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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1941, p. 3

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in 10,000 Tests It Was Fcuod To Beý commron-est Dfcec H -unf SeinjS, Nût 21 Hlere is a sur-pris frth mi oter is kownj a1riof7 v Pl is thefaoie itmn Th <iefriciency facts; wvýereredt anu-s by Dr. Tom- D. Spîe, cf'th IJn1iversity of, Cin1cina, The wýeire fouud1ý in tssc 000pr Lnck of B2ý affects theeye an 1omtim-esý causes"oees5i h corners cf the lips. It i mot ant in pellagria. L2 isý second inà thte10,000. The ar-wnut of v-aric u> ua vitamins wh1-ich anomlhaty persn nedsdailY, tatis, aU i th botelie gave as3 foilows:- A-About 5,000 un1ts (quivA- ient cf a 1ittl1e leIss than-ý a - sýpoonful cf ccd lieoil); B- twvo niilligrams; B29 --tret tlxree-anud-a-half milligranis;nio tine acid (theplar rvn tiv)-0 e20 millijgr'ains. [CheriesFresh or Lcheries C'il ed - By Frances Lee 'artOn- N O matter whoither t,~ erre hlave just been ',ice f yoeur own2. favorite tre,fý orwhte tliey cornefri al]a. they rnay be ise nl the temaecer toie --hat are, "touch the spt. Most od' us k cherry -flavored Ù8 cielightedi wlths this dainity: 2cops pltted and drfalned, tedi c(ýherries, freshi or caued; cup cherry julýe; 1 cup 8ugar; 2 cups sitdcake fleur; 2 teson ~eube-acingbakingpcdr k'easpoesr Salt; 1 tablespoons butter or other shorteuiing; y cup mÈlk; .f abiespoons inelted butter. Mlix cherries, juice, and suga r, and( Jet statnd about 10 m11iutes; drain andc reserve s-weieend julce. rniik aIl at onciýe -,nd ati carefullY onm floured board and ked3 seod;roll ii mcli th!ik. ý-o(ver with cherd'es.. Roll as for jelly roll. cwûele ýherry juice oyer le. 1ýika o veni (425' F.) 30sen reh ,maiing julce, Srehot -0ith cream, lf dsrd evs6 'elHîm He's1 Wonderful An Vour, H usbaand Wii Probabiy L.ive Up To It Tl onnii wilio eaiîuýc ake be ý1Saîd Ltiunk 1.e'ý ,v0onýder fui l ago,,od chan1ce of keuping" ai least ini part, livre op te b1-r ";You're- wondeLrfwl"- talk whba aà mna worth1 lReapin1g. iuinwhs wifeý feeds is ego 5 Yen aise pro!nbby cowa manI wlio ussjust as -mucli [lat- trbuti wiltli ougli subtýl[1ty nud1 weiubu t eeo hic, pote- tNOTL OBVI'OUSLY LTTRN hut ier praise. if bier 1bsband taeoS, sn m, cone ew itest, - cieelle, "Fer 13y 1sIledsfee rn ceastpatin. tyiag --AIlkid1 c rernaies ill'ut ay hop cf ure Tien Ist1 edctigKELLOGG'S :ail peop1ec whsI0 are sfert rona, ýconstîp.atien he-w -god ALL-BRANýl is to relieve it!" So writes Mrsj . Pul Gariepy, jolietteý, Quebec. The PENTROIJSE MURDERm.* i ' by CALEB JOHNSON 4"Yas, h'sa goed 4poikesp)-ayer, in s'pite cf Ihie caling i luk, eaid Fr'azierate eneso 1a laft tile roomi. "I1teldy1u-h ivas, didn't 1, Dan'." "t(!I'd like tesitlu ihhm when bis ic'aet bfreIcn- nsita msaîf," reiSpoaded ,îthe deý- tetie. "He's ýa oo wnncr. but I've a hun-cl ithat he' tb sort that wvoLd tuuÏ1viciusif b lest whlenlcsing really mleaut a n- tbing to hlim, Rolin la moneyic1ýc*ý just inow, anddestcae b- ther, lie wins o esa ad. Bath Dead -Max Mclnliodded appi-or- ingl-y an"d sc'-end aboult to mae re-euteredth tfernm,Tleha another round )F dik n e sumed their aefS-wa ilesthan Illi ai n eu ater the talephonie rang.- "I'ror yen,Inpcrhae- ed, bh i a nd rts tasitr "Are you lhere or net "l'Il answar," 'S'a id 1F Ja heuty, rising. "I always lï eavewoda H-laadquartars wer ogeme Tliey wouLdnI't cal ulesit i,'was something :lIportantý. Hueo! ln- "Wbilat? Tfie hall you ;s-yî Where arle ycuno TIiare was a longsiecel the teeml. MxMcieiwthu the Incpector's face fo hr hae sus it gc ac sts hiertyv's veice agnýi. l "Betb d Aad l Ahriglit; dai rig ILt thee. Dul't ùtou1chian"- thliug. ['Ml haerighit wover. a' the k(ddress? .. kay,Arh Wh Iat's ta?. . Sre lI..rn CH-APTER FOUR Dan Faaryturned from tb telephegne wih ha Ma Mdi S'Ieutïi" expression en ie l'sface. "Get yeuir co n o, ax, h raijd(L"Tbare-'s bell te pay.Lydia. Lanlamai Stephien Fitzgern ld ha'ive beau killad iu thiegr'ear- mientu. That wasArh Dan "Lyda ded!"gaspedHne- soui. 11e urnied whita audl c( ýiee autot al rom i Ili chlai, Fj-azier'c b iaud11oni!ls udr sta-adied hlm. "Afilar whýý Iat wc were tal b kiug Zaboujt, tee!" "Ariciilefouuidtem" rier cf thelDitict AttLomucy'soffice»t BETTER PAY IN RADIO AND WIRELESS En inow in FtiPcio Corezuitable for lbols War anld Peacetime, if' male over 1 -2y9arePHigh Scieci, yenu can Indy at biona. Faww sonth pa sse1,1uily.,YOu owe il to y 1ursalfteWite 1for7Bookiet. DOMINION RADIO & TECHNICAL INST. Suite D 15 S50 YORKVILLE AVE, TORONTO0 ISSUE 20-241 If yený have been doeig youirsell wmitli'har-si cat'iarties, try ALU- Br-,AN's "Belter Way". Et it tveryJ day arid drink pienty of waterý But rernmbe thi crspdelicious ceal de'twork like purgatives takecs tirne. Get ALL-BRANýj at your g indr', atwa onvnetsizes, cor lu individui serviing pakgst restau-rans.Made by Kcllogg's ,ýin Lonidon, Canada. tise o (ther two.- "Y!s% and ha wnts yen te conema itsme, AMx," el In- speCtor la' harly, drsiu i alis agaîn. "Youn mî1glitldn to, Frazir-T_ Nous( eguSSing what'e up, ;but il ioo0kc likeC a doub, le nimurder, sudn.à, . . vellj Ac ie'nluadff"icuit position.", Penthouse Apartment IHe(àtupinIad r0te ý'the tIle phon Ae agnahsd daoud Sprog 3100 whiahle others, stunnled,cel ouiy Sit and stare'aI cach ether. "'inspaeclor Faeryspea'kia1g," thay bear hlmsay. "Laý, ime .speak, te Larkcin . , , Tien give nie anybody who's lu thc Bureau *..Homnicide Bureu? Je De- tivae rlnli ir?" ,0Tony, thiis leInspecter Flalierty . ., I' upjtown .1 . . C'et hold cf tic edi- cal Examiner or bis dcputy ight away'. You go w ii lm t 213 W West. 59th, M'Niss Lsne'saprt Ha turnjedifrm tise phone te the oters. W!Linflr' t on, an#ýýof yOU kc "On Lliero, eie edr son. setting down tic glass wiicb ha had jusl diuadjel. "e es apart-ment." "it' iee of t!iasa penthfouqse aparmane,"said 1Flahcrty lute tialepin.Take a c iamera tman nnid a-Brtit eman witI finger- priI aqipnen, lonig witi you. You'Elfind a falow nansd Archie Doane thýere --nt I( Iast, I thînk yen wIill. Dc't ask im nanyqus tiens, but just cee wha tlisare le teo sec -ntil 1 gii ga1ar, my ire tiare niead cf yon, but if I'm net, don't St Dcaua go wilheut wodfrom m.Batrphone the prec-inet an"d hae 'm send a un-11 form man to bcld anybcdy wbe,, tris leava tise building baforeý you gel thare. Taîl thon at tic prcnc bie inistructionszare te iInC 1bedy lu or ont without o- dasfrom e Gltnt AnTeny. "Yen tdon't reaiiLysusect r - chia did il, de you, Dan?" ail iMichaelis intetruptad. Tic In- specteýLr wvdhic band for sil- ence. "Isuspect cabcdy lu a homiicide Casa, sud you know v ha said gniiffl,Tîin te he ais ut tic cer Md cf tie telapone wialegave final ntctns "It -tsMe" "'Cali ic epoliecegar'age and1 bave them send a cboscd car for nme, igit off, Inn at Fîy-îxt just off Fîfli veuHihr Fihlm Building, 'i e waiting lu i the nmain bobby, dewnctairc. Make' Haieug up11and s'joiued tise thr."No use- tr'yilg tcUIata taxi [Ibis lima on Saturday i,ýnigit, in tuls clora-i," ha said. 'al ý- l hava lmaete cash li on lie game bafore tha1cargetslir. iWàiilia1nýMs, h d pulled tic nt ova th whte-hrcdedroofs .cf, lie city "Tiese triss' ovar. Sac, tIlhestars> arae eut. Eeyhu tw'o poLe ava b1eaumrdnd E"ven tîsougli I neye mt Ftz- -Mi-. Doanie tngt lw i gutsnMe." Fresh Slîpco'vers Rejuvenate Room You eau giva a ro l, an rutireiy cf: new lipcovers. If yOur ru,ý le ielone, youenau ossill chage isecelr ci1euse. Slip,- devers e n e tmade nxc ~ vl aIt homie, -since 1oely deeigns -are an -Ilalc crn l ti cieaper fa- br-ics. Or yen can cisoosE afle usalîerial andhaetamcto niade, if ycurbugtprts s earrangemnau cf tie AfuVniture: audfesscran wilc pct t- Equa at o cdwae n of youýr fokwith a, nallbruýsh vw1 1 take the geam a ayp atefrwardsi presedonthb ra iewtia rOn vr a clth Ujse' a damp duet shet ebe your suite ind1ýoors lu thàwiter throw the sheet over tb chair ad thien beat tbrough it with a ick; cf ck- 'ooatn t o, t ireccodry sler1sandeanê' enli thnbeat tMe fur sWe wtl a cane. For bad staiiins. , m itr of maneind tri eiea> ply and hen roI L the img ulp fer tw 'asbfore shkin 1adco- npg. COTTON FAVORITE For Warma Days -By Laulse Lennox New Ale tuliebthnk abou cccl 'olLOne for dtic wýarn Sum- Mer dalyc that -r nhad.M-ae titis cule pssan lfrcit ulow se il wihlha rady le slip mbL. Cinosa brigit enMonin stns Or print flor tise ekirt sud tep it wilh a sheerwbite blouseDolIedl Swis, sear batiste or organdîe witbmatcisig ruflwas Wendtic squareYomahue maaslia daiuty blose liat yeu'hlIce s waring wihoc"er ASkît,ïtoc. Style No. 289)2 l sigedfr Sie16 rauir s ~yards ocf 89- lacis fabic for k0%t;131syards for blouse, Send twanty cé ent 2e) ci is; praferrad) foi, pattera te Lou- ise LnoRo 421, 7,3 West Adaîida St., Torento. It e plainly yournaawd ass ud StylaenmIo.Be tuc caIe siza YeomwSh. Hoe1 re0a111UcnI ffr te, be w'itiout a ~p of ourccent- Iplate sud pp-to-tIle-ndistle Sum- mler Fahin ock. li etua styles flor don(t and im, tew auld ccun111t ýry, uqîhe and td- dirs lad i's lusrta ine fuil celer. The price is 15e,ý g s * t I "WELLINGTON BoUmEngo ~SUDERANDFLYING BOAT"ýl 1I..S149D RODNEY .ARK ROYAL. ;>M1N. D ESTROYER (TfIbaIins) SUBMARSNE(Sskd> rDTRTOPED BOAT âuni olhen, qc2m aýtrch for eacb itr rqetd Wrilte yýour mm alnd adrs o eo thle bxtops, wit theDame of thle dsr piciuru-hen m iliem to Dipt,.J 19 Cýompuiny, 49 Wligo StE., Toronto, 041t, Table TalksBySDE. Mlore Reque-sts Il oa semas if I canrea gel ha frqecs lhui ladeskt ounnwac eoe leO th I bave ýquihe a IInmber o!"lftoer"-ohere we ac Apple Usd-onCake, 3 tablespeens butter 1cup brown sugar m orvOthck suces peee apple .Place b utter lu round Cakepa surd mlt, sprinikla lan thesgar Now plîace lu lias cu f apple ti a cherry lu thie middle of cc eue!. Coh lowy o ea mîinute coverad. 215 lablspoone butter ml cp fine sage a egg lx easpoon fiaverimn 1 up Swneownflur i teuspo eus CalumInet bku powrder ~4cup mh Mthad: Crcýam -butter rr wehI. Add suarMÉgradually sud çeam in wcll. Ada the weil beatan egg and hast very ir ouglily. Acddfarig xsu sif t lie dyingrediaentsand «adt altena ay wîistha bemilk. Pour oves- le fruit arranged lu pan. Bakuaut 310 dagreas F. for abou 25inutes. Loesen cake lirons ofdas fpn. invart onlag sarvng pnteand serve eltise-r wilh o'- wiîhout wblipped r>o Jeffied Appies and Raisins %cup gI-anUlahad sugarL icup boilig waterý Thin sainsof lamn in d I taiaseois RKuox galatineý- /cup cold water /4cup seedIcs raisins Combina sugar, water zsudc 1lemon ind.Boil 2 inlutes; e more mmd, drop la sectionscf appia paredand coi-ad, Coek slwl n syruIp unlil chjear cv er'ed part cf h tiseime). LUI sc tions eut ;c)1!4-fuliy se as net t bre ak. Mensure sySrLI P. Addý wvatar te npla ica te make u î'cupc. Seak gelatine in el v sar. Add tc boilinig syrupsu au(ld( apple ' ciou asd riis caauiyfelding Lthcm lite h jallypuilushaebt goasses aud', carre ith custarýd sauce. Pressed Veal ilu, peithock 2taspoons saW 1/ý laspeeon peppa.r 1 teapeonlemon miîca watar and add seasoniug. Byleug te bell udbell for 5 mnutes.- Reduce beat aud allew teLi.) melori, ùhe r runtil eu falîs uay fs-cm tise boue. ow, -pick ofrf the n-ien ad trog FoocdChopper. Place Psuces o ha-cooedegg lu MOUld auJ tlin put lun 1inýed mn.Co stok ownslhty ad leo juc.Pour loto teCe nZt 1un 1ti vceesvry no(ist ,and soft. Cli uilset-anId cie hocold,. 'serve iwlth slad- Wae crase Apple Rice Dlgi 1 jup cooked rMc i 'up sweetened, shcedded ai- moudsji Ypintcealhpc Comtbine lice andapu aue Adld otherinreits îliag ixD whîpped cenar tt the st, Chil in Pleaaed4terecee sggenuao& 1on to-piq.a ïor hem elme, :grnil SN ÏCIilà rieA9dY gte Ilte,l te Yen, '1pet eu trs tu "Mss SUM M51.Clin. bers., 7 W 5Adelaflde tet'l- -te1qe eif Yen w ish e ly Blackot Curtains In T.C.A. Equipme-ntn ada Ajr Lne. Whn 0mie euth of Halifax opaque grey cur- tain1s are drawýnaces the whri- dowsef TC.A.planes nàbOth Oia f the psegrcmat ment. The curtans reninin drawe util the nrrf nsadtaxýis te the pa3ýsuger teriniai, Tus. tremndouly Usy CanadiniA- lanutic port lies iu a restruicted zon Pe. There ,Ca-fibe(2no peekinig The curtain is fuIlelngth from eue end of the cabin Ite h ohe nid ample in heigILt Holiday Fares Canaian ailwys wil ffýe redUced ftares for coming lholidaýy prdsincluding victoria JDay, Amay 24, fallng on a SatUrday; the King's BrhaJuniie 9, falling on a Monday; aud àDomîi-x ion Day, July- 1, wAhich this yea,ýr cornes ou a Tuesday, Bet You Quebec Can Beat Thîs Who is tihe chý-ampion grand- father in North Amneica? T. R. Fowier, of Colotado Spsrins Colo., ased the ques- tion and be's trying te find the answer. Wes challengcd 'i any xLite man who lias nmat- ried onIy1 once5te dispute b own d Cain-,te thle title, Fi7$1er now 8 easold, 1bas 82 ,direct diescedns H& e te#ate cf 12chlrn hasý 52 grand- chîrnand 18 getgad cîde.Atilbut Ltwo are liv-

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