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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jan 1942, p. 4

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The Parliament of Caniada meets on January 21 st. The ni st momentous session in Canadian history begins in a f ew short ays. It is your Parliament. The miembers are the servants of the people, Ùot of aniy party. They represent every one in the )nstituency which elected themn. Each one of them needs your help as never before. Assert yaur democratic riglit ta goverri. ell your mnember what you think should be done and do Sa without delay. There is one issue which overshadows ail others. The Prime Minister of Canada has told us w,,hat that issue is. These are is wn wards:-There is onlyl ont way ta meet total wvar, and that is by total effort."-' We must mnaintain the Canadian armny at ifl fighing strengthi." The Leader af British democracy tald the people af Canada what total effort means. These were Winstoin hurchills words: "In this strange, terrible world iwar there iq a pflace tor every ont, man and wvoman. aid and young. hale and gît. Service in a thousand foris open. There is no roomi for the dilettante, for the weakiing, for the shirker or the sluggerd. 'he mine, the factory, the dlock yard, the sait sea wvaves, the f ields to tili, tht homne, the hospitai. the chair of the scfentist, thi dlpit of the preacher-from the highest to the humrblest, the faskrs are ail of equal honor. Ail have their part ta play." utTo fulfil that description of total effort is the first and forermast duty of the Parliament of Canada. Tht people of Canada utbe told what part they are ta play. They cannat qguess. Every man and wamnan, stronq or weak, aid or young, iust. lî aided by the Government ta tht post where they can contribute mnost ta victory. We are conscions af tht substantial effortt ade throughout the Nwar by tht Canadian Governuient. We are anxiýous ta assist thein in maknçi-th.e vital decisions forced upou ie by the events of the past f ew weelcs. We do flot believe that the people of Canada cansider that their Goveirnntnt or iti scIer are in any way bound by undertakings given before the 1il nited States entered thet war. This is no trne for a referendum., 'li repos1îit retssquarely an Pa:rliamenIt. The war will flot wait. TherEý is only ont way ta meet total war-by total effort- that is ta mobilize al aur manpawer and material resources under plan of unfversal campulsorv selective service. Those who can serve best an the farms mutst w7ork, on the farms. Those who. in serve best in the factories must work in the factories. And those best fitted tar serve in the armed forces must be traiid, uipped, and avaflable for service in Canada or overseas anywvhere at any timie. That is the only way that our farms, aur factories id aur armzd forces can wage total wvar, Na hif n-asures a r e consstent wPi t nai4onal hontor. If you agree with that opinion tchen it is your duty ta tel] yaur menber NOW that you want hirm ta insist upon tht imn- ediate adoption af such a plan. Tel him that you ,vant the business of gavernnent brought into Parliamnent where it blns 1 el him ta informn Parliament. and throual, Parliarnent the- whole of Canada, that tht people of his ridinq advacate and will sup- rt any measures, however dlrastic. which wil1 assure tht last ounce of effort of which thev are capable. Ta Canada's Parliament ich meets in a few short days. Mr. Winstont Churchill said this: "Thte ent has asktd. for total war. Letuis bc sure that he gce Tell yaur mnember in thtý short tinit which stili remains that you want ta, bc sure that wve do wage total war and that ya'u ,ant him to say sa i yaur bhi on tht floor of Parliament. There is an added reason why yauiniust act immtdiately i f you believe that democracy is gaverniment by the people. Last leek, President Roosevelt told ont huindred and thirty million people af tht United States where their~ arined farces art goinq ta ciht in this war. "'As our powver and resouirces are fullq miobilired. wve shahl carry tht attack against. the enemy,,- we shalhit m, and hit him again, wvherever and ihen tuer wve can reach im.n." We are partrers with tht United States in this struggl.e. We pnda pact bdinq s to a commoin effort. National hanor arIrd tht safety af otir people denmand ffhat every man who vwears tht riforai of Canada bc readv at all t;ues ta go overseas ta hiit tht enemyn. whtrevtr and whenever he can bc reached. Wha' a arnefLul travtsty of justice it would bt if we approved of unity of military command and failed ta establish unity of sacrifice be- Veen rnationsCaad' honor is at stake. The Committee for Total War urges you to act without delay. Send your member a telegramn, a Ietter or a ostcard at once. Thmis l your Most imcortant task. Your membker represents you n0 Matter what your party May e. He is your voîce in Parliamnent. When you put down this newspaper, act at once. If you agree with the opinion ipported by this Commitýtee, say 80. 141MlmTTEE IFO0R T Tlff AL WAR n. Dr. J. L. Crowe, North Bay. E. J, Hosack, Woodstock. C. . cKlnlm, Smiths Falls. C. Scott, Toronto. Toronto, John Curtis, Toronto. Chris. Hughes, Peterboro'. J. A. McNevln. Chatham. Charles H. Scieter, Hamhilton. Edward Davies, wallaceburg, Mrs. Anna L. Hy'nes, Toronto. J. Ivan Me.Sioy, St. Catiharines. WVm. H. Sears, Toronto. '1llsonburg. Aubrey Davis, Newmarket. Gordon tngram, London. S. E. McTavisiS, Oshawa. Ms. Ernest Seltz. Toronto. Elmer Davis, Kngston. R. G. Ivey, London. Mrs. M. L. iMcWhnniey. Toronto, Mrs. Louis Shannon, L.anclon. ronto. K. E. Deacon, Unionville. Geo. W. James, Bowmernvilie. Major-Gen. the Hon. S. C. Mewburn, J. R. Shaw' , WÔadstoclk. ~~dtc.T. R. Dent, Woodstock. G. Eliner Johnston, Brockvllle. Hamilton. M 4s. Ann Shlpley Kite.Ind Lake. Mrs. J Detwvlier, London. H. -F. Johnston. Tillsonburg. Mrs. Maud NMilar, Hamilton. . Harvey Simpson, htan ton. D. T. Diplock, Peterboro. J. L. Ring, Gait. W. S. Mý,iddiebrýo, Oen Sound. Dr. Tom Simpson, Colllnigwood. R. L. Dobiin, Peterboro. Ford S. lR'umpf. Waterloo. Mirs. Lionel Milieu, Burllngton. Dr. C. W Siemon, Bowmnnvillie. Willllam A. Dryden, Brookil. Dr. H-.NM Larckner. Kitchener. G. Ml. Miller, Sudbury. Dr D Snith., Strattorjd. eri;.W. R Drynain, Hamilton. Mrs Gertrude D. Lang, Calt. George A. MJoore, Toronto. Dr. J M.l Smith, Beaverton. it Ernest Ducttworth. St Thomas. Louis Lang, Kitchener. S. A. Morse, Chatham. V. R. Srnith, Toronto. ýon, James S. Duncan, Toronto.- W. B. Laughien, Toronto. James Y. Murdoch, Toronto. W, H. Sonerville, Waterloo. Thïa.Chas., Dungey, Toronto. Dr., Smirle Lawson. Toronto, Paul MUyter, Hamilto., Perey' Spacknian. St Thcrias. Tma.Mrs. A, V. EllIs, Toronto. Cea. W. iLee, North Bay. N. L. Nathanaaxn, Toronto.L B. Spencer, Welland. it.R. D. Ferguson., Port Stanley, N. L. Lesueur, Sarnia. Mrs. Ryland New, aakville~. J. tL. $tansell, Tilisnburg. S.Wr. Fievelle, Lîndsay. T. H. Lewis, Welland. 1- D. R. Newby', Toronto. Dr. John H, .Stead. Qalv.iile. Kaa.I. G. Fox, St. Catharlnes. Mrs. Mary Lloyd, Cobourg. Fred R. Morraw, 'Toronto. Dr. J. M,. Ste%~ens, Woadstock. Dr. W. E.-Calle. Toronto. H. E. Longworth, Woodstock. Dr, John A. Cille, Toronto, NMiss Mabel Stoakley, T'oronto. p, Toronto. - P. R. Gardinrer, ~Toronto. Mrs. Lynch-Stauntoni, Hamilton. Com. Ormes. Toronto. Dr. C. H Stable, PeIIeville. oronto. J. -Gll Cardnier. B3rockville. D. C. M1acLachlan, Toronto. Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D., Toronto. C 0. Tathaim, Woodstkxck. rot.Joseph G. Cîbson. Toronto. Hayden Macdonald, Oshawa, Dr. Johnr R. Parry. Hamilton. Dr. H.NM. Torrington, Sudbury. D. Glbertson, Slmncoe. F. G. Mackay,ý. Owen Sound. G. L. Paisons. Goderich. John A. Tory, Toroo., ington. Harrison Glimour. Toronto. D. F. MeacLarern. Barrie. J. R. Perrett. Slmncoe. B. A. Trestrail. Toroto . Toronite. Dr. Roscoe Grahamr, Toronto. Sir Ernest MacMillan. Toranto. Cordon F. Perry, Toront~o. W. &. Tudhcpe, aIlttlt )ton. F. W. Grant. Midland. W. a. Marshall, Ingersoti. Colonel Erie Phllllps, Oshawa. Norman C. Urquhart, Toronto. St. Thomu. Dr. J. C. B. Grant, Toronto, Cordon Matthews. Peterboro'. W B. Preston, Brantford. James A, Vance. WoFstotk. Mrs. WtllIami J. Green, St. Thomas. Mirs. R. C. Matthiews. Toronto. Dr. C. A. Ramsay, London. 0. D. Vaughan. Taranto. t. Mrs. Harry Griffith, St. Cethamlnes. D. L. Mcçarthy. Toronto. John Colingwood Reade. Toronto_ M l F Venrty. Brantford. .Toronto, Eugh Guthrle, ulp.J. J. E. McCague, Alliston. Robert H. Reid, London, . J, H1 C Waite Ba4ptfl ron. Peterboro. J . Gundy. Torenpo. George Mcçullagh, Toronto. E. K. Relner. Wellesley. Harris L Walsh, SIt tharines. WVrndor. C.,i. Haie, OrIllia. HugiS L. MeCullociS. Gaît. Rt. Rev. R. J. Renison, Taonto. T C7. Wardley. Etoa ,ell. Windsor, Mrs. Irving Hall, Tarantc. R. 0. McCulioch. Gaît. Harrnon E. Rice, Huntsville. W N).ald M ateraus, rantford. St. Ctharniez. Dr. F. W. Hall, Chathanm. John F. McDonald, Woodstock. Dr. D. E. Robertson, Toronto. Whlteslde, Windsor. , Chathami. G. Hancock, Gaît. U M. McDonald. Port Coiborne. Dr. C. C. Ross, London, Dr. 1, B WAhytack, 5Nagara Falls. [ph. C. *R. Harrison, North Bey. R. P. McDonald. Toronto. J. Allen Ross, Toronto, G. W WJgte Hamilton. îth., Falls. Dr. C. A. Harvie, OrIlîla. Mrs. Clara F. McEachren, Toronto. W. J. Russ.ell, Unioniville. L. F. Winchell, Toro~nto. ento. T. L. Hay. Woodstock. Dr. A. J. Kcaly itchener. W. H. C. Ruthvefl, Alliston. Dr. H. M_ TellancI. FeterboroV. LMrs. W. B. Horklrts. Toronto. Dr. James H-. McCGarry, Nagara Fails StIgmiund Sainuel, Toronto. Alafl \'. Young, Hani lton. ileand. Dr. H. 0. Howtt, GuelphS. T. D'Arcy M,,cGee. Ottawa. . Dr. T. M. Savage. GiLelph. rhmrk Young. Unionviîle. SPÂCE DOES NOT PERMIT THE PUBLICATION 0F THIE NAMES 0F <ANY OTHERS WH-O ENDORSE THIS STATEMENT. Those whose noamea appeau' above inchude mothers and fathers of soldiers, sallors and airmen, farmers, work. er-n in the faetories, business and prof essional men and women of Ontario, who have taken tis prehpinary step to conveY ta tiheir fellow citizens the course they tlinh should be followred in respect to ithu-s emergency. DUR MEMBER TO HnELP CANADA WIN THNE WAR-ACT -r eNOW!

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