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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jul 1941, p. 7

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jile and Ottawa, Scems fsro C,. Wlialleyof theRC..VR wscredited wit te sa.inIg Cof ttre semen heuthedetor vahoa as sunik by d'ive.o~b rsfollowing the destucntion of to Grmnbattleship isask lent. Wha-ýlly divcý-d fromr the dc of the desroyer Tartr to tak a l-ie to the mes, who were tUns bonUlt aoiD. SrOh. sia]ley iy the son of Very iRov The part iIlgpaydbCh- -se Boy Scouts and G C Gude lute !-ta pate f o thet countr'y, adthe value o,-f Scuigand Guiding in !Ej pn chape the charater of the boy- adgirlsof future Chýina are c - iowlcdged by Madame Chiang X-shCek in iC her rntbok Wr'ites the Chinese Pre>(sidený-,t's- rierwC -wercml-et by a proces- aion of Boy Scous asdGl Guides. I ias snrpord to see shem id this far-awa Partof WY'estern China, yet vw.e îecoun- erdthcm everywher-e, Th c.Boy >cout uniform is 1o01part and parcel of the student hI:e oýf Chna io iatter how far or ïa whtdirectioni one miay travel.ï 1Ave seenthem hueenlueigt hesnIow cl1ad mounrta"us (oL 4 ~ "bt, away ia t~e nrhws ýIear the burnipg sands of the Go)bi Dcsert, lun the loessreis id Kansu, lu the tropics of Yun- nluthe iremote :Kcwicho, su id everywherc through the vast proevinces from North to,ç,sonýth Choca. "They shoulti havue t edu iýi"I-ueK-ce in time to comeic upon the character of Our peeopl, es- pcilythe illiterate onecs, so you boýcys and girls must always ce 'god Scouts' Iu SUNDA y SESCS0N0IL LHE S YS P'ANSI p(ý reled. Acta 19:20. i im-ihe cîûnogy 0f f hý ' upeLi an lite i ujefr In arenel bt "ena aetr ein.teOl oui le on, appoi- de of- G e od t cfyof esuh- esynwas oe awestnfcan-e 20 mies beow, Teas ws ou thoe1 1anmi e coast, thougo " r o tb 'Lescofies oaTyreandce snea îiUere in syria, Ut goapelis lesson eyhave another illusainfthe poonitu wIih snu in ly enîsizt lu'a tIenaie of fli Bgok o Ta, fbtn e opel of PauelIin- doamef Goti, tIr e gopel orsd Cist!,' muaf face a tl r o ofan tgisi teres - ise pýhos-- ios ile powrisil o iaiT th4ol iruman irt, audthe slfish oesso! human , n a ture iself hesenmust il teorerconagoigtue it ti lu ese rea erenfandor Pan! s pesesgCito phesus was ý(- teu ltfte gref (lstces fof treinandn wrd Eli teusfo hih wchavrecord G isd bis meetig ith a gron,ýpa of tenduegs of John they apia staion. siami t e at a whc lestluhes feon im edey bpecdiag tlhe ugý,open epargrapi miof u essonAmts 19 s."Anti honerti nthesyaoge anuý ti sa old l forlic sace ofv fbree n iths, rcspeiïg, anyti pfesuadge as totheinspon-r serning the kigdomtof oti. 9rov anti disobnfdeneseakuevil ofh the Way befe'wil the iue, ha tià iepartet fCons tnantitentonr tetithe dicuiples e reasoing indaily_ iante dirscboloftyhauna. 10 Anti tIns continui dfor.Thespae of twe o asse hat ail e tbat Pvoul's umiistry boreowas maret hy splecial througlneaoftcl- onceof rros fog is ýenrîler coudversltsby etarinaymrc Pulnsatesatons, which seeni f0 ofst tiver!ome the 3power i icW anti ore r laEpesus; byý vanieti nantiwdsrctonucces SOi theea trou tIre enti1reaprov incte biRoumunempex tde fireoppOth ion, orwhil flcaex 'neiug emeofrtion causeb rhbly et flicw mstserns; anti3fiAnd b Wcnsat attÉento therte -iffscultie s cxistg lu di- woui flig C- a sfory !Fphysia noverkuowtherew-,as a -waron, s c nvrstka lirmid arunt fle lxureusimpria Heelahoeat Torquay, certan mari nameti Demeims a slvraifiwbo matid ile s nine -1ý,s 0of D i ana1z, bro 0UgIf n liffle b)usiness unto thiecrf- me ,;'2. whlomlho gatheretite ghrwitli tho wollrmef hike o oCcupaLit ion! , anti saitiSir, ye know tat by tfslua usiness w h ave our wealfh. 26. Antiy se aensd hoar, that net alone at Eilubs, but aîurost flrouglient aIl11Asia, flua Paul hli pasuti cd anti turuiet away uch people, saying ýthiaf thcy are ne, godqa, lifare manea wifh hands: 27. anti net only later ane tri ,at flua our fratie comne into ti irepto; but alsýo fiaf theil temnple or flie gU.a egotdeauS Diana ho matie of neoacout, andti ît lie abeulti even hoe de- poseti from ber magnificece wom ahi Asisa ni thebcwerhd worsiippefi. 28. Ani whea they Ireard flua tley weef4iUled wifh wrafh, aud crieti onts- ing, Great la Diana of flicep- cas,s 29, Andtieflictiy' fijleoiwitlithflicconfusion: anti tliey rushoti wvitli one accordi inte tIre theiafre, having- seizeti Gainaý anti Aristarchus, mc f Mace- donia. Paul's Écompanions jlu- tr avel. 30G. Anti won Pul -ma-, indeti teenfer lu totIre people, flic disciples sufferet il-im net. z31. ý Anti certin aIse of c tlie Aiarcbsbeing his inona, sent unto hlm ant eegi l nef te ativeature hmslf rt the theafre. 32. Sone th1erief cLre crieti one fhin1g, aisoma- o)thorý: for ficasehe aal con1fusiion; ant ,Itlie 1morepr kuow nef wler-efore fliey e eceie ogethern" Their Concern Is Money Sudtinly tIre whole city e Ephesýus was ifaeiantud sn againat tIre apoafba andti le dis- ciples, beca,-use se maI)ny vwerec furning lu diaguaf from fthe templ lertger buyiug images efirt offer as sacrifices or te carry houme witli tli as objectsA o wlr'lpiTe silvernmiflý,is who grew rich ourfais kinti of firfflo were afraiti their busine-ss eî be lest, sud they wolihede prîveti of their large icncees. These silvemifs careti netbing for athfruth o!flic religionrir- abrines representeti but, tfhe.---r coucera being mioney, tliey wvenre deteraitet that fla inu mua ciflierbc put ouf of flic city, orv ho put te dleafli, Wlat aunck nowleclgmcnt o! thec Power of fic- gcespel, fliaf flicwholacCitysont ha ui sud an uprear o trhli message o! one Jew, by flic nme of Paul concerning acuiit pensea hy the namne of Jeans! On tiang the authorifies ceuldn'f dou was te "laugh off" tais gse message, for if wsas acfnsby trans- formIng flic lies o! groafmuti tudes of Ephesian citizaus isud visiJter, antid eya aElcn CokA Porpoise? Tastes Like Pork diany o!flice footis which our ân-cesesejy are appcarung agaluin Bifiai hadera. TIre flesh o! goafs anti kitia for in- stneis S'ai(t teIredeliclous if ooeiproperly, Gentatesraflier lîke vonison sud( k-iti like veaLl. mportation froniture meuntainao!uIreanti lias ecuea rgla ratie. Tlie monts are efal t fabout 45 te 50 cents a pounti, Porpoise, a ppardiali ilu QuLeeniza befhl,'s (daýyl se sobeing estenk agaýin. lIf fastîeS ike pork. BSy DAVE ROBBINS CoetonsOM wmomld avents, arias ni statesren I-Lcome witb 1 thï wte pe o .B. Farreli, Borala aliaxNS., Mr. Par- reili wa dctdl nlniand j"n1,hsevt flrst i lte Cenl- adin avy th n a a ecrIin ottierhroghout CaWnadandi as an infantry oficer lA Enland sud FranCe sfer-the wr ha tioi% grent deal o0 work tor thlicodea Depatment o!Laibourbefore goicg Io jourc l i, hak ow Assoec- lae diorofthe OtaaJoýUrn3l) This varied areer miay infsr accùa-fr he wide sco-ýpe 0Cf hie broad"st tAa DrgIle pntfour SmonrthsMr Farel &bs rcevei ore t'hanl twenty-fve thonuudletters fom listner, Tesecame from a 0Il part of he oatleutL, from top, Yukon anti comu eow Canada's ~southrn borers -froibue iversuant ahbisbops, from sot- l- tiers, ad vi rm uatIes 0 Prisons. A loage number come froîn thre Untd aoalthough An- encan netwrks do net vcry Mr. Furell's taWis These taks are haeid luntIns part0o!Contr oufrniCBY andi CKOC, AROUNO D THE DIA,,L Pai r ning to oudug I BOAT BUILDER HORIZONTAL Aniswer to PreviUsuzzle 17 Cres neto f a A MA PlAT 'E E PF i AmerCa wrvessel, VE \'!N A OF2So1 lSo, VNDS7 EAT BLA supoT li7Tc Lfi tup. P, ATFID E1 - E O T 1 roU21> 2Pile of fabrie. NIC E SINEdau 2Zisoabd ï NE E Bz1pat 24Fi>a egs 7 A Pmodel, 25 Swamp. 49? Varnish V)c T.T I AL 4 S1ggvoýice .26 dditona ingediet. Fater, 43 Momnn, mesage 5i1 Long ~ Ba ek 45 Armïaillo, (abr. aerur. 2000 pou C, 46Your. 4,&uriss,5 In, 47 Touched 24 Bad. 54 Sboebottom. 7 raba 8Nu ig ~5Strmd. 5b Street Car. cm ane. 4' eet 36Roe orac7"e, 8T ri1; M50 Exclama,,tion.i sheae9Curt abbr.52 YJapa n e SeC 38 Fuel basket. 5îEaato, 0To soak up. fi s'A, u9 S-ek. 9Nie Of 1bis il Tofl 54ToG oo 401E, ~a. Ptpo i 6Munti 41 Btteing 60 is t'ype boa-t 16 ewa a abbr.> machï, ine, ,s used for Swd 8Arca A4 To putr(os . p., <br) Eskimosfrapper, sud oûther es dents of tIIeterioryoflak ThreYukoa won' t iie anme ïnoxdf montir. .. Hery Morgan, WOR'$ wacky hnmorst Momavs New York ou a thr-ee-wveek aeaioJuan ie25t1 anti hes going te Alasha. NOg isoacaion amAlase atc jim anci Vrwoare ral sogtesVuaHoly tand Jim Friehig of NIe Tiee Treysh"vo InIoveti11up to, a uew Monday affe- noon spot on WBEh~sehedul- 12:415 o'cloCk, ThsIs asu-n-atrpo giam lI whin two aoite WE siner cown ai, shig soune o! t'Ire day's top ogisd oa afe Colmodians bnAbbo."tt anti But Costello whom yo.u rý eýcantly saw;, the flm"Buck rivts"hv gonle inito tIrecuilwrbsns with the purchase o! C Ritchie Fn tender, They jl ueosole adoandti film flks wh lraC dons the sanie ting. AI Min;ou D-ick Powell, BngCrosb;y "'domi crs ail aeafi trundýer coýn. tractUsuahy ci'Ma creac" for the fightor ila that heing "ownuti" lby Pa big film or rad' nainehep urI s mucl a ean or -"Long, 3air"dates asufeatred clainpet soloist wt vron iL clss y phouy orks. . . rkLn*4ntier Anson- Weeks , t tIe useefIrs igUt tcrjr l auto crash . , Astia ing Concerts luingat... di Inews-spîeler amn]rn wn la eroule ta ngl forfis baud dope. Onaro ot!11,66, Sors Ga!n 0f 469lu Two Year-s An tcoae ve greaing, eittice lïeahthsaid 1Mate loJue wlrn reoldthat tr ume rs eE- p ast t1w o years Mard 31 193, tre otal or psý- fientawa 15187-etthle ede tIreyear it Maticet A 5,0 sat don Maýy 31, tha yar, if to PROnRESS MVADE ON CURS maielu recenit yanlat, tot metor certantpso!fae, sait Mr. Kýirbfy. Inuhantimer zol Iretet uv siw ner i-ging results in atcl a om mecnt unitshaeboaeteddt several Iof ouriro, tl. Hoe sait fev'er fhorapy la playing of parefic. Specia tettn 1slie ilag piite enalpaiets f- l'ening froini uoculss antia sich patetsareuew Iopîtaizet untier oun eofa otso Avosolf ceni in u ad ligand soigfoabcie moreimpon1t(rtant as thewatr b('omIes ho0tteUr, siergrtr shoultibiekept spotessWpe p spleifoodsimmdael.Ke an - yeon letover foi;to' allow Tthem f0 omain luthe ice box toO long,. Bste rinr daily care, gve tebox a C0m- ploeceanig aut bugt once a we

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