A;Ê Vice-Maratial Hanotd EdAardsý Haviag served mtI distinction "m Aiù-Mmer a ofAl<oucl o PerýSOnnel eït P-aaHaqar ters, Air Vice-Mn1rshL Edma1rds 'Ifl lave for BienshortIyVot: assumeconmand cf the P.Ç.AF. operatiois roverseas. War Turns.Hobb11y InoGood Business War in. Europe lies turned L. 19. 11eCaits borb bob'by ilaVe e pro- fitatble busýiness. Wýild sgefrom Yugolvi lias been ùthe pr-,incipal 5oL1r,-eO o!the ÈeasOing for.turkey s-TUlfng up ta 1ow. But ',the vmer les cnt off lit imports andi Us former price, O! a nicket a pouind lias skyrockiet- e1d te 75 cents. M'cCall wlio lives lar owa, estî mates thet lits cop hs year !nom J2,600 plants mîtll total 1,500 pounids ~<and goss $1,000. "Altore you once have sage start- odî," ho sa-ys, "att you have Vo do bdtst attbci and lot henm groir ndhand-cuttivete t1ic plants ater ýýrl ri en o keep thie weds !ronm grot!vjng. 'The sage pic1is 1uP moed United States Sends Men and Machînes f '4tmbeons o! Vite .AerlOn ielLi -8rteseid in Newr York titat the Rritsh Wer Offiecelied ea.tiod for 400 ambulances zpnd 1000 il - ers eOr the Middle Eastorn front, and that the !fist contingent Of driv- ers woutd isoon dkpenX >.yirlat- *ver means o! rnsporftation la Vihs ,te fimst timeVte Bnitiali have asked f - mon. Before Uley lateded onty anibulanices. LESSON A REPENTANCE AND FAITH- Isalaji 1:10-20; Eze. 18:20-23; Luke 3:1-14; 13:11Il-24; Acta 2:37-39; Romn.6111 PRINTEO TEXT, Luice 15ý11,-2 GOLDEN TEXT-RFepent ye, anld helieve in the opl.Mr 1:15, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time--The firot dlapter et 1,ýIsaiei ws pobably written iabout )60,.C.;Vt ortio e! Ezekie wMi we Mp-are snyigwes rt tonl about 594 B.12X; VIepreein of John tlie Baptist occulrved', pri. inadiy, pnoAbty in the smmer o A.D., 26; the message-,s of oun bordc bore gjýiveore uttered iin Docem- ber, AV. 29, and Januery, A.D. 30I The r3Day eof ntcotoccurred et thoàe end o! May, A.D. 30. The Ep)is- tie Vo the Romans m-as )itton about A.D). 60. Place--Tho firat captem o! Iseai c"as irrtteu e atemsalern; M book o! ofEzekiel ,vas irritten In il. "Anld lie sad], a ceritain man, lied Viro sons: 12. anidîleyoga o! thiernsaid Vo Lits fathor, "atlier- g'ive m--e tle portion o! iliy sliý- substance VhaV fallatI Vo me. And ho divlded unto tliem lis living. 13. And lot many days afio, VM yomurson gahod aittogethe an ook lits joumnay i~ a Country; nld t!]eme Ilewaste l ita substance witli iotous lxIng I4 And irlin ho lad ,(Ispeat it, [ýthero erose e iglity famine in thet countmry; adloiegatgVobe ià ment. 15. Amindieo mont and joinad1 imisalf Vo 0oaG-of !Ie citizans et 0 Ltat ountry; anid lie sontlirnlaVe lits fiotds V o feed smne.16.Ard lie mot fein have fittd hie bely witfh tiho bnsks tbat sine did ont,; and nie man gave iauto im." Our- attenition iis fixe harou on ena o the two sons o! a irdito-o and dlevoted lfather. fie iras Vhe youni- gem.ThIs bla sked tbat ho might have the portion o! lis father's Csat at wonuui cuiE te nuelaoe àaini4e Lor eponlthe Je-atb )f bis fa er Vv as given Vto hlm. He ilnteui(1 tatliergbýt hv mn- îis by-Iiiclk liecoudgo f an ieas lie pleased. But Vhis was elfiliIfnay lia. ear ra,1ssod Ms fathor to diide the estat oup methtistume, Soe ent Ho flot n1y wasted lMs nmoney,bu h a sted lits cace, li ta iae Suregt, Ms peroatty le we A eno hs will, lie lost lish uis -le eertatnly lest lits sl-eet Betng wefl.orn, broughu np A~ gond home, adocluate educaton, h- ginn-îîng witli ample funlds for i the iieed of lifetliee thing cmn bined, cannot of themsvos keP, deterrnn 'dCVoltve for, setti.lii- dulgeDce. A Change Takes Piace 1, utwbien lie camle Volir selfho.said 11w îrnaniiy litreKse vants of my father'sliave bveadý nogiand to sparec, and 1pril bore witli bungea! M18.I il anse an(, go Voc, rny fatherý , and wl unto fAtr, Father! I have stnneu a.gaineSt h natfl iltliysilt l1I a o Mr ophyAo le ati Ad thy son: me' e me as one oi tliy hrdservants, 20. A lie1 aro tindtcmeIo lits fathor. B awhue lie was pet afer offlits fahrsew litm and lwas roo wîtli conpesston. ed miand feiu o1n-lits xecand kissed i.. 21, And tlie4,son said unt11o b4rn, Fntie, I: bave stnned aainst Ieavepn an ta uhy silit:1Iarnno morewolithy Vo liecatMd tliy son." ThmeeCame achn nge. Suidtely lie man1,0n1 toMiesf lle liewswetn bt lfo lu noîtonls tvfnlie wn(s flothirse1 He hl"idbeen atn laaway aburmal, unnatural. M ts noisL d ow the iman r V lmsetf. Undouhtedly, tliat wbitci; liad tlie gr-eatest influenice oe lir osca tminig pitwasto nmmofo!Mlio ndam-'e final n- aiZat"'-on 01, tho abject cntto into w i e hoad corne. God ote allos dgredation, memnory,, shem e wattos C" oved ones, onelines te) brtnglus tVo ourselve-s ,vwLero,-e -Pen at lest doal witb uisnc ls slare o! the estete, and wn off to plee.se litrnself. Now, liumbl, lie reurnsVo tlie fatler wlio atne lied loed lihr, wtlltg te ko ni~y pl-ace bcbtefatller.ijglit gve, tuo im. The Son Reu-ns 22, "BuItths fether sa o M servants, -BI'ng forth qnickty the, lesrbe, and put it on 1humr; and put a r-ing 0on bis hand, Fand iShoosz on bis foot: 23.an" bming the fat- te ceit,and kilt itand lot us eet, and make memry: 21. for VMs may son was dendt and is cav again; lie was lost and is found. And Vbeny begantVO lie mry 0f, cour-se ttheher ad com- passion [uon Vhe o.Cmasn is bomn o! love, anid lovenor dle s. Thep father could noV-keap tbfe son' homne, and the father ke it was useless Vo go aý-fter tlieso and com)pet bim ýo cornehoe Tliat vwould nioan no c-hange iti Vhe boy% Lert Tliat would douIrit n permanent god, for' n e I paupty go away again. But whail the snreally was renciY tVo ons.ïe llack, the father stand witli open arawa'tinigVoveveWr;t -eice its noter andinoV OQl Vo epjoice jhut toa mean' ld ant, provision fthea ~tiffgn hite unsetis!ied Iegitimat epa ies. Ini other wrdse; V fethe r. nroc 0,70 ' adv t i 1-ta ea non Attack On Icelankd Key ËSandSlaFornmidable But Hard To Defend But 1r s n C loser Than mit- etole posiiontinVce Damte o!fthe Âtlenic cutLie iliighlydfiut Voý dofen ifîlie Germancis sholutd decide omk nat-n fotV troopa ajrd equipret the Unitedj State-,s weýreVo sond, iniormmod rii- itay"ar1ý7 ,tj iiers sey'.. Tiro years 2 ian lv ein rnend maes -its planýs On aegrand- iose sal iad i nsatn f rmon and equipment, Gerrnany iroula e li kely Vo et- tec Ielndfor 0ono rea"son on11.y -cloar indicaton she is losig tli B3attie o! tLie Atlentic because o! BniVsliÂmer~ca occpatcn2 0f !lis saninýfOnrnod quartors sei.d. The liigh comrnand miglit thon, ilbutstntVoacuie -rsin- ectîvities Miitmy sources said tue cm ing intr militaflord "lie Ger- 22 hmurs lon&g, gngsp nd trop-cmrl~gplaescoor for anI eosult I witorbrngsa ul on7- theRssanfront.Graay t_ goinýg d vtii oad o! destruction Vo' ienss lpo vnsiet Metieddgmnbt tiatai shOutd corne o Virepontanice WMAI PAonS Votife ec~erasting. teck 0 ~~~pot i ileeseary rasor ighiltin n planes by stip t a point somý ij-es e! e aný_d Vlion ty thon4ý to We1cted oas wicli woutd bA turned != to ifeds by groundi cnewsaomanigtliern a troop Where% rMy Hat? What's 5Your Hurry?, with 'ndgenades a Brooblypba in wbick liebaW Pst hlscapmwas beld on vchargeo tmuieglposes Sion o! ire pons. Thoe EoryutoWdebyes.Mary ClianSen te r's irif, Vopot- ice: Terrac GONetirpety eflic ter Lelihaven, atte sweral inks et the harn un s laIhm ising anid suid: ", tiorI gl 1eV'Iý! at bnU c> o î btow tbe lac " The leWt.1Te cusornes awer sttîl .lagniro e ecame baAk -carryig s t, eigenaes i i hit sliip's soe lçbremptî)[ed fln- for police whlis wiie poured. CWe polcearvd 'elot Voa netb iiy r-lae gre- jIcn oksajoeaswtta The btl tt nstg R - L PECULIAR BIRD HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured bkrd of Strange hrabits. e, I is a naýtive cf -- -. 12 Water wheeL 14 Money. 15 Engraver'sý tool. 16 Copper. 18 Genus Cof slugs 2(p Does wrong. 21 Mental view. 23 Too. 24 Pasha o!f Ttuis. 25 Constant suif erers. 27 Dry. 28 FcIding bed. 29 Uato. 3Bowe-r, 33 Farewell, 35 Spoken. 37 Middle. 3 Neuter lig pe.n, É b mostly a~ -- or nigh:-t lanner's wVing 2 To bbtae God of love. 3 Tohas, mosciue pFi(ests. 4 Part of eyýe, Sword comlbat .5Not Self, America Ringw'oIm, (abbr, To sýin. 6 To twist. Its egg -'7 Noun endling. 1/4as muc6as 8 Sound o! itself. surprise. Its male bird 9 Valian in state rmy. part. mu,<M SîlBla, e9, lff,. anous miess ongers ! ofmvry Vo bigus baketirawýits as long as lije laslpfor us Vo ratura Vo, Jimi, tlaî Ho miglit lie our EtIrad, that ire migr;lit l is dide.Wlienl sh1Ould n peson mpont? AtLne Wliat solle irait foi? oln3 Any n kueiÈsie holteouto!fVthe way o o nt o! felloship wi Gcd, living !a sin, sepnmatod froru G d.ToeWord o! Gýod is virritten Vo, tell us, end tVIe Son >! God icamet Vo prove Vo us that God is no vrlling that eny sliont perish, POP---If Bad Language Counts Pop's Out DID, YOU IVEffc HlM AN EXAMI NATION. SERýGEANT ? CUISOPV I -S Lý I