d anad ia been and . x Truth >le Lart of ,the usia vL(g btari î ý o, bre tuons ifrmpubliai- second oeendanlieo e hybhl1; the 1h d uber ote y censor Ch texî, IntarioElCties ger ciLls wil hv Sry Soon, Af un ngiirt way Pt lieder, Lin- iitorderfrn 13C. can haheard our es away uudergot in a Lwmnu te ue U. S. Airlines In Eniergency Test Oruaniges from Caiouape Only i, wasu'I.Ai ies elîca.- cies wr flowntNew 7York re- conllty no sourcli or eating puýrpo.ss ns or a test t o shoýw 10 r .ency. Yorkèrs mp etecr t<nstted more mutciiug il. s nu off-shade, d wieu il wns War." ri o'fl spùh-b1 wae sr Theatre of Wrar ln Vast Pacifie ïn FPacifk, Srought 4nto The War, RelaNsTeA .aut 2t, Marie Star. is now lu progrse luntl05Pacill Ocean. Mre Obwurcrllwhen Lieannc-n od tCe oppolng 01:the rit'sh of, fenslvo lun Lib'ya a few wveelse ago, spolte OfU ho erRtiOu"Sterbeg jike thosa of a Seo baILle, witl statgyad tacQtlcs being eted ed oo a wiýde are-ia. But evenl Mr, hrclidid int at tIa i Lime vision o4peraions 01")"lite scope eof thos nowbeing carried lu tàc vast expansoetA watar that lies bo- tween Asta and ture Amuercas Froui yokobamIa 10 aicoIuveris ,280 mle ana tfroni Ihue sama Ja uuee )orttoSan Fa isj , 52 iles FIruniYokohama to H-ontoluilu e ,40 ils R sas1,500 mile battia lin', Ias seemi'ed a tram'Ienidoudistn. Butil e dartd b awar wrc tksdistances sueli osethoso luc A(1 t iof 1:the mu huad 0ýf isandi whircflane scuttorOri oVer LiraI ratae. iee r ome îjSï83 Iande in thre PhIOlpien, whiclistretdhes sir a dist-ance o! nethousaud miles. luJapan wvithout taking itoaco u e erritor'y it l, "da InlCina tere aresm 2,322 islands, srthn over 1,600 iles, and hiaing a plltion oW 100,000000Peoppe, n tire Netirerlande Indios there are terrltory 3,00 iles linglr rom» Sinapor-e tore o Tbon in 'd- dition i rIere are 1-1e scoresan irnrd f sad hii w l hlogiaue Lu Britain, Factr Unrtoed SaeRsiJapanie us tralia, New Z- 2eaianid wrcrare (dot- tMd ovor thre map> Air-pianas ýand modem war vo %ýs- sels have brouglit a strange yw to a strange terito1y. Amercan ToStay inCnaa ' re Gaadinu oicis y tiraI Unied Stue vo"Lueers aiu Can- ndfa',s frhig oc areexe- c'! te 'remaîn whIere thIey are ýra- ther tuan irçîu nto hetirUuited Staues tor serce. NeaIy. 1UOo mn fmomi "southl of thlebodr are scrviug irU te nnaniyrmyad 10 per eer.,,,. of IQhe air re stra;ineciand lu trainiug for tire Royal Candjan Air orcearefroi Ithe statIes. The femalefrog dpoit romi 600 o 1,200egga onnuualy, Army of Russia Stili Marches On n eptee.fte aIiel 0u', nths, he German HiglJe pResi a le' n mtar owel ,adinisho.J11 AI have nover mnis1od yoUS Whaet ho said thlat d,'ay icu~ ed: "'TIre pj-ower o eitneo thie Soviet zarmies i as 'beeau brok- "Unbelievable chaos has cosedý over The Soviet nruiesP "The encircliug, disemembeoring anýd aniainof tire huge lied for-ceis guardillg theronad to MnkadMoscow lias 4been coni Soie ohrlýittia gems frofm thý Dietrich -,proesaoneene "The last Russianarmy gyoirps "Thora e no d uthat thel whole Russian front i S mashed." (jie, unt of narageh-puos aurd finet silipe a!floal, ILed by CpJýohn Ra,'Ylis,gur- ton huer nI tle HdEn iver pier', whiere slirebas benlaid ip sînCe' Uihebeiniu 0: hewar., Tirl oade coufld be pued 2eteras atas ort oras au ir craft cri.Sire wsdsge n bru"it ti pod oveso. at Baylla said lho, hacd removedabu 200 seamen rom ber. lu1 air-jtutiedepalmentl- wýou'drel s udp1ied oue)j parole, tire tirird Jlargeet ship -inl theworld, ox ddonl'y by tie', its Queen' Elizabeth ,sutnltire Qen ay 1e JoglAi of 109foot lmakesý hlec tour ites teiltlc et tlira S ta tue ,0ý f fiLbeta int bFraiice 1tire U UiitedStes IBees 3and War Honey lixed SAthfoods and drinks wý,eeinclde l iredny diel of tLie nuc(ieiit Romains. So ilighly did they prre Ilis food mhat the Roman Empire armies evencarredtbioirownbchvs w.iti hmeee heyinvnýded a foreiu lnd. Adrinking glass assed only iry thewnlh li uciniims REG'LAR FELLERS-Mouseproof ~-N *,r -I y nmi Pil rt mat- t we last ir~ou re- rover r Lu weeu anr~ -lues- titras mer- dOM- tire d ~o- o of 't î~5. olr. are lis ý ýN M