IRE'! otbets These sn for 2 le v SILVE t -b-.-. -- A TIP FOR TEA By KAT'HARINE BAIKER j jittery a'ur, ustan 1/'c mlore vwariïi.1t anc and açide zest ta tis iaurse fthre day. lan ta )metsig a Mitte dmferen-t mieath e.Ntnght tha't wud eee hepr- heý tee, hiou-a timie for e and cI-ongellty hs ns for smnall cakes andJ aie aeidaTlrey po enauihlu tt]ise wa'y et oo santi bîwno n tIeoct- .ck brleatl i ar gas oa ad,, perfect for Senda s eroUn-d onera ad jit ally or tliem or ta- ha an- - R ES b sking char tai' ing I isocoiete, 2 eggs weil b a k Âfr~/ÀU . ---.FigVre h Out '17b ecar 3 vlves a-ud iesun, Whiýi akes ay9 4yu 'file mo sda g e By ie 0£ plisy6greet 'i I 7 w theeficsjrsaîi We soon cIsail caine ta h. Astronomy le 1 derful, ~~ut it's 2 &Ô 4 ~-4 inan 2 grasp, e-ad thaf le xrisy 1'd better sey ne more. ou1 vanille Sî tfou ncMeelsureI-, a dd bau.if- ing podelad ai, ndsiUItota tureaud iend Fal luflour. Add milk, -.I ile san 1nut 1an ixK well. Bae in graeedpan, 8 xz18 z2 2rm eu Snd co.Uumie qurs 1 ELCM> SCUP AKE 2 usi itd ae iu Cg4 epon MsassdU a 1 teaspon vanlil gar yfaroue fesraam butter Capcapmtgthrutia.'h n 2fveluff.Adeg, aa t tm 2baugtoo ugblitta. ah d flus, alernat,ey i wltah,,mai . a emal m Satt atneu,, beand a-er ecisadtioni ematis 18an cup akes -~ ~ 13 by CAILEB ý-H_3NS a New Yark ak3jyslcrapar. Tisa playaers areý: Hendersan, Police -n spctrF1.hatY, AMarti n Fraz;ar, e . aDona, Maàx MicDaalis, and bis friand Williarms, a jek kr They arc waiting for Stephaen Fitzgeraid. Wbaýn ha fails ta ap- pear, a talýephone cal bring* tisa information that ha eis out with a girl. Fitzgeraalid IHendlrs0n are both romantically intere!sted in Lydia ILane, thea famous ac- tress, but Archia Doane ravýea1s that sha is engaged to rnarry hiin Doana leavas the party early when Fitzgerald fails ta aAppear. A short timae later ha telaphDinei Inspector Fl"aberty with the fran- tic news that ha bas found Fitz- gerahi and MssLana daad in Lydia Lane'3 penthouse apart-. mient. Ail crustnil evidenca poin3ts a rcieDoane ai tha inurdarar, especiaily wben tisa mnUrder gUn is fsdC-arefUIlY plantec i n theaclirnn C' ea-ont itise basensen1t. CHAPTER TEN_' "Nt et my boy," eaid the In spacetor. "Stick around, tog ask0you. Lie down, if yau ,ikie, on theSOfa, and rlst yur nermes. l'Il eu you if 1I waist youl. Othens, 'm going ta pueli thi investiation through as Lest as possibe. Ipropose t ta y he caver evecyting chtinanY-_, Maund Mtin, cn te nt s,ý l , as >ou Ikem" "Imgoing tao stay," said Ma Uihei,1nFa1 ernodded hie- decison ta do the seme, "Ona or two qullestins Jý 'd lîke ta ýpt ta An-hia beorle we do enpyig aise," the .lawyer want on, MYOU Say you cene a Athe con- Cluion thet Fitz muet have beau shýot aerly lu teavening. I 1wisii yoli'd gîve uis your poesa reaeoing tat ld ta that cnl- MItwae the snow that made me thin of thet," repiiad Doana. "It begen ta enow after ght O'cLock; I know it had flot bgawhienIT got tau edesn'. IL Stopped snowig bafore elavan ooc, Ar the sky was clear whien 1Ilef't my roome ta cone up hr. "Vrfyte timieo the sýnaw rom the WaetherBurea , Tnyý," interuped nspector Flah1erty. "Go on, Archie; I bagin tu g2t your drift." "Woni look at Fitzeralds she.From whreïIset, nmost af the timeon the stool by tCe Place~ brh aprt n ani,,- praesed bakingshoet, ake lu a hot aven (450 dogrees !C) 12 ta 15 iminutas. _Make -24 biscuits.3 B1iscuitjs pleced lihty païr o bak!ing ebeteed an venbrw crueit ail iraund. Wh,ý,1en broken aopen they Show'a ,Creamiywitfuf crmb, aven a"d fie grned.sTbay pll apart in fia'ky ayrs TONIATO BISCUITS 2 cuýps sifted cake fou Steaspoon sai 4teblesp!oansbueroatr Cri ccp 1toata icaý Sict flouir once, maue d bakîng powder and sait, aundalW agi.Cut in] renn;ad a mat juceailatonce und stir caulyuntil -ail flour is damp- enLed. Than stir ioroui util whare Ctet ooked. .A ean woudn' casseout in rtisin atent thee wrasnow on tagracund, if isn'tlikaly.Andthraie't1 sign aof mi 0ur ,n Fitz',s so re beorethesinow began," "Thet sounde esoale kuti doesn't prove that ha wasca befare the snow begen, Inpee- forFlhetyobeted.l I eaizetht m taoy leai wrng" aîd Doa1neý, "VWt ti Med icaiaminrha', , told us, proves thet. I was rnereiy telnig haw I 1hedcmeta tha onluio that ha bead beeý,n shiot Sû,caete bafar0 hesno-w began. ,If Idin' shoot him--whîch I didn't-Mliq Lana didn't shoot hip-which I dntblieva-then he vwas ht 1 figuedby ame aone wlsa cm inta thie apartrnantsurtijs- ly, Ètise'way 1I came-andtisr were finto ee n thesnw "Loak oon autisara ogr" - dan snnw, and you AHl fiud my trache, but no Otheas" "Sme ne igitbave beau blïd- ing in tise epertmcent, a burgiar lyng in wait, forexame. He might havaelMipped ont tisafrontý door of tise aparîment eu dawu tisa stairs or tisa alevator vwhiil yon neemkn up y-our rmmde taý go in tise bapck wey"seid l- ~pectr Flearty."It's fago torznbut jiet's getdownta tise fcacte. "Fire w'l lokettisa roent door." '['ha do opeing fr c ie aie- vatar landinginto the foye-r of Miss LaeSe'sparment proved ta ba equippeUd ,with twa locks; anco tise ownars of tise luilding, tis othe1ýr a speciail b1r1-î-pjroo lck whih culdnotba estaneâdau- miaticalily by ithe closinig af tha d1oor but 1had1,ta balockad ý(1wut? fr1om th'e oueie r ben a nobisde BathLok WeaO Nosign of tisa lock being tam- perad Wth or tis door for-ced," Inspectr Fiaherty diMtda- ter -a cacrfu ispection."Thoe doo ws lckdyou se, Archie, wisen 1you arrived. 1Do0you îknoiv ýwisetiser bath iackýs ware 01n?", Ye;becýa-uca 1 hed ta use twa biande ta opvienethadoar w1hen yoscr fer a mmntsthoughit. "Well, well ee ,vhatote ways nbaycould get lu,» tise Inepecto weut on. H% op; a the Fiench door At te frnt of tie studio The now on the sll of du windows and tisadoar, and on the little, stratch of roaf gar-. den thus Adcosad as -levai, fluffy end(1 bakn A iik rdaof cnow fLu inard f rami tisa daar s"il. "Nbdhas cama i n tis w ay sinca thae now bgn-"said the Jinspactor.ý "Tisera isn't auy way for anyane tA gatiniu fromt front ex ept by cimfrng thse building, that I can see?. "O0r over fin, panthOu4;e rouf ab)oya uL,,s, " suggosfed ra-zier, "and the saw oauMeegof the is undistarbed, toa2' "eo e walaaok avar the ba roo'," --tid 'Max Mceei,"jet mne ask Archie e-question Dor tw11o. I tisink I, kýnaw Ithe answars, but 1 want tA get thamn in the rýecord. "Arc-he, da yau own a pistai DAd you evar awn a pisaI? "Neer," rapl,'ýit)ied Donnec. In afid of l0-c'the tissigs."' - "Yan have had ta h a1-dia pï- tois in you)tr profes-;ibnanliwa 4,a anl actor bavai't yu? "Yes; in feet 1I hava ta uSee ainc la tse ictue Iarn nOw nain Whr tiis stai? t Do, y o knowa"0' Tisa Gs* lu TiiePiur "La fise p-roparty rooram tts Highart Suis as fer, as 1 Whndid you cea it lest?" "A day ar two ega; Tiesday, I thînk, we chat the lestÉ scane ini cvl rev-olver ýýor ani uo atl? buia L th %v.t "iDo ou know th c albeti lDd youXeuer Lr htpsa? "Ony oce.Tht î Ln is "Je his itue younae work-a ie ina ounýd picte?" J"r "Were lany rcAuton tke pte uneap on." "A lzomweeoausupps I i iire and awv nlerves. clheery mie!"