idt 1ool Agin iho at helýr but 'her faewaS innocent. There wer quIestions tîremblîng on hslips butf he ad the f irm opiniion that,- anythig he sked a tIa omentý- wolc olyled Itotrouble. "Don't begoeteln.1eki.ehe niade ue is to put her vr ihtcase ýOtla ack1 earthe servce etrace. Yeuneyer can1 teli," sfie said enigiuacically, h? seenOi you tcan find what. yeilre loeking for." She biew -hm u. puss. "John youlre aweetY, Thon she was gonc. iBe was Stilipuzzlîng over her, aangbohp o late that atr nen wheni Nellie cam-Ie 5la, Vo la i e siholding upth inanscrpt."Fiis.ThecEn. She~ooeçlat 1dm drýeami. WInyt hta levely sunny day eut- aidee As a matter of fact aà tat rod te ain. 1Re tok Lher by -the shoukies. "Nelle aie you sic o It vas then he came ery mule waS Tapias. "JohnI hook- ,ay, tog drn igrybeaeh.i incapaW1 fj&~ s. his teachingpo- rCoNige and go.. with Juil.. There 1Publisher's, EiIiot emie WossWho ore bock, "Jeidousy ira Swhen Nellile and chI time over revi£- iht, EiIott, ardent ler into a ren- Sapartmnent. Next ohAn and waritz hlm lep. But John re- out ithat tiis i EIiott's neuroses, a basket of Iwr frQom Elliott. H. à% s gone la hie isiavd :art,ý s acheine. Ar ', nervousIy refures are you geing te forgpive coý)urý,se I a ',"l she s (ld E výu"Th, Tn )mqr1 wa elega for John. "Opeti MtwI you, hie 1 finish hking She took out the yellew Papern Thn fe ace draiined iof clr "Jhremember ime? The brid the Sun shines on? The Sun s turned wet. She read apou&. uihve decided te go te ljot' Love.Jui. going)aparent huniting. i don'tL "-i do"," she id flatiy. 1-Hm eyes were wet. "ýNow wakit. 'l'There's leune epngto conclusiones abo'ut th1ia. U T.he mwhole idea lafauastcFor euec tiling th)ere'q his- beard, N c ma ilaboaýrdcl ouIldever at- t-ract Julie. It's a lonig £tory sa jt take my 7Word for it." she was lookinig nrounld,An UMM JE 'IR it a E ma a V*ej N , , 'ay£t U couple ()r ~u oguinea 1pigs An Un-welco>nYe Feigglee-full[y pusiJuliesUrpp, at'al ud just 1landed Cpan Makepace 2shoýuted, "Follo-w, £ 1hrotrh lithe trees, Cal i: un- whifÎ heM themn Vm gc ~ace I T~IER~ (teqvec ýpeanng, h handy the 1.W. new sent asked f1n'wpr~ -n in of eboa.t t El-