as 0f f java de Produce Explosives e' s-s us- Pleasure Sable~ Island Is LonelyOtpt Sablsland da u part haagot inito thieuws fori.ln ti ud if Ohl and-IS oint Dafane Board MAad apy- tin1g about it ta norato la aly a huage sandbak, 25 lesu long by a haif-mile Lo oM iles% Wida, it lias 110 milSes ast of the centrail part of Nouascoi ami 80 mils south ut Wbita Haad. Sisplyiig bteuMrtm poCrts aadthe British Iisg aith-er north or south of it -t~ hop[e. Lu d(ays gPona by lý r wer, 1e s50 mian"y acsoliSabla., Islad it was known aus 't1e a- s up The Blýoy scouts ofAroahv colactd uarl 50000pounds of iags watepaeraluinunii and The h s awrd t anEnglis- mnot the Polis S*ilver ýCro0ss tMetFirs Casbs en Evrt,"for Couýspicuomis gailant- ry sonv in tharesue of a Po ihairînan fromi a bombj'erwhh iumba f the lt ofPc st WestminsterEnc ad o nto* e i m' last weeli, with fthe lown trostationis al arryngth gram : cKOC") , cKCQ-. BENEF, ROBIZONTAL the blind. 7 He inven.ted a ~s ar la o bisgane; utth eafh '2 l bNiuc wt uvunhal ffrî,e-nalJohn er esioyt ithae(", utmatsud aïof otr Lo'd n' inu s t yll, wh 2.a mnd A n 1 y ei elautofhip t on cwid q titiedl eihr as beat1 tu h ar- utenOFilth vp1eopla er bap- tizred, etha1 Jasus alsoïhvi ng12beau firwaoeed, 2r.r and the H Sprtdscanded in abuil frm as a do-we, up1d o hlm, .anda î ia e came wou of heeavntb6urt my pleissased" SSOur Lord c m up oututth wtari tha heavansi paratel, adtwb iinunrs the Holy Spiri lu ïýt e4fo;at Chrfis4.t's isio. hrstha rn maentod, bu wih aapus ha 1Wlmad eoWsecond Hevn to MA As most peopla wil ecail Wh avar read anytig about Sabi Island, it is notd for its ld punilýes, oft wich heaar s scendantis Cut borses that survor- ed si*ek y0aas ago. Tbay. grow, a lng cout of hian arec. idtobe admiraly sîte to w th limate. Wh oh r oînt thaL t> is mutal is nýOt di(:,cd Tha island ",is coýmmoulVy tarm- cýd antlatc"utotWheth- or or noti at ualySo La militry sanse is not a mattar si public lçýnowýledge. ýTîa i~oi~ populatienon couiStS maiuly ut a litasaving crew,"01hoput in'mo ot Hairample laisun umaIn- ance ut buildings sud in gardan-ý cg.It Wooustae a pretty stuug garsnto graàppjle w"itb uc force as an aemyn poweïArwUl -end if it dasîred to make Saubs a stng force old us avn saits ae fGan u Pacýific. blu anly cas ,isue tbing for hejoiotaf c bard' te wý'orry abou-tthog N ba inclind jurt now to huep wnry Vowin istralia, bas dieda11th ag t29, tha gra(ataSt age aven ing l cuU hewa bu f i n s- traia shortIly aterthe ariaiu ber ôthr fo~m Scotaud,. te l fel icut ssoiaion ri i25 D w-î l uown as the Chef SCcut 61ot France.The amagamation hes I281p Cha officiIappreValofuthe dit- 32 F tarnt curmass nwu!las ut the 35N peaai GovarnumeintScoutin is 36]I stîi auedbytheGema iva- 38 N *139 S loaneGurd iuvasiou dceace 40]l xeciss Vo u ght two0 $'-icih F Bo.y Scouts a otu nity ut ta- a a ug~S(euut's dr and t r 41A ut ord lladen-Poýell,"Sue cye easkad toaunvour to enter wbere n hngne" tw uttaoi [ -itormation. iLa11y ili thaeuop- eraiou thy dsgisa thnîsir forcefsudjoinad ol.OUa t heir ion. ua u the oys acdIm- amy meseuger, itho gi ii ed bmdeep îliio "uenytaritoy îugtu bis otrigiinal pit n. VWhae1 sato ha ut use teuItle detend- areS, r imptlyl hbisbicl lu hagedireLd fully CIitled luoap iceço riveQrý, vswa c acroa, nd acad atoutLt o Huma Ti adcHidquatrs witb bhisce POP-Noi:SuUpseting lt MI 'J 'i AiA "'S ~R R I ï_ AFPA 'M yA VQ4 AI front [ariiib- s ba~ L' sta- ga of ~stera thra ~ S.T, e from dicy ut broade ima oa 111 6~0O ungar- ~ort to- prime e news' srday ByJ K