 at a salary of $3,300 per year. ýOn August 24th, 1940, be re-ceirv'ed notice tbat bis em- pyloyment -would terrninate at tbe end of the anontih. Thc cmpan3ý refused to pay bim more than one anonth's' salary. Franklin L. Alait;ý t, of Cobo'ur g, re- ceived j'ndgment against Mrs. Sarah Blaffer, sunier resident cof Gobourg-, vwhose homne le in Houstan, Texas, at the supremne cort lieaimg ,,heif in Co- bourg- last vieek. Plaintiff asked for $1,30 as tfie balance 'dlue bim uncler the ternis of a verbal contrait with defendant wvith the cesostruction of a $35,000 suniaer borne for ber in CÇo- bourg. Plaintiff clainmed lie was to glet 10 Per cent cof the cost of tihe liouse for bis services in supervising the contracte and in purchase ofl the materials used. AblVott claimed lie was entitledl to $3,500 but recelved only $1,200. tins. Blaffer eontended tbat plaintiff was negligent in tbe perfon'anre of bis dutie-s and tihat she had paid him "ail that Ire was en- explaini land, the Red 'Cross are calod on im'- medately and they do a vionderful wolproviding quilts and elothing for tire rofugees. Their field 'anriul- ancos are on haud with'in a fo-w min- utes and their kitchens rnoved from place to place willh reaýdy soupe and~ steve for the iholibed victinis. The quota syetemn for the different branches is working ont epleudidly, andi Major Watson strcs'ed that eacb branch niake exacV-ly -\Nhat the quota a9ked for as near as possible. H1e announicod tirat ilhere would be no ùan'iaaîgn in 1941, but as money viile neoded, me are asked to have more f und raieiug evente. The Red Cross Society aise sonde f cedito our, prisoners, and Major Wat- son assurod -the inreuIre that tbe iost of these boxes do reach our soldiers. A samaple box wae dispia- ed. t contaîned L-i-ou,-h vel bal- anceld food to L-st a soldier for one week. These boxes are going for- ieard coyntinuailfly. tirs. Canspbeli, Prýovinicial Presi- dent, vas also ýpresent, and.'bold êâbout tihe vonderfulIworkc bein, car- ied on by the different branches. Last ýyoao a large nunther of cburcb goers were 'an heur 1late' for churcir when dayllght sa"vjlrg tiane vent into effeet. This year iun your edock abcad one hour on Suaturday, se theie wilI be no excuse for :nisisdng eirurch. Floîwer age and 1e 17rl1, c-18-c-. ,cs and1 lemens, Children's Musical Festival The Animal Cbldren's Musie Fes- tival viii re beld in, the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, Miay 9th, comumnen- cirg -at 8 p.m. sharp (standard time>,,. Rural Sbhools mli eoupete ichor- uses-'the tchr-ee igheast Vo comfpete in the County Festival at Port Hope. There mwll ialso ire a fluet Compe-1 tition, and oblier eiterýtaining num- ibers. i The vinners cf the Solo Conteste lreld on WeIniesday, tiay 7th, m\Tiii sing ln groupe, and Lthe tisic CIa s Pins will lie presentcd. Admission, 25c. Total proceeds de- MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.. PHYSJCL4N and SURGEON OffeIoure 9.00 to 4.00); 6.30 to .0ý0 pm B.V. Sc., .LNARY SURGEON ý:Main St Onono 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. INSURANCE Vire, Casualty, Automo.~ bile and Liability Orono - - Ontarie AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator OonductâAÂuction Sales of ail eieS and at reasonable rates. Coiumunicate with hirn at Poe Perry, Onitario4 or see hie (3iexk, ÀL E. Moton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Piractical Watchmiaker All R.pairs to Watchez, CIocks, ana Jewellery, wUJl receive OuIr prompt attention PARK STIFEET . CPCNG HOPEI Fri. Sa the Navy"e MN FOR 3"P teral Just cornei PETALW, during th( Resisting. je flot a cor are unlderr BwmanwilIe -- Orov Phones: Bowmanville, Ba: Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Complete Furmiture Store ModJeril Funeral SerViCE Durham lIt 1smnaul. Inmeans toaa jp nen entire proceeds of the . for directiy tO those for wl the Sonf ers ICE Me î 480 1Most ~ e and le--THE NEWEST es-TUE LOWE$T ' MI1S & SON VILLE - ORONO ahk cf geese flew. ovee, Monday e'vening, Iread- north eountry. Thiâ -wealiher. andl me are quarters of the Il epoke to nremtbe, N' atle execut imuitiy Hall, Naý evening last. M'ai orWatson Red Cross nmoueY the six million do ,ast yeasr, one Ir carry on bhepeac ever anl erneniger fines, floots, etc., met by the Red fn, ive illion dollh help vwin the mar. calmpaign mione3 Dominion Headqi tional Branch of quarteof cdthre England, vith H4 charge. During the he'a rers' onces. Retailers' ? It i o' f au roome c n~ TiniE aaesn-r go ,

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