ORONO WEEKLY ' aide I50 7 e( I ILLE. An'hroou theDitrctConivention of the VW. 1. wns ini Toron)toinenilaswek Lawrýue aeyhlis resigned a,,s f 'Toronto, spent Mr n urs. R. Brunýe andti M1u. e. B)ill Stevens visiteti frientis in -Bani- n, of Oshawa, crolt over the week-end. ek-end. Mr. and Murs. J. A. Barrie and Mur- as engaged Mus. uajýy, wveue Sunclay guests of Mr. and as hiousekeeper. Mrs. W. A. Wight, of Enniskillen. pilnt Sunlday with The MecMuuuay farnily, whio eue cadden, of Keni- livin~g in -Mr. Frank Law's hotzse, hlave rnloved to MrW. Giddus Jones' tended our 'uniteil faIrm. ic at Cobouug, on Mu, an'd Mrsf. W. J. Tuenoiuth, of Napanee, spent a couple of days ast ulough was a week with Mlu. and Mus. Buock mnd, MVorrish, on Pethick. '3r1. and Mus. Cecil Stapheton andi has aicetda~ml weue Siinday guents of Mu. ne operator atj and Ms.Hastead Cèoathami, of FOUNDATION - bL4ni 4by's heaithl Keith an DorothySta'pletonspn tihe w'Veek-enid iwth thleir ulean aunt, u.aidMus. G. _N. S,m-ith, o S-tauîk ville. Mu-I. andus . . Marvi anIMu. andi Mus. Llo)yd(1M arýv in, of Moirish, visite(ldvMu. and Mrs. Georgiendr son on1 Sunlday. Conigratulations to , Mu. and Mrs:. George Kiniball (nee Kathlleen MIc Kay'> upon thieir nauriage at the pavsonage on 'Satuuday. Mu. and Mus. L FE. Millson, Lawu- enrce andi Doreen, and Mr. Win. Bur- hely, spent Suniday at Camp Borden wit)li Pte. Edgar -Millson. Ms, Calvert, Miss Jean Wade andi Miss Wdeýbster, of Lindsay, and Mr. Jark Wade, of Oshawa, were recemt g-uests of 'Mus. J. Wade Su. Mu. Wm., Thomipson, Oqak Park, ELI, is visiting his 'aunt, ýMiss Bertha Thonipscin andi his uncle and aunt, U. and _2Mus. Geo. Thompi-ulson. Conglratulations to Edigar Milison who came ffirst in a sotigmeet at CapBorden with 80 pints out of apssible 85. The nx highest corn- petîtüor securet G5 pit TAR K VILLE Mus.B'aiaghhas retur-neti from-1 vm:igPeterboro Filentis. Mus. Hlarold Little and Garuy, ot Claicke, with Miýss Ruthi Savery. 'u. a nti M us. erb. Giler and Mui. and Mus. Leverne Patteusonî, of FOR SALE Vacu Cleaner, coýmplete with at- tachimflts. ijl aell cepfor castýh. 'niie Rlp ardware, Orono. CHANGES IN SOUJTH DARLING- TO)N GIRLS' SOFTBALL LEAGUE Mtple Grove at Ham'pton to be plyeTuy tnt inste.ad of Junc l2'th. H1arrptoný at Orono to ibe p1ayezd Juby lSth insîtead of June 30th. Waimtptoxi at Courtice to be played July 21st instead of July 2nd. Orono, with Mr. and iMrs. Bert Miss Beulah Hallowell and friend, Miss TylIer, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. HaIIowveIl. Mr. and Mrs. Trenouth, Napanee, Mu. an'd Mrs. Broek Pethick, Clarke, with Mu. and Murs. Ross Hallowell. Mu. and Mus. Ross HalloweIl, Mri. and Mrs. W. A. Rallowefl, and Mus. Ed. White, Elizabeth ville, ealled on friends]_ in Gantniipgtoni and Benytlrton on Sunday. Mý1r. and Mus. . Hallowvell and famly ,rs. S. G. Hallowell, Muis. W.A. Hall'owell, anti Misses Norma HiaIlloweIl ani Isobel Wray, -with Mi-. and Mus. FHauold Buocogof Wesleyville. Mr. GoreWilson, 'Peurytown, lhas- re,,tuirned bernme af7teu a few days visit with his nicMrs. Warren Carson. l Mr. ana, Mus.' Delbert Halowell, -Miss Beut'ha HalIowell andl friend Mur. Bill Barclay, Toronto, with _Mr. and fMus. Jacob Hallow'ell. I ARE FOR ALTIVE AH y mistal<e about it . .. This ;s your cail to duty.-m. Freedom js Tkreatened . .. You are needeci now King and country need you! The o0 duLy is riniging clear and meni love Canada anid ail this great ýnio)n stands for, wi eed no fur- uriging-, its time for ACTION; il -ouit effort! Ouir future, oui, s, ourfaithour fedo, are at There's -no rom-' for ta-ikers or crs! YUR hou, the oro ýIGIITING MAN, Is here! Canada's great mobile armyý, eqip"ped with ail the finest weapoils of mo0demn, mechanized warfare-tanks, airmioure-d vehmicles and gtins of every cazzîlbre - stands ready to your hand. Join t NOW! Be a výital cýog in this f'ast- moving, lhard -lhittîng FIG UT IN G machine. Join up in-answer to Cn ada's cati! join' up and Smash the Tyrrell'1.s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO Hand Lotion Special H1ind',sHoe and Almond Creamr, large ilegular$10 bo'ftlie, fo'r a limiiited Lin . nl .......... ... ............ ....... 49C. Tek Tooth Brushes Noxzemna Cream COST LESS Sootling and hiealin,,g Single Pack, (one bruish) large $1,10 jar, special f or _. ............... 29c, price ................89c. Douible Paek, (2 bruishes) 'i ozea Ol for.... ...................... Ci Ceaml and 3-5c. No-- Jn Med'iium and lard zemla 5kmn Creami, bolth Bristles fo-r ......................-36c WILLSONITE Are, not ou)dîinarv Suni Glasses. Te absorb 97 pyer cenit. of al harmiful rays. Iii assorted tls per pair,..SO0c-. and 75c. Willon~t "OvrspeS snapon oerregular gasepr ...S50c. Offher Sun Glasssa per pair ...............l......Sc. andmie "Carry on Ganada" We stock comlp'lute fines of Tlie Vriýng faprvierichrorne and Selodhirone The ~w Winig Paer ilnb)tofit any cailera, at ekm1lbiùoion',i, large .25c, 3)Oc. and 3,5c, eachi WVriiIing Pad and pkg. Developing ý1 ýý1 * Trvolir ew "EFCon onmI" of Self Seal Enivel- sr,-le. Thie roll develop- bot fr....25 1'ed and 8 pictulres prinited opes, boor....................25 C Remnember the date! Donnybrook Fair, Wed. June 18 You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Two Important Dates June l5th, Father'es D"ay June I8th Donnybrook Fair MENS FN 01SOCS, pair ............ ..............i. 1 to 50c, MEN'S WO.SUKpi...... ........l 7C. 4o 39)c. ......N..........CAPS..... ............. ....... ..... . 15e. to 85e. Mens ou-in4hndTIE'S, beautif1l aýssort11en-t, ful le th Tie, each ............. ... ................ .................... 25C. Men.....Rea....T......TIE...... ........... _ ...25C. Meni's Eg hBradohNE(ýGLEE SHIR,ýTS, fiused Colar , sie 14to 17, .....a .............. . ......... .......... . Men' s \\(QRK '"ÏSHIR'11TSý, sizes 14 to 17/z2.. toS1.15 MnsATHLETIC SIHIRT"FS and SORS2. ant 2()C. Mun's CO1\flINATIONS, knee engiitilh and anikie ....__.........._................. .................. ...... 55C. and 69C. Men'~s L DENIA MIET PANTS, goodwegh tw idon ipasiwtd ode ',s 1e 2 to 42.$1.25 Swee't1 slhelled iel bg a iieal noney saver ............49e. (wrapped), f6- )ars ........ ......25. cds, 2 gianit p'kgs. ........................3........ >, -2's, special per tin .................... ....15c, es, Large 35 oz7. btiSpeelcAl........29e. ite mleats, ,3 oa's..-....... .. . ....... 1Oc. POPULAR SHTOPPING CENTRE 5c. TO $1.0 ùS'ýTOR E Orono Goal & Lumber Go We carry in stock at ait times a complete line of BUILDING MATERIALS INCLUDING LUMBR (RUGHAND.DESD, EET LIME, PLASTER AH YROWLBAD PLYWUI>, MOUtLDINGS, GAE)SA\SU, DOORS, SCRJEENS, D1O(3R AND WNOASPHALT 1RO-OF- BRIC, TLEINSU-LATED 1)SIDIN"G AND ISLT Weare Featuring just now CE D AR S HINGL ES These shirigiles are the best buyv for a roof that wîtl Iast, andý are priced at Pre-Tax Level. Corne Canada's Active Army ne-eds men for Artillery, Eng-ineers, Signais, Armiouired Cars, Tns wiInifanitry, Transport & Supply, Medical, Ord- ntance and othier branches of Ilhe servifce.'thle W Army is prepared to teach mnany trades and i to train you to handie Canada'swns of war efficientlly. Go to oi nearest District Reerititing ERVICE how they -work, w,ýhat thiey do. Sec just THE RANKIS vwhere you'lý l fi t in:ý sec -where an y pa r- d, Lodging, litilar Skill N'ou possess Cali best be ai care Pro- utilized. Then join up for ACTION! )nth for not vedi receith Apply to nearest District Re- 75 erploy' cruiting Of fice or any Local Armoury 0F NATIO1NAL DEu"FfOENCE CANADA 1! k-;