ORONO Wi sary For Peace Whltohal Ewa L'g e-n tiýýee noia) ae te be seu.And lBig 1 fompge Ole) -ýSUstilisouding thîe !ourýs and 1 quarter houas not only for ULno apreiaiGa tebtfor il11w'ho listea 11to thle broý h gthrgrig nasts fic LnoonEwiohoýpe applaud him. neace ansi deam cfor pence, iniclui e and t Moil, Îia its thousands ofGemn. Fuirday aio'rning: S tpatul's Ctid~ i e-r s sp-ech Vwas 'a as more heatiful in nmany ways th tisi f iatril ndever before - syn-iibolizinlg theý spi It's piaigansi of Britain- religlous, uIpriglit i idenLýce cfa sensitive cnldL-rinlg, faciag fu-qaetha ifepassion o f aril- fury of Nazi hPestiality. mto netwpaper,il tLo criticize hi Ula: andi uiipcl e sse d by this alt-sare -mc d, lie liarali litheocc lr2se -little t] uLp egafilst a y lie forgivcr ceee whei sse-s ar-e so d , yen vfwa hp as, ndi tansiu today eiactIy as it, did issand yewaa It has i"loi- n iBértish htory aince ln the Batle f Iasting's. As , '0 Godi, oui' lelp la ages ii hope for yeaqrs te cemone, lt e ry spercial meaniag Atete The ages si-emterthere ansi eP ýparIýt cf thieir a oticei "eserves -f st-engtlicon decep oncouns cf their lie pact. Hseyis oaa of -powuerful cf B'itin's secret Ion" hle said "lias suffères re thar n .ny other ciby hut 'Lon-lon there a re irnny pine -s; ý i dullt te b ,ieve thaitilis ni the main cbjective cf Hit-1 ny of 0f tlie devastatesi areas ha gave a ha""ve few aiocýking details - the Borougli 0 tle of Steipney witli 2C),00 homies, of wvhich 16,00 destroyesi. But the vbhi elh Loitdonars carry on. im in "They arc mnagnificent. Their siii is so wonderful that it is liard at Di tan t timi-es to Ilolsi back the tears wlieunea nMan reLalizes ail tilat they have becs asur- theougli an i pstili sinile and faeu word, the future. Nether dentli, nor mu- soi 1 tiaition, aur personal llas dimmed h1ingýs their faitli or ii n ay way'%1 diminished pu-Ili- their conifidenice that ilitier ani! ai] - i( Co.le tns o il'l lie destroy-es. Thei , I ihel the East Endi of Loadn(on yen seýc liadly ll rucspoit f Egas h ','aiX ~meuncnqeraiespinit of the _-mer necatmarie, f the ni-cc f th ngth RoyalAir F roc ani of, the e n ~av~ ~ioh i lurreasn) ) powç- day, by la-y.Ansi ùthL'at te1al,1s1 hew. rse 0meaiswre thestrengîl cfr Britalin i -ia 'hi, thir d "yea01cf \ar.î" Issuied With Same Cornet As In Last War ,id ofle LofGaplfodstwme vecently, the particulars of -which 'poarosd àna spe 'lai deSpatciliby th Toronito Gl(be and -Mail a feýw days cg e. Tocn yMfve ycars, ago Redney, G- -- rn, a bs 'lma'1w"l5 -he 1l39thi Battalion ragimental ban-d., was Ws nesi an "E FIat Alto," a Lrissla- strumenjt netunic a cornet. Shor)t- frserdte th1ýe fioti- ces andi servdil Frnce until thie Arvmistice. {Gontinuted frlom page o11u) i r sihe bjus and burnced te deatli. The last case waýs cf FruIer ick- aneof Toronto. whe was foui-d guli on a charige of danger1ou1s dri inlg h!îerl the wek y a SuI- ieme, Court jury, andi was senten-e 1tu Serve six m-olubsisl te Onta1ijo Reformatoicy by His Lurdship M1Y. Justice Makins on FidWay, Outob r- :ý4L The judge told the accusesi he was very lucky, as he ý-oould very w( lI lave been %ound guilty, on tihe evi- Cience, of nmanslaughter. The judgeý told him bhe coulsi give hiin two yea, s f bat -would ha lenient. I l the accidenit Tanner's haif brother was on~e of the tdeceasesi. t Tanaer's trial, the aftermath of a *crashi near Oainpbellford when hie wic-s the driver -of a. car in which 1werec inie persons, two of-cf loiýu, Gilbert * iisnof Toronto, and Patrick 1 Glenin of Gampbellford, -were kilkdi, awakened nmach interest. Thereee fiec dilsiren la ticý agwhnit overturaed. His Lordisl ip recalesithef-act ta oec h p-i.It is a1eýged t1u hatt-dfai *atle ben ikîaýg bfr rvn lieu ca./ FirýstnEn. (fCP) -- It cost a omnthe equvalent of $4,50) to liglit ier first igarette in thriee wceks. That was the fine she paid ofter a iackout warden testifed 'here were flahe fom her hedroom wvindow like"Igh tin-;" when she lit L'p. RetuIn]Ing to Can<ada with an Eng- 1ish b:ie, Glepn settled down to ,ivilian life. Wlien the present war boeou't, lie 'mtyolfered bis services and was aippobntesi a powefr- biouse ,iard.l Later lit, enlisted with the MdadRegime(nt then in train- ng at Cmpýelford. When it was de- oýidad to or a band, thien prospec- tivemenber wee snt to Coh-Yourg to 'citain tieir-i nstËrument. To Gensamnazinentl ,, iewas lpandea! anI Fiatu, altoý, thie saine instrument isudhim in tle first \woild wa. )u,7-rzg gtng Forces cal on CLARKE TOWNSHIP, tQ support the, great national _-l are more war weapons whth a ready, willing, part ea ger response. Don't let th-cm down. ihen It's our responsibiity. Let's pull up our ,hey- socks and put up our dollars. Push the iases sale of War Savings Certîficates when- th~e ever and wherever you cati. Support the for Wr \Weapons Drive in our community. 'Porter, W. E. Dayey, Ted Wood. Mes'S>;s. EdgarMýiiil son anÀ G1il an tic, 'has ]eea visitinig Mri eclBu- 1ley. MVfa ts e r Daýid Low ýer, ot Hop,. sýpent Lthe week-end w[Tv lisaate MisHelen Mortonj. l Mr. asiM -.J. S. Dilion, Seatil,, h1ave bueen vi'sitiig lier ïsister, Mîs. J. McLa-ohia, at the par-sonage. -Mr.'.Ever-ett -S4apltoni, of Oron11, and Mr. R.Mat, Lake Shore,,,.isit- tcd ut Mr. Win. $ta'pletoni's on Suai- d-ay. iMrs. J. E. Adrsnvisited Mrs. Winston Fisher ai the homie of the f orraer's sister, Mrs. Hailton, of MsRoet Morton atteaied rIa famiily gale ion Fr.idlay at th- ho,0me of ler 1motherl, Mrs. 3Mac-kln, ef GCsfiourg.* Mr-s. R. Bwanadf aiuily and Mris. -A. Kthnr Carlvisitedl the f1orr's parlents, -Mr'.an111Mrs J. E An.emo . Mi. Blak'Ii e Stnilleofc.wAnvi-e Miss Maîjori e ni. Gog aplet Geogeant, ere on da 31u.tssdo'Mr. Gergd M es. . lsad r. eonand MrJ . AnersoCn, ac wcohM.undes by Mr. E, nieyall d aMiss 1.vLsiegMr AlC.n Miteisso Miro oi.c,1. a The homuief MitheA-i ersn'secbother George. f t1 Msa Be Pet 'Clîeialad Mr. ýkIr1d o lwllrsdav.AFad Ms Cl- Sel Troat, ere'gEssfMr IMrs. Il. L. Trimi, cf slhawa, mwas -homeu for the week-endc. Mr. andi Mrs. Russel Saveriy Wlth- 31r. at.dï M4is. A. M'ýuldrew, Elizaibethi- ville.- Mr. Berýt -Trniim -lapendiag two weelcs in the north country deer MissMadaineVOX and 'frienci, Mr. Rcy hesaut Pot HpewitliMs amily witi% r. ansi r1s. 1Eg'b ert iVir. an-d Mr-.Gs.Wbite, cf n- ninte, clid on ,heiýr neMr-s. Mr-s. Russcil o r nid family haive reundto Toronto,, having spcn-t some turne wt ler sister, Mrs. Aif. Dobs on. Urn and Msr.Gordon Power anci famliiy, cfOrooMr. and Ms.Jilrn Stark ani amiycfClarke, wvtli s. I. B. Stark. A num1;iber cf oryouing people en- joyeýd agos suppe-r îrthtle home cf Mr. a-ad -Mrs. larolsiLittie7 Ncw- to ;le n Friday nigilit. 'Mrs, Frank Howvsc,, Mes. Howvsc Sr.iMs. Havrry Harrirngton ansi Paul, wnd Mliss Joan Bena Lt, rna t COWAINVILLE MAr. Bivoeks Gowan, -Mg T'P.Stepli'tens have scecuresi positions un tire Genleral IMtotors, -aaa Mr. andiMr.Andr11ew Bandy came. bao(k f om ernlasýt Fi-d(ýy after speinig a weeic ther.e. r.ansi Mis. ,Brooks ,Cowil ands farii vsi-ted wiliMe. aniMrs. larea-ceBueyoSady Mis. E. Tloimpson ii as rýeturnesij home atervi;sitin1g wî'th Mis. B. AMiii- son ansi P1faîly ý7for a wec TIhe ionIthly mee_,ýti1)g cf the W- mcn'"s Ascainwill be hlild this Wednlesday ut the hocf lUs. Wcs. string-er. Mn.% ansi lMrS. J. J. W. strinlger,1 Me. andlsi Mes. es. Snngrvisited1 ai, Mi%. andsi Ms. George Henideiason's i-dfamily on Sunday. PONTYPO"OL Mr Bert Fînney spent the weak-_ endI with :his wife andi fanilly -Mr. -Neal Gurtis bas secures a iewd truck. Kecip up the gooýd Nork Neal. -Mv. inçd Mcrs. .Porte r nd-fan bre To-day an,,d for the balance of the week CANADA'S GREATEST DRUG SALE THE imREXA LL i CENT SALE -Buy anyone of over 400 rezular itemns for the usual price and get another one just like it for One Cent I You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store I Log Cabin Hand Dipped Chocolates lard or cream centres, direct fromn the ovens, flavours Bordeaux, Cocoanut, Lemion, Orange, Maple Walnut, Peppermint, Pineapple. Straw- berry, Vanilla, Mlandarin, Nut Caramiels, Honey Noug-at, Nut Butter Chew,. Nut Brittie, etc., etc., 8 ounc!es for ..............5c. Ginger Sas fresh f rom the êvens, 2 lbis.25c. Fig Bars, lb ........... .......... ....... 25c. Cheese Wafers, aýbout 40 in cellophane wvrapper, per pkg ........... .... ...... ........ 1e.c Nabob Coffee, 1-2 lb. tin for....... ........ 29e. Cho4ce Quality Peas, Noý. 4 sieve, 2 tins for.ý. . 21c. Shredded Cocoanut,. medium shred, lb ....... 19c. Quaker Puffed Rice, per pkg. ..... ......... 10c. Tulip Bulbs, clearing Prîce, 3 for ..... ...... 10c. Girls' Flowered Crepe Slippers with heel, colors of wine and blue, sizes 12 to 3, pair ..... ... 60c. O-So-Good Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins............. 20c. Fire Shovels, heavy quality, long handles, eaeh 20c. Plan White Cups and Saucers, 2 eups and 2 saucers ....................25c. Victor Mouse Traps, 3 for ........ ........10ec. MVen's Shoe T~rees (new), fits any man's shoe, easy to adjust, sturdy, extra ýheavy platedl, pr 39c. Corn Poppers, each ..... ... ... 35c. Y-OUR-, POPULAR SHOPPING CEN'-,TRE URONO 5c. TO $1.,00 STORE Motor ,Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funer-al flirectors suad Furniitture- Deal,'ers 1INDN E SS COURTESY SERVICE E(juylped te take. care of the modtest fnrlat the most reasonable charge as wall as the iargest and i most exacting Telep Telepheone 68-Residence 523 Bown iea with thie emn on, Fii , IThepi i anud1726 aanville, Ont.j ni w11itilia driving a ýing asked plied inl a 'act : was sent nd liera 1 d -of tflc I j i i n, miii n War niglit -Port ............