YE Vol, 5. No. 22. OIRONO, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE. 12, 1941. Subscription, $ 1.25 Per Last Cail To Clarke Twp. Donnybrôok Fair At Orono, June 1 Delegates of District No. 4 0f Ontario Association 0f Agriculture Meet In Orono iOwing to War Activities Larger Attendance Is Expected At Fairs The annmal meeting oft District No. -4 of the, Ontario Assoiation of Ag-ri- <ýnlturQ, comprising1Ï the counities of -Peterboroughý,Durhinm, Vi.toria anti -Halaiburton 'anti Ontario, -was beitiin ~the Town Hfall, Orono, on Wedncsday afternoon, June 11t3h. 'Witli Presient George S. Hiant, of 0'sbawa presitiing, the minutes of thre ~last annual i-teetiing were rend anti ~Prrovcd, A roll oeil sboweti that Ïai. tliehundred ow more delegates ,resent there wcre soine to represent 7n'early every Society fro.m Beaverton -ia the extreme wes to Lakeficld in -the nortb east. More than bal tbe ý,deegates were ladies. These latter very 50011 adjouriedt thebcbasenment -wlere thcy carieti on a s(eparate ses- -sion untier the chairmansbhip of Mý1iss INeedlnim of lMillbrook, tbe lady pres- Mdent for the district. The financial statemrent sliowcdJ 'that receiptis exce-edticipenditures,I 3leaving a balance on baud of about The fisit speaker Vr. Garnet Rick- arti of Newcns"tc bai beenl invitedti t outline the wr being carrieti on b)y tbe Juniior Farmens anti to sugg1est bwit mligbt wor in witb tlie ac- ýivities of the Agri(eltural Societ-y, 'I sresst1ichevalue of etineýati(on!a -'m, 1,tbrough actual pr-iactic!e in the grwIgof g-rain froni gooi eeti, theo <tare of hogs, calv1es, anti foans tbrough the varicius clubs. Heien- tionti that the- Junior Farmersla eý,ontributLed some $ý2800 receuitly for -war purposes, to snpply an ambul- a-nce anti station wagon. Tbr-ougb ý-hese very practi-al nctivties the roicil '11n)ant womcen wene discover- ing for tbemnselves a usýeful place in tbeir communiiiiity vand it nastne op- porbnnity of tbbc Socijeties to miake tnse of these vcry caï-pable young' pea- iM.J, A. Carroil, spri ofa Agnicutural Soieties for' Ontario, 7was then introtinceti. He believeti that tbc outioolk for sucicensfl fairs this autunirn is consier-ab)l better than iast year, He 'baseti thisý belief au bbe fact that pikes on mnany farnm jroducts ývere sonen'ilht increaseti, tiat tbc outlet for bacon, cheese anti probably otbler produe was noow un- limiteti, that througbi war activities there wvas picnty afi noey in the hands ai people wbo are spentiing- it -freeiy, andt t n9govrnmeý,nt grants to eairs are increaseti ratlber blian eut. Mn. Garrol stateti aise tiat saquie so- eieties wbieb tii net bolti fairs last yetar intelatiV)ohave a fair this year. After fur-ther remai1ks hebeintrotinceti ')/n. Stuart page, of Barrie, whom be decieias a real wrkcýýr witb junior farmiers anti farm prajects in Simeac Coun'ty. Mr. Page hat ii n iteneting story, ta telli fa ariculture in bis couiityf On Saturday, Jinne 7th, arnidst firai decorations of spring floiwers, Dr. George Pringle, of Torontoe , was unitedii inmarriage to Miss Mary Duplop of Toronto, in Park Street Unitedi Ohurch, Orono. The iwedding hati this particular in- terest, that the bride, the daughiter iyf Rev. Thomas Dunlop, chose to bc marriet inl the village of bier ljrthi, anti in the chureh' of whicb lier father was a minister. The bride was attireti in pastel bIne anti accessories to match and carrieti a corsage of pink anti white carna- tions. She was attendet by ber sis- ter, Mrs. N. Sullivan. _Mrs. Sullilvan wo're a rk of tinsty pink. Dr. Sul- livan was grocnmsman. To the strains of Lohcenigrin bridai march, playeti by Miss Robb, tne 'bride entereti anti wa:s1 given irn marriage by ber brother-mn- laDr. Robb of Toronto. Rev. Wil- liami Thomas, of Cooke's Presibyterian Churcb anti Rev. S. Lîttlewood offi- cinteti at the weddinig ceremnony. Near frientis of the bride anti groom aittendtil the wedtiing, foilow- ing w,ýhich tbey junyt to tlie Gen. osha Hotel, Oshawa, for thewdin dIinnier and rece(ption. The bride anti romjournieyeti to points east for> the,- wetding trip. P1ut smtigorf yofur own iinto Oanaiýdas tool kit for- Cliurchuli anti theu Empire. pariticularnly as it relatedl to fairs.'H-e thloughit that the main ïowork Cf fair borsanti mearmbers shotidbe donc betxve ' anual f airs anti that the fair shoulti be the show wvindow anti achievement 4a',y her h eut ,,f the yeýar's work wouiti be sbown. Mr. Forbes Hyland, Piresidenit of the Ducjihain County bra-ncho the Caniadiani Fedieration of Ag-riculture niext addressed the deiegates, retviewv- ing the wýork of the federationi to date and appealing .for' intelligent support in carrying on the, task of creatingj ajintimaintaininig La cmprebiensive or- ganization of Canadian fairmes Election of officers for the ensuing year resulteti in the r-ebp'poiinmeniti of Mr. Hart as President; Mr. Web-i ber as Secrtary-Treasurer, antiMr Hardy, of Bobaygeoni, asViere- ti1en t. Mrs. 0. W. Roiph succectis Miss Needýchamt- as ladly president. Whiie the tnen's mieeting was in progress the ladies in their separa2te group hearti interesting atitresses: from11 Mr. Carroll, Mrs. Roipli anti; others. ln conclusion the ladies of theb local1 socîety servedi tea, sandhwiclies andi cake, after wb'îcb visiting deLegates w7ere taiken on a tour of the local fair gonils anti the reforestation sta- tion. Keen appreiation of the enter- tainnient, anti te trees aniti flowers ýw!tibhli bbhebal was tiecorateti was prse hy ail. ) . 0F. Grand Lodge WiII Conivene In Toronto ,,IjViiG00 dlegates fomail parts l Sb Ontan 111laattentine, sevenaïI Aginico-, cohucbes of Unc Indepeaticut Orties of The Odd Fellows nUlMISAtiteir annalcity ai sessions ia Tononto turingthe wcek 24bh, 1 roiimi-eiaig Junetb Gt. Ontani The Grand Lat(ige af iOnia ant i anAn 'ýÛie Patniar-cis Militant Departmcent 0 h ý,yÀIi meet in tbc Kinig Edirarti Hatel fTh m, Ad the ReheksIch Assrlv of On theOr Rebekah r Golfanti CountynyCub, ut. .&OsF, nas instiutet i in bb altimare, Mry n nApril 1.9, andtiheb Grand LotIge of, ma.s institutecd at Brocjevilie, i< 23rp ,1855. 1At nltherc- 1 ids S7h sesson this year. tbvkah or blee'brandi ai r wasi fountieti 88 years ago, Rebekah Assem!bly of On- s estaiblishetliri 1891. TIc aws natain Homes forcor- ld[nu anti for ageti anti indu- 'ibers.Thug an Edueui- ountiatian FPunti sans anti ýsý ai ncrabers arefancll ao. 4ýc at ta' ti(](,Il, Grand C, Locig-e af Outa lie enitel DISTRICT No. C IS NEARING ITS OBJECTIVE District No.' C, which is madie up of Newcastle anti Clarke Township for the Victory Loan Drive, is tgradually f orging ahead to the objective set for this district, ant i p to 5 o'ciock on Wetinesday afternoon, a grand total of $110,000 bati been reachiet, with the objective only $11,000 away. This $11,00 that is stili nee0edt, is already in sight, andi we are informi that the pennant lias been ortiereti anti will soop be flying just below the Victory Flag tLhat now flues fromn the flag pole. Secing- that bbc objective is in sight this does not imena that bbc people are ta discontinue givîag cf tlieir fatis ta help Canada aiang nitb ber warefot Ther!e is an objective set for thbc Couaity of Durham i f hicli nie are a part. You will bear of places teiag iunaible to reaicb their ob- jective, anti this coulti he matie up by the places that go aven tbb top. Ili Durbanm County No. C dis;triîct is stand(iiin asecondi place, witb Port Hope in the leati. The cîtizens of this district are ta be highlyr coagratulat- cd on their wondenfiui response to this noble cause. No -wars can be nion w-itboat tanks anti planeàs. The bat- oA nieckIly review cf devýelopments itIc home ýfronlt fr-om May 29tb t 1. First thn dy-s campaigil for Cnanada's Third11V i Cto ry !beau yieldý subc4tins otllug over $ ,- 000,000, vibicb is nel i abeati af s(!eLlt- Teims : Teni-year, 3% 1, iýssueti nt par, payable on mlaturity; flve-yeau, L2, issujed ,at 99, paya-,-ble on matuity at 100 yildig 219%ta mltunift. 2. Gomm oCmitbee on ea x-' pendittuere meoinend[s greaten use aio CiVilianl clerks, bath officers a.nti thr maniks, for routine wcolk in flefenc-e Depar)tmiýents oai A-amy, Navy, Air. 3. C(ommi)ons Cormmnittee ta inivesti-1 gate Deicace ai Canada Regulationsl recmmni ,et,,blihmcit ai tbre-, mnan advisory 'COmmIlittees ta. replace çace-maa bodies- noir heaping app)eals aio pcrs3op.s taken into custotiy unden tbc regulattoas. 4. Conscientious oijecttrs, 'Mca- -poiites aniDoukbiobors nihose caom- ~usry ilitary traiing b- as been ipstponcd arc ta be requireti ta rentier thnee or four mionths labor ser-vice. Thcy nijîl be suibjeet ta sucb further labor service as mnay lic nequire ini tbe future. l5. Goveramnenit pnice for obeese raiseti by .6 ta 1,C6 cents a pounti. On mninimum i f112,&ý00,000 Opountis ta lie exportedtu taUniteti XKingtdci layr Lake Trout Have The Final Laugrh People nibo do not, know boni te apierate a nowbaat shoulti 1ayýs keeuP ance foot on lati, Ias five Onono Mca founti ont when thbey Ici t aven bbc pasýt week-endi( for n flshiuig trip into bcu nati country. nthbc prtynee, W. E. Anmistnong, George Laing, Pcrc. Luan, Johin Gady ant i Mt. 1Moiis. At a finr(ýanges-s camp tbey scr 1(m a boat for tbc day ta btrail for- lake rout. Tbey fasteneti an ouoat meotor aon the ýack ai bctboaials took, another alang- in case afii eer- gcncey. Alter tbbc ive fouia'iplace ta sit, alpgnii- wtbi their excess bag- gatge, thley jourmycti forth acrass anc lake nith bbceniater anly a couple of inches from thc top af bbc -bat. There ditin't scem ta Ibe an-y fnbý arou'nti 5 they portag-et for about thice-qjuar- tcv>i af a ilJe ta anathen lake, wi th no betten nesuiits. They nivere just coming uil p Ita nplace nihere t,(oey coiti landt t portage ta another Inke ývnibe bc ncident baneti. A lare BALL- -PATTERSON A versý prettiy wedding was soiernn- izeti on Saturday, June 7th, at 4.30 pain., at the Unitedi Ghuroh parsoniage, Orono, when Mii&reti Loreen, eldesit dlaughter oft Mr. and Mrs. Rober-t Pat- terson, .Orono, was uniiteti in mar- riage to Xenineth James, only son of Mr. anti mrs. Jamies Bail, 01-ono. The 'bride laoketi lovely in a street len gth dress of turquoiss Mue sbeer. She wvas attendeti by ber sister, Jean Pabterson, while thie groom- was at- tenidet by Everett Stapleton. Atter the marriag-e ceremnony, a ,wedding supper -,as ser-ved at the home of tihe bride's parents. Ad'ditional local nwsanti atvertis- ing,- will be fouind on pag-e six of this issue. tle for Cretc showed us ho<wweu- 1-j weak the Allies were in the air. Thousantis oft planes more are neeti- ed, and needed badfly, so as to bring- peace anti goodiwill once ag-ain to the -world, So let ail look over their bank 'book onice a gain to see if we can't spare another $50 or $100 up anti above wlhat lie or- ahe has already contribut- ,cl. Money means planes andi tanks anti we peed them b adiy. ending MUarch -31 il ýincrese nl cost goeimet$1,7î191,0010. 6, ofraeanoneia 7,5 cents a huntiredwnight in pnice payable fan bauon a't Canadian s'eaboani. Ices i'aics ,nice cfGrade 2A1 No. 1 size- abljf- WýItshiie sities ta $17.85 nu- '7. laceases in iimum nitiýi-age rates on g-ovcnnnent cotrtso manfacureaisup)plies 'iuth oit býy Ortier ia Council. In,ýcrss mise miimm -tesý for mca from 30 ta 35 cents an ibonr; for -won-en, iromi 20 ta 8. D,,minîon Bureau ai Statisties cost ai living index show facerense ai '7.7 per cent. since war began. 9. National income during Apr-il was S434,700,000 ecomparet i -nth $875,300,000 ia Aipril, 1940, and $1, .300,000 in M'arch, 1941. 10. Dollar sales of aibolcsale tti-1 [ing estailishmeats in Canatia gainet [13 per cent. in April over MercI anti w-e c23 per- cent. above bbc volume (da business tansacteti iin April a y-car ago. 11. Cantr'acts wwardeti turing the wcek en-dtiMay 23rti, by bbc Depnrt- mient ai Munitions anti Supply nu- bereti 2,833 anti totalieti $64,339,540. (U. S. ortiers for $11,158,465 top the lisýt. A lati tranisport ortier for $1,-! 391,233 gaca ta tIc Fard -Moton Ca, ai Canada, Ltd.).1 thc appeni nl is mnaking tatC faet thiat up to dividual snbse total ai bbc tý that invetetI retutis Irom incr-ease ti wclas t-b en- the ai r rtîen as bet'ee 2aid3'let dep. PrLanai, vnib0nias sittinl Centre, eault net ,get out, aid captain le is, wnit tiown to Jouies lackinfor aj feni secan, hie manageti te extricnte himrz camwe ta bbc top. John Gný icîl in i i as sakleti, the tbree anagt tastep Ont0 nacby batbami. This ndthbbcfising -tii Valuable Prizes To0 Be Drawn For At The Donnybro ok Fair June 18 EVERYBODY-'S LOANi The National Publicity Commjitýtee- of the Vietory Loani Organiization bati. a nice problemi on its hantis dtiuig the dlays just preceding the opening of the ulhcipi boký. The ques- tion whicb bad tù be declIareti arose out of the knowiedge that a numiber of large Canadlian c-oncerns anti in- dividluals wouiti be investing h uge sumns during the early tiys of the campaign1, ani there were some who feareti that the early annioauncemencit of such sub)sciiptioiis niigbt create a feelinig within tbe mind of the very smaIl investor that bis money wasn't nleedeti. 'Tihis pr-tblem of p'sycbology bas been settieti, but it eiphasizes a point wvhich writers 'wili continue to hamn'ier hionie-lhiat the f'ull comple- ment of subscriptions -will not lie secureti if the sqill aiinvestor tioes flot take up bonds in the smaiier denom- inations. It is no idie statemetnt to say bliat the succcsýs of this Iman tepentis on the fil ty dollar anti one bundreti dol- lar blans fronm the sma-iïilinstr -o- WADDEPLL--WINKLER 1 iAttend Clarke Township Fair at Orono and HeIp The Bomnbed Victims Wednestay, Junie 18bh, is tbe date of Clarke TownbiiRp Donn3ýbrook Fair. Proceetis will bel turneti over, to th Br1itisb W'ar Vcit'Funti. Beaide-,s the ar-ticles or gootis offer- ed for sale, tieckets are being sold1 on severai donations. If you have flot boa.ght your ticket yet, be sure togt one, or if you think y-ou coulti seli a book of tickets procure one anti as-. sist in this benevolent enterprise. Mr. T.ý A. Reidi, Reeve of Clarke Townviship, lias tionateti a coffee per- culator service. It lis on tiisplay ini O. Wr. Rolpb's hardware store. Tick-~ ets are 10 cents or 3 for 25 cents. The entertainmient Conyittee are holding a dmw with tbree v'aluabl~e piize's offereti, as follows: 1 ton of epal, donateti by Orono Coai anti Luter- ber GCo.; 1 bachelor leathen toilet1 set, tinteti ly Mr. C. B. 'flyrrell, and is an diçs1iv' in bis storend1 at in A quiet ýucremonjy performI'etiJr Itbl in St. Paiuls Cathediatlnonà Ontaria, w ith bcVery Revere Dean P. N. Harding officitig,uit la marriage Mis elen ii zb Wilker auglýierfai the late Mr. a s. GeQrge XM inkler ai Sagoini Mibaini Mr.Gceurge Beu1'e W dceli. son of ûbbc late Mnr. ant iM George L. Wdii iof ino *The Ibride, who nias givei n la uî niage by MHr. J. H. BackI, af Lonti ire n lorvely gonn faiagua cre ,witb b)odice entbroidered la whi ani a smýnall denier bat anti carried 'býouquet af i hus elf thc Vnlley ai Sweethcurt r-oses. She was aýttend b)y Miss GertrudIe Ilorgat (yLoadc anti ;Mr. C. 'M. Wilinsoa aIs"Sisteti I broberin-axvp-sIbest -man. Folio, ing bbcheemoay nvMr. anti Mrs.'WVil inson entertainetd bbc wedtiing par anti guests at luncheo. The out-of-town guests inchrd Mrs. George H. Winkler, Mrs. J, Ahrens, Misses EinReck, Eiî Kr-eutzfeldlt of aginaw, iihg Mn. anti Mrs. C. 'M. Wilkinson of Mo tbel, 1r0 anti ùm. E. B. Bingbai Rnitgetown, Ont. Mn. anti iVrs. Wii dcLl are 1nrotoring tibrouglitbbc'Mt k-oka LaIe district. ENAEMN ) rono Red Cross Give $200 To0 Thlerguametn oti Cras nia hiti]i hall an Tusdyeveil vitb 1fiteen mei-ihes--s p Uellocrrpsilpthi a minutes of re rend byt 111,nmil sd(qr [cc ail Mrs, ,ce &Sth(i Mrs. '.1pril anc 4 turtle belmepts. 4 canlxce aievi- tlihirluc ihil surfa'lce oai bbc th-y nerýe Safi, anti wisbýing1 rovijces nith a Canada's War Effort eu