Ont. Dept. cf A gýriCultr sorC e piodin sjbo de pou-lation teuupi-Crim Manycowsiresen ith a lreaîxe neIt caal(1 aiumpou culture reommanda tat ha posilegod uity ogaga hao fed te thé) raeni-ngmh ý,ilCowsî an1 sand mixtures e auï g aémail m- meai, lbran orI ý( ah h oc f Blood per' Per. tha Red Oeils La've, if you are a person faverage size and ce iglit aîf a, buakat of biood lu dyr - aulittie ovar five About two-fifths cf this L-éd biood reClis, writés D. Ci-lIednirg. Theyfient, widiely Saparaled, lu týhé ut if packedt down they onstituté about tcffh entlr volume. Thre rest blond la thé plasma, or vhich lîsa acléair, yih- nisi astIm tttntlVh l'et of blood te l is ténspýoonful cf sugar asud pon ofordinary tabila 1about a tablesponiniof biaboaeor odnr ýoda. Th-ereare -abouitsi ca'psules of nlitrencous lai thé-bI0ood, and about a gyain nI ofl die. Théré a tenspmoïnfUl te(nable stance ara i ua rof course aildé- e foodi. Afltiges- csiéud le thé ive awchthée ceilS ceau n patof Ithém ký Ci lie ni tera lebood stréam. The Sea ath( neocéan coa-. Lin ubjic mi-les icf ýrcee ati a, hail Par: wel éequai le timas jlhé r0cks and big th Alps antl about l -W milioýn If ailthsati S UN DA Y LESSON VUI ,ROADENIfNG CHRISTIAN HiORIZtONS:SAUUS CONVERSION Actaý 9: 1-31 PRINTED TEXT, Ata9: 1-16ý GOLDEN TEXT-I wsntdia-. Ats 26:19. TME LESSON IN ITS SETTiNG-C too plce robblyin A-D., and later eentsin thischpe are bebeved to have occurredinà AMD. 37 and 8S. Place-Tvhe it of Dama-scusý the city of TarsUs -,as located îin tesothe asenpr of -Aszia -Mnoeor, o téCydaus Rive, tn miles zfrejm the seacoast. Chr-ist's aodies re 11kcap turcd enemies. Every soul won erm resist ,e to thecoss otar. fthis thé most 1noble nstance Uin ChristiaÎ hstryi thé cnverson ofSaul. Jeu Chpisotneyer encountered a bit tarer nor an abler foé; Jésusý Chris neyer won a ightier cap- rtain for , His uarmy of liglit Tii. Zealoirs Persecutor Aca91. "But Saul, yet brýAt- inýg th ,tnn and sIaughte:r againast the- disciples of the Lord,' wentunt-o théý highi priest, 2, Andý, akdof hmm latrn te Damauscus, unte the synagogues, that if lie r fend ny tat ereof the Wy wehrmcon ,r enelemiglit bring thém bound o te eru saleam.>ý" Thé reason lie wouidbreing té te Jarusalm was to make sure that tliey wudbEé puLt t dat for, though týhéy, miglit be u ihdby 03u:ig r u em othér way in oher cities, mtwould blie oniy in Jerusalem that a Jew- ish cen-vet 7would b Iecodme te demah (SauL, lre théSaul of ethé 0Md 8PECI-AL OBSERVERS Those rho have watchéd B - tanstLand offl hér aném eîpïies, u teéwlio have ob)servad Èdamer. rcgoodwn ila Eu:orpé,hae welas a messagéeturgent warn ngfrthé péeOple et fthé ýWaste 'n, Mid becaunèe war obsrve raputalion who have shown a dé- terinaionle alpBritainand7tý ahi1 othar pee-plea atrivinig agaiust oppesion anum-bér eotf hv sées 0f Aboaaàlsîs Iow bigpé sénta by the CBC ovér ils NatJi- aiNtoko udy aI .0 EWT correspondenit 0f the, Chicago Dih PrésdantReeaveitSspécial ùob- tu0ftéNéar Eaýsl, Virgîl P-lnk- lé,wh ravelléd trom lRusais le Sante) obs;ervEýe îeçica Wéndii illlé,whocaima te Can- Servies andiwHo lias said lIaIhé- sérif-s, ara, among thé itigisi ad AmériansMoWHe wiiih ad. Johliýn BirdEditor cf théWini peg Tribune, who la at preseat ovérsés, DaidseaDunte'n, Eie ettéofra Sadrjs imd g hé andiasthe wli d sciefor-, ircutymnwa Oil pipelines wecre strung Acros desert te Mediterranean uitsÈ ini both French Syriai and BritishPasin aftar World War 1. Ma of Iraq's3,0,00bré nna uptfiows through PBritaii',s pps fo nie liasý conitrolléd and poetdhé els Tiaolrductini nleariy equal thlat '01 ra ecpedRmai;but conlyoe-it Testament, was of the tribé cf B-enjamnin, and lad comae fro)m hli home icat Truin AsiaMinqr, te, it at thé féet of tégiréaI Jiewish ,téaclier, Gamaliai. Sitau was a Hélrew of thea 1Hébrws équipped ithan excellentr GreKz éducation, and a fraéd mail the Romnan Empira). The Voice From eae 3. 'And as lha jou4rneyéd, il came fýte pasa that le dréýw nig n unte DPanmscus: and sdél theré shoné round about him a ligwhtout of havenc" Latur wé are toid Mt thé tme of thé day wm! "about nooni" whan the vision -was séen anld Pau£l anyS that at nidday théeligît was "aoyé théý briglitliessa'f théesn."4.',Andý hA feu upon thé eartl, and léard a volée sayinig untohmSuL, Saul, why pérsac-utéat tbou me 5, And hé said, Who art tho, Lorýd? Alld la said, 1 anjésus- whom thon escuet" Our Lord doas not cauli hmself Mesi- sial, Son of Ma, or Son of Godi, but Jésus of Nazaretir thé fmn whe was cruclfied. Hrie caiLs teý mai'smd His huiliation, uf fering, and death-ail stucmblinàg 'blcka t thé Phiarisée; for what Paul had te ha taugît was tha Jéu fNazareth uans thé Christ. 6). "But risa, and enter mie thée city, and it shall hé toidtié 7xhat thou m-îuSt de," Saul had receied ail tint hé could bear just now. Humnan agents, lik Annacould finish whiaîéss b)y supernatural nmanifestation, had hèrs enagainaSaul, -"Anid thé meýn tatjeu na-Yed with lm stood sae hls, ha-ring thé vicabut beholding ne nmn 8. And Saul arose from thé'ir éath; and when has ey2s were opan"ed, ha ,4«w nthn ansd théy ldhim bi y thé h id dbrouglit, hhm te Damascus. 9. And hé was thrée days without sighetamu dîd neither eant norink"How quickly thiugs can Changé lu o ne 11fr. A manl canl be in thé g;Icw of henîtlh one day, and hé pros- traIe on a béd ofiînasthé néixt. Saul, tllis, morning, was thé furci- ous 1lederOf a terrTible perséýcui- tion. Ncw, like a child blind, hé iladito thé City. No woe Saul neither aite nor dranir dur- in2g thosé tIée aYs, which muaI, have mnatL days of storin, and sufrntur-moil, nnd 1raadjust- mt w ithin lis streng and ta- - pestuona natui're. 10. No there was a certain dicpeat Damiascus, rinieadA-- atnias; and thé Lord said ut hlmiý in a vision, Anaýnias. An ina said, blehold, 1ii am hère, Lod. Ananias b was a Christian Jew or Damscs.Hé miuat havce lida ieadýing position ila thé-ý loca"l Cl-,istian asémilbly; our Lord salected lmn as His agent ofcm unication when daling %ith thî naw convert. Il. "Aind, thé Lordl Said unIto hilm', Arisa, and go te t1hé Street which la callad Straig1ý, and inquire in thé louséý of Judas for oee amed Saul, a mian ef Tamsus:fer béhold, le prayéth; 12. And lha iath seen a man namied Ananias coing lu, and linlis hand on1hlm fiý -at lé Sm m eieSis sght. il But Anantias nnswered, Lord, -I lave hcard from imany of this m-an, hiowv mich evil hée did te tby saints aIt Jerusalem: 14. And lhè r h bhath authority from iithé chief iéests te bind ail tat caul upon- thy nma. 15, But thé erDd said unito iiu, CGo thy ay foi, ha is a chosen vassal unto mec, te heur my anme befora thé Géntils aMd inga, apd thé childea of Isl,)1. For 1 will show ý,hlm- heow imany thiniga haetuast sufféer for m--iy naa' ska" hèe at twe verses seau te ha almoat Pa bummrary for théwhola future h1istery of thé great Apostie, e ,waiting la. blindnaSs fer the Cen- iing of Ananias. Saul was aa chsnvessai" unt ie hl. iThé LIrd las cosen yeu airs in ne- cordance ith your preparation. orwhat are you pr-e)ariingyor AROUND THE MIAL What's Nw-thu CKOC fratnr onï fashions and tels fr hé ladies-l ow 0onanwlie h ard tetn eachl Monlday,Wd nés'day and Friday mrig Bernîce Burns has many up-to- th-int deas ',and lips laIi his pregram that are worth héarlng, tlps mon clothées, mnepl, tbest tings, mtralssudodds and îanGtis for houskepig. Dm1 la and hear Bernicé Burus taýli thé er, dWhat's N At bat thée "ThirééLittle Pigé," of str~okfamé ehavée am~ Thanka lMWBENS'S SypHeur7 Ditra 1dlat thé tia porkér wééind(ivJi*dually namaelasa, îthé stery lady hldaconIteat ou ie Frma ymounîntin etf assorta l ag4' anudt-illes .sent ila by yugfans, shle picket thréé Ihat were ati- judffged the, béat -BaiiWii cutie ikéF-hc r ténms igs. Thé r ofgetth KngnPat te, ýv0 wl ha dscribeti in aCBce- mèlayouSaudaMVay 117. at Vi.3 EDST tovér th NatonalNet,- work FeterDrydtinwilldécrb th lucbleods eofthé équinaworl,,ï astiliéyfac'-e hé arrtiér ant.poutiý d'as thé home strétch te mwaCant- Mti afmeti turfcînsi tropliy I la lannéti tesend thé program b spécil bea te hé Caadia tr inalaBobol Thére is nothng te aq"al thé taýste cI vegétables tnhave jiiat ieached thé prper maturity am, are frcsh fromt thé garden, But frtofew peopile with iplinty, of végetabie garden rigWit a théi door .get thle fuli benaf-it of-th fresaeIsrumost cases theIree ar afew meaniaeof green eas baycarrets and beets, newpo tatGées anld corn, and that la aPil Rither the rows are fînishred or aiethr s nothiag left Wbut ina- tuedl eetb Iswich sol haebeen eaten d'ays or wé%'ek ,s beforc, whaa týhey we efuli of fTavor Witl aÀ littiefoasgî and planning, however tee n fortunates could juat as aus jiIy havé. had really frash vagetabea coigon ail threugl the Sum- meir. Tlay could acxtead ~e h greenppea season to oývér -a monl, Vceuid hauve freqIlicorn from earlyv summ'ner unItÉ il met Chizîtm-as. Spreadiig Out Season, Tireaare twe wa,,ys te achieveý this objective. Firt, the planting sîeasoni can ba apread over several wek.Experts advise mnakin,-g at lanajt threé sowings of praCeticallj'y ail! vegetablés, thé firsat a week eor Se, before the regular tmthé- second at thé regular tinte and Uthord a week or ten days latet Seconid, by buying aarly, md ium and çletr matulrinigvra tic-, stili more léngth Canliec- dd- éd. Wih almiost ail stndard vegetableathare are variétias that airreraaly days or weeks beforeà tha aAveragé, and !aise others muéh Ine.By sowfing bot i kinds an aIso a médimum natheseasonA- Garden Picturez flow-ers aon, u sil ore aaz- ingmresmis Wil ow wheré un cobn foasiskilfuly wý'vitihý graý'ss, winiding 'vaik",s , si-,ru 1'bbary,! and bits:o, sonM or. u hi cominig, owécrwe mlust taire cara flot to reproduce a jungle. Flowars and shrubbary nmut net be- so crowdad that they bacorné Littfle rs munt net bc hid- den by tli "thnagnlire mfll size mariolds cosmos or z; ý"i nn' ,ias. - EdS Muntbc Se9arraned tuit w' ca epdown weds nd rmv fading fellaga. Aboya ailI î mîust rmme that unla-ssw r skilful it is best to use a fair for. Our foerLawns are am vitalinm creating gardan pictures.z Diîv e Jeom bîing Ibn AE.lP Hindricof Mam- plis, Tenu, ca'tfigure it il ocet, but lier wire-haîréd terrier la f ghting a ioaig batte wihlaè spjarrow, Wben thé 4ggoes euoz f the house, the bird swoops down onte his ban',-giesthii terrier a shar'p peck on the tASl and then fiiéý away again. Severcal times a dcay for , severkal wéeks thés hae béén goîng on, and é,ach time îthé t erriîer lias snap.ped atté jbird and missed., Damoascua la tateId Ét e b té oldea,ýt City lathé wrldàitlias aiways been faed for its fine fabries, known as dmask f MORMON LEADER EORIZONTAL 1,7J Moaýt famous Mormon leader in-' Utahi. il Touchéd with thé toees. A4 Actor's Part. 16 Accented syllyles. 17 100 square ineters. 18 Pertaining te thé Pope. 19 Galthérers Cof honey. 2') Préférerces. 22 Cooking ft, 23 Sea eý 24 Dsuat 263 Sheltecrecl placé. 30O Négative, 31 Liglit. 33 Promise. 34Third-rate acter, 35i Farewell! 9ikM-Mi - PO P-No Credit to Either Gentlemnan AILSw'er tlu P 02 T endure 49 Riin. m1 Ror AT54 Intl N7E - cJVEIR Aused theiMormon tcE settiel Utah E R A R Sa3tLake SAN L YE 13TO thillki, sO1S i lMinorech R RECURISI20 Todangle. I S >22 2Fodder val. E B 24 Chubby. SSE s iiA 1 2,3 llavyysa S C) SI I LI28 camelshairm CH~R' 32Ha--cving neý headlir VERTICAL 3 To prohibit. 2 To express minI. displeasure. 6CocitM 3part of 38 Inner soie. Romýan imonl 4,')Military 4 Masculine sitns pronoun. 41 An t. 5 To profit. 43 Méiody. 6 Proision 46 Ever, 8 Russian !50 ~uhat mnountainsý. 51 Bushel. 9 Prickly pears, 52 Behold. 10 Fierce Ioo1k, 53 Onlward. ADIOREPORTER By J. MILLAR WATT