'ilu ulck- inmer in -SWEET SIXTEEN'S" DIARY As reLnesiugsd t îi S ltha wetLaurel guit advamtisas Ise uewhî Iordram-atie ro grans, "iary of Sweat Sixean," is uow baing staged by WVriiys each Tlhursýday iiglit at 8 (ST Over CFIB. It'sso tigan tirely fdiffaeýnt luradioEnter tainnient. penny iMattlins IseW lieoine, sweetsixteen ardac a ini a pichle, is a real trua-to-lifa girl wlio ïtallaailtohem diary But what she COMMitao t pages doas uOt remnain asert it ladrmtie ovaQrtIa ir sud oh boy! cd(o thetenagr lap it u[p. Penuly's troubleswitl lier teacharls, witjh ts a glaior-number dow u tsestree, sitli er niother who doaèau'kp pr-ove of mauy of lierplnwt lier,[)hast girl freiand sud ithÀ prospective ldtes ,.,rfetts tîrilîs anddsppitatsoli young people of that aga whe aen't aither "dopes" o "jeks. Adubta listen, tee, sud aie ut fully lu racobiection oftliowSsd sud serious Htbiugs usae Sepa et sweet sixtean. Anotlier musýical tea har aloug th-e air lanies thlese nigt, cones froin CKOC in Iaitn V'Jien at 11.30 s restfl uuemud ~of semi-dcscaiasd popula msclcoaed.ywos is feau d This change of pace aftel' u ave uinig of dra-mas, dc tusseksd haavy-goiug newscasts, sftb- ceming a avoitespt on tlIsa diajl for Canadisu itena-rs. TuneýC ini ake Miue Musie frni115C ou thCe n do auenvia good- ihtspoto ui ha isss GILBLERT AND SULLîiVAN tors, lias rtrudtotIeCCn- wokfor otarersofcn ~IOUS ORLDFe -e Wiliamy Itf 4$7e L4L/~ê. , AA/; A P723 c K j P- cD Ncr DII D aM5 lD-E VA qAŽ GAc"s ~F~SOit tyloxin lus "iAkw DAE lu a atratohiner sbo ce New York's Josa Iturbi, the ~ gave a piano necital friands, r 'rty î ig"i t oper asafor CtIse s ummeýýr tras -sud as waved dtabato ovrthe Orchestras; heard luman ifthe outstanding shows on ts C~andianchai. flis latest zsarias cisad asýcliTuesday iit a tIse popular favortes fren tIsa works of tIe immortal British- composera, Sir lim Gilbe sdSir- ArthurSuivn - NOTES A->NDlNEýW5 Tite famliar "o-ooMrn, Blooi " echoes agin oven NB's' red Ntokedi miga ara ratunuaing to tisenewr wliara thay originated eaanly 12> years ago for a new daiy saes to b aheadhl plae oufbtIssrial, "Loue jouruey." L'ovabia claracters inlu he tru- to-hf a story of aMalitt-iew laI faily ~r Molly Jaka, osie, sud Sammy, li roen f1o-e s Park Avenue apartmeut. Iu pni- vae osf, Molby isGertrda Desg, the series. A ves atile u commutang1 singer s WBEN's tnor, oh lse savauth appeananlceti.ss sou ithtIsefratouSymnpliouy OcetaAuguat l4tl iu Stoc- f ibs concert dates betwaan îMon- o'cloc. TIse August 14tli dat wIî e tiea fifth tunee h is sungý Baelive's "Missa Solemuis" uLi, Ia ao f r eg Kossvtsy RADIO REPOR TER I By DAIVEROBN I p 1ORCHE$ in< 3 the daeropment ofiArn- -.David Sarnoff.' SSUNLDA Y CHOO LESSON ES NSFROM 1THE EARLY CHURCH-I Co. 300.5 GCOLDEN TEXT -- For oalhar faiuidati3n Cali no m~an lay than tIsai which is laid, which is Jeans% TH,,E LESSON IN ITS SETTING >Tima.ý-The date feor tIsewitn CfCtIse fist apistle to the Corn thianslias- been variously pae at betwen 57 and 59 SAD P1.ae-Tliae famous Greek city oCorintli waus on a commandsng posiion thtIe southlern extrem- -yity ofhtIsenarrow istimnus which joined ile Peloponneaus tu the Arnlaand of Greece, often cahLd cIe "Bridge of tIse Sea," the capi- tlof t he Piovin-ce of Alaa PaAl and Coriinth Palwsfindîng L:somre gon Up ChrisiansebaavÏing ike hu dceu in tue Churcl at Corintliand li rtsthis cvhapter toe orc sucha stuaion Itwill be ti ouraçiantgehere to usaiz briflyPau'srelaïtionship to tIse Churclin uthis great ciy. Ilia A steprobablywettCoit luteautcumin01 ofA.. .O- galylie liad iutended thiq v - iit to be a comparatîvely bief one, but, as a reSUit of tIe dIrect lead- inýg of ts loly Spiit, -Pauil - joniined for pnobI)abiy elhtecil monts,.There ài raso to be- haethat haApostlei) a ss îhog in Crinth aprodo sevele me tis-ugglu,' out of voùeh lie came with l rsolv to preacl more simmpy and Plais- :y:,au aven. Tue Churcli w1ich Pau fuuded he- re was brouglit forh wth nu1h travail;a1 i avC okd onrit as pecuialy lis owu. Aounçi is relation to it' ti.ons o 3f ha Iiife lustar, snd out ofit grewso me of lis moat im- îc uld otsekunto you ias nt Ioriulbt as iuto camai, as utobabas in Christ. 2.ILe you with mis,, lut Whit ea fo)r ya erePot yet able to bean it ay ot aven now vare ye able; 8for ye are yet cannai." Ise ApustiaPfettA llis pre'dhing wol ono good i iehtled abot piritual1 thinga to rmenwh wera unpirital. They wr lisiasraCr iatianslmes lu Chist; but there waa One (dea-. iy aul-tley.wexa calnnal-tliey allowad the flash to donmiatin terlives, TIsa carmi statemgt bedesnibed as a stae Of pro- trctd nany.A aa aÀo Jlphisself, and tha't is LtIse hf e ïf manýyCiitin.Tliay ak thei miiste'~ piritual nuso baba , apthern occupied ai! tIse tiainnrsîng sand feeding thenia on teWr of God. "For wheme- asteeis anong you jealousy sdslLare ye not camnai, and doytnot vwalk aftar the nimner fme?4. For wien Oua, saith, I an o Pal;and a-notlier, 1 aam ofApolos; ara yu not tmen?"~ Thes Cointhanswer, flotwa- isg accodng Ato ts piit Of Christ, bu liy ware cnutn thmevsjuat as plain, ordinaryr men o ýýf theavoild, a conductwic wma claracterized > b y j ea louilsay' sud then, as alwsys, by atrife. folwdat last by divis5ion. I HORIZONTAL 1Latin god of comimerce '7 Ha is thea measager or -- of tIsa goda (Pl) 13 Assýumed name. A4 Rof -' onscious. 17 Eminnati 13 StiEws, 20 King cf 21 Mysef 22FuiT. 24 TosAtffie. 25 Musýical note, 26 Mcoor 27 Senior c(ubbn Y 3 1 C usto0n, 32 Turf.' 34 Vestge. 35 VIoenMly 36 Secls 38 Sans potat Answer to Previous Puzzle 39 Pound. (abbr) VRIA 41 TJpoe. lorrg 42 Hýfal neus 2Frgmn 4souurd ofooann surpise 3 To smccad. 44 Musical note. 4 Fehiiaunai 46 To spîssh. 5Plural 51 FormoL ut W .prWoou 52 Hlpa. 6 To bank 54 Icy mi. 7Wete' 55 Tod4hog. trw 57 To shoot at O Sunit 5c ais 9 Shno ensaýkr 60 Chef. tool. 61 lis wiuged 10 Deposited. cap. Il 'To languish. 62 ia miuged 12 iMasume shees , 15 chun 22 Revokas, 23 Tester. 25 A - is calld by hiie naMe. 26 Pemtiing to fecus. 289 Ha is - 31Pae 33 To stop <up 37 Undaru!ca 40 Saline 43 Tempers. 45 To prepare fw or ritng. 47 Charity 48 Golf 'eru, 49 Caupas shebtar 51 Aud 51 MI~mdt 52 S'k 53 Mdineri, 53 Age 58 Eleetric POP-hin~Wine By J. MILLAR WATT seema as th11ougli tIseCruha hucibrokze u p intLo 'fa c each one of whîch took a differmE teather. . litbten is A\pollos',an whyt laPaul? ministers tînougli wbmye beLieývedI; aud each asý- tIseLord gaven to hot 6. plant c-d, Apollosaerd but God gv tIese irasse. '.Se than neihe is ha thatplau)teth aytig neither ha tînt wateeh; but God, thtgivatli the iceae" Pau! djeclaires t1hat lie and Apollos at oargospel miessangers are mena- ly evat belouging to God, n ttità is abaurd for the Chnis- tias at Corinth te cdivide inte) paies, siyng that tley beloug to men whom God lias sent to sretheni1. These aeservants of God eacli have perfomad a tack ich the Lord asigned -- tliey t aediffament tasks but are un- ited ln theiraim and purposa, tIe advuceentof tIse Chumch. 8 "Now ,he that plateth and ha that waterethi are ona: but eacli sH reeive has own reward ac- cordng to hl own labo" Thé rule of the reward fa, not the tal- ensor gifta, nom tIse succes aof Gýo's Servants, but'hirlbos This brnga the humbleat on a levljc with tIsa Most exaltad. 9, "For we are God's fellowwoanlcr: y2 are God's liuabandny, Gocd's buildng." Codi needa men to carury out fis purposes. For tIse disribution asid appliation of Christ's finislied iork gou the0 cross, God depeunda On men.ý 10. According to tIse grace of uF QUICKSILVER , tltad lant- juniper sudi esa tend te ,n,1 I more ip tamr for, haT- k(opt out, e ork., etc,. wPi mh- awisematrudeIladte foundation; and another builet Paul asotoyalaoebt an aciet To D a eei ed theMushoepan of the buildin and t,-, cie h wyinwic it Shouldbecarried out, il. o other fundtioneau 1C,,a-sla Jesus ChriLs on, thie Ludto od ivr madaissnîfat:foýr The day af I dlaeibecause it is reveald in Lie; an the ire isl hh prove eaeh mnswr fwa s'ort tis"The jLcudgment oe Christ I er- etfrt1ymo3 cally as afira,as Only (one apc of ire, nmeyits testin-g poe it abiiiy ta om=en te permn- eut from ta ranîorte as from the truc. It is a MLhat Wili tet whetlier a building wiIl realy ta-nd orno. tisCrt woputs t ialpprovlo disapproval upon a mans work, 1."if an-y man's;Ork sIsal sha reaiv a ewad.15, IfaU mia's wo;rk shah 1 be hur e a shýa]1 suffeýr ba buit ha himaalfsc shali be sawved; yet so as througIR Lire." If ail tht a Hassain lms done liera non earth la Nnaly sonto haworhlss, tii, WIse ail of hUs woks narecomad by tb hir, lie himsalf may Yat ha,' sae sby ein houh