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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jan 1942, p. 1

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ýe_~~~~~ WïEE L Tl1ME 'Vol. 6. No 0,14~A~ 1JN 5th, 1942.-, Subsripin-k.29 1 pe -ý1. Patronize drono Gr1Gde o e;-i,.,,made Cooking SaIfe Sa LtCd< Orono Chamber' 0f commerce 10 ne Group Is Urged , Endorses The Committee For Apple Growers At -----n Total War Stand Convent on At Col) urg v -~ 1 otîon Sent Local Memiber Seveit Seek Ionors as Could Sign Agreements, Be 'Cont anlD &rnct As far as it s able to asertain - w' ie n Sutiis~ag~i ticsGoucî,amen Unte d fourite wa- -lfnplice e d hei covntolweuite invý -Ilîag tu sga 0ono ereinet of .ontc liAs nfarte.i incabe Durha uty--wta gidnrrbpeet.Nie Mis Adamýe,ý Boitl Mr. Fr -i Oa mCeeig n retio-rni of d thvei nn l s er i hs paers eoe teae United tue-M1 Iý s.F-l ~dnt ttnledliedaecos nd. ern sti thuiefi ar nte fieo d forthm -ý r convention tr,ýelling thei men'mbr t w Ial ~ jfliceTh on~e eanc4ndayu -0fiin taiý1üIi I-1ý- den, fner tai rdrop ohut bad bern -Gonty Ch)y ur o n hato d tof iake thir e Adp-m er(i,à1 tien- hiatr prescrit \vepT-.ya.H t ne i an rit oth difremsets.- pasug srvceunth C Mroid 0. Cooper thestir iesico- ik~ eohs ir stev -o ;Dde f r .F ei, eemtartea duetwei- fil(,ead e1e~ drmg iitors and ~a ~ il ,I Yodge f5tesno eie fte niashv enfgtngsi ya îhsiimsfoiB îa n h sOiaýitioin tolid1 tie onei ônr ,vtâ rTe ilro n t2tui T)n~h~Pars theuy¶ir ac, las d . co- t IZhelped to. ponso the plrnas iour - - g'oni Cbughs ltBfihDmnolniLba be radSym hysadgad -dfuitone iererentarktios. ne& hah rS t aeheeeefer~ held of the ono ofhhiiniitsreveatIraefrMaiyacomlon htherdeeontInda mselsBueInden Roy D.d h te a-le roofs fMr.taro.o F.d&y ecc-ubr 12, las aed ri lie durodec 1aiml u h ,ehis- thebourgen At chairesh ih ntie s ar' e INDIA0 WiB itaî aH hUEr P Iis H ý'1R E UN.u~ ENGenN ete thioapm hf t he~ pl n tivarticrutiGon e- h iagd n h at o e eonicgr for fliccie -o s e-niGor reier oe f I t i an b ve un figltn g aid by siý,wth orîizl j7h ie assocaio tlCt as c oent ion Otaw i * Donnybok F i tpwn h e Ch-r sma Pol 1916r,-C un . ba no Brts Weteniishowing lne1, ia n detia he tnd oit- efnt xot snef a -hnstrumentaý,, l d flciso o ai. isre il-, i -sppyinth e atl rt-iis oppf Ontaielisds- uýV n d ec r 0dLg e Maret, forthe Chist- Those fl] theay andl at1 presen areer Voi(L exercîse Buet par anmasf tht la Gr a ctiv participation inood-- andésty thGnrn e d ate --mil svet isA -tim ecrl4 eve epdeamc o lethRee" chai Brin,Îh of lam arton - - in Brtii, an hhîs sprng of what Brftin' takepl aLuc thhe -ltved alon th e liascnert o th ents cheren of etev W.J Topreito-on - tbeipe4 Tw ýi ) oi er e n sunîty - actVi posi inry odfg o Thr6 nlýh etiiý o m Autti, oi aýul T rea np r aem e n g ou jat.plin hrea Broorn apple noeedese L3d Crossii Stttpuen for rtheeiet fore 194 would herpal aiiias tileure -Lo ýýi ig . own1peee te .ur .ev L. E.. Ueley of. Hatns m w ul- naILid th nai i growe r wo d Co4bourg, po1c tm wPex e - her4 -thetîb schle Rpd Wi of las --ev -C M.i Burrantf ani t s ar ofwa t h istaebutOh -plc the, hoe oit i-caam da4 ne - r~sia conieiptit antivi Ladyss~ *hw hiem Aued fRozd crossat tan-e-l if TheChmb of« Coinierce lias Ross, of Seynwur Townsip; Reeve endeavorng to brng in anther i y taire was -oing to -elonly with aed -rr l ,duel die Cro. a. heartr aofal Caipblfod and -ineaic- emavnîm bt u- ton the axuestr Gp~Ciee aifieiod n __ de~finite representative group whf ch1ip-ýed thet Lam bdbaad.t*r- rndeitae c m~e--i tl1seim ieeve R. D. Dodge.. ýo! hboigU. Mr.Per Moyer, 1Toronto, passed FolloI is the financi ai state-- woruld sign ageements andl bc-epr t-vlie e ~gefnuna te mn haovmgman away fn -Bowmianvillc H-o spital as CIe i-cnt of -Oronlo Brandvi o~f the- Gana- -ed to have tinenl fulfilied. da. y S. ?the servicetet ~o eimergtme a peisonresuit (YI injuries sustaiea wlien sheda f<l St- 14 -t'lie seROt, IJAf"~U~ s ertcpesýaRed meoss Sociey for14 Ottew-a's experienice wý,itLh Oiitgrio - Anhur R. Santýpsnî vwio Vas. s D~~Jr~. Tii ~i eport was lrew-es timrown ho fihe -pavemlent fr1.onil a ro-vr -a no - enc-oram-svei-b a1 n a tc e p ais gfei b5th teretr s rone Branch of the -Red Cross mlet nmoving, automobile just east -of New- Receipts uraging rwenhd it ben- -Loal, o, hee5eVotg--o!- Js Mrr. 8hPeasiereenî-. -Ba o hxi, 94 . - $ E6.9 a-t'yar, [. Prknshiicte. 0- W îc e reeniyuin ----------------------Pa- t uehii so-e Jatayom. i Reilr. l Mr. -onyr Basapssne a . onand, 19.4.. ............. 510.79-trr idmtw h oe-~t-t~t rshc noWîst a repoe wa8 8'onetnwthOtrosW00br huirst fnto ,vms ssc ay in- Tetreesurer s r1or w s ive littewood, P'resideiit, -,as in tie auto driven by Horace Cochrane, of War appe:al............... .... 1 el t8e w th - aIlEitish 1o,000 bar' Pi Hp loptlliTed~ir lhwng mîte nhen2e 128 hi Thei Deceiiber fin-anc'i State- Toronito, taxi driver, mme- wes driving BIieh - 'mn-r-aising evenls. -5Mt aneeunut$5-JLtii <d-mited by the Treasurer, Mr.Elle a r r Toronto, to Col- Basana, i1 ..................... 175.82 Biinge -erp Teepaain-wsta-,-ek A Ietaeo ieae - -- atridigi-nin W51Ubmt - -boie.Th ut pcle Uonrtoyrl -cso-tes.........212.0Br-tai olmjalid oedntnzaf ndethheeteM]aipo,,ipen. -tic advem'tisememt appearnng in- the aa 9.1 W .FaeM? o otim saininenfre mnclaI-~m~i BçIYpprtgr-i-'tc sa4 a lanc Dce. 4, 1941 ........ $1 23 tie, -w ee they7 muel hitchý11hikiniÏ; .a....r............19.1I-sý.M..f) ,lluustticin vi- rc ,ube iiý,Lj, on nteabstkno ttal watr Donations .......... ........ .... .. 18"S.00 Shloly efteî enitel îng- VIe car, rs S'aivage- soîmU1 ........... ...... 4.00 bel ,pointed -out that Northuluna ecur anal vi mas, onvelued ii ut --------- Iinlred as ttiýi -(_il on Lot, f J Oi$or .. 9.1 oer optnîde( the dor telose mil,- itocda~umsew~~hs ~Calranicr -of Crnracr~« nb......... ..u.......elef........ 14.50 tiltrand aXLs tlma ow fronilie thVd8. s-ie gre1ngara fl, Oaii , aId î Wai , s ~<ineacioimon tis qllestni"all ~ : -a i:> 1 _ __- hIicld r t-l ewî auh lie dor- xrnoi -sgge th,,a I efot sh1lh-umd '-~'a, b&ti methfle ofcnada rc an1~pescs Se suferede fratua d shui dep Foigencal wa work $20200. vntios lied fa orono fnsead o!inuday, anuay 4 l ns lnmd -) -ltr headral inj.............ies.. .... and aibm IiIenI w I '. V(Fo blenkete rund .......... 20.00 a HiilO m -- ~ ea e n ot ad*,e - -ret r- ald thaý the cotair 'aeiasr........147-4-5 J. A. Butler, of Nercsteat ne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pmed -a lêmno e vîela--Rsein-Rle 45 iradle brrm vdl o-i o usa elief _........... 141.50 l .- fiesEctd - admeyfn oin 'hé sBa nced w ,! hziii haver te e t t a msie arel-vnie osal W.tisit Feie .hn. For.. ......ases-.. 1 of wool and. --516 lie Tic Oflin cers me ect cd 1aral along- the -bm r4e i', >1~ S0 wile hav -osýta b a r For pui'chases of er aiso 313 96lnvi -' l) prodi-eg- also ia-ilsty." -- Total ............. 119 on o omnvle inrctigte- Solir hs b oxe ena otrage 213 fr192 M .R oga 'ersdis ýp VBalancc on Jani. ist, 192. 4 81,1,1 sno -aiinvle ivsi-e. ý1îer bo s Idpsagc3 -) 1ecrnte o oa -al -An ftemnized financeial statenient of W-IIorkroo cupenses, stemlps 25.54 1 President, Harry Siirett; vi-ce-preosi Ylm î-, omryJb~ a ' 481.1 tin ,H rl__ _ _;scetr -ra - so .o e fr li, ýi i .roval tofgh tic t som n e attcton sbta ld the' - aa be( on D-cIIu-6 W ith t-hfs isue the Oronol4 -T-ines, Bal. De. 31, 1941 ...481.9.den.H.......bsn ertr-ra srn one roth 11ad ina CetrIenar tskim--ti one. 4-41-, ws sent t e , meeting by lie start nfIs-it year in -publiiii E. À --iiies - ret--- -- Aftr onadrabl cisusiè, nd finance coniniittea. a paper in tis- village. Our, soj-urn 11$f168.22 hart oln .~ nson, FIrmj Grw * * ' - - gcliu noiee o t qesionilBis for iaaterfals for wç>mkrooem1 fa the village lias Imeen -very plfesant Audfted by Mr-. J. Pi.o Meilor; \Vro -FIafo oti-eln seasan Britisd byila Mrin an A:Clrk lmat-r inde. H. W. Murray, Treasurer. -W. F. Biekard, iHo-seard Gibson, F.FltOfce . . Pi îistý w' -il B-ritis atiGivilfa $, wand Kor- Cu Grreli, L. Golweil, for Duti'ani. - c sniii f mth- -t~r --- tic -Orosmo Chanber o! Coiiiiiiree P ig eiutngt 5.0 rr r _______ on of Mm'n J. PapýI1Sn4ue ae cemanniatawulmMm FRîkared pafd anal tic treasurar was aise __________ _______ T-le resolnition commJailtea lbrou-ght ly of Coii0ug 1: a-3~ ~<5- -- - c m ni niate dîately , W .g' n F. ~ -t -i,,ýd - t rize t b frw ard to tie Gana- i e oiii n a i n t a h e I MPimdaey -iiglii odi an- Redl Cross $5H00 more foir Rus- and~A .'f ~ inavi fco uitmat lia -flcedrnbug 198aalÙga -- :support tic standl o! tic comaniittee- .ia - eia Reie and $50.00i frui acna a.. Wie Efforta fandI Mrs. J. Palli knorîg4 'h.,' A1CL'.~ S VV~e- --egr te-i -ecntagen te the min- -pî-iîadcîphma11e lltmý ed-il, clctd prsrir o mrbxe.iui celer requiremnrts te read ns craftsian- e-Irlýý se14- m-irrqiia ' -The folikîu g officems -vrame eiced prners tf mer O n ge Log ilw o nw,4 e et;hý,Ivns tMiij ýpj !or 1942, witi Mr. R. R. Waddcl fo uspof re9aongte ticl OrangRed Cos>g -1la foVplloma No. p oes, 40 -percent. ifsi5 tMncei n a ta'kinig the chair, for tic electioru womre esepcsdaa cr eeleviaw of developiimeats figits 66-heur habIle xeith Gemm ealy 4 e cent.; Deastc 05 1941. Pilot 0ffiem' s1ii11t -rsdet - A. - - -. of wood orderedl foi- use tiare. ofi thc home front froam Januery 2nd suisarinaes in Northa Atlantie. -par cent in eci case; that the fol- po-ated te ben,-Iuig amdrr-îfm -- -- riePes .E Loan Themeetinug seas pieased to receive te Jiauary Sth, 1942: -9. Mfdslipnm Donald Mackenzie lemin, vaie hachargn te -Sec. se-ne siquad ren taNsfo iipdlpaiul raa6 L - Sa~etay - E~.ê 2Frratcr.-- ettés ed masags - f tiaak- fr - 1. T-%crlny-sfx nations stgm declar- e! Otta'wa and Toron-to mentioncd fn tien "B" under redchcked o- blusI hîàs lian fieraen smce ----- -- -Trassurer - W. -Blpi. - -gifts freini local boy~s in thme arame<f tion at Was-iingbon bindfng ecd despaùlies for is part fai BaIle-!vrcis àSle îonke n----------------- DfrntraC SMgsrnJ. J. forces-Bansdinan -Harolal ýC Al te emipioy i îs full ras ources againsît Crète. C li hadtrm rnbry ipim 'iIti -conii;;W~ dd el ,.R a--rc mi aaa anmt e thc Axis anal neyer le iake a separ- 10. Hon. C. D). -H'owe, Miînistar of imafiiani siza for verietias listed here plsfri rùs o!~im-~- - dcii, N. F. Pore, W. E. Armstroug, sm-eat-s and soéks; Keiti -Tenrant, ae armlistice or penace. Leighlton Me- -Muniin anlSply ppas eahh a t'les o. 1.o Witr, aheîornge diz o-fa tic0 Ai C, H.-os Sidnmey iegan, Ciiff Cooper, Harry Carîhy, -Canadien -Miaister te lije mnarine enigineers weli have ibeec scr-Sai.H-brstn ctWneGogeDkn-f -C H ~rst ---- - ~ -Wifrd Bgaio, ac Se United Sttes, sigels on bei-ai! of ring- fa lie Lae Trede te voluntear WVindsor CIef. CriervPph- î/iGtpitodigcoena--t- - Mm. -Glar F,4è 0. m Co e n .T ycettF- -fed eowgeé Mitiî- .Cnaas wahmprdtonehnsonhilapi -skt Haifax ts ar' nowle, o.1, 2 r-s ich" T - thone old- ay-s eule -pets peh et~ ~~A~~uditems~~ FI O opradi ---hr,'--a,- IIgn cn r anaa, for vcI1rk as an gine fibtet' or 15tc 'eiSi-eete î/ pis d- hncmaktmgwscagmm t rm reiei n ske o Caslpsbxs - h ipndd n cvr ild ir.aiSantJh nin i ener 'nsi.m/ icc»!nekdm o ela nberis il o' te4em - for ~ ~ ~ bat eaem loyales sHalort, ses ast------------- plnsqir aknr us ets edfreprecdne iiahg nd Noe ked 2 ia a-lidTl0s te budys e by pta dskeV r'b Millfer has - l-i Géeie e eupnat-no,èig ugeti- rd. ---Thtaou rpa maltetifsa snlcasfui yar tc ~ad t!m~'-eaew iembrs t ns, oana' averataimelpducio 11. Mansnufipractr or pisn grAdeeFloGisvon wi cO Sbîgsa id~~ 9-cmn k - - Mr:aClark Camber ef tominece ishad join te associationcweild soonipais 3eListiessd.émb-eDepambSaentto!autenieiiles teh-e - stepp2dasand mnarketiifeIrerresen ,dtin7acf tl'e On storsiHa -saîd Iluq lie le mmtesk -ri majorin itenîs nosednt rondmî ase Canadin - faricee at r senheno e" riaîneu -befoie fr broke ouil ith lie p1ulic lb-d t1ic S1i.sýe or~ -~ -prodcines mones range, f~amor e st ductien. rae in bbc fate'in wil haIr, ---iila'cncsimseivdalbn o~afa cAu t b 4. Accelerati-on of-Geipin a's war be! n fMr- real nAai trtepeet-e " rTea-lccs i mgimt!~f -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - fr dunn 1-941 iadcld ay lied i2 Tuba oontmnin terotad pesta rienber tie ou conv4mst batefed of'" do-Iii dro s il -e tlsi - tt'eg g- I -dIt--- aviDoaioturaioonaîtislm sartmng ramie -ni aO indei vaet and j,,ji' etjor morres MuIn- ieO s i d tMhat, tmmmg -Iiirei a ol s LroIl ()onstiIe p_)ým cn tly t eumgOtmeape ntepste i '-dnanvasn~ ~~

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