HALF BRAINGOE LIVES Ht cspyssble to Nie with 0%l At the Amierican LMeýdical Asso,- itinConvention thlis mnth111 Dr. oui J.Karoshanid Dr. W. of treeperonswholived lmore The two halves of the braun are notideticl n teir uCIion, 4pe'ateCith eah ohrin kee- NUTRITION AND MIOTHERHOOD Prprnutrition einjîaate(s the danger of niscarriages and stil- births, among ther berief'iciare- autaccording to te.sts iade ïet Torntos penaal lineover a eio ofsev-eral year.s, it wes dcoedat the recent Ontaro MiclAssociaion convention. The idiet adtosfor popc tive mothers i te test poie ït c ded oaiiges, eggs, ïnilk, to- .s.- e atoeUs, cheese adwheatgem One of theottadn resuIts of ehe experiment xas that among the moth4ers receiving thIis supplenTen- tarZýy dieàt, thlere were nio tlits o nisearriages, Other benefia resuits inlud- cd: fewer complications durîng pregnny, reductio in che pe-, valýence of anae-mina among exeeýt- ant iothes sorter duration of0 labe,iceaýsed aiity on the part ef inothers to nusiheir own nmong the babie. - Thîs-tory wn iatp IzeIna ýcomrpetiin ui ruab nArericýan peidcifor aons f brevity, ;wmdîldrmatit otn: Elvna aner rcie a tele- accompanying her husband on a biggae xpeitonin A 'lia.lTe Elia, vecre it h gr ief side was a lion.Evin senta s î tak1,- . SEnid iub-Eivn. ack fnom Afcaucameth "No îstae. Bb inlionî.- e.veryoae becomecs more, irri- table i-, bt weathe>r, becaust, tomeraare nosetravels ene foot lfzast-rerctis eculnd.t teAr iaify son Ate snext unfilV 1aliy h letbi emlper tith!' "he seventh pesnte Wb"omlh. ad been put thrOugh.9 "Do o nw vo rn"si the cmen e bewu .'Iarn As, Uespte the voice Af tunder, tepilot fcr repiied: Add ycu ko 1w1I n? No,ý" said the ,air rn-arshal., "Thýiank Heaveýn fortht"ad lie piiot officerMnd ung Up. "F'm going te kIsa yen Le- fore 1 g," aid flue ycung maswhelckad eUtstayeý.d Lie weceme. "De it aew whule 'm itil Yousng 4y'replied thse girl Boy: Mohe-tiis book anzyes tiat in tis e CatR thse big lisis ent. up thse litti'esadns eb that truc?", Motiier: !E4Yez, I beliève hç Boy- "How jo tisey opqn Mec in? tLave bfoen turnead ee oarr ,~\ ~ natin worers ad WiflIh Ad For The Beaten Foe C'r Pnpako ria t cBiis ot Germaitn sailor, wýas one of ,about, L- BVANN'E AH~ .4 sting nasc saiing oiy Coe% soasif nd uhtuptehne . ThowcacW ea osi cgt edlded te the regl[ar shanpoo wergreatly icessthe t ne of the hair. Q.How cenI 1prevent painted A. Ecessmoisture in xvood, whîch llis drawn jte the urac b huteaf iher froni the sUnSma or othier sources, cau-lses pitt b Aister. Aiw)ys be ýs ureý ,, befeme strtng tpint, thaft he n ood,ý, Ai horoughly dry. v. How can I dî:stmoy wae ,us aroumn- n ice îk A. Pour pint ofkeosn di-,n0te ink drain onc a wek. pas bfore leitting the aterun. The bugs mwIl mnsaeir Mtqoeto BY ROBERTA LEE 1, 'Whea a man anid awma are taningin ,a cro-wded street- car and a tman ofers bisu eaM t tue wornan, sould ber escort as entend bis thanks? 2.Weesbouid a coup-le stop daaig wben fthey wish to lave à,i fluor during a dance?- 8. Should a man, wben sat ing e suokeoffer 1a cigar nor cartte t e e ther moin in te 5. hena ciid bas outgrown eangof abi-b, shouid ho ha PyAliouodeuo aith bis napkini fckdunder bis chbia? 6. Wherein the cburcbi, iste bridai prce'.sifln formed? l, Ye, obththe woma'ln ad the, malhank the person wbo ofesthe seat, and the man liffa bis bat te lm. 2. They -sboild dance fo the edge of the circe of dancer-s. They should niot stop in the-C rnîiddle Of 'Éle floor and try to ~ ~ i wakbtentedance(-rs, whlere fhey are cerctain te be ini tile wa. . Yes, or if the parfy is 'Loo large te dIo this, he sbould offer one to those nearest hlm. m. No0. If you can poiteîy pre- sent aopoing viewVpoint, if will craefurtber conversation; but d!rop I subojeet if you finid tliauf theother person's feelings are becominig hurt, 5. No, be sbould be(t-,b teuse a napkini exactly as odrpersons (do. 6. In the vetbl.This can be Cdone verjy quicklýy if it bas been properliy "S>hooting" At Jasper Biig Slcale Af fair Thee IiM be considerable "ishoofig" et Jasper National Pa1rc, lfa, tis seasonr. Whiie core f if mnay be "explosive"' !oe f if wilrequilefiams Tho is "szhooting," iA begin in rnd-un weaCanadien a nd( IUied SAtes cameraenfhuias 'z- w" ~~1~ » N will ~ath riuder direction cf Ivan Dmitri",,or camueraexpr their piture sL<l t he second "sotn"seasoni wiJl begin Aug- Ma el roth the pening si the ntm, IH annuai FTeem Pole Golf 1 f o~( M5 entres hae been received, - cW leb. Anrt erywoa wsvisiting arnhnWyoiring, antld, n noiigalas coiled un on a cowby'ssadleshe inquired whatit wsused for. -We use t -' or cachigattie and hos"C-amle the re-ply. "Idedcieorted the wmn "an ,va o yo Uuse for bi? A F FREsd UEVIS.W hae mze and tjpe êf Slor (,aiinet, or ay 5purplose,VIi i, or wie for pite, e ; t -TORONTO SAFE WORKS .CLASSIFIED AVRJE S. AGNSWANTED) MAWKE ",REAL MON0ýEY" aecd in Il 1a b S conee,r lai i ar.Nol-offsjý . You tak clus e trrîsry. ojuapitl r x P Suil e p11 WP1, Paulab1 00., 1 rie. F,, VB l 0 !) EI S -' Y1P 1 ,ustoer fr 9 cars h fo ea. enlhuiladS1',laylof ,reits rocks VryM~Lgoru pllets, r ine heay see pnd s.Sume, Noith, RenVîtonpOnt. fi'DU t RS 0FCI1ILICE ,S FOR y !K! cnbeS rocsbed e Vlay 'r d S. V. \V. eg hrs Barr0U Éstian. :Noe but lrge gg set.ýùe S cnt, llRo cpets1 cns ci ).cPis ciro blondtstedi-,b1rm ed-u els Stisacionguranee. 3.0 CANDLOBSTERt BES, QLLIT, PAT cRE NIJE pound aus. Pu A.freght r nLa StSttio. I goUds gucran- leedT. M.Lînk- tt- r,- tt--rs--e .XHALiST VANS Torobo Mrcanil. 29 Mlin1a 1ntario..pecia kneparsaentE fo faa Es c i1;eti-'ýons. ,; Nor ISSUE 4--'41O LE~F TOOI&CCO FOUR FOENDS I3URLEV AND VIR~ nuis Leaf for pipe 31.30. Fiv~ pdunds Fragrant Virginia Le-ai Qign.ette Tobeeco 32.50 postpaid. Naturni Leaf Tobacco Go., Leam~ inglon,_Ontarlo. ______________ XO'11( E PUT ST ANV~ VE(TET 'J'.LE GROWa ci s. TPe Oak~& 111e Bssket Go., LtSy Oal îiile, Outarlo eau supply yous baxet, crates sud baskets prompt~ ly nS i c isouaùlc p Pie~. S Si I 1-MEN INVESI giare anS nnproo elîcuinete gl~î~ fs-or lîpOti,. SenS SOc fc pîsticulars Mjncy nos s,îti fieS. Cli' easy lit, Daîîfortb OIU'ORTLNITY OPE mcci le. titi or part t' cd t'amule'. Ps odu ~îît3 paclcsged, 535 aplîsal, buuld s Su'îTssil, ~outidsîîee w illiu~ to sdopt ou se' "St a f',s S~lt&s-t you to prngrcîs sur lx. Pot fs-es ce tain piste Si tails: Miss 570 St Clcmc-iit, Mo Tt)IIRI~T H AUROBA TOSJRIST onial Sesigu, cen Sacrifice (os- ouîck ------------- ; ý ý-il lfc