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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1941, p. 4

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- THE ORjO1OV mbridge in 17317, are boexng tlhrouglîoat Oanada ais a ýhich Wings fer Britain, a as Street West, Montreafl, Canadian fund, locatedl at elp cime tmue, Wlngs for s been registered undter Chari.ties Aoit and is mncocý canada te serve as ail ro-,ugh 'aihi ch ail contribu- laesfor thie R.A.F. namy be 'Luna Habitabilis" Oaa, ri-idige, 17317 wilconie, w1ren thou shaît une eyes a om g- bahatic ln the d peasants, tee ainiazed foýr ing fleets cf WoB'-1 ets of the BIRVIS L.O.L. DEGREE T-AM SHERWIN - lu- BowmaunvillIe ls.. VISIT PETERBORO LODGE pitail, on Tuesciay, -LIay l3th, '19411, 'jleOo .ý.Dgr Ta to Dr. aucd Mrs. W. W. Sherw\ini, a TeOooL'j.lereTsn were in Peteihoro on Fridlay eveniing Soi of last -week 'an-ici onferred the Sai-iuel Thorna?ýs Mouitjoy, Hamp- Orange Degree on th-eecnides ton district, passed a'way on April unie' of the candidates being the son 23rd. He -,as boem '/2 mile east of cf Mr. E. J. Hain, at the Dukeý of .Hayd'oni. About 28 yeaus3 ago he and MVlanhester Lodge. Miter the mneet- I bis wile ancved to Hamupton %,vhere rnlg ail adjourned te the banquet haLl Sh'ey have resided eversunce. Hie is whllee a suxPtuous repýIast was en- ,urvivedl by bis rwif e, three sisters joyed, 'aloig -vith the nusuerous and three brodhers. Intermient was speeches. n-weue la Bethesda cerietery. Where wixids and wanres confesber sov',ereligiifiy, Her ancien4t tiamjphs yet on high shall bear, Andl reigun, the sorrereig-n of tne cont- qnered air. Every-ý $22,350 contribuited througih Wings for BTitain purchiases another fighiter plane to hel~p tihe R.A.F. gaini mastery of Vthe air. c iMu. and Mirs. E. E. Pattenson and son Jiim desire to express their great- fui thanks and appreciation to Rev. Richard E., Moi-ton, Rer. S. Little- wood, frienids and neighboursfo their kind aüts, and words of symi- paithy during their recent bereave- ment. Owing to heavy advertising news that -\vis' intended for this issue had to be w\,ithheld. L FOR SALE Good single Seuffler; also Set of good Wagon Springs, caPaei4y 50 ýcIWt. Apply tG George BuLtteirs, Oronuo. WANTED Six or eig'bt head di cattle te pas- ture for sum:iiermonths. Appl.y to. H. M. seott; Phone 1 v 18. Oronio. a-l8-p. BABY CHIICKS Blood Testcd White Leglioms andi Barýred Rocks, Mix<ed, Sexed and Strated Pullets. .R.O.P. sired chieks. Ail eggs produced on our farm. Over thirty years la business. Le-w prices on Rocks and Leghorn Gokerels.- Alvin Clemens, Bowmnanvill'e; Phemne 2433. tf1 Clas.sified-- COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE Browni or blacek, $2.00. App1y to Milton Tamiblym, Orono. c-20-ec. FOR RENT Gcdszd brick house, 1 inile southi cf Kenda1, with gerden. A'pp1y to Arcdnhie Hoy, Kpendklý e-1S-p. FOR SALE preardi a adAnmial Flosver Plants, also Tûmatoo-s, Caibage anéi Glas. -4-W. J1. Leamn; Phone 1711, APARTMEINT TO RENT Ilt is pretty hard t(> believeý, that .Sxrose prtet France would turn down Bitain, al- 1)ej by ~tsK. C lile ter what theý British Empire dici for June lst. Apply to E. E. lier la the last year. Newcastl'e. possession s Canada has reason to count her blessings lu these days of trial. Canada i8 three thousand miles away from the sound of guns -which are devastating Europe. The broad Atlantic Ocean roils between us and the rutbless savagery of the German Armies. The strongest fleets lu the world - British, American and Canadian-patrol the sea between us and the enemy. W7e have a great friendly nation, probably the richest and most powerful lu the world, at our side. Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYI1SICiAN and S',UR GRON Office ilours:. 2.00 to- 4.00 p.rn.; 6.30 to .00 P=m PH OYE 47ir1 OBONO 1 PORT HOPE - Saturclay CLARK HEDY GABLE LAMARR In the Biotons Oemty "Comrade X" Monday and Tuesday "DANCE$ GIRL, DANCE" "DR. CHRISTIAN" Wdnaday and Thursday "South of Suez" 1 "THE HIT PARADE F.- F. Moris &-Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealersj AMBULANCE SERVICE - Bewmanville - Ornoi Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night. 7â4 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most- Complete Furniture Store and Modemn Funerat Service in Durhami Our Service-THE BESTF Our Giocds-T I-E NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS &SONi BOWMANVILLE - ORONO On îMondiay last Arckbishop 0-eenk, officiated at ýhp indudcion of the Be. Teerce P. rosthwait as rector f St. Markh Churei, 'Port ilope. Mr. îrsthwait -,as fomry curate at Grae Churc1-oe-the_ Hil, Toronto-~ DA CAN AFFORD HER SACRIFICES This war is a mechanized war. Wle have the nickel ... copper.. lead .. . zinc and other metals the war industries need. We have access to the iron. We eau niake the steel. We have the organized industries to fabricate these metals and make the trucks, and tanks, and guns, and planes, and the ships. We have skilled workers and the plants for mass production. Canada las the wheat and the food supplies. Let us count our blessings, and tigîten our belts. Canada is riel-one of the richest countries per lead of popula. tion iu the world. Let as lend our strength to the utmost, of our power. Our national future depends upon Victory. We must wlin to live. vWILL BE 'FgURTHRER CALLS' There have been many cails upon the people of this country for money since Canada entered the war at the side of Great Britain. There will le further cails. Let us face the future uuafraid. Canada eau carry the load. But every Canadian must shoulder his and her share. This is the most critical hour inu our history. Let the future -historiaus say of Canada, as they wîll say of our Mother Country: "4Tis was their finest hour." your Ioad...aJnd LIFT D EP A R TMEN T 0 F FIN A NC E, c A NA DA VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main st. Oroua Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillan Phin. B. ",;e>QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST' Licentiate of the Coliege of Optim- etry of Ontarie office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. ad 2 te 4.30 p.xn and bY aPPOitmut Office in 0. BR Tynrell',s Drug Store Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURAN11CE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile anld Liability 1Orono - OntariG AUCTIONEERS T ED J A CKiçïLSO"N Auctioneer and Valuator Conducto Auetion ,Salee of ail ais m- and at reasonable rates. * comninnicate witlx hlm at Poet Ferry, On tario, or see his Olerk, A. E. Morton, at Oromo, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watch-mahker AIl Repaira to Watchez, Clocka, and Jewellery, will receive Our pycnmpt attention ,PARK STREET

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