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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jun 1941, p. 5

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ORONO Wi Orono te To-ronte, and vice versa HIG(,HEST PRICES A-ilD for Eggs te Lolew's and Domïinýion .Stores Cream to United Fermers' Co-Oper- ative and McFeetersCreere Parcels and freilit of auy ind picked up and delivered anywhýlere je Toronto, iinluding- Eaton's enid Simp.- son s. Orono Tins hope- HEATING and TINSMITHING And ail kinds of Repairs R. E.- LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St.. Orono Phone 30rl6 PARK ST. UNITED) CKJRCH Rev. S. Little-woed SUNDAY, lUNE lSth i n.---Mefgne Carte Suinday. 2.30 p.).- Smnday eooa cool and intereting spot. 7.00 b2~own isidle ail waters. Fi'eedom-i of Worshlp Dûes it meun inything to you? OF A NEW FATHERI Anld weshah lkeep)hlm jusl<t for funl. And funi it is-'iiien inhe nighit 1 don mily beand we aaflg, U1p 11nd diowntheromwtea Whenp ever'y onehoulid be in ied. MVy aars (doache, 1but stili Ipe1 Up and down w1ýtih a fond embrace, I gaze rup the tiinv fae And I tbink -,ï my o! how much like Gr-aýe. For ho,,és itàeem Ie walîked the 1100or, Tfhen 1 ley hum dow for a minute or more, 1 sýettie niyself for e much needed resýt When the -baby hollers 1 want the b)reast. This tinme 'tis mte who ventures fforth, And tlie beby she tenders 'tili it is fed: Tlhen ýwhen lie 1is laim and saf e in be-1 We bath exclain, "GOSIH! but Fin neer dead." Hfaving a baby is l'ots of fun Whenl be's smîiling just like tIre sun, But when he's not and a reai sendls forth, Oh! gee goshi, how little 'm wor-tb. -L. A. R. COWANVILLE Sundaiy visitors at M'P . Stevens wer-e: M.and , Mrs'. G. Farrow and Mi,. and Mrs. _F. Nesbîitt. M1% andi iVrs. Clarence Ble1cy and faîmily vsited witl ilMr, nd Mr's. Roy BLe1y, PortGrny on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perrtin, T("- onto, visitcd at the homles of Mr. and M.W. A. Reid anld Mi% T. J. Sinip- son, on Sun'day. Bev. Mr. Lott, of Ke2swiek took charge of Bev. Morton's service at Clarke Chicbel on Sundey lest, while Rer. Moriton wes et Keswick conduct- mng bis neice's wedding. Clarke Churcb xiii bold a strew- berry supperwth saleds and meet on Wednesdey, June 2fth, et Clarke Ghurch. A good prougrammtine includ- ed. Supper served fromn 5.30 stand- ard time. The enniversary services ,will be heid on Suiidey, June 22nd, et 2.310 and' 7.30 standard timne, with spec'ial music. Suniday. visitors w\ithi Mr. anid Mrs. We-,s. Stringer -were: Mr and Mr-s. 1M. Chatterton and femi]y and MJI1is 1Ireland, of Clarke Union; Mi,. and 1Mrs. J. Kelly and deughter, of Osh- ,eava; Misses Lura and Phoe Ed- war-ds and Missý El leen Bu essen 1Carl Giller on, al of Toronto. Whn oubuy a Victory Bond, you i: res the value of your insurence your famiily. i RD &WHJTE STO RESI Yellow Sugar, 10 lbs. Butterscotch Puddings, each Pork and Beans, 3 20-oz. tins Lombard Plums, tin Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 t 1 m Red & White Matches, ful 300 count, 3 for Fancy Quality Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tin Honey Graham Wafers, lb. pkg Fresh Dates, 2 lbs. High Quality Fresh Mixed _ Cakes, lb. Westc Large New(C .xtra Eagle Brand Milk, tin Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb -bag Çauliflour,1 good size 74c 5c 25c 10Oc S21C 25c lc 25c 35c 19C 15C 15C 25c 15C 23c 19C 15C 25c 29c 12c 20C 69C 15C £ Letters to the Edior J A Letter to the iizens of Oroin and District Orono, June lite, 1941. Dear Edior: Sorne people say 1 ctrage too much. Alil 1 eaiisay- is tat I anfo a far- menr or iriplemenclt aetwrigat pluInbing and tinsmnithinig in my spiare ,timie, Nor an i 1a labourer woilking for low wages. Butl a mne- chanic jooi1ing for a chalice to giVe, PoI good service at a reas*onable wvage and reasonabàle pofit on the gnoocs I seli. 1 arn nflot a salesnian readýy to tell- yýou qnvtlinig in order. to seli you any- thdng. But I arni here to seli youl what you sont when you want ity, end to give yoïl service eîfterward. I ï1lay not be able to satistf y yo al, but Ixiii do0 11y best Vwith your "o-operatîon. Thank y'ou. R. E. LOGAN, Orono Tin'shop. LOCAL NEWS "Doc." Caine bas Moved -lis stable of lace horses to OranIgeville. LMr-. and -Mrs. WV. Gaviiett, of Port Hope-, and aunlt froirn oercand Mfr. and Mr1is. E. Seaiwigh,,t, of Peteýr- boro, speunt Tuesday eveinig with Kr. and0 Mrs. Hloward Wal1sh. STANDING _UP TO BOMBS On visiig hbs parshoafer an air raid, a mninister asked an old Sots lady how she condued hersesf Whoun Nazi b.onxibs.were falling aon and ths is what she said "M'len the air raid warning, souns, I tak the Guid Book from t he shelf and read the 23rd Psalirm where it says, 'Though 1 walk thlrough -he valley of the siiadow of d1eath I wil fear no evil, for Thou are -with me,'> Then 1 put up a wee bit prayer. Thencr 1 tealc wee &dra' orwhiskey toertcady me nerves. Then I1 get into bed and pull njp the covers; and then 1 tel ~Hitler to go to Hel"Idnrg scotean.c The undersigned auictioneer lias received instructions fo MR. JOEL WORKMAN to1s. 'y public auction et Lot 5, Concession 3, 'Clarke Tw%,p. FRrnAY, JUNE 13th, 1941 'L"1CL, lm SOCIALI Mr.G. L'. Carscadden, visited in Torontoo anc day last -week. Mr.Fred LcetandDoglsare visiting rlaivesinToronýto. L oyMyles, oif MnigDepoýt, Toronto, twas homne on TuesdalLy. Mrl. -MervynKen was in 'Î'orontao on Mouday and; Tuçsdaýy. Mrps. Wîm. Staqplus, Tý)ornto, pent the wýeek-end' with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Staples. Rev. and Mirs. H. C. _Wolfreim, of Lindsay, spent Sundlay with Mr. enid Mrs. A.1-H. Keane. Mrs. Thomas Patterson is et lier home axftefrý spendiiing tUie wintei mant, hs with rel-atives. Mirs. W. E. Armstr'ong enterteined] the executive of Park St. Sunday School on Tuesday evening. The Sterk sisters, PýN., of st. Cqth.- armnes, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richurds. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, of Toronto, were g-uests of Mr-, and Mrs. Carl Billings over the -week-end. Mr. and MArs. J. Eagleson attendedl the funerial of the' late AMrs. Bert _Caglesoni in Osliwa on Tbursday last. Gerald andéJeanRnîney, twins, ceertdtheir loithbirýthdeay an M ondely, June 9th (the Kinig's birth- dY). Mr. J. Elliott, of Brandlon, Manii- toJba, visited his 'brother, Mr. Wes. El- lio)tt, enid other relatives bere lest week. The annuel decoration Dey of Ponty'pool Curmeteary will be- heid on sunlday, -June l5th, 1941, et 2.30 (StandJard tirne). Eni-ginie-drire wesher, fully rehut ae*nd guarenteed, reasonaible for 'qukkl Sale. Terlins to responsîble perty. Enquir-e Rolph Herdwere, Orono. Mrs. Robent H io'wden, of Cayeun, wes e week-end guest oIfMr. and Mrs. J. Regleson during bhejir thr-ee weeks' stey la their Peterboro epartmtent. Mi. James iEllioýtt, of Brand on, Man., wes a recent visitor with bis sisters, Mr.s. J. Temiblyn, is. F. Brîntecontbe, and niece Mmr. Eaigle-1 son. Bey. -J. MacLaeblen of Ncwtonville took the ser-vices ia Park St. Chunrch o-n Suind:'ay,), wh]ile Rer. Mvr. Littlewoodý the f ollowing f an-mstock, implemientswsinKdecodctganvrey 1 teain horses; 1 Ba-y Mare, 1 brown gelding <(above pair niamke good teaelm). CATTLE 1 black cojw, 5 years, fresliened, with calf et foot; 1 black o, 6 yrs., due tiyine of sale; 1 -red cow, 8 years, due in July. HAT_2RNESS 1 set long tug team hres i good coniditîi; i set SIne herness; 3 herse collars and bridie; 2 hiorse hlankebsl IM4PLEMENTS 1 single plow; 1 new ,scuffJer, Cock- shtitt; 1 i vIssey-Hrris Seed Drill; 1 set toboggan sleighs; 1 set steel wheel trucks; 1 hay rack, 1 single buggy; i cutter; i ladder; 1 set iron pIerrows, 3 Section; 1 sweo;1 Masey-HarisMower; i. grevel box; i Melot.te Seperetor; forks, neck- yokes, éhains, and nurnerous Gther articles. Sale to corm-nenice at 1 o'clock (S.T.) TERMS CASH R. L. Hoy, Auctioneer. New, miodern test equipnient en- ables une to nieke fast, depenideble repaire to arry niake of rad!-,. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. RESERVE Thursday, June 12 for the Anniual Rca of -Mrs. LyncW*s Piano Puipils, in Park St. United Church ORONO at 8.00 o'clocl< A Special Featutre of the prograni will be a string orchestra of abojut 15 pieces, under the direcetion of Mr. Edward Bartlett, A.T.C.M., of Oshawa, which no music lover should miss hearing. Proceeçis for "Aiýd to British Churches Fund."~ 1J. J. Gilfilan, E'verett Joiliand O. W. Scot, spnt orer the we-edin WetGilford. Mv. Sîott remeained ta qpend a few weeks' visit xith Ibis Iu lest -weekls isýsue regerding the Red Cross Tee, Mrs. Harry lMercer's, namei( was inedvertently ositted. This is ta be regretted beceuse Mrs. Mercer certainly ehow-,ed ber !keenin- la the splendid way in whicb she belped. Lar-en iead the follow,ýing risitors dur- ing tbe week-end : !Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mooney, their parents from sey, IlVrs. H. Welaford, their sister and bier three daugbters Cetharine, Eleine endý _Margaret froin Walford. At the Scout meeting lest week eighteen ýScouts were present andi it was ennounced that aanong- those present t-wenty-five wer certificetes enid ninety-isri-.,wvr stemnps bcd been purdihesed. Up te the present tiine 'these -boys have lxvested $300 in Vic- tory loans. Congratulations. Eighteen candlidates fromi Newcs- tle and six candidates froni Orono were confirmed et thbe Confirmation Service la St. George', Church, Newr- ~estle, on Tuesdey evening. Bisbop Hamilton froni Mid Jepan poerformied the service. Quite a nuniber from Orono ettended. 1 31v4. Ilerb. Hautibly, of the Print- ing Departmnent of the Robent Slnip- ion Coiipany, as la towno us ieay of bbiis -week risitifig with ol'd fiends. It bas been forty-seven years since IMr. Hemanbly risited this village, when lie -use'd ta caîl on Mr7. John L. Bowe, weho cerried on. e bar- aess busînesis ln Orono et tret time. Mr.h T-T mibh,' basç1 5epp rkinoe witl, aF Yeu pWÀNT 116eu 4lMLIT'Y If ea TIRE ffE1 CODDYEAR $114 7 R9eleEA @ In- 'the Marathon you get every desirable Goodyear quality for long trouble-f ree service plus the popular centre-traction diamond tread at the lowest price. Drive in today! FO""R YOUR BEST BUY IN TIRES.. PM. LUNN Orono, Ont. IlARMSTRONG~ Quality Groceries at Quantity rives- Specials, Thurs., to Sat. Junie , 13 & 14 Phones.:21 rn1and 70Or AYLM-ýIER PORK and B-ýEAN S TIN 9c. PUFFED WHEAT BOX 9ic. Choice Quality TOMATOES TIN dl. HAMBURG STEAK L B. LARD LB. New California GAR\ýlROTS 2 LBS. RO-UND S T EA,-K LB. CLARKE'S TOM-ATO or VEGEITABLE SOUP TIN 7c. EDDY'S MATCHES 3 BOXEIS 25e., FRESH SAUSAGE 2 LB. 25C. SIRLOIN STEAK LB. 27-c ORAýNGE-lS 18c 25c 29e 35c NEWýý Lar~ie MiF CAK]1 200%~ 13c Vs- LB. PKG, PEARL LAUNDRY-' SOAP anid Clt Glass Fruit lBowl 27.. JAVEL [t Flakes, large pkg. ced Pickles, 19 oz jar irge bottie Miolasses Snaps, 2 lbs. anges, doz, 'ots, 2 lbs. t, 6 for ge Lemon, doz. inerican Macaroni, tin J. J. CORNISH

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