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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Aug 1941, p. 2

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Good-WilI Plague Given At Niagara pational boundary, whlch wIl ha Iced lu the cetnre o! thene inbow' Bridge, was pereeado eh(- Nlagara 'als BridgeComs Aton by the International Afflia- àon a! Sales and Ad-verllsiu clubs ou Aug. 16%h. Hon, T, B. McQueslng chairman, ~the Nîagara Falîs Brige Com- k»ission, accalted Ie laqa ro 10 El Kaîlenhurgar, prosient o' Ïhe orgauization dntn l 1 presenithIisplqe10yr Çomamission as a tokan a! goad- it Qusumdsgiiatta P Slqedl tshow t, ha aera ioual houndfary Ilinas haalr ýStiC O! such mnmetHo, T.I if AMcQcesten said. 'la place o! inch an Inernatinal divsionart, the flaga of aur twa couatres So ýrossed that teach extndembil nighIhorIng country. COM IN ENEFITS "Oly a few mnonîLhsug whaa the two sectins of the guRat arc ,,3ippoarting this dack w ýere s,,îllun- joined aadC reachiagtordec ,othar icross the river, this spot aI whicb -wa stnd naw, se cald tAu laternaîjoual ina, was juat Ibm ý,Èr asud any mar afdivisionha tw0eeuour c9aantrles, pysâa r Psychological, was jusl as lavis- Dhe ureonas hi leonaWisplaue or et anyother point uxcepl oiu mps, "Amricnshave found àl.itlt assimple A pass frow mean con- itla ianoîhallr as t ossa State, lina. ln the north, aa, wstan along tlb" border Iosnaand thousands o f United Slatas caàrs araeolinalong. aaustaa busîIness, onna a! aur ïmost mprt ant sucso! incoom,bas raura- ýd tan iormnal aad ga-,ne býeyandf !baI, point. The Lmillions of dllssenrt'(:y Amrcntourista l Caadaare rî-apidly returuad ta the Uuitad statas for Utha purchase ýo! a a tarialsta blp us win croas Mb eaudfor manlypeclm as sntials thal Canian hai,. ,vcaa'- wý;ayS baagbl from Ualtaýd Shatas. Perhaps no wbere elsa lu dise world, lesucsa a faiternational ex- Ahangseanjoyed, wlth 50oauy vammnrh enefita taebat cautrie aud Cthe ir.peopla. New British Comade l ;India Broadcasts Need to Keep Etiemy Away- Gea. Sir Archlbsld Wvll bis fhir;t [brocadeast -ascmadr ia-ciief lu India, eid lasI eet "Gaur future efforts muet cOtinure ta pevethIe euemy, ervi possible, froua getliag wiblîerlký- png odi-stanjce of thie ours (The broadeast dld n-oh epeci- !lcully mention Iran, Aghaitaa or Burmia, geaarally cniea h ptrbasttins ta ibe dafeuejce o! Ladia !roimthe aeasl or -west,) Cen. Wavell tribuhe l îa tise part piayed by Pndian tooatu the iddlle Eastern canmeigit3, aad saidl "aearly 750,000 o! Inla'a an power are under arme s ud lrecuilst' are Dbiowin mbtraing depole as fuel as xviacau pavide for, them.n ý" To, "correct aaiY çraugimpes Glp"Cenl. Wavell sald tha lgb est proportion o !olss3ý as cL tP MtddJlc East camp aigns sa f a r bave beaul Brilisis, b'cahilaaa figurs andA mprrion ta IMur 6lraagth, (compamed wt nino Australlan. Special Appeal Fer Aluminm SUNDA4Y SCHOOL L E SSON 1X, John Urges Çhir;istian Lqve--The E-pistie> of John . PRzINTED TEXT:î oh 31318 4:7-21. GOLDEN TEXT: Let us3 flot love il woýrd, neither wththe tongue; butidi de-ed and truth. 0 John 3:18 TrHE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time-Not abs oIu itely v knlown withi accuracy, but 1roablybe- tweeýn A.D. 90 and95d baby ritenfromi the City of Love by Deeds 13-Ma-rvel not, bretbruen, il tise world utmh you. 14. We know thalý we bhave pussed out of dealbi julite, bec'ause wa loveth br lbr e.Hathat lovelb ualt abldeth ila deuth. 15. Whocoevcr baet is brother is a murdarar; and ye klnow tI1hal no murderar habeterual lifa abidiag la hlm. 16. H!erý,by know we lova, because Htid dawaÀviiHislilfa for us; and e oght to, lay down aur livas ortha braîbren, 1!7. u hs bath Ilthe world's good, ad a holdabli is brother la ue, and shultitetb ap hscmaso ri hmp-, bow dtb Ibe l've%, God aýbflidn la hîm 18'. _MY11ec. delat usultlovýe l od reithar iwilith te toligue;bt la dedand truiLh." John Irsss bi ponta!love for an aoter mki,7,ng il uxceediagly practicai,, tellingig us thal we are no la ovE la word naor la tangue alona, but la reullly, by deede. Ia seuiug 4ur br[other la ueed and wilhhoid- lag a icompassionata intereSt la hlmi, and denying,,help ta hlm, we ofe ndiýsutable prooft that there is noc love for aur brother ia aur herBy Ibis test weeau 'de- terin wetber we are the chul- dre)a God or ual. 7 Beloý-vud, lut us 1lova ana another; for love l of GOd;: and every üoua that lovell i la egotlen o! Gd, ad now-h od. 8.Ha chat lovelb not knoeth ,alCod: For God ie love,.-9. Haremn was the love of God manifested la us, tha3t Gaod bathi sent HiS oaLyb- gottan GSoui tata the wrd htwe lght live t brougb Hlm. 10, Here- la le ove, ultthat wve loved Gd ba ,bt a lovad ne1 and sent Hie i Lotacha the paiitoifor unjr s i I 1f God is love, avery- tbIing lHa doas muet bc. li accord- -laHie lova. Cod"s lava u le not rproved .simply 1),vtha advenit of Chist, buit by CbrILst'e oly daetis for Ius, by thPe fuel Ibat Ha le a prc>pihatian1 for aurl Ine.-W hear a gr-eat m1anly base aaidcue les tatemeats todlay aboutIh God becaýuse Hao avs swilli neyer el anyoa lt IimatalY iluffr or, parisa. DBut laIus nrrfre Ihat wisaulever the Ne- Testamnent wlbsla brlntg forth a' dece o prveth ova !GdI ue s uahon-ce ta the cross. Mea ho refýuse t blvela thle 1101,7 ato!)l- inig work of Christ, by death for' us anr, (Calvariy, ]have ivo guaraitce thiat really OL 'o oslv Ina To rajact the crasis h o 1rapuIata lh~ vidacafor God's lova, 11 Baloved, if God cO loved :s, we ought ta lave oaa anaîhier. -2.No man bhath bebld Go(1cd any Ure; if we lOone anothar God ab11ldet lanuLi, ad iqlv la parfacted iilais: c.Hrayw kamow Ihat we abidle ila Hlm nd Ha fla as, becauisa Ha bh,- I ea1us o! ie jýspirit. 114. Alid e hava bebaeld aad P! eur wlasthat tî Father bath seat Ibc Sou! ta ha tPeSavauro! Pe orld. 1. Wh- boever shaî,,l conifees that Jasas l hlm, and lha la God. 16. Anid wa knaýw audlo havé balieved tLhe lava vwhici Gc)(1bath la US. God -le lave: aid ha jIhat abidaýtb la lova abld- etb. la Goa and God aidetb la Men I Uniform \for Hlaif Price A British flYing officer hoha te bail out nea-r Clgewle into the city on a9 Sundlay afler- noojl n l gvehîimself ip,11ace- pecled,1tatVte police or smme o! die s-oldieýýS wo l rrst ed their heels and( s aluted hlm Hle Jad a tan 1m1ark note wit hlmj (ail British pilotfs flYi'19oVcr Gurm-iaiy ido, say ie)a nd de- cided to try Ihis lPick at ia "tuovia. Heakdfor a two-ark seat The csirgave hM bac'1k n marksii lu chage,epanîgp- itely thiat ail imaluuuom en lu all price. Finllly, lia mvaoeh walke thastreataof Colo-gnie til mlngtbefore he cold f1111d a police staioLn lagive imself up, a! Ile told thne police howdff! iti was for a Biihfiler .la fl uaifor'm to get hiiimealf ariresled 31, the heart of a Germlan cily, The poiewuld not hielleve hlmY, But they summon)ed thie caslhier o£ ie miovie bouse Ojuet tafosee. "Did you salifIismail atce lhey -askedl her. "Ceraîny,"shie ipip)edback. "o haîlf-prica, like allil men la uni- form.," Thien), poul ePYillg tU' initiais R.A.F, Don bis uiom "Il il't ever'y day I cauri lcm a Reiha Arbeit Fueblrer Gma Wor-k Leader). Me, 1I know what R.A.F. Stands jjjqfor,"1 hlm. 17. IHa rilu fa love md perýfeut wiilh us, thagt we may hiave boldnuss ila the (dYay f dge because as a is , vnso aie'iWC ia the wold 1. her itn far la love; but perfct l' e cstet out fear, bacause far ath plua ishmenit; and lhe tlfaehi not malle perfect ilaoe" a la raturai are toi love ohr.Love le miot somiethinýg auitomlaill. It hats fto îdo With charactar-. A m may assert Ithat Cod ila love býut if hie does unt imbibe thiis love, if ho does not love God il, tiir, if his own Life is flot fillad it God's love until hie loves othaers, whera is the raality of il al]I? Lo, a la navar-ceasing, encouragiaig, p)ur- ifyiag, sacrificing for t Irs t is Christian people on el todu)ay who love their flo-e.Thosae who know flot CGod mus- live for self. D9. "We love becýausae fire laved 1as." If you lova Cod. yoil wijlllova those wh010-mGod loves -those for W110111Christ died-' thiosa who ar-q just as: you wr when yavu iearaed that od lovedi you. 2."if na ma lsay Iïlove God, and hatieth blis bohr l !s liar; for lhetihat loveth lotil;bisk brother whiom hai baýth seani,c- not lo)va God whiom he bathinl sean, 21. And tis commu1adm1nentý haý)ve we from Hflma, that hb wh lovehh Go0dJloveti isbrte aljso." If WC lova persan, wa wilI. do whait thtprsn ovas for u to do. We xili ha trueý a t tha persoan. 1h will ba ýa jay to piaasie -that perýson. Itflash1ear folly 1f.or us ïta ilVG-i ioei en 0 GGoi aad at the saime lime to say w love HlIm. Let's ask usevs ara wa keapinig Gdscma miela sas Chrlistianls? And If w dIo not love God, than ar-e -,bi cidrlieni? If we are no1, lus chî dre,-lea e at alevers, ii late Lord Jeýs1 s Chist1ý, Gasolîne Sel Ignite Forests The aewspaper SocialDeo kratei reported reenutly that thFe Rusiýsians ani the FinnrisPi frontar using shelle ;loaded wihhgaoin wicbél burst 200 feet fram thqbc ground an-d ignlite forest-S. A shower of Ihese shelîsj, ila stated, la s ually followed by- à haavy ariilery bajrra1ge la ord1e-r ta prevent the Fluas tfram extian- guishing tPe flamas, soîd ta iladustries tilliIng war coni- tla ha glie athe Red Cro ss Ffor ils uimnilanwar "Oaa Point ta be made (clear in Iisdive'.j, teý,sse tPie National thunt oafly scrap atuiniu should haý douuatedj. isus>ed jpots and i(lpane, broken lcria qslmopayr o!f wubraepr or ato- mlobiles, d is card ed gadgets or Sport eupmn.AIl are wel-ome coatibuians Waare nol axsking for aa lma articles ncow la use, thie donation of which wonld menraplacemaul1 thY somehhing aIse, This would nol hiaL u conomy. 1- I MAP PUZZLE HORIZONTAL Answer te Pri 1 Map of H MA African colony ELALLLA 7 It bordera TEA. 0 1 on --. ELLSWA~ 13 To listen. L ES 14 Palm thatcb. EIPD I 16 Auffibly. GL 1D .7 Roof finial... Ai N P 18 Russian AIC ensperar. FF I AT 19 Faint color, E ED S 20 Tocoo-,inSE E fat. E L EC 22 To> repurchase 42 Gilant king of 24 Decorative Bashan. mesh. 43 Morindin dye. 25 Sesame. 44 Seaweed. 26 Meal. 45 Melody. 29 To assign 46 Stringed anew. instruments. 31 Rubbish. 47 Ta bang. 32 Mongrel. 49 Cunoe. 33 Whirlw,,iind, 52 Ils capital, 341/12 foot. 5311es natives 35 Africun farmer are - 36 iMensure of ares. VERTICAL 37 Promise. I Soutnd o!' 38 Storebouses, pleasure. -mI rions Puzzle 24) On ils coud las ~ AA N OM prdct) L.E 1PCO iL 2Tcu K E N A N Ti 22a1. N D a-2 h 1e rC onl OIE and izinc, TIMC24 Wlhip stroke, U I~E IIfl~25 Word of four ) A IDSON27 Se-a eagle, 2To ogle. 3 Affected -with' 6 Theaýter pathway, 7Blemish. 83 Badgerlike animals. badly 10OPine fruit, 32 To culgass 37 Rime, 40 Astî.r. 41 Saaskrilý dialeCt. -42 Lubricant. 43 Partiale, 45 Oaaýàer, 146 Go on. 483N Moanth (a 'br, 49 Plur aliab. 12 Natural wr 0Musýicýal note, 15 Ckuar, 51 Li, Housewvives Askcd bGv Aluminuim inSlagDrv c vaeaumpaigalh ea, c dqeurtar apaaedlaiouaewlvees week -'o lblp the Caniadian Red Cross Saaety by coatriluhing alamiLnam1 artiles ýtea adrive sponisored hby tisaNtionial SalvageComila Alumîinmcoleclèd wi L asl ta Cc'ladian war eqalipuasuiltmau fcueaand the p)roceeds w!ilbeý ieed for-c Red Cross workamn Canadian srvcemen. Canaipaiga datas f albaw: Ontalo' sud Quebee, Sep)t. 5-6: ~loa askalcbewan and Albierta,Set 12-13: Marilme romnes aa Brilleb .Clunaia, Sept, 1-0 CollectJIon points w111 be eth inaedluparkg and aho rud a! every lawn ad cty P'OP-nd Burn By J. MILLAR WATT The amopunt of aluminumr used in à modem piirWit Plsns2 is jndicated la this ebart, whi is based on data prepred by. te:hnical experts. Il is lsiuzd bY tbs NatiOnall Salvag-e HaqetrOtw SALVAGE DIEFOR LMIU D, pou kanwthe rall bg war 1job iy>uiara gaýiag ta do -whlea yaui t jcstdive for aluminum? The ~-havt w-ci'yousea elcaewbere 0on Ibispag sbul~recr-uit you, rigisi domn tathaestAId potal nd pan you elau dg up avound yaur kit- chea or find lyinglan dieus3e outinl the hAck ehed. (-,,joe o! tace modem a ude- l-aaafigbting planesas e e d 4000 pounds of luminum. Eacb o! Ihe big bomeursneeda 28.000 pouna, aumlateet war job will ha la ulp opp1y coma a! litPs -aJpeace lme (Canal da 1pu t imli. lios 0 ponds of aluimialum mbn spors euipeat wie, rilwayut cans, 'kîtcbeauualiel, huildiage, commer-icial 11ai-aft, gadgets, la war lin'udsea taputtiuig millions o! pudo!the mata il tta hipe, plans, rmyservie aquipiment, nd Pe lke.Tihese things ara vilaly uuucsa Iotavictory. Give ta Bîg Drive Thrafýora tPý a'st program 10û taaoraluminnai-i. Huge plants arawariagon tremnendous ac- crmlAtions of stred South Arn. encn buxieMore planta ara hýeiag h4t, ut the demanda for war lumnumlakea-piag ahead o! tMe suPpiy 'Wa uaIclose Iblis gap as mac' as w 3ca, LsY fficialao! teDepur)îmT1-ent -o! National War Sriewhich la sponsoring the drive,"Aýnd anae ayta do il le ta re scue tPe - il0,suond1ar'yalum11inlum utaI used la pesaslime manu- fatrea Puehl articles. That seolay eal lies al over Can- ada in emaîl deporis in aouse- wîvus'kitchans, labacemeate, in hM acsede.Iltubes the form of aidhnXuadisaarded aluminum arils n il kadwhich canli]ha bau li vayia1g quanities la al- moat avery unadian home. TPe coutr'c arprogram nle'eda sthut mata. i- C [ire ote bigdrv. Give Only New Articles Si oIue! Leaficla1ls tpoiint o ut 1îstli parfectly gaodl, aven if th icis boke -orout-mad1)(ed, hemticea Gra-smnelled anda nae laa Qead inharThe chart sa~ 7,00 aamiîimpans are tPe ,uËalat qIuîe prulplane. Big C îala illas are epete t nomlateougb melalfor perhps tan ab lans mallar ciliec an- oahfor Iw"o or three ýplanes, and baieýts sizeable quaniltihies bfora ag ai, a fuselage. TPei, moauy raiceýd by the drive. when the donated ulumiinm le 1à

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