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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1941, p. 7

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Balkans Lttevz Now Take OniyTw Heurs t(0 IMake ite Tnýp An Aur Mal Ervice lhasDow been eetablished beween Toronto end lNeow York beth ways$ This sorviýee poata n t"'12fol1 rNew YorIt 12.00 eoni Ai Lv Mal'IenAipt 1.?0, .m i ailpotdlTrno up tei crake connecton wlh the plane leaving Malienet11.80 Easern etandani Time, and Y aavailable- % ommliey ha NM7 w k by firat latter crirdlieytefollow.i hlngmclg. This wlüI ase afferd za mnatrsa iatin l re fr0efvey air 1,2al te po'ints lJte ouhea t- Dantla Statea a:,s fr -cte '11îmi Warmest April tpeds Crops In Ontari* DcMestic Aspar-1 tables7, as on Dinner Tables Fa.rhead of ,ýthieUsual Timie Oatale'swaraestApri la99 eraadvanced thee provlnice' crop *0sucha pintthat em 'domstieprodct )if the carîlih ar-eonSikale a.- pulc akes anweefromtwo te fur wet *ha flast y~r r"esides relle'vîng afi>, hota î1lietearly sea-son reult ) la he ap yearanee off doma'stice asparakgua, among oter vegKoables 0 otd'y ieîal dhnr tablesfar ahead 0cf0tC usuallian. Vegtablsa a wholo, pore about amni ahead cf recenIt yemrs and Ontarie Doacraent oW 1iOathat thiîý s l tein,'lst I)story snicibprduts hve h"een! iaabl4for slaan onsuImp- EALES N lJSTORY? Along w1th asargu, hubarbý aiemade arc arly appear-L ý"Z3J ance and to'day demeatie rhuba.rb ïi2e cenpetïrngwthh mpre lid themiu-ke't untîl atter -& Miciffle o oMay hea Il c.tlred l Lfavûerof the hm-goaproducot, tettue, ea'rets ad radisheg ara eupected soon, ahed e to ouIIb tuf'. Grain ropa in gaerazre tibrea weekg lu gdvaa'co e hstyear, but, mont ct f aôreage !n grai ndcul- taed copC because co f a labar gehortage. A dprietofce vseld that tedifrnc aacog ylgo laIe beIy îaad ýPasturage. UMOAR 0FOrQWST ia the Nigara peninsula froit Jlososnsworetwo eelr laad- .~ac !lest ya ut rpoff j- obils peinted Out, tora csaalwayr a danger cfl froat siiiary la V! reasonand cfrit gowers actully prefer to esea tlie_' ir blooma ppear Canadian Posters Brighiten Shelters bèauties of Jasýper Ntoa Park lave beenfreydtrbedt brigh]ÈertehVe walscfFirst Aid!' Y(eýsannd ret entres nBritain. Evnhospitels have rce-î'--Ivedup- pl. s and Wade aund \,., Ieir wayteteofcsoth CaainNational JliLwayS la ocsprStreet and terreq;ueszt fleevers v~abotaglng Itallwaya. ~"'~4ctlen Fe Algexiquin Pa: i Canadjea N~ anys A. Ho an aI Brnwny hmuý u>tl 'la ma g, !c 0ed s th ih or Prprdfor ithe 1jlasted idgesthey,,, re teydfind lan Gree,Zý- effiientGerans brouglut o ý heir hlit-z boats for speeycosns HraBuga r nx x tans sie seatrClrod uia y GERM I ýLLERISOL Dscovery of ateedul ïpowmeful germkuller in common soil bas been announced by Dr. A, Iiogorheidemicrobiologist at -1he Bioch_[emical Resea)rch Fun dation ocf the Franiklin insue Accrdîng "to the onain ao m1linlute quan!ty of ithe sub- stnewill kili thie germas ofpn- monia gangrene and other infec- tions disoaes.It lias boon tern- PROTEINS IN -NEW DRINK science lias a new drink, by hihonle glasaful will givo virec stabreaid, eggs and other piro- ten fagood 1me1ai. The drciink ila chocolate iaord if, you wish, and tasty. T emw rikoffers two toolaý te octrsOnle lato make cr tan ha 10essential rteni mss nrom a porsn' diet. Th or la i to give p)roteins oths proswhose bodliesbeaseo ifnsfail to absýo-b tepo AI-ADDEÂTH CAUSES Pecular ,nd ue*,plainled af- fëEta of arradexplosions were4_ disrcusd at a recent meeting wf teRoyal Aýcadlemry of Mdcn auosesh had made of arri fActlties eight cases showed w1 externalcausaof deetMInsemi cases air )aasages in the lungaý werý ieie with blood, but there- noa 110 ig)a cf rupture of the lug. There was, 1however, bi J egree cfcrbnooid sauainin tne blood.Prfs sor S. Zuckermnan, cf Oxford, r- orted that it lias been knlown, inethe Spanlish civil Mwar ta bi.saof bigli, expflosives could i or injure peot!e %withouitcasn i BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.Ho anIkeeP ïa ûouse piaot ùppiedwith water, wh1 going away for a few days? A. Soak aularge aponge well wit wte ad lacé it o-n the d~rt n thepot. Tepatwl Absorb enough ater te keep il, frsh untilyou reurru. Q. ow cani d-ean m ay heayfurniture? A.Firat aponge w ,VÏiha cltir dipdin a s olution cof bot watr and iegr and thon itba Cloty, diped la a int cf warnî- waeLo wh1icb one espo oc cf linseed Cil and turperitineba been ndded. ollow this by l- ing co led? A, Add a suie of lemon teth wat er. Q.Hwsbiould J dye seaer A.Remove ý -tho, buttons beferez dyiga sweater. Thonweh Ma garmentwoueàItmsodry Enul ye ahould ho bonght te colr te numb ier of pud h ariceweighs. A sweater w9A n0iot take aà gced celer ithisfi A-0 AT'j... Q. Rcw cen I remeve usgt s j y stinson ithe baonda,caedb a . se a litle raw tmt miat rmv toealis ~ Lemoi~juiýe en bo nused o h Cow's Ca.n't Take lIt Bombs Curdie Milk eo-wa on ede-ndte nervousg re-action i s affectingth nik s-0t)P. 1Y. Bsya kfairly curd- lwen the bomi',sb hoin screami- ig, Major Gage of Kan-sazs City vas iniformed in a letterfei- Cp.T. Allenl Stevens, -breede(r tLfý dairy Shorthorns nearFri- Canadian National Railways R'evenues The groas r0znu of the il- w ýýays System f or the ninme day peio oding April 30, 194, -were $7,912,856 n s comparced i $5,6:20,850 for the courespodn -periodj of 19410, an increase cf $2.2952,0 06or40.8%ý. Modern 1. he a house guestba pe-rmiissüin from ber hostess to in- vite a "irienid to dïinner, o)r s Qther affair, by vwhom sh-4oud Jthe iniainbe extended? 2. What should onie do wbenol ho- finda that an-other eso' oýpmiIcft 'lairectly 1opposýed te býis own? 3. What is consider-ed thfe lbest decoration for any roomi of tbe lieuse*? 4. What la the corrpect way for a man te lift a soft bat when speaking to a girl?! ii. Isnt it very unwise for a girl te write somne words of on- de armI-ent on a photogriaphi of br -elf that she la givin'g te a younig mran? 6, huintonie h gatfu whenl a friend bas pcinted out te hlm a very glaring fauitota should becornected*. 1,Al1 i 1tati oni.s should come from itne bses.2. Change the subject of conversation, Abovej ndo neot argue. .Frsy-u flwrattr-actively arrwrngeid wlll outrank any other decortion. 4. The bat should ho lifto y te erwnot thý-e brim. Anidabv i,lc-he bat should ho lifted Sl'ight- ly, niot nmereiyautoui c fte brm .Yes; ît is very urnise. Sh va egre(t it mn times in thefuure .6. Yes. But, Sad a- lt seems, reSentmentisemad cf gratitude is li sually thi-,e efeet, and vry often a lest frindshp. Cut Prices For May RECORD V CROPS - PROLIFI- 1 2 il,. &queen-$l.50 '8 to ïU year.s old. Wemiren whù are feaqr hot flashe s, dizzy spels-to ta I-se Lvdia E,. Plkham's Vegetable Cei- peuad Plnchams la amous for eplgwoiee during these "trylag times" due te functionial irregulil- ties. Get a- bottle today from ycur, dmugitIWORTH TRYIN ',yo f1EAIqD?ý nominiously ie-hran for the offie osfmoshei.He got 55 votes ojqt Of a tobta f 50 and theýý neit dy he wal1ked doýwn ai Street with, w gu ns hâarging "You were not elected anjou hae .1 ight 1to cazrry gns"feu~ low ~ ~ Vi ciiznstod im nian withnr o more friedauhan aor ,iiionliuter."aA n i enugh o haea daugh Round and round he went, nove seeingto tire, untfl ail his mony asgone. Then only did, ha dimount tA rejon inshaWif, -ho had been watching him with iateteyes. "WiEbeneze," he1 ad "usur e have spent your money adhad aP, o ride. But whereý ,pou been, Ebonezer, whore you been ?A Wife: -i went in ta a. bar. gain sale today." Hlusband., "Dîd you se. allything that iaaked reai clieap ?" Wife: "Yes, iseverai mer, witilig for their wives.", 'IWhat's the mater, my ait% mn ?" asked a smpthti tran.. ger~ of a smail boy whomn ha Saw drigi h eet,É "P seair, nmy dog's da, aObbe-d the boy. "Wll" aid thle man, "o must't mke such a titoublea cf it. My gran dmother died 1iast Ww ~,and IPm not eicig. "No," sihe boy, "but y,)n didiVtbring hier mup froim a ipup." Motor Sisa:"Can Ê shoCW YOU Somethunrg, i? Pedestrian: "No, l'm grot liere te Luy akiytIing. But it't Such ;%. wonderfur change taO Le in the mjdSt oaIlu heee catrs withaut having ta dodge eM."ï BIG BEN the famous ?~ chew for '-- mony years THAT'S MY CHEW Now's Besi Time To Sow Potatoes Plant Them Beafore MaIy lt -Later PlantWnge Resuit in Lower Vields, Ontarlo ýDept, cf griultreTests Show When1a1theproper ime te plant Porbaues? laMidlsexand SoýutIaIce l- dite ýthet frem ie 1ý 'l8th t he 25o f\May il the m uaIdsîrable time bplanIt, says -theDOnt. Dept, cfAgrieulture. These retullaar upetdby simîlr fladaaI Ihe ontarlo AgriculurelCoelleag e, menalra, Ottawa. The tests showed that potatees planed Mey 181h, yieldd 274 bush- -la o!ff miarketeble potaloos pr)cri . Thje yield dropiped te3 248,uqel eare wo latdMay th aad! 224 bushels when pî ntd Jne 2Polaîce-ýs ulanted Jue lOhsh. et"I anavirg o!ny 198S es SPRAINGAND DUSTINGC- ho vlua cof poprandcosit ent payig bs aIse c emen estbllhedfact. Spray and dm expermenlawlth 1potetees t Ridge toaExperimenlal Fran rmfor elght sucsieyenars have ahbown Itv, plt horoup;hIyry edamci cdst- tufv imes during th, growýýing osesngave anuvaTge inarea ylid ctof apoiaoy283 pîercenùt th'at "Ias grenIer appfýai te tlue housewvifethban gced, briglit, clen votatoe-s 0f a iunifoýraI Size anld e from -,bruisea n dleae CREAM Why netspprou w Write for Cans Toronto Crea.miery bra3ncýh f &ntdFrnr aeeal .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSiç. UGNr ANTED LIGHTING OD AGENT W.&NTED-- to sil hilisLigh)tninug Protec- Limte, 2 Oshorne Avenue-, To- PROUERS0FCHICE'S PFOR 1,3 yerbarred rocks bedto lay adS. . W ehrsBr aIran. onebut large eggs set. ROk ndegOrns .as hatched S etsUock pulletfs 15 cns Leghon pulets18 cns vr Fergus, Ont. "NY"WAY YOU ILOOBAT IT YOU gronorsespcioly nw Ieut on 5rg.Tilu ht od lik,, cbiksstatedpui(s. Mos hreds crsss.Pr'ompt and sf delver. rayHachey,130 Johni BABYCI{CKSAND SA0TE Approvds tok. WrteItoCI ecys HatchrMtcelOt 111A 1E CI¶ICK S WITHEVER 100PULLTfio 10 igtbede $,5: eay reda rKRW htOVnAN tlts, 1s i nks urae alr- Wondituning, pipenvlvsfittnga. dcxte Ith10 gal"olo itank, 574.80 Compau ny21Ban Street E. To aront Me rntilnd29-Mln-au Tori-nto. ýte hatrcie !shades and teIl youmna Leaside, ( Tont)Canda Cole, iinn.n,j j5$1W1BA- VDIF Y D0FER W, i42 d Mai, gMonieal. N SR STOCK ennial-ephinim, Diantis- Lo ve 1inees, C oneflow7e r, PR àg e. 1 Lily, COrIentalPopychrySantie- mum, ccis SgrMpe Ce4ar 4 Shi uhs: 20 edarepldt,. 'I'wo ordes 5.30 DOLARNUR7SEpl. YES, Fo 'h)r)Otario. CRAERNUSEBES I fiG E- daIsle , ilcHonleYstekles, flowelrlng age 6 15;Fieawering prnalcollection à10, $1,00; Car- agzana or Aprgsthree yeýars OFFER I.Tu NETR AN OFR OEVER! I NVENTORt Liai of InvenItions a nd fEinfor- m,,ation sent free. Th Rmas Co, Regfsiered, PtetAtiorne1rs, 2731îBankStetOîaaCna. ciemn', hil feim oute Comtls arm rous a comIplo-te lino of '20I'I0 guaranteed farm. RPA RESCR TAINInteratingProfit. tde Oeis ndfre ;ciaaogue: FA ivI ALFAFA SBU 1ARY YWE0T di-rt foreiee rcsRo TRACTOII. FOR SAL TREAkSUl Youriîm mako ;esure3 TO-DAY O-MO0RROW 'fSSUJE9-'41

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