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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1941, p. 5

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1- Mr. John Thioinpsoa spet Suind'ay visiting hsa ina'ny friendis. Mr. and Mus. Dl\Lll of Oshawa, spent Sundayat Mr. John Brcrw's, Mrs. Fred W'ood, Orone1, spet Sun- day rwitlh lir sister, iMes. Oral 'Clap- il~. and Me'ýil's. Bowdeni, of Treuton, spent Sunday rwitli Mr. a-d Mrs. John Brow-n. Miss Eiileen Mergî1-an spent a fewI dnys -atx homue it ler parents, AM. 'Ud Ms. Il. Morgisu. There were twoflue sermionï-s rend- ered laet Suniday by trhe Rev. S. Lit-1 ti edalnd IM]. Mllr Mr. sud Mrs. Brodie Tfonpson anid Mr. and Meis. Jaerk Dayain spent Sunflay at Ernest Bryson's. Missý Nellie Wrirghl1t and Miss Mau- ion Wright, Miss rAita Scalivier spent Sundiy with i Ms. Georg-e lorbies, Miss Anuie Poribes -and mu.. Ross h!ittakerý, f Toi-onte, spent Suniday witlh her m-other, Mus. «e. Fovbes. The fiends (if 3rs. Erinest Pet- tersen are sory to leaiun cf the death of lier muther, Mrs. Mý\ortoýn, of Ne- Mus. LonriuÀse Cliapuman sud Peru, aind Mrs. Al. Ohapsean, of Or'oPo,' speut Sunday, witllMi7. auid Mms. Stan- Mr. ard -Mrs. 'Pete Wsl u 'Gordon, Mrs. HI. BahflaAd and Mrs. Man-tha Murrow apent Sunday with i r. A. Morr&w. Mms. Chas. T'Pauniflyn, Ovono, sud ~Mr.Fred Poýster q-nd son Lorne, wiere visiters itiMr. ant i rs. F. imeneon Sundlny 1lst. TIte frientis andti uciglrours cf Mrs. Perýcy Chapiiran exteud tireir dcepest sypathy in the death iof lier Siather, Mr. Levi Edrwards, Oshlawa. rncregular urethiug f thbe Wo- nîan's Missýionarrry Sciety xhich wass heid on Wedne-sudaiy aftevnoon, May 71h, witî the Presideut in thre cahir, vwss opened wlitrlh ynin 366. Rev. Littticwoed led' in p-ayer. Several ladies read the sriptuve reading rWhieh was tskerî froum differct pas- sages of rihe Bible-, T4 minutes of thre astimeeting were read andi adopt- e(t .Reir. Jittlewood rend a story taken frein a Jaipanlese village, Mis. Fowder read the devotional takeni froni thc study bock, entitiet "A Sur- geen at Scna The ymeeting -was closed wvitll hynirn 416, follo-wed 'Dy prayer. , 'Thee meeting of',lite Woman's Asso- ciction followed ltlat o0f the W. M. S., witl uir President in ýcharge. Prayer by Rev Llttlew od~pencid the meet- ing, after whicî hymnu501 -was sang. T1he Bible readiug was taiten froum Mat. 5: 1 te 1U The minutes of thre last mieeting were read 'sud adopteti. Reports freinthre groups were read end business miatters weue diseusseti. Members of the 1.0.0.F. Lodge, Or-one, attended divine service in Cc- bourg on Sundayevig last. Pontyip(ool wilI hold divine sýervie tvh,,s Sunday ev;eniung (Stand- ard Tirnec). The menVber~s of Oronio Lodge are asked te attend. SOME NICE TROIJT The best trout catch of tIe seasen sfar, and il'est likely ýthe best for, the entire seasen, was hooked on Tlirsda',y morniug of liist -week by "Scottyl" Moffatt. Hie had semne of the icest treut ùthat have ev-,er beeni set- here. Soine orf thein weig-hed over twe puunds. This is no fish story. Geonige iRichards aise cauglit a i-e eue over the week-end that tipped the sýales at 2 poundis 1 oz. 'lhere are stililaretreut in the streains, MOTHER She, t0oe, wa-s a girl Onice yeuLng auday, Whos;e job iu life Was to mak iýierï way. Ther iute tihee of oT uod Treading the grea,-t longrd Tphat is ileavily trod, Witl ony the 'lelpin hband cof God. She lad the suffering, The s'orriow, the pain; Net that cf faine Wlierli they sholil aim. And this is the namie They gave te lber, A name seO sweet As yen ove heard, M\OTHER. Joseph J. Goldspink Lesliaixd, Ont. LESKARD Mr. Norurian Fee, of Port Hope, sýpent filhe rweek-eud with lis flanily. Oonga3.tulatiiens te Mr. snd Mes. Roy Thoentýpson on the arrival of a youlg son. Mr. and Mys. Chaniýs Go&wîn, of Toronuto spenft the week-end at their sunrmr home. ~Mrs. Angus Louelis speuit a f ew days Iast -wee~k witl lier parents, Mv]. and Mrs. Warlburtou, of Olss Mrrs. David Bel! lias returnied te lier hone after spending the wivnter with lier daugliter, Mrs. Alfred Lo- nias, of Toronto. If was dieiided to lod thle next meet- ing on Junue 'IV, at 7.0 o'cloek i the 'evening te arrange for the anni- versarny at which the congregation are inrvited te attend. The meeting- -mas dloseci witli the mizpai benedic- Stion. SRED & WHITE STORESI 20c 25e 31C 33C 27c 25c 5c 14c 45c 19C 15C 19C 69C es lb 19C 18C 33c. 23c 35C 29c Mvr. Charle Shiaw laida step in front of his store nesday afteruoon. zement Wed- LeRoy Brown, son f 3M . audi M ,-'-' J. D. Bruwn, Oruiiu, who jas a tir.d year sud(ent at O.A.C., Guolph, re2 ceivod l is repot 0on Monlday of last wkrecei'viug 81%,1in iieisexai-ina- tienis asud Won twe awalcls, the Bruceý Cohioe Prize audl the fllcTaggavt, Meumorial Award. On dlisplay in our windcLw is -the remainda of au eleven pount i smokç bendaul .sed hy the R. C. A. F. pilots in training iii Canadla, This eue was found lat the Bey of Quinte aud hlad heen explodeti. Thc white por-tion is the rear endl of tIc b mb which gie it te its destination. Miss Elva G. Jackson, 186 Stewar!t str-eet, Peterbero, at the aunual mueetinig cf thre Canad,ýýian Raybe-stosý Ceupany of 'Peter'bcr,1 on11Meuday MJay 5th, nas electedl a dlireutors of "Ilt co'mPauy 'sud ippoiintt!sere- tai'y sud assistant treasurer. Miîss Jackson is thc younlgest dLaughter ocf the late LMv. sud Mrs. Rotboýrt Jack- sofeemrily of 'Clarlke Tuwnslhip, later of Peterbero. M)v. J. i. Barrett, of Toi-ente, apent a few daya ast niceli nith lis brother, Mr. W. H. Barrettt, Oronio, alFse his sister, Mrs. B. Andrews, of Bowinrnille. Mi% Bsvrett ýstill con- tiniers playing cheekers, asud was at~ eue tb-iie the clrerker- chamipion of~ thre Deminion of Ganache. Just rece2nt- ]yr lie flniglhed ýplayi-ig thirty-five. garmes wiýtlhout the los's ef a single~ ganrme. ýMr. W. H. Barett matie hi Iris frst clecer bocard of checlers on wThichli e learued te play this inter- esting sud sllflgaule. We have just received a eopy of the nqw eceuses foiuns iss'ued hy the Do- iiion Oofvernmedt. The census o.f aigricultuire will give the farmer sormething te do lun his :spare time in the eveniinigs. On thiis particular formi there are 167 questions -vwhkih is sure te lieop lis mind oceupied for a tinie at ILeast. :Mostl ikely there are uiauy questions thiat he ran leave a branl<, byut for, al1 that, wve arýe glad we are in the printin~g business. The popula- tion fourm to ibe lllled in lias onfly 40 question-s whichi are quite simiple and ,will require little tinie. At the Chaniber oifOosnmerce, mieeting on lMfonday night of hs week ùanvasisers were appointed te cayver tihe village of Orono toflurdot what the citizens would give -te lxe auctioned off a the comurng Drun.y.- brýookFair on.~Wdedy June IStb. The caiivýassers will mnake tihir rounds iu a week or ten dcaiys, and trIe (citizens are asked to look aroulid andý lay away ini the meantime antythîagi- thiey have uro use for, se tiht when the canvassers arrive tliey eau be in.formed j'ust what articles ýtoexapect for the affair. :Dont leaive tliis uiitil the canvass is being riade as valuahle time will lie lest. Our imailinuglist rwffl be C rrected tffi week. Whet cdoes yorurr label tel you, are yen paid iii adîvauice? Orono Tinjshop Hiave your LAWN MOWERý .Tuned up For Easy Cutting R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR, SCentre St. Orono Phone 30r16l PARK ST . UNITED CIIURCH Rev. 5. Litle-wood Pastor SUýNDA, M3AY l8th Il Sundaty life. 2.30 pni.-~SidaY Stlool. 7.0p.a.-Rev. D. Stinson, 0f ~Biactoek. The eartl is athe'Lord's and the 6rulluess tihereof [~LOCAL AND SOCIALI Mr.Robert Stewart spenit a f ew days Iin Toronto. isis Je rnsru is hom-e for a Mr. Milton Wle svisiting his sister, Mrs. A. A. Roipli. M/1r, nd Mrs. Neil Poi-ter spent Mother's Dary in RBolcaygeon., Mr, and ,Mrs. Geoenge White have moved iute Mrs. A. A. Roph's house. Mrs. J. C. Milne and family have retuuned fr9mn visitiuig relatives in Ohlesley. Messrs. Harry 'Clii-ke, Ted Woo- yard and Ceci Powers are sporting uew cars. Mrs. Cecil Powers lias been 'In N-e,wcastle w\ith Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson. Mrs. Susanua Taiilyn visited with her auli, Mrs., F.JI Brimnacoebe, cirer Sundafy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart have noved inito Mr. 1,itleîsh liuse on Station street. Mr. Toini MNeiI spent a few days reýeentlry witli lis sister, Mrs. Staple- ton, in Newcastle. Miisz. 1. CetAledirek ias returued to lier home after spendiuig the winter wýith Mifss Laurýa AllUn. Mus. Winm. Cobbledick is visiting an sd Mis. Hubert Cobbledick and ne-w son at Lcumingtou. Mr. and lMrs. Arthur Falls ai-d faurily, of Boinranville, spent Sunday ,with Mrs James Maffatt. Mr. George M-ýitchiell spent tire week-end -with iris daughter, Mrs. Mus. Jack Leishunan, cf Toronito. 'Mr. and iMrs Wrm. Stutt Spent Mothler's Day witrh Mr. sud Mes. liar- lId H'anroeck., Elurcroft Fa'rm, OsIr- awa. Dr. -sud Mrs. J. H. Leslie, of Tor- ente, speut Sunday (Mother's Day), wiitrhthre iiter'11parents,Mr'n 1Xâs. W. J. Riddell. Mr. 1. J. H.'Allen nias ini tewn and calleti on lis parents, Mr. and Mis. Rý. H. ýAllen, aise on his sister, Mrs. 1. R. Bragg, Bowumrnville. The teachieriss, d lofilcers of Park Stucet Sunday Scoe l hld their m-ontîly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. J. lWellor ou Tuesdsy eeig Mvr. LeRoyMys left on Mondsy for training in radie 'wouk in the active forces of the ýCanadian Army. He wil1l be stationed at Torounto. M 1 s. Gco. Collins, Mr. J. E. Collis sud s'on, of Toronto, ami Miss Lois M&Ph'ail, of Ottawa, sapeat Mother's Day wt Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Mr,ud Mrs. Charlie Cresse and son Paul, of Tovronito, sud Mr. sud Mrs. Htarr'y Cowlau visited wirtir treir mother, Mrs. Fire ' owran, on Sun4uay (lthvsDay). Mr. snd Meýs. Dave Grahamranmi son Jaclk, of Toronto, Mr. Chras. Wil- son, of Toronto, ýMr. ami Mus. 'George Kekti, of Torento, spent Sunday with Mis. James ýMoffat. Tire village of Orono is ncwon oufast tinre. The enly difference -e can sec is that tire mail deoes not arrive unitil 12.30 nofn, anti dayli'ght asats oe hour longer in the evening. A larrge number of dhildren sud aduîts froni Orenoe ee in PorýtHope On Tucsdauy nitIr tire dhlden taking part in tire DurlsmCe'UntY Musical Festival hld in that tenu. Mr. nuti Mrs. Milton Tainblyn anti Glenn. visited, over the week-end witîý MT. and Mrs. Arthrur Bishoi), of Bur- lington. CMes. Bisrorp (nee Miss Cors 'Jervis) wassafbrnmcr teaer Touf Ouv Continuation scirool here. IunVIre 'tiumm-nation Contest', inU solo classes, hlbt arouno Contiuii ticsn Schrool on Wednesrtiay evening lest -wcek, publislied iniat wee7 issue of tîls paper, wtelaueve oiited ltirh ue of Beverley Pay wlro was a ninuner in tr junior gi' CIûss. IF YOU WANA LOW COST TI E HERE'S YOUR BEST BUY! great Gcoody-.£ Pathfinders 0on your car to4ay.. protect thiem with new, lowî-cOSt Goody-,car tubes ... ail at a price thiat means nmoney saved te you 1 Then you'll be equlpped for long, safe, happy mileage. Drive in for service today! -Wl. ~ 111W P.l M. LUNNS Orono, Ont. I'ARMSTR asL- c f On Mon1day o:f >hswosek Joýe!Me-q tici fKeridal, morved tirebuilding' adjacent te Harry ecev gara'ge, back about ifteen f cet te its new position. This building nuwl l e us'ed by Mi.. Mercerv for ait effice anti stock ycomu, witi h Ve pgas tanks ont in front,: twodrierwysfer enterting sud de-! parting, whiclr will niake it an uip-te.' date servie station. The fronft pari o(d lis present grae il! I)petari dIown te mnke eocrm ifou eue driveway. 11TNnwmdiev test equ'ppenent en- ables ione te make faout, depeildable NGe It Pays to Pay Cash Specials, Thurs., Fri. and Sat., May 15, 16 & 17 Phones: 21 r 1 and 70 r 1. LOIN PORKýi LBý 25e SNAP POWDER TIN Strawberry, ORANGE and RASPBERRY mauiniiades JAR lICe HAMBURG STEAK LB. Sce ORAýlNGE S DOZ. FRESI IIAM STEAK LB. ROSE ]3AKING POWDER 1LB. TIN '13c. ORANGE PEKOE TEA LB. REDPATH ST-UGARP PER CWT. SIRLOIN STEAK LB. 27e 2 BUNCHES, ASPARAGUS 15e. Reg. size pkg. Ail Bran, each à Picake Shortening, 2 lbs.à Fresh Oranges, 2 doz. Blue Ribbon Tea, old price, lIb. IRed Rose Coffee, 1-2 lb. tin Grapefruit, 6 for Big Five Cleanser, fin Large boule Vanilla Amber -oney, 4 lb. tin Clothes Pins, 6 doz. For sending overseas Date and Nut Loaf, Choco- late Nut Loaf, Prune Nut Loaf, in Fig Bars, just arrived, lb. Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag Flour is up, buy now a odpriet Roasting VeaI, no bone, no waste Il Pot Roast of Beef, boned and rolled, lb. Spare Ribs, order early, 2 lbs. 1DeLuxe Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs. Christies Salted Sodas in red box, 2 lbs. Cheese in 1-2 lb. pkgs., 2 for Jeje RIBBONr COFFEE 1 LB. JAR à=Ic 6 QT. BASKET TOMA\LTOES 3 TINS 25&c. CAMEO SOAP 4 A-RS IIORN *'.7AMTI ISH

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