WA.S. MEETING T ~he May meetiri d« the Wonjjins Vflsionîary Soey was held on Tuzes- day,; May 6thi, with the ?resident, meeting opened with quiet music by Mt.R. H-. Brown, the singimg of a liyinin, and prayer by MrvLs. Littlewood. In the buisiness period jithereva, soine discunsaion on1 the supply bale to be ýsen't awayi ll Jane. it was pro- posed to b1-ave a shower at the next meeting for ths bale. A kind invita- tion was gil d w l's. M. Il. Staples for the 'ladie of thie W.tM.S. to rneet et lies honme at the Jane mieeting, wvhic1i was :gladly ýaceepted.. A ten, cent tea will ie served. HIolsein Breeders Ship Carload of Ca A c statiff catthE and Il Assýoýc the ýC at $ The folîllorv The treasurer, iMrs. Logan, report- er's in mi the îEaoter Tha-nk-!Offering was blyn, IMrs. A. A. Drunvind ave a ve ry L thoughtfuI, talk, on Christian Steward- MC shItp ami îPersonality. DitleP; 1. Met The thenue of the Worship Seï-vice qaj iwas "Fnig the vay thvouiýgh Herlb. ~prayaýr.» The siriptuve recading 'and Bicklîe eûnirnents -were given by ,Mrs. Fred Biackbus-n. A ipiano, solo -was given by Imrs. W. Lynchl. di Mr. W. :Moffatt gave a sketch of the ýlife of Dr. Dan Nornman in Japan,- frona the book "Witnesses of the way Scotia in Japian", and lMrs. M. H. 'Staples in Kor gave a hot talkon thiewo-rk of to The uý,me n Korea, onie a -native of and th Korea, and fthe other, froîni Nova wood. carload 'cf purebred Hoî1stein cat- ,ere Iîoa.-ded at Newîcatstle C.N.R. mi on Ti1csday of Nat eek. The were selected from breeders' thirloug1hoq2t D1 liamlCouty shippad Vo the purchaser,> C. S. Conipa.ny, îM\idiJletownvi, Penni., There were foi-irhulaz, 25 c>ows lieifers and 2 caIlvels. Mr.. A. J. bI vn, 0,rono, Fieildiman for the ýiation, pui'icliased thle stock, for Company. The lot wveie valued ,780.04, COanadian îcurrency. ie catt1e were p-urchased frorn the wingll-mow HoIstein hreed-ý nDurhami Countfy: Fred W. '4rm- Militon J. Tamblyn, J. D. Brown, ;J. Hi. Josýe, Neqweaedtle; Goricior iIggA. J. Runnals, Iîsaàae J o-nelil, We'lconie; Fred Austin Neil Mutto-n, Bwinll;N. etealf and Mis. L. C. Sn9oawden lGrove; John iruiîcksiank and ýE. 'Tink and Son, Solina; and le Broîs., Canton. nm your cdock ahead one 'hour at ght this Sund>ay night. a, from the book "Living cipistles orea."ý emeeting closed with. a hlymn the Ibei-edîiîction by Mrs. LittIe- Proclamation Coinmencing at 1.00 A.M. Sunday, May 11Jth The Police village of Orono wiII declare theê reiumption of Dayligbt Savîng Timn., ini accordance with the wishes of the autiiorities, ard will remain on Dayliçght Saving Time until the Government auth- The' Trustees \There's a -Mother 1 kfî with a sii1e tliat's s'wect When her bur-den is heavy and laden her feet, Ever she sules thrýough the-rain and the îglo9m], Liethe sun's glurious shining at the- high noon. Who knows the meaning of Mother? -Who can tell whîat dlwells in lier S'oql? Beside, ber there is no other, For none can take the place oi 'Mother. A'h ! how greCat lier streiugth that co~ nthe night When ail the wTorl- is silent and shado#wýed from i ight. But Io'rlk in lier lieart, through joy or A4nd youIl find Mother ever the saie. Whire'er tAihe niay go she sends a s.mile Ripîplin.g forth, mille utpon mile, 1t eheers you 1p and miakes you glîad, And g-ives you strength 'when you are sad. Ait! Mother we love yen weell IAor that 'brave siw.ile has mach to tell. Kee<psmln on througii glooiu anld pai, It's happy light to you shall conie again, In the Great Law 'tis ever Salid, AU is allîve and nothhing dead, So youîr sciile lives on anid through s iato corne Will return back to you like the rwanrinth of the sun, 'So kee1p sniling on, et it riple lûiig On th-e waves of the ocean of Infinite Love. For -Mother's Pove shait e'er enduure, A true Mother'si love is Self less and Pure, -~L A. P. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and 'Mrs. W. C. H. Mitchell and f anilîy wishes to thank the Canadian Legion of Oshalwa, atsîo the BewixNman- ville B-inich, and the Ladies' -Guild of Bownianville and ineibers of D ýCoy. 2nd Battalion of thie Midiland Regi- nient and their rnany friends in Orono for tbheir snany letters and cards and their deeds cf kindnes dur- ing Mr. IMitchiell's long sftay in boa- pital. IN 31MlORIAM1 LYîOETT -- Inaffetionate resnemr- brance of Pearl Lycett, late of Orone (Antioch), whoç passed a-way May 5th, 1931, As 1 loved 3you, so 1 mss you, In eny mimioi y you are near.- Lowved, remeJnibereîd, ionged foi, al- way$s, Treaslured 'wiftl a love sincere. -Moitler. Orono 0Tinhop jar Cutting - large jar' 25c R.ELO A Pickles, jar 25c R E OGA P deal. Centre St. Orono Plone 3 Les in pkgs. 15c___ ____ 25c o______ quality, lb. 23c PARK ST. UNTED CHWRC lb,31c Fasto0r 21c 22c SUNDAY, MAY llth es, pkg. 7c MOTHEfrR'S DAY 1 3c Il amnn-4The Christian Flaiil] 2.30 pn.i5et Day at Sui Local Asparagus. day Scbool. Pai-enits invitc 7 p.i.-Eduîcation ia the lion RN SH Please not the change of tin, 3orl6 IL- Mr. an~d Mrs. Goi the weekýd-end here. ni- Major spent1 D)on't forget Motluer's Day thsý ýom)-injg Sulinday, M-ay l"3tb. ,'Ms. -M. Siith visited Mr. aad Mrs. John Jtawe iNewtoni-ile hswek A heaîvy fog îiade driving veriv tveachee 013onWednesday eveninîg Mr. and Mra. 0INeil, of Peter-bor,, 4jsited Mr. and Mrs. Clif. Bruton last week. 1f.ami Mn-s. HaroId Uiancodýk spent the week-end rwith relatlives in this vieinity. Coiup. Walter Dent ard A. C. «il- beit Dent were la Oreno during their wcEJk-end le-ave. lMr. and Mrm. J, L. I. Brown, of Osftawa, spent te week-end visitiag friends in 0rono, Monlaîgha i last weel<. Mr. Neil Wood, c£ Toronto, spent Sunday here 'with - Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. ýChas. Wood. Mrs. Roy speat a few wveeL-ks in Toronto. lier brother, iMr. Chiuroc Thonipson, reitnrned with bier. Anitioh Hore and Sihooi Clulb wîll hold thieir regniar maieting on Thurs- day evening, May 8th. Everyone we1- corne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and f anidy, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the forn-1er's parents, Mr. anid Mms. C. P. Aswde. 15fýr. and :Mrs. MeDowell and auh ters, of Millh>rook, -were ini Orono oni Sundlay -with thelir daugliter, Miss M. MclYewell. Ororno Degree Tearni visited Kendal Orange Lodge on Wedniesday evening and confeored a degree on a numniber of candidates, The girls of Orono are forminig a hall teanu for thils year and -%ill prac- tise twice a week, Tuesday and Thura- day evenigs. IMrs. A. Bradley is nursing Mr. Elv;an Quantrill, Kendal, -who was hroughit bonne froni tihe Peterboroi hospital on Saturday. Miss M. MceLean, of Toronto, Mrs. W. J. Patterson andtA Mra. _M. Robin son, of Kendal, were cetvuitors with Mrs. J. EaglWeson. The Mission *Banîd od Park St. Churcffi formed a choir of aboult fdlty at the norndng service last Suanda!y and sanlg very cereditaWý1y. Mr. Virtie Wilson niet wih rather a pa-inful accident while at his work in Olwalast ,eek. Htls Orono friends are eilad thlat it -wasn't mnore seri-ons. IMrs. F. E. Lyceett niotored te Ot- taa the paa tývwo week-ends to visit lier linsbtanld, 'Major iF. E. Lycett, who bas 'been stationed at Lansdowne Parik, Ottawa. Orono Red Cross Soeeiety -will hold a danîce on Frîiday, May 3th, in" Orono toiwTn hall. ýGaloiway's orciues- tva fwll upply the music. Plan to attend. Aldmoission, 2k. per -person. Lunch extra, served by Stan. Payne, efeteria style. The engagement lias been. anaionn- ced of Miss Eileen Haeena Pearson, eldest daugbter of Mrs. Helena Pear- son and the late Fred Pearson, of O-rono, to Mr. lSydney George Greig, onlly son of OyMrs. John Greig and the late Mr. lGreig. The niarriage wil] take place in St. Anne'a Anglican ChLuunh, Toyonto, on June 7th. Sundnay eveingi1 last a naiber of Vhs officers an], memibers of Orono Loclge No. 13G, attended Divine ýSer- Po.Me Speciait, T] LOIN PORK CTiTlOPs LB. MAGIC Se.m NEILSON'S -CHOCOLATE BARS 6 FOR HAMBURG STEA-'K LB. IS8ce 6e. SIRLOIN STEAK 3 1