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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1941, p. 4

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mlorllnng at ofl requ( Our R Times Office bscription, $1.2' s2O pt Attention rrester, Puiblishier osiery Vo hear bhat Cail- cd2( hosie vy. Last le stockinigs wcre 01 to this 31,000,- tAan two decades old, the Cann- *et strides. Canade'.s place at tise superior-ity cf -the Canadian ability and appearance. ili an.igenuity of a solid 7,000 eniplyeecs work in 28 le Doiniion, applying their ex- of fine hose. arec fac-in'g annew problequ, that ierchandise though their mater- uable foreigis exchýIange the in- iser i ihose and is i-xing ýthe lisie and raýyon. Fine fillainnts th the necessnraiy am-ount ef sîlk tisus nijade are, used in knitting Spanfels of stoekhsgs toc. als is a comparatively nlew d prese--nts somllethinig of a chai- with çsuccess. New types of ite markset and are more tisan Canadian wcnmen. And thlankls ndie the machines and tise dye- )f titat grent femiine essential, are- now 'being turned out. AT WAR One Canadian. factory will soon" have the largeat output cf any auto- d ythe mc gun factory in the world. ,iýiIat t- Fourateen tyTpes of land and naval ai-." guns,1 includling latest types of anti- r. aircraft and anti-tank guns, and ten ,dan sol- types cf nountinugs, are now beiug are flOw imade or Will acu be made in Canada. e soidie-s. Ten of Qanata's nineteen cheîîiials F. and R. and explosive projects have beg-un fo, aboit production. Smnall aimis amimunition factories -soîdiers, are proIucinkg tens of sillions cf ýeen listed rýounds ionithly. the out- Nie types of gun ninit-iii'ioni are now~ beimg tuirned out et the rate c)f -rengýth c f millions cHf rotInds a year. ships and More Vlan 100,000 arm'ny imiechlanical n ow. 200 transport vehicles, mnade-in (Janada, a have bee'n delivered and are ini ser-1 ýst infantry tank bas out. Production pro- for, 800 infantry tanks 00 cruiser tanks. VA GIVES LEAD illial 1 nvýrinîterntýS ïad Dre-adj'ust personnel so wish to enliaV for active do so andlie replaced d eider - mon, a rapid is already in operation mrenit cf National De- ýiviian veterans of te Veteran Homne Guards mnedical categories are )n dut~y o relieve tose meLdielj catgories for Tise Minister cf Na- ein a recent letter te, gues asked tisat oach, he Cabinet tase rneces- ,omiptly to ensure that goement 'ne given by tQise tc maen in Vise Civil Sev- for Taxes ANT issued by th~e May,, 6tli, 1941, 1 shial '1941, at 2 o-'clock iii Shme.Orono, pro- dun metin padout a total s-um cfoi ,il11.00 for sheep kî1leldb fdo lur- ingl the month cf May. W.D, Sýtephelns, Port Hope1, ',passed, awny onu rdaJulne 2thl, follo0w - ing alcn1gthy i1llness. Ho wNas br ili BDruce Myines, and vd Vo l0POrt, liope dîiti whenîaboy. 11e was n former grýocerl, reýaltor andisuae agent for.nnly yearls. Hie served ninie yearýs on, the public school board and was ani arden't bowles. He i ' ' rvied by his wd and onie dug-h- Rerv. W. Oliver Nugernt, paste)r of St. Ade' Churo'li, C"bourg, for the past yenr and a haif, has been grnnted leave of absence by the Mis- sion Board of thie Fresbyterian church in Cainada, Vo open a mission churci t uta newilitar-y sett1iment in- Neîwfondlnnd. Ille will be away for- sxmonths. Rer. Nagenlt will _eave on Sundafiy, Jessle 29thl for his niew work. Nor>ttumIi'erlnd 'County's Vitory Loani cantpaign- total Vo Saturdny n)igth last, the losing day cf the amanwas $30U,000 above its quota nnd thýeie are stîli a nlum-ber cf disýtricts fis the county Vo lsear- frcmn. The counity's quota was $900l,000 and its hionor objective was cee imillicn, Total Vo Saturday night -mes $,200,- 000. Pull returns are net expuctedl in until Wednesday nig-lit cf this week. Miss Fern Blodgett, of MoMaster Ave., Toronto, and frmieriy cf Co- bourg-, has 'chantged frenm a steno- grapher with th e North Amnerican Lîfe Assurance Ccympany Vo a wirfe- iess oplerator on a merchant ship bounid for the war zone on the Norths Atlantic within 2-1'heuirs. M\,iýssBlod- gett is very happy and excited in ber- new position. 'She received bier dip- loae t the Canadian Electronic in- stitute, ai-d -ight ater rcivdthe ca11 Vo active srie Josýeph Desjardineps, cf Kitchener, pleaded guilty Vo the tbeft of $16 from a g-arage operated 'by Wilfred Greeniaway at Hlanmpton lin e was~ arrigied bc-fore Magistrete O. A. Lnngl6ey, K.C., et Cobeurg, recently. lie rwas gvna terni of four,-meinths definite and two .nonths indefini'te ln the Ontario Refcrmatory. A,»,simailar cocuretsentene ,was imposed when the accused aIse pleaded guilty 'Vo 'the t'left of a bicycle owýned by a miiessengetýr boy for Jury & Lovll's d àruV. - l1nVOt l a \Va. li e -, -as ar - [rested In Darlington tow,nsliip. Tbree alleged thieves wýere arrested in Brighton townshbp on Wednesday afternoon cf last week by Provincial Constaible D. M%.. Carruthors ef er a three-day seari. foilowing the theft cf flive calNes and $2 worth of bar- nesa taken froinithse barn 'cf Nornman Pbiiiliips, Brighton Toavnsbip. Titose1 held include Wesley Rogers, Georgei Lcveless and Janses Lovelcas, ail cf Brightton Township. Tisoy are s'aidA Vo have stolen tbomn on Monday night1 and Vruked hpi Vo Vieir ferma%. These are said Vo have been recovered anid retnrned Vo, their owner. The threo moen were teken Vo 'Cobourg jeul Vo eawaiV trial. CLIMBS TO TOP 0F FLAG POLE Wisen Vise second pennant was be- ing isoisted Vo the top cf tise flag polo recenitly, the -wire came off te pulley at Vthe top, suaking it impiossible tVo raise or lew,,er te flag. The flags -were at haîf mat for' a few days be- fore anycne coufld be found brave enougiis Vo riist'heir life te go Vo tise1 top cf the m1ast Vo release the -wire. ; Jimr Midcleton was the maneaof thei heur. H1e liised up tisefrneor until ho came Vo te steel pole, thent ho shisimered up the pole likoe a redi squirrel until he was only a foot from tise top. Tise wire was again put hack on the pulley, then replaced witis a [Lettêrs 10 the Ediftor Oro)no, Ont., Jane 24e 1941. The, Editor-, Orono Times, Oronou, Ontario. Dear sir: AsScrtry cf the Centlv Cns mittee for the re Townlhip) Donniybr)ook, Fair rcuntly held at O)rono and in peito f te pal'iyoyur paper -se ký-indully cod cd the evntIamn encboising you er 'ith a cpy cf the Financial Statemýient is'suedl by the Finance Connittee, C. T. Mler, C. F. Awdje and W. S. obdigvng the tunl details cf reýceipts and expeniue aPprov1,Yed by the minmbers cfetl, Cen,-tral Commiittee whîch consisted cf W. J. Riddell, Chairimiia; R. R. Waddeil, Seretary; M.L H. Staples, A. J. BigeIow, Reeve T. A. Reîdi, J. J. Mellor, Russell Osbornse' Roy' Mercer and Sta-nley Rowe. The Central Comutii-ittee also wish throu')Ligh tise iedium ef your peper, Vo extend their appreciation and tlbanks te ail who worked for tlbe soc- cess cf car DFfylro airesci- ly ntentionin'g the ladies, thse donors, and the bnyers 'at the auction sale., The sympnjathy cf ail go -with c1u1 cheqtue for $19 01.02 e I the Britisht War Victims. Respectfuilly yours, The Comnittee Surprise Birthday Party Given Mrs. Eagleson A surprise pnrty of somie forty re-~ latives and neighbors ýgathtered at te home cf Mr. andl Mrs. J. Eagle- son on Saturday. Jane 14th, 1941, Vo help M.Engleson c(,eelrate ber birthday whiih fei-, on tise foillewing MNonday, dune l6th. Tise conimiiittee ia charge had plan-] ned this 'celebration and six o'clock, supper Vo teke -place on te lawn, but owing Vto the inclemnent weather the tables w,>ere set indloo-rs. When the guests isad -atitered on tise lawn grýoup pictures were taken andl other facilities were enjoyed uniil supper mas annouinced. The tables were artistically decer nted with peonies and oranige hIcs- sonis A saLmptucus supiper was ser- ved, consistîng cf strawberries aiid crean-1an-d all good thingis that go withit., inceluding- a beautifuily dlecor>- eted birthdey c ake which was maceh enijoyed by ail. After supper coii-nmunity singing ýýfld ,i wâtta ca 5enjoyed, à.lu dur- ing te eveniing Ms Dean Cars-adi-1 den rend an address, and Mrs.R. R. Waddell presented Mrs. Englesoni with 'a handsomne lace tobleclotis on beheif cf Viose present, Mrs. Ea'gle- son replied flttingly, thanking her friends, and offeristg ber heome for any clebration ý they îni'gitthave. Mrs. Bagieson was aise recipfient of otiser nice glfts and congratulains. Mrs. H. Wailsh was laccompianist for the singing and also favoured with vocal &jets witis her lusband, Out4ýof-town friende'swere present frem 'Sayner, Millbrooi'k, Kendal, Kirby and Newcastle. Thse coinimiýttee in disarge were: Mr. Dean Carseadden, _Mrs, Giddus Jones and Mrs R. R Weddell. Mansiaughter Count Follows Auto Death Early Sunday sncrning, June 22nd, a fatal accident bappened one mile eastof BcwNvanv.flle, wenMrs, E. V. -Lawlor, cf Picton, passe'd away in Bcw,ýmanvl]lie hosipithi con Tuesday. Site was a passenger in a car driven b-y Hugit bannai, Carrying Place, which mas wrecked wben it was in collision with the trailer of a trans- port truclk. flanniab is suffeinig froni severe concussion and severe shoek nnd other injuries. Flarry Fo'rsytbe, Pieton, drivrer of ANNOUTNCEMIENT Newt on v LJl nied Suilday Soo")c Aniversary, Sundlay, June 29t,11,tý il and! 7 p«m. (sta-ndarýd tirne. Guest speaker, Rev, Walter Tinik, ofi Hïhmliltonl, gifte2d soli'st, anil soni of Re.Ed. Tink, a former pastor. COMINCI EVENTS Newtonii!e Fiel1d Day, Tedy July ls-t. Bail Games und Sorsn th,,atron Dunnnnhig inteeen ing -diso,25e. to each. Re- freshrnents on the girounds, -Leskard Sunday ýSchool Anniver.- seriy Service wifll be beld on Sunday, June 29tLh. lMr. Stephen Seywell, of Qsaa will haveýIharge of the ser- vice at 7 .(standard timie). Spe- cial mnisiec by a quartette fronm Bow- mianvilile, iconisistinfg of the Misses Dixley andf Rundie, and Messrs. Da'vidge and Hanco'ck. On Monday, Jeune 30th, a Stra-wvberriy Festival will be sei-ved, emeeln at 5 p.m., fol- lowed by a piary, "The Great Mis- te,(put onl iy the A.Y.P.'A. af Bethany. Admission, 40c. and 20)Oc. Everyone la ceordially invited. BABY CHICKS Prcfessional Directory MEDICAL . F McKENZIE, M.D. PIJYSIGIANY and SUR GEON office Hours Fl ONE ,47-11ON DR. R. O. DICKSON Den0ts Office Hourýis in Ororto: ~Mondalýy t.) Fr'ida:y (inclusive) From 9 am. Vo5 pr.4vei'sbY A(p1pointxhent Offie ilours in Newcastle -- every- Saturday fromi 9 a.rn. Vo 9 p. For appointnent phione 0Oronio 18 'r VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Se., VETERINARY SURGE($V Office : Main St. Orono Phocne 56 r 7> Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillant Phm. B. Blood Tested White Leghorns sud ý QIJALIFIED OPTOMETRSr Barred Rocks,'- Mixed, Sexed and Licentiate cf thie Cellege of Optoua- Strnted Pullets. -,.Rt.O.P. sired chicks. etry of 0Ontario All eggs pr-oduced on our farm-i. Over Officebr:1 e1 .n n ~ thirty years in business. Le-w prices 4.30 p.m and Isy eppointment on Rocks and Leghor'n Gockerels.- Offigýe in O. B. Tyrrell', Drug Store Alvin Clemiens, Bowmianville; Phone Phione 68r2 24U. tf ALDRIDGE -CHAPMAN On Satlarda4y îafemnoon, Jane 2îst, Peonies and ferns decorated Eglinton United Ohutch for the marriag-e cf Miss 'Gladys COhap<an, daughter cf Rev. J. F. Oh'aprran and Chap- man, to Mr. Gord!on James Aldriilge, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Afdridge. The bride's father officiated, assisted by 'IRev. W. J. Johnston, and Mr. Ar- thur E. Wilkins acconipariied the sololïst, Mr. Ber-t Clarke. Mlr. F. F. 'Morris gave his niece in marriage, and she wore an effective gown of gardenia white silk, jersey, made with draped hodîce and pleated sýkirt. lier veil of tulle was caught 'with a ha-lo cf shirred net em- broides'ed with seed pearis, and slhe carried a cascade ôof butterfly iruses and blue cornfloweiis. Miss Alice Ross, maid cf hon.or; -Miss Doris AI- dridge and Miss Beryl LeGrice, bridesmiaids, \Yoi-Lfrocks cf aqua and ýNCE y, Automio-. ,iabillty -Ontarlo' '* i- -C. Cfl INSURA Fire, Casualty bile and Li Oreno - AUCTIONEERS. TED JACKSON Auctiorieer and Valuator Conidueta AuetiOn S'ales of aa sime and at reascuable rates. cinninicate with him iat Pert Ferry, Ontario" or see Ibis lerk, E. M~orton, at Oromo, for.dae. G. RICHARDS Praetical Watchmaker AIl Rtepaira to WStches, Clocki, aiénd Jewellery, will receive aur promlpt, F. F. Morris& Son ýFuneral Directors Furnitui'e Dealersf AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night. 754 and 57,3 Orono. 27-4 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complote Furniture Store and ModIern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Good-THE NEWEST Our PiesTELOWEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO the largest is for county roads, which, it is estimnated, will take $56,- 775.512. 'Munic-ipal Expendituaresz, t- talling $24,0010, is miade iujp cf th,ý, f elIcwing itenis: Couneil anjdCc- mîittees $5,70'0, salaries $4,600, - keep cf rooms and officýes $5,50,h postage and stationiery $1,500, regi-s- try offices $2,500, interest on baIns 320,leg-al fecs $1,000. The estim'ated 'budget sets aiside $11,000 for Pat-4otio grants and provides $4,093.3i5 for sundry expe-n- o n. ;*i,vfÂ#.uat 4 Intonment 01-o

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