3 opsý, above, settie themiselves in a ralilroad coach ini or a fredy n eross United States teriitorY e Caionate re-inforce MxcnArmy galiu preparhing te repe'il any attempted invasion by Joaps. te0 sho-Jw a native b iow mcl-a does i tke oul te ioduce te mrkt atd t e amci aksthe y()(wilhea le t twhattaail f do with e asked ruk proueý iered fior "There namDed the icna *,Awd dPI thapt have îany afc '4welh, I don't ln9w; e. sc thewy sipedic wh-ole lot.te Tobe-Stee hyah, omn Didn't Ah sie you kisin' a4 no-ceunt piece orah est night? Liza-Gwan, Tobe. It wae se dark Ahi thought it ýwaa Tobe-Com-e te thinik of it, melibe 'ÈWUA me -wht t imne was dat? sharp rcie etrf hsfriend MTys wihbr neo stamp and L li ad topa double postage. The letter con- luded: "You -wY!!!be delighted te,, hear 1 arn enjoying the best a.f health, old chap. - Yours, ?A- TavISh. Shiarp thon wrpapp l arg stone, and wihot aying 5,postagený sent it to McTa-vïsih ith the fo-l- lowing note: "This great wcight rolle off y mmdwhen ren yotrr good riews. Aura <at homne Party)- "What':R the matter-, Wli WiIIie (indignantly) -- "There was ttone cake short, and they imadce.ehave h1 "I wn a word of advice," the you-ng iman reniared te bhis uce "Well ' sud Uncle tWrely "What is the hest way te ap- pýroach you for a loan?" Ifyou are senrsitive," replied uncle ginin 'yyou had better write for it. Thon wheni you e mny reply just tear it ip without reading i. 'ln your sermon lpst Sunrdy, dripping would wvear aa sone." said the stout womian te the mn ister, "you s;aid that onstant "Quite right" said the iniste, FWlIve canten it with eer nIcal since and I've put on mr ,weighitthan eve-r," tefood copr otcen a pape),hag ver n-l par.t of thie foed chop- .A; LDo ,oit place nirrss that theily !haves direct saonsbiia onl th1n I wl caus( e uesur- face of the moir e Yspot an,d hecom e coudJy. Q. Bow cDun1I myake c dnt un,"dust cdoth? A., lc a lotbh i a Streng, bot sudsj of pumre soap, tewhich add2(l ewdropp of turpe-tcne cet set fer two heurs Then w3ing way wjll holte dust anýd ette in this mannerever-y tewes Q.,ofw aîi1 naecertain hatthesoap is elltirely rqmoved" fýromt;Pe 1hair when h peig A, lflthre lacimsdeLraýbk, d ficuty h nidhigthehairen tieyohoap, try squeesing theý rinse water. It Winl Meethe hain of scap suds and leave St ceft and glesýy C.N.R. Wins Prize For Befit Window Frtprize o cpfor thebest Chnisjtmas windownthe 3institu-. ally ïby teFfh vneAsca tienIneopo aed, New York, wavas ddthsyeaîx te the Caný- adia Nationakll Railways, foi, the seasonal display at (7M Fiftlh This iL-th,.-,second year 0-o Ue ,ompetition, the windoQw bin under cobservation during thPe eatISý part of December. The judges were ind-ividuals w'ell knwnin society,, fa.sbion, art an4n .evs fieds nd heaward tehe anl- aian iiNational Raiways wno was based on "dramatic quality, onginýalitýy ia the ose ofdhe Chnistmas therne, selling appel, beauty o)f design, neane 0,1cle, hlarmon)y of display and effective ligbting. The wviningj display was pre- parcd ii- Montreal by the Exhjibits and Dipinys Brandi of the Cana- dian National Railways. It con- sisted of a reproduction in tri- dimension cf a typîcal Quebec vil-. lage !in intertime, with buildings lighted and -a nighit sky effecýt, Deep snlow sulrroundd the display te exemplifLy the title "Where Winteris Ký ling." ;IFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... coc NL n vu N Ea T>Fl, 40P l-'t LiSt orfnvetons and Fi Wwno- main Én ree The tasa C RegistereUd, Paetftones 72 BakStreetOtw. aaa 1890 i4Clg WeQ, Toronto. 'oDit oA ifomtin o re ROSECOMESILVER EARIE anas.Three dollars pi ,J. il. Iaen naro oy ute SAVE FOR VAIMUOY 6 BRAEDS chicks S cns ecrpie ct 1hrst oder f il 1bl)o k ý senilt re e. Meg(ddCIMissionrochstr' New ý edorkM __________DI___ Elgin,OlaaPopad1.. WAN T D: S M Ab1L CCUL ( "R Sawrnill. Wite i'li priclr Gravenhurst, Ont. PIACILSTFAT EMENT S, iN.. cone 'iTax Rtone Bck rlten un SlI &Co.221ushlm emises, at not t under W. W iLSON, President and MngigDir REPORT MnraCàa: ROFIT AND the~ pli', weîî exp sou] L-