- 5uU 'Mrs. C. W. Billings was taken t, 14, orBwnairville hospital orn Satur4Paý La-last suffering frorr an attack o f Wil- pfleUmonia. eAve. Mis E. Waddell on Fiiday of las 's a.week, felU on the sidle,%al'k (n Churc] Street South and broke lier left ani es a ndc just above her xist. tWest Mrs. Wmi. Mor-ton on Friday o ice on lasit 'week escaped injury wlihen sh Lawn, fell on the ey siderwatk, though shý receijved a severe shaking up. Mrs. Ted Simmons, )cks, accoinpan-ied by Thoimpson, of Tor y -with Mr. and Mrs. Boy Sc ly lent them his iii ection of salvage .Rol-ph also sup- to .$2. 3 or the ev7enïug. SLena Frýalïck on ,eek broke bier r!i-ht icmbi1e attende of f-Mr. and uf Oshawia, We- regret very mucli iss ing on New Year 'D lrner esteemed residjent, aof Toronto. keni bone, whviceh was set. 11 Mfr. and IMrs. Chas. Froste receiv- a cablegram from their son Wl ýd, dated January 2nd, informinng m that he had arrived safely in igland ar'd wishedj them a Happy ýw Year. Wilfred is a radio oper- r in the mierchant marine and this Ls his flrst trip to England. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH flv .Lttlewood Faetur SUNDAY, -JAN. llth il a.m.-Our Inheritance and its Responsibilities. 2.30 p.m.-$unday School. p.m.-Unselfish Prayer. ed or tions. canniot lie gain- by gaod inten- Tinshopi le irstCas Repairs 1Ai kinds of Mr. Thos. McNeil home ta Orono afte month with hiis son famriiy, ocd'Ottawa. Sgt. H. E. Lycett, Canadian Fores- try Corps, Overseas, wishes to thani. the Orrono Red Cross ,Society for ftli very lovely box received at Christ- mnas. Wrord 'was received 'by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. C. Mitchell that their son, Gnr. Geo. Mitchell, is in the hospital in England suff ening fron a severe attack of bronehitis and in- fluenza. Mr.and Mrs. George Butters cele- brated their thirtieth weddirg day oni Tùesday, January 6th, 1942, by entertaining !a f ew firends to a turl key supper. The Loyal Orange District Lodgc of Clarke will hold itheir annual meet- ing in the Orange Hall at Orono or Tuesday, Jantiary 13th, at 2.00> p.i (standard timie). 21c. Old Tymne Apple juice 48 oz. tin 19ec. Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. 3jessrs. Bert and James Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mephen and daugh- terý Joan ýMephen, of Oshaw,ýa, -were recenit supper gujestts at the Eagleson home on Centre street. ~Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin were guests st the wding ~of Audrey ~May, daughter odf Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Stevens, to Dr. F. H. D. Clemnent, in the United Cliurch, Suttoxi, West, ne- celitly. MradMrs. Fred Duncan visited with their son Clarence in Oîttawa aýt Christmias time. While there Mr. Dunean f eh down the cellar stairs an-d broke three or four ribs. He is progressing favonably ;in that cîty. Mr. Richard Fowlen, who blas been pnn1bv Mh' Sr. A. J. Taibh, n e- IL G. and MËs numnber Oshawa, sday, Fi [e., wN Fresh