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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jun 1941, p. 6

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1Onit., June 7 -("C.P.~) - se w'Lips by voinen to re- inate trespasýeis was ap- -1thje Hialiburton Police MUagistrate 0. . LanlgleY, leteiý1oough, whlo dismissed rgsbrougilit against Mis TNicol mibler 4aughter- Haiburton, IYY IhacWi, "It we-, e. very trl)propriatLl 0 1-1e between 1Mi s. a reýstaurant and Bernstein, 'when the athieatr'e nexiýt door, property at the rear~ for cons-truction op- aced a laddei on the ind climnbed uip to use the walls of the new'ý Niol and Betty told the lndder, and when y atteflitterd odis- ega-den rake. Wlnn eh, to 'miss Marion Wright, f shwa spent Sunday r with Mrs. Geo. Forbes. Mr, and Mrs. Bill DeiMili, of Osh- arýva, spent Suanay -with Mr. and Mrs. John Brorwn. 3Mi. Henry Co\enty and -Mrs. Wade(, of Torýonto, spent Suniday at Mr. A. J. Bigelo'w's. Gongr,,iatulations to 'Miss Mlarlin Wright on, ber oe~~in receiving her certifi.cate in Home Servijce Train- inIg. MT. and Misý. Stanley Ghapi-nan and fasnily spent the week-end in Wilsonvllle w%7iti b is ýsister, is. Wialy Welsh. i. and Mrs. Wilfred Hale and, iMr. and 'Mrs. Qeo. Hale anid Helen, of Toronto, spent Sutmda~y at Mr. A. J. BigeIofýW's. ~M.and MJrs. Hlarold Dayiman and son, Bewdle'y, and ii.Daymian, of Port Hope, spent with Mr. and Mis. Eneat Bi-yson.ý The Xixhy Sunday School Anni- versary and Strasvwerry Festival wil be heki on June 22wid and 23rd. E'very- one cone and have a good timxe. Mr. and Mis. J. C. Elliott, of Bow- mnanville, ai-iMr. Jamnes Eliott, of Brandon, Man., visited at their sis- te!s, Mrs. F. J. Brinacombe's, re- P. 1 centhl'. Olie Eeanr enrl M -- ir The regular meeting «f the Wo- arofli leaGor eier, .. man' s Missionary Sopciety was hield 'S«fci . Mereer, M.P.P.-ilebe , 0on Tbursday cvcnling, Jane th, with lie MrderEhrzahe l-., good atte dne present.The Pie-1 )e brif «f Eiiran e a e lidet openeci the meeting with the srnging of bymu i5î2, w'hic(h vws fol- Eï1ïLott, Elizabethvilhie, at a lowcd !hy prayer. The respousi,%e cerenaony at tihe homie of the reading was taken f roua John 15, 1 to ' parents, on >Saturdy, June 17. Tle ninutes of tihe list meeting ýv. P. F. Gardiner offlkiated. were read okd adoipterd. it -was decid- nie was decorated with ý;prea, ed te hoîrd the nert throce rnectinhgs in d¶ peoni'es and thec edin the cvenin]g at 8 D'eloek. Bible read- Was played by Noreen Prouse. ing and illustration, entithed, "~The 'Pouse ,was soloist. Gi'ven n way of Christ is Fiendship," was ge by ber father, the br-Ae taken iy Mis. Loine Wannan. Mis. ,bite silk niarquisette ovei tif- Wml Allen 2ead a story on "The ,itha souller engh vil riýendshi~p of Jesus."e Hymu 483 was at the hcad with a coronet thnnSung. It was moverd and second- sige blossomis. She carried cd to invite bCh Orono Auxiliary to ind lilies of the valley. Hier visit us at the July ilmeeting. A Miss- Vivian Mercer, attended playette, entirtledi, "Advntures in 'li -wor-e delphainium blue mar- Friendsbip waS acted iby Mais. Lowery, e over taffetla widh a halo bat Mis Woi. Waniran, Mms. Lorne Wan- ae neouquet wof rosebs and .-nan, Mis. . 'Cha'pnau, Mis. Will. ,-a ouqet f roes nd or-Rutherford, and Mis cKelvey. The -nts. Howard Quantrill rWas meeting ciýosed with BH'in No. 376 ýaein wshldataiad, The rnonthky Wonen's Association Ptep'on as hld aterw rn eeting was hceld on Thhursday evený- de's' mother wearing an orchid img and wasoped with itbc sinrging diresý- with a corsage of roses. of the National Anthorn. Responsive r-nni's rn'thei wore'a Quecu s reading was ta(kenl from Hieb. 11, 1 res's with a corsage of roses. to- 3, 32 te 4th verses, f'olorwed hy i a wedding trip to Ottawa H-yrmu 513. Mis. Fo'wler read an in- ints east, tihe couple will take tercsting paper on, "What iaith." ,ýlence ir Elizaihthiville. For During thc business pcriod report-s away the bride chose a Ileave fromn the gio-ups were rend ani ai- aseihi wtb eig acesoris.rangements wýere rnade for the Sun- ESSAY CONTEST day SholAnnivcrsarly and Strawv- 'beiry Festival to becb'ld ýon June 22 ction of the best tbree Victory andf 23. The mneeting was loscd wt essays by st'udents of Ontario the Mizpah Benediction. amy i3rdhlools wil bcimade by a ____________ -, uiveirsity proafessoir and high hjavýe consented to aet as jurdges. intspctor. Tne sutbjeet «f the essaya whac'h are ), Oobban, chairman. of the On- being wiittei bry students lu ail parts Publicity 'Conanittee for th~e of the ivnei:"h susa y 'Loan, lias annioanced that Stae lu this War ani Why Cana- Jaffra'y, 'general ilianager of ianrs ahouhd buy Victory Bonds." aperial Banhk ami piesident of Thie prizes nire being donaterd by the anadian Assoiation; Professor Domrinion Gover-nffiet - irst prize, tobnsVidriaUnicrsty;au $100 -Vitory Bond; second prise, $50ý Wai'ace, bigh sachool inspector, Vitory Bond; thàrd prise, $25 in War Savirngs 'ertificates. Lunn'..s Hardwar Exteaad te you a cordial welcoaue ta visit Orono on JUNE l8th, DQNNYBROOK DAY, and also ta park your car at the rear of our store. Easy Washer, Cas and Electriïc NTLE as your own hands. The only washing action which cleans irely by pressure and suction. That's why EASY VACUUMý-CU,,P Wî,1hing is 50 to 75% easier on your elothes, $79e $89.OO,199.MO,0119 '~ NothrnLeonard Refrigerator f Lasting Beauty F oir Time Saving ovn ec IMoney Saving Performance 'Better Food Preservation 61ý CubiC Feet $229, $249, $279, 3ARB WIRE STERIN%ýG PAINT >0 rods 4X6 To-day's pruce $4.75 $4.25 Sale Price per gz4 $3.79K $299.00 GALVANIZED PAILS No. 12 size 19C. BROOMS,, No. 5 49c. THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THE MDLAND REGIMENT We are in the Midland Re-gîment, the finpestý in the land; I-t C0omIprises cf five conipanies, led by a bugle band, Our Coionel's naine is Gamiey, Cliff. if you know hlm w-%ell, Butht he has been icknanmed, I'n -fr 1i 1I eannot tell. Next theîe"s -Major ]>udley, he isn't very tai1l, And what the bjoys al eall him-, isn't nFice at ail. First we have A Company, the Major's iairne is Hall, Whe-n he -was somiewhat yonger. lie played a lot of hall. Hie ha a lovely -irnipany, ýthey put on (uite a sho When they are marching through the to'wn, or~ on a route mareh 'go. Next cones C«nipinyB, theyv're ledhyMjrIuns 1 AUSTRALIA EXCEEDS RECRUITING QUOTA Sydney, May 30.- (AA.P.)-- Ma- jor General Lloyd, ýdirector of the Ausçtrýaliani Arnriy's recriuiting cais- paigni, said today tbat 20,000 nen enlisted thrioughout Auýistraliq during the first mionth of the Comi)paign "andt the nuiber enterin-g eanp exceeded ~the national quota, wbich is a grat- ifying record."' -,ollliti-i o t t hat a aîi was igh inthefrot hue placing supplies l ilq!,needy zsoues. 'WHAT A PENCIIL COSTS To ?,rc ae ead peuc-il the Cana- dian Nti nailwaYs carries a ton of freiglit «ne mile, -whblle a SkIPratdh pad of good quality inaust be paid for bY five tons of freight cairierd «ne mnile. These exanapes are quoted ln an article ion 'Sav ne"lthe Ju-ne Ganadian- National Magazine. - - -- 4) - - - V\TIctoiy Bonds-Psesports to peace. And they can realily do it simart, when told to take right dress. Then cDýines G)mipany C, the finest of «f the huncli, They sure knoîw how to soldier when they 'aie eating lunch. They're led by7 Major Bigelow, Na- poleon foi shlort, And when yo&a get to, kno-w hiim, hes reaily quite a aiioirt. The'n cornes Major Lycett, be's bos of Comnpany D, And he is quite a gent1lman, ~as any- one can ýsee. IHe sees his mcinare aliways fed, amKi uses coniron sense, But the saferat pla;ce foi al bis gang is behind a bar¶bed wiîe fe-nee. The Coloeiel bas a brothei, bis name las Garney too, And he's the 1*oss «f Headquarters and tbey are quite a ciew. llhey come from erven-y walk of 11f e, from asinner 'Up t'O[Saint And when) they 'go out on the toot, the town they sure do paint. Ami those are oui leaders, they'ie al stea&fast and true, And we shah niarch bebrind thenandi< sfloiw wbat we cran do. S-o herc's to t.he M1idlands, we aie with y'ou, one and ail, Foi as long as there's the -Midlands, the Phag shial Neyver Fall. Pte. T. Lewis, C 6&6-29, C. Goy. .Midland Regt. THE VOICE 0F THE RED CROSS It was an anxious turne somne days ago -Wrhen word calmne thiough that Lon(don and other parts of England lvad suff ered, the wors~t Nazi air raid of the war. But as t7he -,ives acioss the Atîrantie br-oughlt atories of the devastation anil casualties, cables also arrived at Red Cross hcadquar- ters here givi-ng a thrillinlg descrip- tion of hwPw Caiaadians hRd becui 1able to .hcrlp Birtain at tixat time of need. You wirl renrieimber the raid began in the eveniing and lasted until early inoining. It wsin those carly houais that Garnadian Red Cross office s in London reeeivcd an eniergcncy cýal1 'for helfp. And just tnmnu'tes1lter, 1ladies and gentlemen, oui tr,,ks,' driven by Canadian d-rive-rs, werc on the way with suplies. Part of the 1secret Cofh ;itiseed Was-jpieýPaied- n Yess. Thousandlsof parcels of food . ad clothing were alrreardy packed in 1anticipation «f just sueh a blitz. An-d so when moruing came and London's fsitunned emiasereged fron-i shel- ters to find their homes nothing brut smioking nains, they also fourni Cana- dian -food and clotrhing waitinig to tide 'them over the finst fefw houais «f shoek. For w'hen 'dawn was brea'kiflg and disaster was stihi rainiug down frorm the ýsky, the Ganadian Red Cross had rusïhed into disaster arcas gai- ment.- for mon, wvotmn and rbildren, plus fifteen Irundied blankets ami fooýd supplies that bileluded soupa, sbews, hasih, cheese,3a:rn. lun one horough a thousand civilians wvere made home- ess and eveiny one of thenmi eceived hel(p fain Canadla. Every otheî aif- feited London b--oro'ugh N)ras aided in ,the sanie way. This also applied to other -Parts of the countriy 'Wherc a first distriboution olf 8,00 g(arments wasimade f o}iowcýd the next day liy a second release of 6,000 garnients. All 'oui good's were given «ut in Penici- genicy centres set up in the heurt of ~bo4n1Jed areas. Vietîis were sent to these centras by aïr raid workcrs TOWELS PURELINN TEA TOW ELS, eadch...39c KITCHEN TOWELS, pair . .......-.-. 50C NIGHT GOWNS LADIES' NIGIIT GOWNS, Cotton Crepe - ....... ... ... ..... ...... .. ......... .. 98e ORONO Ice Refrigerators Slightly used Ail Metal, Thick à%ff Insulatiol . e iZ Several good Solid Oak Cabinets $6,95 Thor &Connor Electrîc and Gas Washers STOCKINGS CHIFFOIN. ... . ....... -79C LIGHT SERVICE ................ ...... 79c C R EPE ... . ................................. .. .. ... $1 ART SIL ......,....-..................... 39c FINE LYLE .,....... ...,....... .................. - 39c COTTON . ..... ... ......... ... . ..... .......... 25e Ladies' Sport Oxfords BRASSIERS...................... 39c LADIES' SPORT CREPE SOLE OXFORDS, PA,'NTIES ..... ....-.... ........ 49c W h1ite . ..... ..............«... ....... .... - $2.98 R Y N S I S .............. 5 Brlown............ . ................ ........ ..... .... -.....$2.50 RA N IP . . . .. c More Leather for Men's Wear Your Mone MEN'S WIN1DBREAKERS, prieed fromn. .... $2.98 n e t ............ ....... .......... ....... . , ........ $6.95 We have the BE ST VALUE in ODD) PANTS, summer weig4ht, pair . ........$169 MEN'S SPORTP SHOES, WORK AERMOTEX, Summi-iier weight, pair . ... .... $3.65 B O O T S that yoii can gt anywhere. R E G U L A R - PA N T S, pair ........... .. ......-......... $4.45 WORK BOOTS FINE SHOES SPORT SHOES Exclusive Agent for TIP TOP TAILORS Made-to-Measure Clothes Pire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Agent for Wood Gundy Co. Office at rear of Store BONDS, etc. MAC 0'tMITH Phoi WATSON GARAGE Gas, Ou, Repairs, Firestone Tires Phone 42rIl Orono, Ontario SPECIALS Reconditioned Eleciric Refrigerators 1 Frigidaire, 6 $95 eue f t, at .$ 95 1 Kelvinator, $4.50 5 cu. f t, at.$5 RADIOS, Several Marconi 4-tube Mantels , battery operated on the 2-volt Low Drain Battery Reg. $32.95 for $1500 Slightly Used Cabinet Models, reg. '-àb price $99.OO, for. Ted WoQdyard Radio and Electrîc - Phone 78 r 16 In Orono it 's Mac Smith'slr"Im -v at your Service j>ý-= I -- I - Marconi, Philco and Phonola Radios Orono 61 r 2

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