THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES A. MEETING ~ Celebrates 94th Birthday Classified k. of fPark St Und (ody)Turd -,we underst 11(l, ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesday afternoon, is the day wve wish MIr. Hu1-glison Th1e Orono Womieni's Institute will with the president àn the many happy returns on his 94leh1 ueet in the Couneil Chamiber -ont F- devotional was taken by brha.M.Hgsnis Oo's day atfterne, June 20Vhat 2.30.An Stutt. A reading was grand cd Man, and we do net dobt ilntere-stitig ng eeting is expecýted.Re [s. iteodWa iS that he is one, Hfnet the odest ipe boolks are now on ose at WCs ecdngSeuretary'5 re-anid mst actve personage in Dur- Richardsons, 3Mrs.Seymour's and at ien by NIrs. Logan. ia Count. IHe akes hiýs daily Y ~*Consh's sore. enis of business wvere d&'5-wak and attends (chunih regular¶iy,CO NGE NS final arrangements were alwaysý sitting ini the front part of the lhe Strawberry Festival. church o hear the sermion. 11s eye- The Kiry Annual Sunday School surer's report was ivent sight is good and he walks firm and Anniversay and Wtawben~y Social tlewood. stady, shWig the wonderful vital-. Will W'e hpId0on Julie 222n1d and 23rdi,. Kg clcsed bY ail reWpating ity he posesses. The Times along match for particular.s later. benedietio. with its nniiy radrs visli -MVr, The Womie's Aýssociation of Park -0 - ~~Hughison 1niany more hapîpy birth- tr. Unitced Churc'h iil old their BIRTIS days. taber e'stival on1 Monday, June In BoiMmanville irsday, Jane th, MNrs. Harold .ob- e gif t d a daugh- Thle soldier sacrifi2es lioth nioney and im.'e Victor-y lan purclias- er sacifices oniy the temporary use cf ionoy. 1Attend the Dojînv.1brook PFair. (1). S. T.). 05rono Banid ini att ance. AmssoAduits, 3,k.; drteni, 2 tend- Cli- A Wn fr itier -wvill hurt yoiu mnore than yours- dnilin buyinig Victory Bonds. A I _______________________ Britons THROUGH THE AGES Biosfought and suffered and died in order that their chldren and their children's children might be free. Today the forces of darkness threaten to enguif us once more. Shall we give up those rights which OUF forefathers won ? Today our country must arm. No time cati be lost. We must build the greatest war machine the world has ever known. We must accomplish i two years more than the enemy has accomplished in seven. That is wliy Can~ada needs your savings -nfot as a gift, but only as a boan. Canada's army must be niaintained and equipped with the most modern fighting machines. Scores of warships and merchant vesseIs m ust be built. ThouLsands of planes, tho usands of pilotsmust be rushed to the scenié of conflict. SFOR SALE Seed! Buckwýheat.-J. H. Dave y' Phone 51 r 5, Orono. --p FOR SALE Pianlo Case, Wanut, Six octave Organ, andi Stool, like niew. -Bargain for quLick sle.Postoffice Box 3538, Bowmanmville, Ontario. PAVILION OPENING Willis P'avilioll, Oronio, will open for danicing on Saiturday,, June 7th, 1941. God nimusic. Admission, 25e. and tax. Dancing -,every Saturdalfy eivening. c-3-. To those whom it mnay coner- Take notice tihat after Junie 12th, 1941, 1I vill flot be responsible for any de[bts cý ontraetedby m~y wif e. GEORGE LAYTON, Oshawa, Ont. The Clar-ke Torwynip Coundil has proclimied a Public Holiday for June 1Sth, 19411, in the Towislhip of Cak to enabiLe ita "eu to attend the DonyfboohFair. J. J. MELLOR, Clerk, To.wnehip of Clar-ke eýA second hand ýSL\ilng Machine, Blood Tested Wkite Legliorns and kpreferaly a Sin ger or N.'w Wil- Barred Rock, lb»d, Sexed and lians; hon 58r 10 Orno.a-2-p.Strated Pullets. .B.O.P. sired chiclis. Ali eggs produced en our farm. Over FOR SALE th.irty years in beeiness. Low prices u Good Used Elec!tic Washer, wifll 0n Rocks and Leghorn ,Goiekerels- se.(,1 very reasonable. Ternis may be Alvin Cleniens, Bowmnanville; Phone arranged. Enquire Rolph Hardware. 2433. tf So Canada needs the use of your money now. Later on, Canada will repay you in ful. la the meantime, you will receive regular interest on your boan. W\hen you buy Victory Bonds, ail Canada is your security. These Bonds are more readily turned into cash than any other. HOW TO BUY-Give your/' order te the canvasser who catis on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank, or give it te any trust conmpany. Or send it te yeur local Victery Lean HeIadquarters. Bonds may be ught in,. denominations of $50, $100, $500, $ 1,000 and Jarger. Canvasser, bank, trust company or your local Victory boan Headquarterswill be glad te give yeu every assistance in miaking eut your erder form, r' 1941 MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSCIANand ISURGEON 2.00 t, .0 p! . 30()te 8.00 p.ifl '>]]ONE 4-1-1 ORONVO Dentist DR. R. O0. DICKSON Dentist (Formeurly of Toronto), wiehes to anl-- nounee Che opeing,,; of a permianent ofiein Oirono, on Monday, June 16,. 1941, lVkin St. Office.hours ini Orono:- 1Monday te ýFliday (incuIsiNe), ffrom 9a.. to 5 p.i. E-.veni-ng~s by appoint- mient onlv. Office hours in Neweas- tie. as usual, every Saturday, fronmt 9 to 9 p.ým, For appointment, telEÀphone Orono 18 r 1. VETERINARY Wilfred 'W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINA1RY SUJRGEON Office : Main St. Orono Phione 56 r 7, Oronco, Ont. C ~John J. Gilfillaii. e_741QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Lien1tiato of thie College of Optom- etry 01 Oiitario Office Hlours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2t<U, 4.80 p.xn and by appointxaent Offie in O. 1B. Tyrrell's Drug Store Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE iFiire, Casualty, Automo.'y.- bile and Liability O rono AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON- Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction Saleo of ail aiuer, ar-d at reasonable rates. Comunicate wvith himn at P.oe* Perry, Ontario, or seea bis laOexk ký E. MNoËtonl, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchniaaler Ail Repaira to Watcheé, ClccI<s, and .- Jewellery, will receive our Fpr(zrpt attention /,PORT HOPE U'à AFriday & Saturday The Marx Bros. In a Big Roaundm pof Gags, Gals and Tunes "GO WEST" Mondeay to Wednesday "The Howards of Virgî niai? Wlthl Cary Grant, Matha scott and Great Oaist ~1 F. F. Morris &Sl Funeral Director8 Furniture Dealer8 ' AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bwavle Day 480 Nighit, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The oidest, Largest andi MOst 1Complote FurnIture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods--THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWE,5Tï MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO _if ,ter k- 1 Ontaric, FAFÉ SIFFIT