cl Mr-. Ai hur Rýelký sWhittalkel*s, il rtter rmained for. Wes- ver i md hideTbrn int get tM.R tond Brce sa- * J. J. W". Srn M.and Mrs. Percy 1 Hans'oilton ani B, bby, of Mi1l'broo4i;M 1ss Eltei Glden M.Oliver Wtherluilýt, of Osaw; r. and Ms.W. Weaýther ilt, at Mr. Wv. E. Rid's. Mr. ând M ffs. otto Kleiýser (nle Ruby ý-Payne) Toronto; m is ,L'ii PanPort Riobhii,,on; Mr.Arh Payne, Thorold; Mr.StnlyPayn)e of Peterlboro), at M.Reuben Patyne'sE Mesrs EerttJoines and Iri-vi osyof Toronto; Mlr. andl S.ý R. Sone(s, Mrs. ilenr onsMr. and Mrs. Wiills Joresamd fgmilyý with ,Mr's. G. W. Jonles and Mielville. Comgatuitios [()t Mr. ard AMr's HuhStaipleton I(nee Meda llallc- wJ>upon ithieir arnriage ait Nenw tolivilip Plt.monaee bv Re'V. J. MJ ................. ........$25 uit Liver Oil of 50 ............. 71c uboleinie English Malt Tonie, Large . ................. ne-a-Day Vitaini Tablets. Inthe clhurch service On Sundfa v ri a-Itimely menissa-ge tbe to the sea- At reontweare sorrI-y bo staiti ty adthlat ourl good nieighibor, Mlr. Fred ' ý. Thios-o.lrIjsh, is qiei. WVhpe soor, od1 Lane to sKe hins weIl again. oS. Hl ,ma-, fr-ndl ae alsogrtfe erand to noteý and be glad in th-e better cor. -dition 01' Mr. Evan Quantrili, \who lias been qui e II llfor- soýme tire. Weare g!lad Vo hear of the reeov- erýy in the case of ouir good neigh.- 1or 1,s. l.u. McKelvey, of Kirby neihhrhodwho laý under the car e oif her daughter, Nurse Marion Me- We, bis fiendsl, are very glad tiý hIear that Our Ownl Sixth Linle aiî pilot is again 1Ae Vo take his part n the g-reat ,war- ad we, his friends, 11e al1ways delighted to hear of Grald's welTare. S( W.,11ode-' test equiPm-'ei-nt en- aibles one VLo imiake fast, dependable rearto an ake of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42-29 -, Oono. alkr wth Mr jake Eallowell 'oronito). Hy, of -Bowmanv x, of Toronito, v silver. f Centreville,v 1A. I{albywell. ýMrst. C. Reid, Newton iss Audrey Burley, of 1 1Mi-, ancl Mrs. Herb. Gi' r. and Mrs. Geo. Smith Mis. George Stapletoir r.. and Mrs. Russel iSav aind Mrs. A. Muldrew, 1 r. and Mrs. Gordon P( ly, of Oronlo, with3 ,k. r. and Mrs. Ralph Ve_ý ily, of Uxbiidg.e, with Aif. Di 1 ~m1% uinedtb day at sizeL, 750) ...... ...... Kepler COdI 2a o