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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1941, p. 7

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silMothleris Day Made Happy333 Thce Ave Miy Nice Wy Teý Mrck]t-T!i2 Honia Vtitz end MltesAmn Vost A-A, preciated Day isý an ai esayfcopr atlel iciIre n ongii î this ton1- tient thiere ""S astngsml- tybatwaen tbe former and Jea orgnlidea of thle ate.That Moter' Day wonld ever beome asintanîsivaly Lim'cilia ;st lia in tha past fwyas a o lutaintention ofý thal( fLound(er Le a day of tibe of trib)ute- pr-,essad iniL , csi'de ratýio an a-ud tribute ofrearbinths Who liad passad away. The idea of ebservîng sucli dyi,,- a wertby- ena,ý fortre is La tIse hom-e anid ail she menlo Vbr family is tee ofteu just taken ergranted, and icli osiea tien sieuld ha the crder ef tCa i ef aareait ce0es nerao te tliiuk especially of thlesa things t ~ a spýïeCia lday'. Mothierir.g Sunday ~Tere lasomtigvr eu Muinthse idea bacI of tbe Dng- lis MtlarngSnindnty. Ob1sarved lui mid-lont this is baièvedi te h-ava 1sad its engnmauyý,, n yasago in the custorn of hning- lng itson that day te te mýot har cbur-1i. Lt meant is reunion of chuidren Who bad gene fremn homne as tiey visitad tLhair homes at the sanie tinie, and lu lakter yaars it, carne te lia aspeci- aiyatm of famnilyý rauien, witi Tha-, cýhidranI gaýtlierling at home ;,0 sec theiîr pa.renïts and aise go- < ig togathaer to the blornle euliu(1. nt eant a rawiof bomea as- sociat,îins andl a ti!rne of tribute te tbe mother. Expressns of Interest AffectIon L is tiat triine te mothar that la back of tun osrvatio of 1?oirsDay alise. No harrn in 4 AxpîreSsig that tribute la taug- 'qagifts. iLdeit is a pleasant on)~o, but ilera ara other things that mnua aven mý-ore te meastme thes tWa shoud lia eliade -a visit ireini the chuldren nway prnilsof a methier's teaiuad many othar ii aabindividual baart kuowý ~tafbwt.Q express.ý Cood Legrs Due To the Muscles Caif-te-Anlkle Lina Most Have Definite Taper Seniafat ladies bave frai! es othes pesesslegs that are neot se - fai, ndsoea ar aiigirlsý Iav a IIwall turaadcai suid aie. AU of tuis wud snom te show Pt'S #stwelgbt eanly se MuclinasMus- - een, eauty eiter. 0fcuwagbt nsy lia a gan- vriprobli. An ioýearwaýiglt withi lospepri] atfely large lepgsned ;v diet te lower er weigh JE ifba Ileamuslesare flab, specisex sm~pevemnt.The (tria irlwitb tmndedevaepedlegsIm-at hv mie6 clies te gain oep;,pls er tf eeweigktý, oeegtwili WhIin esne& si uar set OF ~xeciss aengwithlierI'diet. utwelteaed mnuscle is shapeXv ad t ens WtegieenShPaeier' ~.In frntcaîf te ank 1,onwhilch PerIfect esrmn dîffer s ehe slgt g im imay hava perfec The j y CAU1.3 JH"S? i ag ewit Dane" a butoe ghf lodhdo eventethouit ofit, uns me men, n th polce ad th Dis ticvig1iina hl lw ntralttk iý"t aspat othe dy'a w rk. ' gout e ave ohe rn e fohreoetback tothe bunes oui the meveigC Wl enji "e Onaly Doaneacetd, 1 h two drank no11thehe hlideach whil oe."eohr esre hi sets u the carýdd , h table ý and zibgan t--vsonal "SorryiL statad onthingdis- i'ageeale, ogentlema,!i!iei apoogie agan. an, y cu ought A n ot etlk sb!o r leaout "cli talk othingobut pkce tarle now n," gtu no tn wu- sectr "ts noidaknih "Toomiucli coffiea and tee garep Mrs. Iirolue the best case of caf.- feinle-np-evu1I aer saw. Poor sleep for iweek~s - lier temper flared likie a Skyrocket. *1 sues proul o'f the wyShe madle life iserable for everybody tdfj sorne nmedjlirgot lier te swvitch Io Po&&iîm.nel(tiralZy thet uCias tue end o1 thcenduJof mte.," T N. foffee Niervee If ven are :roublcad wilh iaep- Iessnaess, lhave hadc and miUp. set nerves, yen. seay Le ena of thie imany people h shoilld neyer drink coffee or tes. Doni't Le ia viclini of icafciia.marys! Postuni coiiiains zne caf/aiu c - l delicions am! costs Jesý; per eup, Maile instaniy 'l tIe ri-,p witil 'W wasia. order Po>,tui iltocday p 41 8 inch 'n s oîrna eod )i",f oi. aceî Of Martin Fraziar, Arcbie Doian. and Max -Mihaue1li e wsalready auficînti fanilarte estimate aIlnost teoa t 'lip te probable cotnsof -;heî bd, by their- eýxprce-sions and rnanner wben -n1aking ther ,btsi Mhhaelis, friend, Wilus and the os of thie eenn, lmrlinderson, de t c ti e a v a is icloe t c - iny te theon. FIs'e Players Williarns,, hele diydacidled, wasa lngchaceplayoi , a viitimi littie wtehe e w-ý1î ,on or ls s log sIhe got- aCLctnfor biSý 'Vzzleo hlm. Twie, beF ae rty1t' was cer- tain the other was bUffintg andc bet lieavil-y uontiai&t beief, 1lien- deronfole hm y sow-n he w4uig an. Yet more tihanl oni ý-ea, whenlthe Inspecter ibci fodda good hnd -..ýof bsown, higherc=rds, the other l a agli- inily sown a worthleas band as he raked i the pet Dan Fabery's respect for tde sieýnderyUuginlventer rniýOuntade rap)idly a-s the game. veuton. Arie oane ôeewsnet playing in jis usutd'wass cle"ar Lte Dan Fiaberity tatsomle- was net bard te guess that bis tliougbts were npoh Lydia Lane and the possibility tat the rau- dezvons wbicli had kept Staphen Ftgrl fomin .Iingteprty iu lienderson's bungalow hfa d sorn ni cton itbbr absenice frm ir own tapartm-,ellt. Deanle xvas playiug mcniniwti eut etnis, edm lackiig bis baud and then, as often as neti, nyhing cown vwhat, üwould bave been wini cads is customaryvý brilliant and courage- ieus' style of pljay wa noticeably ab)'sent, an-d Fiaheroty wasnet Sur- rîi seod when, after a)n heur and a batfs liaaunounced tHaie b ad hadenough. - "Doni't let 1m'e break npthi, e ganae,genleme , iesaid. "TVhoe siiwhiibe five of yn.Im neot np teIomt to-ujigbt tbnta'sai. lie stldfor (the several hntndrad dollars',ot of ch1ips wchlie ha-ýd lest, toek a finafl drink and said goccdnglt TIende rson aceDoanete the elevator. "Worried About His Girl- Arb'sworried abo 0u t bis gil"said Flaherty, as soon as tbe twe were ont of earsýhot. "i Isn't anytee sure of lie."ý "My gness is that liendersen's abiltotucbed J iethalcamequflar'- tr"suýggested FVrazier. "lie was, prety quick te corne te her de- fswhen [ 1ade ,thatbad break a while age." "I'rn not 0on," sald axMidi- aal is,. h' the damre ? "I forgot yon weten'tliera," Frazier ap)olegizedý. "I miacle ar fool break about Lyd-ia Lana and ped m ]le Lup. If liendeirson în' sweet on bler, tbei n ima ibad g- ýs s er1. But Arcïe iannounicacï thait he's ginnti-mrry barý." "Lyci a Lanie, eh?." echoe Mx Micliselis. "Wel, thebre are pdi-- tyof 'arn in Ille picturas with mwerearputations than berc.-I ontknlow 1mucirabout lier as -a natter of factý ,cxeet that a '-% good lookar and neyer hàS beeai muixad np ia !pubiic ~ndl Arche ouglit te know what he's about.", "ut 1Iandersou scearnete ha as goed a sporin lve as hae is at car-d," Lia continna. "f yn'r righte tatim. a'bout hiaviang baýd asp)iratient< in thLa fair Lydia's directin. A game Mettiaqm,1 sliould Sayp Sensitive and hîgli otug utcranyundler sýplen- di ei'f-celtrol." H'sa great pkrpaea]il r'ighit," grnntaod Dan l faberty. "lie sure pays'arn bard te fiua"Michaelis agraad(. -14e's, liad me foold a dozenima" Nlindarson rejoina'd tbem ,anld the gaine was rcmewitb the 9fefpkeepw~ Mi? >1 , « WiId Rose Soup the , wild rose, or dog-roüse, mauka. tasty and lhigly n- ourishi'ng soup. This dîsce(ývery lians bea annuc ed by isMr ra, an ex- pert nof tlbe Glasgow ïanýd Weof Scotland SclOoel efDeet Si ence. lieusewives who wishte ak "ceg-hp"preaoudame adsiee thewIidrse 1barrie, Table Talkxs SPRING QUICK DI1SHE1S New is the seasenhn boýuse-2 "ives are giving a goe(1d dei of theuglitt timasaing clchasand always tee nviug ceo(ny lu mmid. liouseciaaniug is th[ ode or, disorder of tlie day; than ev eryonalikestespend as nmucli tie as possible iu the gardan. Try tuis menu, eue of the attrac- tive features, of it la taeu even will taka cana of aulP Neodie-HainiCasserol.e Ail Bran Muf fins, PAppeStrudel The Nood(la--laiamCssrlend Apple Strudal nmay hoprpaa for ank nsd the muffin battar mixad sud piacad iu th,, ïmuffin- pans. The diseshould ha cov- ered clesely witb paper 0or lids sud the muffin pans wrappad in waxad papar t eaxcsude tIse air, tien stered n luitharafrigarator ud kept at r0oom temparatuna u- tiu raady te haka. Ail! AUlbake lu a mederately bot Ovan in las tan tMolty mues St tha tabla, teas togather a simple salnd .1114 precte0-dlimer laervad., Neodie-Han asrl ýL-'lb. finenodeormcoi Staspoon SIt 2 tablespoons butte 2tablespoon fleur 2cupe stock / tenspon saIt 1- teaispoon ppe lu~ l.cooked linm 1 taWlespoenn meLtd buttai Dash pMaprk Cook noodles lahenig-watan te) wbich ,aRt las beau ad(jd edc. Drain ' 111. Malt butter ilu sauc-epanl. Mdd fleur and steck voiis May lie nmce by dissoving 2 bouillon cubes inui2 cups boiiing water Stîr ntil ticeaned. Add sait and epr Dice bain andI mixý wýithi s\oojla> Adà 4 thieeed stock. Pour ilito 1 ',~I.Çi Ilice Krispias eval'op, Srni -Rth meltd buter Auddpria BAkC lunederateiy Ah en 20 minutes. t a ,;ing care t h a t thIS à saideep a l tliey ,use for Stew-,iug tin is net matI l inied. The soup is not Lun- like- tomate soup, asud is excep- ealyrichinla iain ,,ýiC, whiels is suiporantin apoprybl ancad doet. .Se muccl watar ila discharqýged b)y tha Amnazon River, of Sentis Amria ta te~ataseofttia Paife cnalawakea up teý a disane of 150 Mmes frin tie coast of Brazl, Aïr SADIE B. sngar-Add egg asud heast weil. A"d AilBran aM rIk; lut SWa unltil mnost of usistualesa1-akIn up itfleur wt saitud bak- iug powdar; add te firsat mlxtnrc and atir oniy until fleur disap- peans. FuI greaaSd uffia pans two-isirds fuali and haLu ý*,Imoder- ate ovau about 30 minutes. NB:if sor or butteriik isualinstead o(f sweet milk useý 14 easoonsoda sud i.l teaspon baking powder. Yil-2silal! uf-fins. Apple Strudel Lina a butterad bakiug dii with K ïellogg'ia Cern Faa.COVer1 Wit layer of Yary thiuly sliead cookiug appias. SpérImke wi liglit browvn sugar, a littla cinaÂ- mon and dot with plaes of buter a iýt, c et Li want iman tie 4Catnada 09Wn j4cp suigar egg A. 1p At-Bran. i ~3) F111 te L or-s, fini, Cover Cd s ft. S in store

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