xander, of Toronto, woo, weýe-nd. bý, ar: Wig.ht spenit las' and ighter-, Mx's. Leon- Text f ort *an, of Toronto, a n a last week at her 1 ish Mexrcer and Grant's, near mi-e to heJlp on yen if it meant ess in the hands ours or days, il he problemn. There is n0 re, ave Our Wouer hee remany Bll. cýiff e, Who1 Jackson, the Hydiro ns to Pte. an-d Mr, ie arrivai of a fine sor. to learn that Maste was taken to the hoý ielp $flC ,et -what A n % Mr. and nd oui' sympat] d and daught Lt death of 2\- Greenwood a ien quality and longife mean m~ore thati -it pays to .pick the car with the greatest Itg depeidability-Pontiac-tbe car with ,ture! rdard, the new 1942 Pontiacs-with their M.D. Spis. 'NO0 v'e) ngs by 18 r 1, reno ),Ot ofoo- , ~ef teac~I the An tome- ty >ntariG, RBOW 3cli, end prcmpt SonJ IIC Orono 1Day 480 1573 and Most ;tore and rvice in OflONO j - the; -Av