JUST TOO TOUGH Itwj"ibe 'rorOn1to's bad lc afi becomes a ream seaport only .10 finéd that it Cani't get ce for tlie fact and inust be rferred teO nerel a"AS southern Onitarice -Toronto Star TIMBERLESS FARMS There are plenty of farm--s in OMû Ontar where the owner cmn- not eujt a ~ik or a stake ora prop. It is n4)t well- for a fre te lie entirely at the miercy of the fuel barons and the lumber nierchants., Plant at least 500 trees! -Farer'sAdrocaýte -o- REDUCE NIGI-T SPEED Ontario had 642 traffie fatali ties in 9-n increase of 7,0 -Ver 18- n ore than oýne- balf o, them o Ceçurred at nigh, This fact gives poirt 't'- the sug- gestion t4the lga pe(dlii aantOmticalIy houid bedue when davrknes falls, perhaps t 96 m.p.h. on the h-ighways nnd 201 onm cicy streets Journal nA Mia rma ,Liea,'21., of Regent, E>. zlatntrare iidi vi dal u' Vef olten heard aoteein She gainied thart ist'inction bo- Ise she can't have a tootachie. - ýr Èeetli-J, normal la every oth]er 5peet, hiavye ne nierves. N vs, ne toqthnache. MLASS Lien'sunuualcase -came lihre'centIy when sheweait a dentialte have lier teeth ked atr -U-eof a drill on ?a Vsmanlidecayed spots brought sýigna ef d!iscmfort and an 'ny discloaed the young wema- 's Ieeth dJo net have lnerve cn but arc aolid foriatiensai )ugh simiilar la every ýothecr way amo By 3iptex Sinclair new novai by the eminent ar writr is tliîree t-hings ,-a fascinatig ster:y rieli chetaad intrigue; ajn a review of significant cv- a that turbuilnt,weth T-l îaa wih the Treaty îsaiIles and enda-,d with 1h rash; pnnd an analysis o thbat be)set our limnes. book rneludes six fuIît- loveates foi)rweding eo separions; twc umurders e near-hanginig. Tescenas tin a RýRavlaeGr atlla, Ilire. Frjench e hateaux i iato one Don sLorg liree yacht craises and visi-,3ta te Pris, oon ivpilGen-eva,, Geno, and Leangrd.Historieý nrs mnet (on fVitepagees ia- itrMussolini, Joh n Siac]air'scetrl hme la rld of lte twentith coa- id à la enough te have il tbaî,t *t'e 10 ju-!.î,iud ftad joy thie stor. tille Is taken from iosb :w Bentwentw wods Sinclair - - . Toronte: Mec- Comepany of aad dicateQuly aimf ofth had Ifl gaains hape a", ere ae la r yoctee 'sd huoyancy afJlb. E W A R - W EE KCoreFay nCurrnt eit U. S. PREPARES TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY AGAIN th A world - - lathe kndof ýFMit for whMiCh we e fought before-, for the xtne of wchwe are evar ready t fight aan"U S. Preýsidencrt Roos-evelt. The story of last weedts eveop menIa in th. war abreac une punc- Iatdon this sdeof teAlni byn e icf sharp, mr cin lips of the bey rmen ila-the oose,- volt Ca)binet ad ro0te rei den bMlf.ro C abiethe brhp el0 e a Rosvetcarly annitdthe dofo!demec,,rY in ewod" Cafilng For "IMore Action" Lswekas,3the Uniîted JStateýs atood on )xIthe brink bteedeclar- laig forniai nar onthe Axisthe o! isome cof the significaýnt tae metmadle it)in th preiou mnhby rsosbeU .Govera- ment fficiaiWs andIfuetalad er.Il showed how "tpb-tp the 1nited States had been ab- andoingilsnon-~llge~nt on Che sidaof Britain Api 9(IMaruiimeCmiso Ch,Îaitrman EmLOry S. ad)-"Ila tefîeld cf shippînig aid te Britain,ý tlere !S a bngs bonfire burnng- might well ask coupsevas ln sur aletaid te Britain Iif n ecou nMtgive greaterhep by :iding the BrI,îSù te put oatthe lir rthler than ïmby coacenitrating rmo.t of our' eýfforts on feig lwthfe. Amyil24 (Ammrearye! StateCor- deliial) - "It la bigh ïlime îthat Shculd armi to the fullest extent and Jmn hebr!efesÈ Urne h'anypo- Ib (aadact fer tersl-rsr ration ýr,.,. -Aid (te ri,tin)mus reeh i Is destination i th hrt- est lime l mxiumquntty0S maya Muet be faund te do Ulis." "Make Promise Good" ApI 4(Seeretar.y of ÈUic Na,,vy mt ncte noigltarEngnd pla maie ng la our flht , Hav'aig gow:e suis far wu' cannot bace dewa IMCitter annet allo'w ocr mwar sup- pl,;eiend food ite ranchEnglnd cannolýt alo-w our goods tee sunie An the Aantie- we shahbe beat- en, If hey aeWemutakor Main We mnust see the job througb." A4prJIl25 (rsdn osvî) "Uted States nurlt arl soli bu sent as fr lie tionwater8 o! Pia saevon sea-s 2as may be nec- eesjary for topoeine thle Amelan siemher Comm29(Pesiden oavl) Ar 9rlen w mshps ae combat Couse Chosen flblgto preSeýrvp hi ne pendeucoeand Our wny 0fuite mesacifices are lanstore foru. "W utfiglit Iis I Jt cfa- -Armas production Muat be stepped ptemeet Othe evrlcaide mad ormuionpaead tion wýhich conifronta ur aio Maïýy 3 (Wendol) *l ilki) -Th soaus o! sinkngs Csss eieus tha ce ahould iprtctOur cagne< e May 4 - President RoeîM tM this coIumnr, May <Pedetoovo)- "Coi;,3mmad o! thle arby the emoc rac~ie xpu~Iand oi be ahee. Gucrensed produItction e ev 'ianfor cecnoys now. May 5ù (Rop.E E.HCaxp Dem., Georia) "0fcoure neareý going te eonveyand wuoene gein t0eacovoy night avay." "ShaH VWe Now FAich?" bay 6 (&Émaurye tMarHmery nd pricr b 1-ilMlonset Édollars wot tntons te be saank la the tlanicIf touay the IJnîted Stats Nvy houd mke scurïe the eas er he dhiyr etmunli- ioste Brpitain, it wili liener as ar;caa c JaonmIas 1it bazis ee en1 ,C j- dered in al t1 goloshistory. Suplaeatugthe efrsof! tue British Nvy (iona ranar sacUre ail the oceans, aorth and SOUtS, we-Ost and eswihsron a cnin, a tt ay, t ca hc ct the tide et naznzim ntil tieote defeceorcS etail the dmc rcas zýare completed. Besdastheci aisin thie Batle deveopin forBritair n la te cl traenbasin -laNoDi Africa, wharo ethe e ian ry ws e- a-tory leconurnrvsIwr Suzand theAtani ad lufil- euhb Iaq, Britnin'a air bare for tne whole Mddie RaiwhaeeNa, inspired revoît flred appeared te benladangercfSprMAaig Ateon- the lattercase ltue pssblitie woul hav lebe taken lato con- sidertion thrt a as-Irabian, forcewouldbe ,tbrewNvngabnia b Itiali lu the Near Eat; that the ,Axs pwes v algin hebases, they need d evMelop theitdrive Item tee nalagînst ftbPè 'aez Canalà"nd Egypt ' that Brýiti woul los essntia oh ipelinles w1-1îhlcbf,oed hMdi î1j-ýv ) zitIranean L fleet. smoking tut Turkey Treywas 'lun a worse s'pot thanl ever hat wek*FlhowIýýing the occu- patlin by Gemay f ore Groci 1ubisl inds laficAegea,9 iýAsseciated- Pras' RrbeSimipaanà wrùteý: "Tur- o0f armahdmen r ivas3ion frelin ber l, îauie Son front t be1r sonothera eoasiine la lb. aqstürn Medit ervr enan îIf alto ' reýsistas mountlng Nazi presosreteabandon ý1er Brilsh aIlgment.Rer estera1 frotiee ad cntatswith bar Britiali allies are ena'ced b)Y the porail aie astiy reînfercing ber deoc ntho uklhIrnborder larf eîr hat tho cwar lainiraq L,,y spread inthat irection."(Study- 0f f Cbe mnprcmm dd The Waking Beau On. My Da, whle agus ulti- fneCommlissar cf the Soviet Un'- waning MIha cRlsa had reoraniz- ederrmed forces ! "ila the light' tare" andwas ready )7forny"sr prises" Ha d"clAîedthatthe U, S. SR.was randy te "oýffer anaat hîlaing obatoteany ecoci meîts y iape'ieist."That saýme wee,,k Joset StÎin ecam-ePrme fteSoviet Union, a a igu thatiý Reoports eD-amanntg from Vich Lold Cf a huge "boutface" of Rus MIa î itary stirengzjh d a s1uIt ing oflsrge lan'd, oea anud air forces outhward toward 1hn Baîkan and Near Bastera founciesjhlhouph Mhe eports entundne int o! an-y linh ! menin1ove mi ltary action thy wee dscribedî in Vichr as revealing agera ouiFtitheNea'-jr Eatfo u Lacký Sea ttheÉliersanGif. The Sov- !et Hfigh onadaiewssl te haedecided o a etesie Bla"ý"ck Son and Caiîdue,acod eneoffItaliananndGrmnnaa ioreslathataeaTesRsin fom theb- alleywrebelieved Pte include sbmarinesAad ored buas IEvery Hundred One Is Stutterer Defeot Mu yDeveope in FusthGrade of Public scoors .-Boys Sur Ofter Prof.Hrr . etmno Syracuse Uoniersi believes thereý is liýttle ifU any trUth in the sayinl]g that left-hnnded chulren, who ate r were tghteusethieir, righit hands, are ttres Heltmian, chrmn o te Sehool of Speech and Dhraatie aI~~o Syacs,(!da a, L -Science foru tha of1,600Q tested studý- ents entering Syracuse, only eue o'f 77 who hdterhnens ehanged, was aflicted. Heltaa sid tereareou ,0000persons il) the 1united Staeswho stutter,The rioa j oee sttterê aog eey 0 persons. MORE, BOYS STUTTER "It !siteetg entle added "tha atuteringis lieîy te develop in cide durhng thle fifthgraide pin usehlwhn %he ar:e abouit Il years e )-. i la aso dfiatto epli,"le ad "0why boys have a reaer en- dec estUtter tha"n girls."> Pro. eltn aid t h-ere are atal leas t Ilea imes as nmany boys aflcted as are g,s Many Factors Sway Voters InAoy Electioil - News- papers' Funjction more to In-ýj forrm Thanin fuence, is Op- inon of Professer oppox)siton waa net a rCepuldiation of Mhopower of the press, anys Dr. Stundt .Mfiîte! Gorge Cem7jparisc of !ciclainfiguires for Domcratiea-ndHpbiaf newpapers in eleacte yenrswut) voeseat la thojse yenrs, revealed te Dr. Britt It nîthoigh iflic ir c'ulation conîJiued on n fnir& y ven kWah, ce aecton raturs nfluctut CONTRARY TO NEWSPAPERS The prea-s prbay nver hd -tue power tesway votas Ihat IR tpopu- larlysappoed lahave, Dr. Bitt cnuddfrom b ins study. This doasudtmena hopointaýd ett thlat nwppîsaentinfhiuential!, btmarehy that maay oterilutii- onesmahie ouie, pu1blic mleetingespeeches, ovea-telfuce and ever-tho-uach gossip-ni' haeinfluience. "A,'pparenltly," ho ade nwpp ors ýhave ofttn beela olfactlive in shapug he ie'wS of votera wIhen h.oe have been nanfrm! or j idteetotethe issues and tha "Btea Ie oeroavf s'ccsothe, ithai n newspanpý,rs md feel drectly cucerued with the lesies Ivoiv intey may votecou rryte tïlee poiical views epes Pd bl heir favorite nowspper." Free Aeroplane Pictures xOO lIBRE 15 ISAU YTO!) hAýVE TO DO: Plyng Boat and 15 other mode.rnlanes <ail te get pyotos of tho floigaeroplane. srt the la1ýt s fiiIphotographa in ful S~itiwe Deant . urrcan,..detailj. Iror eacb seroplane phOto you wish LokhedHusn .BrstlBlenheim Siecify plane4ý or planes wante, yo cur na,ïe ... ichrs Wlligton. ,, Back-bur n dass encloe .necessary labels raid UuaF-Divt Bombr, Fhrey Sýwordfish lmail sqeiste tha St. TLawrencý stsrc h Boln Fying otes, unlraCl o, LimL±e, ?ort Cedzt, Otro Perena incoma Gtre tx rates ircreasad te 5per cent on hat 1,00taxableicmefF prese;Cntrae of six, and eight per cent, Excsa rofts ax fiat rate inrae rowe 12 per cent te 22 par cent makring m.inimumCoprtn Taxnw 40 per National DEeance Tex rates increased frein two- to five par ent- and heom tfiree te sevan per cent affective July 1, And exemptiones sghtly increesed, Budet ropsasnewSucesion Dutyý Tax Act to be- ccoma effecetive wlen lagisiation givýen Royal sat pattarnedi Ncw tae oh traa cents par imperial! gallon imposed oan ýgasGline effectiveApi 30, 1941. (No previous Federal gasoina tax.)' New 20 perrcent tax imposad on inoving picture enter- tain-ment an-d five par ce- £tatx placad on r-aca-track wvagers, Tex o n atmblsvaluad at $900 or leas ,increased fromn- 20 par cent teý 25 par cent; other group classes taX uncbangcd. Geyeral sales tex levaI remains uinchangecfe building mi-aterials4 remo,.vedL from exempt Eist, Suigar a increa-sed from oe ce nt te twG cents a pound, And on glucosýe by haîf «a cent te oe cent. etx oh 10C per cent on rail and air travel tickets cea;t- ing moe tan 50 cents. Tex o, n malt increaýsed frein 10 cents teý 12 cents and on do1mestic malt syrup frem 15 cents to, 18 cent, equivalent te autf ive cets az gallon on b3eer. Ordinaryýwines tex isncreased freim 15 cents te 40 cents, par gallon, an spark1ing winas fron 15 te $2 a gallon, Carbonic ac.id4 gas tex increased frein five cents te 25 ,en.ts per potind incraasinig "soft drink" coGs by les than oe izent e be1ttie. CCeamatie and toileft preperations rate iýncreased from 1e0 per cet to 25 par cent. Long distanice telephone celi tax incéeased froïm six par cent te 10 per cent wjthk maximnum of Se cents, from e pay station., Tax on playing carda ncreasad frein 10 cents teo 15 cents a pack", Tex on pocket iÎghters incrensed hemir 20 par cent te 25 par cent and on comnbinetion lightars and caises, fromn 10 par cent te 25 payr cent, PaLpal' cigarette tubes inecased fem frive cenits te tan cents par 0 New tarif f concessions granted Unitedl Kin-gdiom lon Vaiý ety foh copmmirodities including woollens and footweer. Prvnilgcvernm1ents As;1e(l te vaca£te personal and cororai in e tex field for duraticn of war, with equl. valent comipensatLion granted by Federal Treasury. New taxationexpv-,,ected te yield $0,0000in ful fiscal yaar. Total rvnefer current fiscal yaatr etmaeat $1,. Total war an~d ordinýary epniua fer currant fisýcal yaar tu ebaet least $1,,768,000,000. Deficit for cuirrent. fifcnl yeer estZiated et$68000. Can.adataigesniblt for dýeficit in Britishi foreign exchange account onpuchse in CaýnadaaniutigposibAy te 9000>0 in fiece-1 year 1941-42, tritish ecag eii de eCanadie'in budiget de- ficit means Canada ma ave total 1budgetarydeficit frya 11-42 ecapf oimael $,50,00,00 patfosmonleynlae w taxatiýon prpdu,1ces and paym1nenta inte uprun rto, n nuiy and other funda held by CGovema- ment, an-,wer avings, Coerient expcts nacessity ber. roin fompeop1e an,£d istttin aprxcrael 100- New construction ndeqipinjo idD trelplant te lie hicesad s frin tdayte onrlivsm t. By GENE BYRNES s s k v REG'LAR FETILLE-,RS-A Wise Guy