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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jul 1941, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIEIý y, chse this unlique ivkint onrtlain - i.Cooper on their ge " ad with tliheir ipeak for thena-happy s. nW.Jaso and lys ent few days est Oitarlio on a pleas- Mrs. Ja(ksoný-s formlerl se was givenýi ian fromi thel eport an improve- oii of'Mesa.Evani eace Bell, who re- 11 and we ahi wish tin j5iend. Thc Stewart, andi fellorîr gracin- 1 Hospital. n thc heairt -of ýr local Suntliay ore people cio rship in these our b)et pa- our Canadai, nation, amti ali acernedi. Your1 -Y iister inll inty Lare Mwev- true m-eanillg Freedolni n , nan anti nation ment Vo decide, f' truth antiero r eV,' sitie. he Orono liimes. Mf XT~JC~ 1I'T Qli' I Lfl VN~JAL5&L~J J2SL4 cI oItas, vitality-for pýure deliciousness, just trY ou" ire Btteriniliki Doctors wil ofj its nioltifoliCbenefits. jienl who regard their fin-e heir beauty feature, wiih asý- there h no substitute - in, atifvinp' snciaties-for OUI' ILLE DAIRY yr and Service STARK VILLE I Mr. I da Stnrk',, visted Peterbioro on) Mrsi. AU. Dobson anid Mary bon) witfiend(s in Torontoý. Mir. anld Mrs. Johnl Stone,-, Orono, with Mr. anMrs.Flank ýStoile, Mtiss Dorothy Stapleton, of Clarke, with1 her aunt, -MvI. Geo. sm-iithl. <Mi% WilfredWakv of Toro)in, wvith Mv-, and MNrs. S. G. Hallowefl. Mr. and Mrs. Lor-tecToddýc with Mr. and Mvi. Hughi Kelly, Bowmanville. Master .Ralpli Kelly, of Bowm-an- 'ville, îs spendring a holiday at INv. tborne Todd's. Miss Bertha Hallowell and friend, Mr. Bill Barclay, of Toronto, with Mr. andi Mrs, Jaccib Haillowehel. *Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell,, Wes;- ley Benson and brother Jack, visitedi Trenton and other Eastern point-- on Sulnday. <Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HailowelI, Miss Meda Hallowell and ',Mv. Hugh Sta- pleton with -Mr. andi Mn. Geo. Kimr- bail, Port Granby. _Mv. and Mrs. H. bL. Trimi, Josie andc Bill,3Mv. anti Mvs. Walter Sinipson and, family, anldMv and Mvs. Gor- don Trim w-Nere entertaîinet at sup- per ith M, andi Mrs. Bert Trimi on1- Saturdaiy evenling", 1V being - the 29tb wediiganivrsvyof -Mv. and Mns. Trim 5Sr. We wish thenri many oreuea"rs of narE fe. (T,-,,)laVe for lait week) Miss eda ailoellNewcastle, spent the holiday at borne. Mr. -oneh, 'Manvers, with biîs tiaughtev, Ms Loi-le Todbd. IMiss Jeani Perry, of Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gihimer. Masr. Geo. Phùmn, of Toronto, with bier brother, ?iv. Arbhur McKty. Mv. and Mvsz. Boss Halowell witî Mv. and Ms J. E. White, Elizabeýth- vllleO. Miss Madeline Fxanti frienti, of Giood Cv i ,i j KIRBY luo Ite for las week) Mv.. and - s.Ro-y Br , son anid M\ar- ioni, of lailton, spent the wUe-nd wihA.Mrow Mýissý Augusta Thornitoni and Mi,. Edi. Thiornitoni and _Mrs. Erinest Burn- hamn spent Sunday with friends ai'd relat!Ves. Miss Christine Maekinnon is -spcnd- irig her holi.days at 'home. Mr. and Mr.s. :P. Wallace and -Mrs. H. Ballard and MaLs. Marbha Movrow ,penut Sunday at A. Morrow's. M.K. Macknion, of Torontîo, is spendfing a few days with Mi-. and Mrs. D. A. Mackinnon. Mr. and iMrs. Ernes't Kent and Karmnina, of Hjamilton, ýspent Suniday at A. Morrow'a. Iirs. Williami Little is on the sick, list and we all wish her a speedy re- Mr.eilt n Cornish is veeoverilg] fvom bis operation and hape ýhe will ýýoon be out and arou.nd again. <Mr. andl Mis. M. and _Miss, Jew,ýeld', of Bowmianville, spent Sun- wvith Mi. and Mrs. Fr-ed Brima- comibe. Poiýt Hoýpe, -with Mr. and Mi:s. Bert Mi% and Mus. Stanley FaIls anid famllîy, of Toronto, with Mr. and Ms Fi. Falis. Miss Helena Hallowell, of Toronto, with her parents, <v and Mrs. R. Mr. Arthur cy and sister, !Mrs. Plum, fwith Mr. and Mvs. A. A. Xait-in, of~ Brîgibton. <Mr. John Starlk, M*ss Gwen «il- mer. iMv. Brenbon Farrow and friend spent Sunday afternoon in Trenton. MUîss Beulal i Haliowell, of Toronto, is spetidiiig the holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hallo- well. "\I Mr and Mlrs. C. A. Cowan, New-, ,astie, Mrs. MoRo>berls, Toronto, and MXi,. Carne Rutherford, Clarke, with Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Gilîmer. Mr. and Mrs. Gai-net Hallowell, .Mr. andM. Harvey Little, Mrs. J. F. Little, MIrs. Gwen Oug'h and faiW-, of Toronto, with lMr. and _Mrs. Wai. Hallo-well. A nainber fvom here att.ended the strawberry festival at Crookeýd Cr-eek on Friclay nigibt. Shiloh young people put, on their one act plaiy, "Woini<g Umdr Difficulties." Soio,,ý hy Ms Gwen Giev and Mrs. Ar- chie, Brown; dinet'by Misses Marjory and Dorothy Fairrow, and seleot.onîý býy the Farrtoiw Orchestra. Ali was miýuci enjoyed. Where Fairwqvs Meet the Sea vhio ocsiaiI ourý7seas thrliig as ine tmous bis Clubs for Aih- ScMOtsh namesakeant shelteet 1o enjoys a brisk Fundy waters as ýiniviting as thne e tenais courts, an iiniera! tandeo pinge or Stlime,' life id the Aigoaquhi bath, xwho likes is a continuiai round 0of pleasuve ove saît - adenWfr mhe tntdlinlaWa4ysCoe- aiing cvaft, aad to the final stains of the lait s tr snfod, aliwaltz la the hotel ballroom. IUs forseafooi, ansua-drenched beaches ave throng- e urges, and other et coatlnualiy Nomh appy bath- s as Wehl at the ers anti broazetisun woshipperi, un Rote, at St. Mhile the more ikilful race ont -Sea in ojd New to tring rafts, shoW, off' their ne-west swan dire or indulge in ear fEmnJune 28! otherforais of. "aqabatics." 2 nethe arming Shirers are pracicalyu akwn1 nec homtery is en- t Katy'sCoreits sanis abirb)- the most stjccess-ý ing the sun,'s fieat and releasiag Uts histor. Tours!ih at hh ittie for te bather'S seagit irway!,S andti unusuaii!Y spvingy turf, the golfer usually findi the l8th hole arrives ail too soon and Ihis scorei card shows surpvising vesuits! Mfany ani international tourney is con- tseion Algonquin links, at which ti-me the hotel gulest regis- terrad like) a "Whio's Who) la Goifig". Deepseafislngfor !coti, mac- kerel anid haddclýýk s jvaii-abi litevalhy at tLie hotcl',s doorstep, whiife scrappy trout(, bais andc iand-iocked salmon inhabit the St. Croix Vaiie-y inkes a few mniles distant. Other atrciosinlcle hiia, otov-in, cyciig anti boat excursions o aearby Camipo- bel-sl'aLd, site of President Roosevets mmcv home,. St. Andrews is easiiy accessIble over 'flnnad1in PadifeUnes fron re 1 NE WTON VILLE Mv. aadm rs.jas, Paýyne, of To- (Ion t ve ueýsiof Mis. W. ~ih Dovo.cthy Stapletoni is visýiing her atMrs.GereSihSakile Congrýatulations t VIMvand -Mrs. Ivison'Tamiblyn upon t-he birth -cf a S on. Mrs. J. aahn andi Jack are holidaying1 at Crow L-ike ne-ar Mar- fnlova. Mr. andi Mrs. W. Chester, Oshaawa, visited Mr. andi Mrs. A. Redknap bn Su nday. Mvijr. Willis Jones and Bud and M.Meville Jones were in Toronto on business. v. and Mrs. 'Gordon ,Zealand, of Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. ani Mrs. Cecil Buivhey. Mr. an-i Ms. Ernest CaMe and Molly, of Rochester, N.Y., are holi- daying with Mr. andtiMrs. Perey SnelL. *Mr. A. A. Martin, L.P.S., and Mrs. Martin and family, of Big,hton, eall- eti on Mv. and Mrs. George Stapleton on Sutaiay. Mr. and _Mas. Eric Merril1 anti J. D. anti Mrs. D. MrihWavkworth, 'weve Suniacy guesUs of Mvl. and MUrs. WisJoneps. M.ani Mrs. Lew. Truiscott, Mr. Hilliard Trusýoùt and Mis. MarLy Arnistvon)g, aiF of Toýronto, visiteti at Mr. S. ýR. Jns Mv-. Lawreiice Saery 1hasaceti a position in one of the Oshawa sahools ai-idwIith his famnily -wilnv there hefore thie l'ail term ,boginis. Miss Bertha Thonpson hias ýreturn- ed from her isi in Chicago. Hur ber over ai-i is vemnainýing1 for a visit. Mr. Clarence MthlRev. J. Me- Laehliana, Ms G. W. Joneýs andi Mel- ville attended the funeral o M.Wal- er Moase, Seagrave. Congratulations Vo Mr. anti Mvi. James Darcýh (fovnierhy Mrs. Ger- trudie Keeler) who were mavnied at the parsonage b,-y Rer. J. lMcbachlin on Tbursday. Mi-. andi Mrs. Marks andi Marylow andi Mrs. inve of Dotroit, spent the wee-k-end with Miss Isabel Lainag. Mrs. Marks anti Maryiowý, are reînain- îag for a long-er visit, Frientis wii-l be pheaseti to know Mrs. George Stapleton Sr. had the cast vemoveti fron ber leg Friday and was moveti Saturday ta the boine of hier danghter, Mrs. Robert Gordon, of (Too late for lait seek) Rey. Walter Tink,, of Hmlowas guest spea1ker ait bothi the morningj anti ovening -services of the Unitedj Suntiay Scbool Aaniversary on Sun- day. In the miornng ie chose for b is ext "Ghrist, the Exaiteti." (There is none other Vo compare with Christ). In the evening he icspoke on "Wbat is Christ to you" ? On both occasions the eloquence anti earnestniess of the spe-ader brought bis listeners face Vo face wiiîh a iviug Christ. AV both sevvices M. iaIt rendereti solois in ,lis -wond(,rfuliy iýbatîful and power- fuI voice, acipaniýed on the piano byy 'li,Lr. TînIt. in thcerening MaIs. Tink- sangi one, nuinuber with ber lias- banrd. Thieir only c1hild, Joy, a little gfrl of eight years, re!peateti the ÎOOtb Psalmi in the rnorning and again in the evening ýby cspecial ne- ques;t. Mr. liaIt loft heve nîneteen yearis ago and spent a fleasant day ienewing olti acquaintances. Oo 'Monday a presentation was Vheld la the S. S. voom i honior of Miss Hazel Riwbo now lias a good position in Os'hwa.Mv.Wna. Laing was cara for th,~ pro- -ranime. Thiere were vocal solos by MisStella B est, Orono; piano solos by Miss Jean Caibell ani Buti Jones;: vocal dinets by -Misses Phylliýs dilnier ant iElteen Todd, Starkville, Pvith gitr compaion lvthe llatter;z and a readingL, on "Fricati- ship" by Mas. L. Savery; sýpeech 1-ky Rer'. Mo1ýbchian. Miss Be-tty Stapfle- t on rend an adr f aprcato to the gueýzt ofhornour ant M ir- grtDenanîlt pesned er -with an elovcradio. Aîfte- Hazel lad ive leiin a, few ellchoenword- lunic.h wais serveti anti a social tine PLNTO ATTENDL Durham County Farmers'> Rv%%AL LY uinderth auspices of DrhmFedieration o f Ariulur ORONO PARK T'hursdayIv, July 17 Pr7ogram om enè at 11 .30a 1( sanard ile, uc harp ait 12 o'dû(ck ncYon MISS AGNES McPHAIL *i1 cIeI uit eakvTIime 1.00 1p.m.1 2.00 m-Fl SliaVe (-f Sports 3.00 p.iGrl'Softbal1 Garne, NewcaStle vsO. oro MU'SIC BY ORONO C'l Brin g Your Family, Li TAB)LES AN'D J-OT WA' LNS' BAND b, and Dish-s otier outilinvited. 1 Tyrrell's Drug Store DRUGS STATIOHERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO Relax and Enjoy For Foot Conifort Neilson's Deliejous Ice Creamn, National Foot Powder ,..,...25e Ice Cream Bricks, in five Sani-Ped Foot Powder.40c. flavour com-binations, per Scholles Foot Powder ......35C. brick ............ .. ...... .. 25e-. Nu-Feet, Medicated Insoles, .Also supplied in Creem-E-Roils, relieve tired aching feet, EskiÉmo Pies and Dixie Cups. pair ................................. 25c. Phone Us -We Deliver Corn Solvent, bottie ... ..... 2e Odorono Liquid, 15e M n y N ea idet 39c. andm ....... 65C. burn ............ 17c., 29c. Q)doron IceOdar- Savers SPECIAL- Large Mu M, Deoderant, Hind's lloney and 15c., 39c. and, 59ce Almond Creamn, $1 Arrid Cream. 15c,, S m e ütefr....... c 39c. and ......... 59c. Italian Balim ... 15c, S pecials 35e., 49c. and... 97c. Effervescent Fruit Saline, kI Dl Caslarge 16 oz. tin ,..........39e. uSiberifl Batilng Cps2 for........ ................7c .ah.......20c., 25e., 39c., 49c, Vaccuum Bottles, each......319e. Bathiag Saiidals, pair ......99c. Thermos Bottles.$1.25 to $2.75 Wet-Pruf Ear Plugs, pair.25c. Sta-Way, the perfect insect repellant, hottie.....39c. You Save With Safety at Tyrrell'8 Drug Store PAY CASH N BUYFO()R L ES S Gils dttn wllOeralls, fine-- stri1ped materialstap 'Shou1lder, cuf egs ' ociopenl, slai11 or roýse, Siz'es 2, 4 and 6ôdas.Eadh ... .............-.........- .................... 59c. L-adies' Oouton Vý0ets, oversizc, eacchi.................-......... 43c' L-adîes' Oye'rgizc 511k Patije B omrcuif kuice, wiL (' or 'tea r . Eadh ............ . .................. . ............... 49c, Suit Case's anid Ovrng Pags' cdlors bMaek or, brown,1 ..r.........-- . ....... .. ............... $1,00 o $12 S;ilk Nilt ts, pasve4sadecadhi .......... .....loc. Ne lRklsIeýr Toys'. for dildren .......... 15e...,..1 5e. and 39e. Mk1n's L txSWiin Swimmiing Trtuiks, sizes34,03, and j and 3 , eadch...- ............. .. ........... ............................ 95C. New\port PILuffS (Pu1ffeýd wliet) largie buishel bag.......... 49c. Blonwlhoie or sIieed. SPECIAL, peur 'L. .............17c. AowTea, black onlv. SPECIAL, 1-2 lb). 30...eO. Lb.59C. Ornen-tedi size, swett and V'ery jieiy, dozen ...25c. KrsCatle Soap SEA, 3 for ......-........... .. .......14 Helintz Tomtomtip 5once .......... ......--5e, Habitanit Fre11dh1 Shy.e caSoup , 2 large 28 oz. tins ....>-19c. Crose an Biakwe lire Svîli Oangie M"armnalade, large 2 ýb. jar ......« ....... .... .......... .. ....... 30C. YOUR POPUILAM SHOPPING CENTRE URONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE 4 y>

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