1mev, Montreal, :ek-end, of Peterboro, nage ove' Sun- r-ien- S (nio Boivelan- ening r a fow ays et Tupper Jhestnnd Bor-t ri tewek-n ini Peter-1 ie WlaefPieing srek-end -with Missý Maryl (1-ton visitd be Macklin, Co1ourg Bot caldwell, ýiln eIt Mr. Geor HIskn, 1 th m :"' , of A. -U tvtini, Mr-s. Malr- of Bigrhon, alleri on GereStapleton J-r., ,r.Cas, Cowan, of Co(WInlville,! i rcipertirgat the hiome of her claughte, Mr.-ROy Sith, folloing her operation. Sry to rpot Ms.GeoI ge StaleonSî.,ofPort Hpe, ýfell and rkeer Ihip Sna.She is inI srn and Mrs. ivoy Littie, Kondlai, andi Mr. andmir.s-. Thos. FaIi.,Sak ville, ere Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mirs. Harold Liie. AMr. and Mm. C. Rolib, Nnel and Caroli Brooks, Montreal, spont the wee-ed wthMrs. Rebb),I's parents, M.and MvUs. R. j. Rowe. A group of Lake Shore ladies sýo1vth of Newtomville gatierred at the home of Mrs. Sid. Hlutchison and quited two quilts for the Red Cro-ss. Miss June Ware, of Toironto, ac- ooraidby her girl friend, Miss Marilyn rr<n spent the week-end with hler pýrents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Mv. Land Mes. Arthuvr oldkn0iipp and M, s. Mb. Kiteball'attended a iioevin Toonto Wednesday even- igfor. their cui, isBeraiece Mv. '11d(lMis. Sid. Broniton anid two *luhes Bethel Grove, celled o)n Mr. andMu. ob tMorto'n last wel onthoir wvay home frolin the ful- ov f M Johin Hlya Bowmalun- Sunay uets wî th Mrs. J. T Pealcewer, mv nd Me..H.O- bornie andf Allun, of WVelcome; -Mr. anid Mrs. Frank Gle and family, ofCrkeCee;MsDen Sle- ORONO WEEKL,' m-oni, of Toranto. ip the UniitedChrc o SndyMay 1 nth, t'.111m.anj 73p.mu.1. vie,s. AnnýUil Suprpe My 2th On Wedesd-yiltthe Officia) B13o ard. 1 met inithe bsmetofth United CihureJh. Fiinances aind the wo f thoe dharge ingenral w as isussed. Atrtoson thefrn fth pasnge wmasý left with thle conmm-itte-e previousiy, appoinited. Mcýther's Day. service held in New- tonvIlle Unitod Churdh was of a v-Y special and ipivéing chavacter. It was a coimbined service of the Sun- day Scl-,1iool and hrch.ýl'l services. Mv. Laxivnce Saveiy, Sruperintenrlent of the Sun.day Sehool condueted the ser-vice. Early il- the service Rev. J. M(éLachIlan, the pastor, admiinis- te-red the sacrvaiment of Baptismte telo children and later in the service there were 17 receivod loto, chureli m-eibe- sýhip- on profeo'si(non f faith and one by, cotrifleate. The choir renidored in- epirig eus.A Larg e ogogatin was in atten,,diee. PTiechurch wýas beanitiftuliy dertdwith flowevs a-nd plants. Tho(se rci'igbeptism Were*0:Edwr Cleland Lano, John Rayimond Gb~,R-berta Eliz-abeth, I Hozskin, Cphs lwyn Hoskin, Ray- moand Her11ry Burley, Garry A lln Little, Do-nald Chlejý(s Wels'h, Caro)l Marie Re-ichreth, Kelly Samuel Char- lesý Adates', andlWilimGarrIY Zechl- a riahiAens lu. nd Mrs. A. A. Artiin and Mu. nd is.Gord n T'im itAS inens Toronto. Mv. Dwart Robison and Mie Ralphi Boughen witbh friends ln Osh- awva. M1e.John Paedon and l1r. Herb. pa-edan, of Wesleyville, with M1r. and MIrs. Lnue Paedon. Mvr. and 4Mrs. Ruisiýel Lcrwery and f ainiily, of Toronto, wýith Mr. and 7Mrs. Alrf. I)obson. Mvr. and MHrs. Ross Hallowell with her parents, !Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, ElizabothiLville. Mv. Geo. Etwell, iiss Etwell, -Mrs. Silver and Master Rayiiond Trim are holidaying art Uxbridge. Mv-. and Mr.s. Charlie Hait and faily,,.of Toronto, rwith her parents, MlVr. and Mrs. Frank Stone. Mlrs. Sid. ILalloweH 11andAMis:s Helen have iretrvned fromn a visut with her 'parents, lMv. anc ius. Jlenry Raxsk, Pori Ilope. Old férinsis and neighbours were szorry to hear .of the d1eath of Mir. W. W. Oaverly, of Oshawýa, cei Saturday lest. Mr. Cuverly w-ýas a formser cheesomaker in the oId Kenelal cheese faotory sosie foity years ago. The funeral was held fnom the home of isý dlaugliter and sni4w Mr. and -Mrs,. Fred Spenieer, BruLce street, on Odionday. ACTRIVIE SERVICE This is Caniada'*s eal to YOIU! Men are now wanted to man thle gu, t anks, armnoured unt;ail the implemients of modleri warfare -which thfle factories, are produtcingL in mountling volumle. It is a différent -war this timec. When we iicked the Hlun before, -müeu were recruiited here to train i Engiand, to fight in Fra-tce.- Nowyou go Ove-rseas to joini the staiwarts hoid- The Cayiadian Active Armuy requfres men for Artillery, Engineers, Signiais, Ar mouared Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medicai, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. Thec Armiy is prepared to teach wiany trades, and to train you to efficientiy hanidie Canada's weapons of war. Go to yo7(ur nearest District Recruiting Office. Units; how they work, -what thiey do. Sce just where you'Il fit in. See whiere any partîcular akili you possess can best bc utiiized. Then join up for ACTION, Tyrrell',,% s Drug Store DRýUG"S SA NR KODAKS PHON4E 68, ORONO PURETEST ALK"A-SELT"ZER X-A A. S. A. TABLETS S i8tablets LAXATIV Smiall titi of 24 for... 29C. Smrail, 6 tablets tablets 25e. for.........15c 100 table'ts 19e for ...... ......57c. for .............33c. Yen Save 5cYin save 33c. Yen save 12c. MODESS BUY THE CERTIFIED Small package of MAGNESIA 12 .......... 25c- L Small, 8 oz. bot- Large package of fie for.. .. .25. 48 foir. ...............15C Large 32 oz. bot- Yen Save 15e.SEL fle for _ __ ..69C. Yen save 31c. FOR 1IEAL, FRUITATIVES EOOYNOXZEMA Check the savilgS SKIN CRE Am Sm aIl, 16 tablets on ai these w ell- m l 3/ oz j a f or ...... . ....... 22. k o n brands. for........ ........ 5C Large, 37 tablets IL is always a sav- Large size, 141 z. for .......... 39C. in-g te buy the large jar for $1.10 ,You Save 11C. size!, You save $1.70 MENTR0LATIJM SPECIAL CUTEX Small, 1 mince Hioed's ýeyad NAIL 1POLISH I eny ad The new, Porous for ...... .....29. Almern Creami Nail Plotli, in iIl Large, 3 ounce ..... Limiited stock attractive shades, for ...............55e. $1.00 bottile. SPE- the c0ler of the pol- I ish is on theeap, Yen save 32e CIAL 49e. each ...... ......20c. Check These Money Saving Values LADIES' W\HITE BEýLTVS..... ........... . and 20C. LADIES' WHITE SILK' GLOVES, p)air .... ............33 9. HTEand NAVY BUE STRIG GLVEair ..c *NE17W WHITE- OT COL f L'AR1-S, eaçh ....... ............ 5. PANTIE, tai'ored nd lad trîr..............2c LADIS' ARDN SRAWHATS.lc 25c, and 2')c. 6 ieet, nrew p t rn ,ec ...................>..................... _P .0 CILDR) kEN'S SO ! lER and AIRý FORCE -SUITs, lo g I ......... .......... ............. ... ...... ..... 'C-HtL DRE> 1'N'S S S1',S ..59.\With PANTEE ..79. GROCERY SAVINGS HABITANT..PEA...U-,...rge.n............. ....... RED ROS TEA, laek 0ý r mîixed, 1-2 L). ............38. BENSON.S.C.RN.S.ARCH.. .. ....-...... ..........10ec. SREDDC OAUmediumii shned, 1-2 lb ........9. LITY CH OK N ADDIE, titn ................11............ 16c. LUXOR MATCHES (good qu>a1ity) ,3boe.........-25c. BRUNWICKSAR-DINES, in oil or tomnaito sue 3 for 17c ROLLED QAýTS, large or fine fiake. SPECIAL, 6 lbýs....21c, KRýEEMY'ý PUFFS, (putffled whieaQ, bushelc1............- ....49. CROSSE AND BLACKW-\1ELL'S CoOKEID SPAGHETTI wftlh Toilna'to Saucie and Cbeese, 3 tins -................. 25ec YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE- ORONO 5c. TOu $100 STORE Want Value For Your Money? Here's Where to Get It! Walker Brandl Work, Shirts, 2 breast pockets Sale Price . . . . . $1,25 Walker Pioneer Btrand O0veraïls, NU-Way Braces. Sale P1rice, pair . . . $2.25 Walker's Bluie Zero Shrunk, fast color Over- ail Pant, per pair .1 $2.25 Harvest Boots with Tlire Rubber Sole, pair $2.25 Leather or Panco Solid Work Boots, pair $3.25 Hligh Quality Work Boot withleather sole $3.50 Special Retan Work Boot, pair . . $3.75 Scampers, 8 to 10, pr. $1.19 il to 13, pair, $1.39 1 to 5, pair, $1.69 6 to 10, pair, $1.89 Men's and Boys' Sport Shees, ail sizes Agent for RTMENT 0F NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA Guady Ltd. Bonds, etc. at Rear of Store RATES 0F PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 pr »ay with Bioard, Lodging, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 250 ta 75c~ per day fo r skâlled tradesmien whle emnployed. <2>) Dependent Allowances în Cash. Apply to nearest Djistrict Re- cruiting Office or any local armoury You Save With Safety at Tyrrell'a Drug Store