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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1941, p. 3

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primoe se IfIth British fa 'miers rcn e ol f ree n ~esseort Il clentl Rus Sin byÎ, ¶Sttl retr fots" in fondprdcin fond teou sors mjtaonb iseil t ee rgn ne fourl- osalves aOour Ruse.aalles for a mpine ;ad tank,"Mr Curb "We fin t ïi. eulc nlyi iban at ay reieuue Ice tie n. . U - . Y u e u r l a e o e abtia y rw sîli nie ola ta1 )la cuntr ad e as ubeda cal fer renater roductio, r. WaidBeitiali farourne beau abl bIe atioa's loesesa MUniunrts e te provictanacenonoccoin tewards vies," hosaid, Aghrcue, therecornun added, - Stut raymoreuonwmn PLUG FOR PEGGY Winston Churchili And SirWitn P. O'D. ini Toent tusrctzy Night Dees it IgIh H istery uearly ail tbe la Vaibeds la tise word seen te tom up onner or Inter, unoartli n acetvlm on, thle Kinga eo rit fri te yea eL-gace 160!lîbgnwt Brutus ef Toy-er 'Brut" as the oli hrniles al im-n end!- 111) upitbl Charles Il. Wciseernalý a conideral ill am uo iatory tecrewd bQPtween th! envers e any one volume, ematre hatthis pantLicular boL)I liaay value. AImmost îits sole lu!- teetlie-s ila the nana ofi lis autIi- luevn an, boe-il hi whe belti; f 10Li s snai uo enuint posi-, iens, Mms an M.P, nt beraine Fo e tha Royal oiey Ai( îl;iac nbrsigthn bu tegood ir %hvWnto as that he ba ;i l'rce sýons, ef v, o iI ue baý- camen aný AdIral etof e ani- obra lieutcenant eenl ant t(II e hr, h ,ii oh et Mari1- 'n oeoli. so we cene lii ei-ot Lt t non ownWibiu Gennany's arg arsevc By BMATRICEFAR SYNOPSIS dEJa Kahiey, ;%wept off ber feet by Sam Gladney in a wbir- -wind ca)ur.tsbip, marries hu;m and they gc to Texas to live. ?,ut Edna.'s happinesh; marieed by the fact that her belovedA ;daptedî sister Chiarlotte, had comiitted suici;de on thle eve of ber nMar- riagita becauie she had Iearned i i lier ilgtiaebirth,. Edna's and Sam's deep contentment i5 Ienrichi- ~ed whea their lîttie 'boY Sare i barn but the clild u. Iilled in aiR ccdatand Edna, h;Iding ber - happiness becomies a britti, roci- ety matron. Thent their fin Dr, Max Bresiar helps Edna sitart a day rursery for Poor cblidren and this brings; Sai and Echan together agan. I gos el u- tii Sam's ïbusiness ;3 ruined 41',ft Wall Street wheat crash. They go to Fort Wortil ta live and while Samn atriggles tua puy off hi, debts, Ediia starts another nurs- kry. Shie has a particuilar ýi-nter- est in "Litie Sami," a red-he-aded baby who is slightly lame. One riay she i's Visitea by the pampair; .Mrs. Gilworth who -»wishes t0 aýdopt a chiid but becamnes insult- ed whian Edna as'ks lier the uua questions about lier backgrsod, incarne, hereditary di*eases and sa on. CHAPTER FIVE Mur . Giworth's threatenig wçords were made clear two days later whenî Edra was cal.Jed be- fore the City's CniBoard and was toid that the zoning lawn prohibited an institution such as CiersA lu the p iUIar dtrict wvheve it was locate4i. "But don'tÉ you ýsee ?" Edva ecied eu. - Youllbe stopping mny wxork. fI'm only trýying to get childrenin ito homnes, real homnes --to intereast peo-ple in ad1optýing babies who might neyer have thought of it." Now a nother of the councilmen rose. "4You 1have -a pecull a way of 'inerstng temMadam." He, spoke to the other s.iMywfe went te Ms.Giadney's plaee,. inquire about adoptîng a baby and wsgtrossl1y isle.Mrs. Gladney, nmy nam1e iîGlwrt. Then ignoring fher pr-otestaý ho brought up the finances of the home, pointing out to the oth es thiat sincs it had nostbizn fund and could at any tim2 ho- corne a burden on the cityý, it shouid bha disconiiînued. Sick at helicart Edlna, li stenled as a miajority of si-x Cdecared a firmi Ilno-," gans Uontinuing the Hlomne. Outsde nethc crridor sheI leaned again11st a stone pillar, for, suipport a'nd !ot the quiet tearsj fail. AL'lLat once thouigh she iauioed -Up as aIle heard D)r.Ma callilig te her.l'~oh, it wvossee of you to côme for me ,., She broko off. "What's the atter Maox? What's happened?"ý -Ris vic ws ven utgrave,;. "I thnk yo'd later run on homo nd se Sa n."Se blacdd cork orthe rest ofDte day! When she ran Mb the bedroom at hoe, Samt nos yingtho ver quety, iseyes prtlyclos- ed., Shc, droppred besý,t ide hlmand teok his face lu 1er lands ldear -Face. "anISan dan-i ings, Sa1ni'eL tGif t He smniled. "Sli hig te do fold uop like tueiý." if only he Uid11 stay with hon. But h. kuew tooee wol .,. nils tune w Up. Ha lad had a fine lie Winh Eda houglh.,- ŽNo man could ask te- a boette-r oaa. If vnly she lý.,adn't suffered se. WVhen thdey hadtaken hier baby ha had asked, blnef,1h did Gddo tIl te e? A-nd thon ho had knewn the an!-swer later. fi-, was bcause thus fd e ther babies needed Hapointed wakyte Ils cent. "Go look in my pocket honoy." Rerfingers we nurnb as she tumle wthhis papers. Thereý =a8a prayer lu every brath sho was taking. Sain was hers , hon h lbndier lover. She Could't lose h;Il, now Oravn Ho siied and said wxeakly, " was savin1g that ýfor your naxi, oafet niversary g:Jlhdolas on husy.Look ïa t lb.Theconl- pax ha boughit oui mry Wheat Wastaga "eProcesa. e'llsoon bho la the clear," She nodded, not trusbng hn self te seak. Tandenly she amootledhIls hain. "YOU nMust ri ow," sha whispered. "Edan,"ha askad, ewlai dees tîlecounciliwani yen te do about the babies?"' "bdoesn't rmater sweetheant. I'mtluouh wthail tîntr" Yes, she, tboughit passienabeiy, freini 110,-ou she weuild give aLvery muin- utý'e etlher lite and love to Sain. With ail tha ehem lcih could nmusier 'hasaid, "Ne dlai- ing;: Don't !et themn beat yen. Youi,'ra nover pging ýto e-osat Ed- Ail at once ha gaspew ."Edna, nhLd meclosýe a nimiuadear. Hold metighlt." Ha wns ilalher arma. "Yo'1 wi, tin,"he nmurmured. WFght for these kida ef yours if e have teý ring every door- beIl, in Taxas." Edna Carnies On àdone But sddeni she could feu lin -,reiaxing nluier ar[sËf waVýs asif ha ere diting tar tar, aa.She lIooketi down tiai bisý; clsdeyes, ai Ils still tomp adsuddeny an overwhelmîng -ugeetfpahn went over Ier.Saon was gene, Sinwsda Somehowý, the mnt andi bIe yearS pse.Eiaditiring hells laeeytow n l aa. Shie w7eut tepor home, te imn- sion-sofÉt e îlenclu.Serang the dot als t exc, sofNa groe, Q estnuoutlr eof d and everyone. Finaly, biece came aday wesahad liertbiiin t ai the Reine was a laýrge sprawi- ing hos e mdttrýeas anti spais lawns. LMute redleadeti Sain was five yeais old n1ow, grewing stnong andi be,,autifuL,1 Halestill, 1wore th, bracas on his lgs bieugh an Eduna oud oten wenderwt a, c'atch in her trot bether q-he woleven ho truily well. Witloui eaingit, ai md coma te look upea hlm as her own andi se E ERYOM weuld Spend îmany Ihours 1wlti hlm, absorbed in itis chIiilish prattie, piaying gamoes with hm Onle day when t"heýy wore in the back of the house, havýing a gai(ne et bail, youn.ggilwasan nouînced te see heriEdIna tooek hier intto the office and the girl said, tenseiy, "Mr's, Gladney, I1 hiave omue noney, about sevec hiundred dollars, rwhich I haven't any use for. I'd like to givo i te' yýou for- thechildîrenI." AsittIde astonished, Edna tookz thle money. But as Élie girl rose and sala an abruipt goodbye, sheý stopped h er. T'here -wassme Mhing strane here."Jus a mo- mnent" she said, Why are you giving mie tus?ý" Discour-aim2lAgain $ud1denly, lin atierýe ouLturt, thiegirl told hier. "Becausýeyo put childrenl in the, righit kind et, homeus." Sh1-e hersýeifvwas anilot ed child she explained. But heýr parents were thle sort Whosou0 neyer have taken,- a baby. Their whole lives had been a series et scanIdais. ",You see, hsobbed,C "ni'mengaged Ate hmrarried and bwcau'Se (of nmy 'parents,' AlfredJ's people have tried te break us Uip. They couldn't - uintil they feund out àbout this." Bitterly, she thrust f orth her 1bipu certificate. Acýross thie top asprinitod the one sigiica"nt word, "Illegitimiato." She weUt1 on hysterically, "I brought you m trousseau luo ne y because im neyer going to use it now. Alfred wants meé to mnarry hlm, in spite of ail this but il ruin his - Iations wîth hi parents and I wion't dlo that te hlm,ý" She turned tawýay but Idna had a flash ef intuition, Quickly saIe 1grabbed the -irl's bag and, juat as she had theught, thora was ua phKIlof poison in Cit NowEdna called Dr. Max in and for a solid hour, they talked te the unhiýlappy youing womaiïn. Fînally, Edia rose -and snidl s;Iowly, "Every humran being that's born mb tothi's worid de- ser-veýs the right te maka its Own good l'illa without bigetry and prejuldiceý. I'm going te fight fer1 thatht for every child l.1u The girl looked at her andi there w as the light of hope i hier eyes. "Yout-youi're Joing aIl thi becaue of me?" Edna nocdded, "You and somie- one whose naie was Charlotte anid all the other littie wrvionige chiîdren ýin this -world toda)y." She- took the gi by the shoulders' "And Uif you'r-e is fine as 1 ihinl yen are youre net going to cheat the manvou love. Yo)u'ro geging te mnarry hlmii righit now te fight forubis bappinesa and your07n "I will figlit," Came the0f i: reply. "eiv e r.Gîad- nleyý, wîli." The very next day Edna ho- gan on hier "crusadep." She vs ited SenaÀtor Cotton, she went te theofiis of every imaportant in he state, she speoke befoe s b oards and charity insti- bu 1s,- she senit fiery articles te thci neýwspapers -- and yet shaâ safe te hole making ne beadw(lay. Then, one day, siclc at heart, oie awoke to bbc resuits of Al berwok Funda were dropping off for certain prominent womieu were voicing, their dis;approval of' lirwork for, "imralri legisia- (hie nmorniag atter a trip hack froi i Galvas>toni she turnod te Dr. MaIX in discouragamlent, "f need Sam,ý" sije said ',-oke1ly.,"MX, I lieed hIls courIage te o on01." Be PcitriOtic Eat More Apples This seS:ason ofthbeyear, as, we Scup diceti alppe /cup clopped dates Scup choppetiwlni Mayonnaise Sal kgelatinle la ol wte5 nutes. Atit boiiing water anti sLiruntildissolvet. Ad gInger- ale antisgd Cool. Wlengea Cene iture bagins te ceonI, adti fruit andi nuis. Pour jue intilidual wet melda. Plae la île crfigeratov or lu a very cold place te set. Cinnamon A-3pple% Cinnon apples mk a spleni- did accompaniment for ment anti f ow'. . Peel aplIe's e uoff size andi place a clove lu eaeh, Place in a syrup ) rnade oet, IpoutI( et hrown asugan, i cup eider ie gar and½ stick of cinninonii. Cook aP tew ai a une carefully se apples do net break. Arrange carafully luntuaIanti pour syrup even tein. Dutch Apple Pie Lire pie un with ae goot i iI pastry. Spneat] ýI - cupbrw suIgar oveýr île bottent and thon thinly siîced applea or appies cut lueghh ,i iash ,t uipart etf tie wvay down. Arrange thIen, amaîal site downl, Over etige et cruat. lond a beaten egg wtl 1 cup et sOur creninanti ,4 cUYp brewn sLugar. P'Our evar tîle applea aýnti apriie -witlt cinina- mlon. B'ake 10 materadýucing heaut teodcerate, anticonti-nue until apples are tendeý,r dall a nic golden colon. Glazed Apples, 8 arge apples i up sugan1 /teaspon isait 1 teaspoon cinnmen si teaspeen uutmeg 2 tablaspoons butter 2 tabiespoons red cinunmoný dirops Select large Wiin red apples Cone tle apples and, if ueco'ssary, o'ui a thin slce frein île blossoirn eut ri;se tint they will stand straight. Wiitl a sharp par'ing kafscorýe bcskia ofetan appie tha tiesietidistance front the Stein endl. Place île a- pples, in n large shallow hbaking panl anti f111 the cavity midilîle sugar, nulixed i wth île sIt, cinnamn-li and ilnutmg. Dot wthbita et butter, -Pour wabar ie Le >pan te '54' incbhtipti lake lu a nmo ti- ttEverythjng ho c-did seemeid ttu rn out wrog. us ervusnss ndbad tm pexr getîingbis family dewni, unitil one day bs W';- made hýlm cut eutcta and coffee aniud start dfrinking Postin. Now ,ho isgeg around with a aie on bil; fa-ce, anld I've lest oeueof iny bs P 122 amne e van forabout 30cmiues The applea shoudboAtener but neot muly. iamve tlh aple crflyte na second haking pn Add bIle cinnamon dropsaYthaIl ayrup eftinlutîe tirai Paaur smor over direct lent utlthe syrup thîckeus. Renove the ge per portion freithe ajplOs aftd baste the tops with thec ymup. Place under île breller aM a safel1 distnce frein île lentai miW tecglaze for ion minutes. lïell8l ens re lae rqier, Ailtiresa e eir eru to "iss Sfdie iýýl. an- Cbers, -4:, NWe-,t A de î ýi ee Siree, Te envelopce il yole sh~ epy Land of Plenty Thoe' e-(,ne man london wh dees nt cuarrel witlu fcnd ard anti atio ,,g.lis wnine 'is e orick ýLangley. 1HaL bas ja en Since ai wiater lia bas ibeau iv- igat a tiny village lu the yreea MAll St. Beat, seutl ef Teouwe, Until the GernisocpidPrs Ibis Londoner was ewaer eft tbe meoufumous women's ahit-makenk firinibarncicpia Ha stacrved luiiFrance,Ate a f % hursin Englant, haexcînn- e:"Enlant isl overfowlug witlt 1Mlkansi heney." v~yOU ~ Vyû~ LISE LE~~- cotapicta CrnUrano"laelwt naine f te pcoeyou ittwrt tee on thebai.A e'sO t.1., Thie C a nu a a c H RIST mA s For Overseas Soldier8 c'la te, Cig aiet tes, iGur, Oo lootLace, Soap, Lighter Flints, etc:_ etc. Aitltinlgs difficuit to prec(ure initau.Parceis p- ially pacý(ked for Oversea, Save tlme a ,i trouble. ,SendeaDol- lur wjLth Name, Regimint i x- and UnitYit of soldier, or Ail- rimate ".A..AiPÀRCELS DE-_ SACI!RECISTRJSy'.35 ( Bey St., Toronto. Itceipt mnied O~ESES T lis erganiz7atimn caIl supi aiÙea 0ïf soliers, o'escsb hm u tprcl ISSUE 4-1-'41 ,rc cO 1 C ut Ot ;".. - Sefreo drinktng te nuh ean ,oifee. De! 'o f 1, ntPotu l Intirely free fro cfeT--7 ta for 30 ,Says dses owmuh etter you te Order a, ti fouiyour Broder today. Te -', - e, -li- ..t of sorts.

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