thie f1 cil raz came I dence tonishi was c] way. ~ that w ~ary Ni 1912, that ai in dif: r ctr in theMeitrrnenin ithe ianl destroyer Artiglier-. Torpedo fromi the Itain vesýsel just Short of aidc- Sgeyser'ý of smoke envelop»,,ship, and ýplosio)n of powd er magazine. ~w Con 1? 3Y ANNE ASHLEY I dean f urs? te fuis bY f irst ,vOng way; theni uir somle hot cora-n Rub this into the tg stand Ibefore xTake th-e fur brushi (with the, il. ini that no wateýr la used teý luice tHeL trees into pla1ce. A crew Of three and ja helpez can i p ant anaverage Ofabuta mlile of ý,te-row shle-b rce% in an egt-orda-bot8- 000 trees and sbrubeý of several different species. A. wle.a crew using hand tools can plant only 6000 trees and shrubs- per dany la soîl prepared bythetrnh diga'unicarri-er lone, -0- p:osely. 1Te faýster lhe we1t thLe kaster thle man l AO'ed ul they came to a pil. hNo ," said to hnsi, li £ind omiif iie'safeme"ndh enteied the field. Themanfol lo-wed bhlmlie irle1a1Gd n bis p)ursuer dodged atter 'hlm. lie erawled u lnder 1a hedge. Stili th malti was after hm.At last ho turned and faced the e iow,. "What do you want? W7hat are yu fol- loigme lor?" "W h'ai, its l [ebtis, I'. go- inig to) Mi% row's ous amte Station aenfold 1lte to 1o10w you becaus Mr. Bown lled nextdor Tel me siometiling. Do yOala1,YS go home like thîsv" Three tramnpa had boiled 1 chioken and were aroulng ho'w ta dioide Yt.une Suggested they shou[d tom a M COMn "Hed"Called Sarn. "Tet," called TML '"IN take what's laIt" eid Pat. Wh1)ile1 aitn gfor, th1e " Cll, he iinen at the Goverumeni.,t Munitin Trainig Centrew=.e lodingfls. i "l've got digs fit for a bikîn big"sal onme la enth1usia8tl Wel, niy bed remîndc rme of the Prince of WalRSmota" ynl- cally retored ajiother "How's tn? "Bet'ause it's got tbree feathers!" making GIRO0WN Meider a E iquel to BY RIOBERTA LEE 1. 1s it al rigîiLto ppl pw- der, and lip stick ini a street car or bus? 2. lu what way can a business" rman dispose of a tiresome caller? 1. If a husband and réfc are traveling by car, is it al rgt o thie wife to go o the b-otel te muake room arrangements while t'he hubad aits la the car? 4. le it proper to honk tha holn when calling for a guest whom voli.are. takinýg for an auto- mobIile dri ,ve? 5~. it propýý er or bridewh is bjeing mr iedin-a travOUeln cosýtume to hiave biemis G3. If a woman is a, house guestý" and 1 ler hosteýs balis 110 servantes shIold cie help wîth the bus wsouk? 1Aixswes 1,Aoddoîng thi";eseý a1 the lp stic. If abeley necea sary to remoGve shine fron ie nose, do 'so as inconspicuously asý possible. 2, If rising is nt f- f'ctiVOle J J usinesýs aInIsP11 justiýù- ied in franlkly telling the ele that he is very buey, 8. No; thle man should tke care of aul tA' necessry arranguemens.4,. This je anil rml icoreieat The correct thlng ile to rinlg th door1beil. 5. She usually bas ol 'in Af Il C, 7never juse shiriýnks the ýe the tie- ?,ries even? he ie bak le!r ev'en by the proper, 'marker. ~di±ic lie dienis eee Ji brick ap- rkc dipped in e pode j -ly tekie 0d2 orsorans whnscour-. Stains, rubl edý( in scour- Hereý's a 'v' adIians who,t froas AIiM TilEdCha lIe tohd tis ha believed aae ierI and ubtiut to obitaîn Iro aacoulct ira, towhich we Doilng ING MACHINE yearus a machine about 8,000 trees,- Staites Fovestr eti p achine is mount- ~ment called a ~vhich are com- lows, disiça, tiil.. ilar farin equip- somet teritiý by vc free over, iitg t, SasBatie la Won hIMediterran-ean Gengs Skorki, olad'spre- mier and coniilander-i i-c hie f. wenit to Malta recently to decor- ate the cre,7w of a Polish naval un11it and eid: "Britain bas won thle battie of the Mdtraen' "Ihave seen for myself Bn..i tain's dominlation of theuse water's te coinilete w1hýieber vpeio1t in dhe air is 4beginning to be- cont1 obion," e said, a'JddIng that, "Maltatoa is ani) peg ntable frra. zA rCHU1R1S POULTRYREEPRS M- CEU- E 'I 1 Ont.t f un 1partien1 lars. ]Jer1ke1 JrIuc j LtI., 533>-535 Cilege Stre,To B, C. POPEWRY L E AJ ing, inny astern sutetirs For flow f ar1111]slns or ctvy prope, Wrie desa 1-1. " Jtc,, V Il,:(., u. eLr FETI{ERSTVOANIlUH-N CMPNT sl PatfenIlt 'S)1i c itor UEsai e ~ Ota 1890(: 141 Rjin g West, Toronto. mrie Bokoit (4 IniformtioLonnc"'.- qu zt per pon à. ou 1pay eXpress, - Avei Li g ht 1oo t. Law jence , Marke, Toronto, 1. nei C plante can was igler- ut w~ Otite raI c ~iici Is Mi Yee, or, at least, Ech One, Attacke tareat lt hiad s ~J- UCLL~ 3, CAP- L'ltomas, mi for can