oard Has$3l st, 19421 e4l J'anuarylm19142 ing to the conditions containe"d sreport ovei-which yvouruir ave no control. ~R. R.Waddel presnted Tce ing otin, sconed b,ý Mr.C. Ilir, and delaedcaried. L, in view; of the dceaigin- 21ron ourine'tdPeptia Fund anid the iceaigcost intenance, fromi and at th ay of July,4, the pr-ice of ;ual care ïin Orono Gemietely reased to the following ratec: 6-grave plot (9'ýx 18') $5000 3gaeplot .................$25.O plot less than 3-grave, $1O.0O single gra've Plot. ro other plots in accordan e ches rates. will autoinatically raise the of lotsu for sale in the cemietery 111l also be a reminder to pres- t oewners to take advantage of ual Gare nt the present rate ,ec!tors resulted, eing re-elected officers of thle J. Souch. J. Hanim. F. Awdle. R'. Waddell, G. 'ni, R. Hl. Allia, '%ames Nixon. BRITIS11 FIGHTERS SEE THEý DESERT SKIES IntllgeceOficrsof the Biitishi R.A.F. are seen nte gtga G ma fgherpilot (left), oeMseslmt 9 was shot 1own oý thieWetr Desert. The Gerni flot was unhuvrt. ONLY TWO CHANGES 1 IN COUDTES ClU-NCILý Onlyr two changes ~will be made ini the rol0for hmbrand dDur- ham GCounties Council whea it mneets on Tuesday of this wveek f('r the January session, Latat year, R. J. Payne, deputy-reeve fo r Mauvers townishi,,r ine his seat to go inl the armyn., and his place waS, t-ike-n by*dptreeA.W Heas1i p, wh is a member of the 1942 concil. Ree,(ve G. A.- dmnst (eIf Bw n'ianivilleu, whowa wrdn 0th United C oties for, 1911, did nlot rual for 194 anddeuy-eveC G. Morl- ris moved -'il to th'e post of reeve,: ENGAÜEMENT 'T he enageent is announcued of Lloyd Gerald ýGerrY' Corrdshi, R.C.A. F. 'Overseas), youger son of Airn and Mr.Fred Gornish, Kendlal, Ontario, to Miss Joan Illeeii Driscoli, youngei dlatgliter of Lieut. W. J. Dris(oli of "The Rifle Bigade" and Mrs Dris- coull, at Tynehami, Dorset, England, on Dcemiàbear I4th, 1941. whide . J. C allsa ne meber-, was le-Cted deputy reeve 0ofBow- manville. The other neuw nmemer isý F. arnrdreeve Co' Sollth M ona- I N ail led in es had si ýce, mlinul ere read omilu ýisposed o ,Good R Two ho Lette i 0. W.1 oui-cil 4h biîswee or der- Muniilicipal1 Ele c - 0; ?owerlite Ser- o ville Public Util- t ii waselt ro-or Pa C omiiis isoniiap- soj )attend bhe On- iib tric- Association. fi sii c dicusion it or J. Riddell, a nd1 ane Clark, that on (c) n to the 1942 dle-_t( and 1948 deben- t off, and the sec- 'ij d to follow the ses for carrying out set: (e) aves four ceben- ( ý T, representing a i' the $4,000 mark. .' Ce toc Bri Ieet ingn the D)eparPtui ent1W etion the appro- to ho spenit on Go ýg Ceeil Robinson Oyard of Health.er g M. H. Staples t ghas auditor.s. g J. Lyall Low- b 19 42. Is we e ordered tandall, R vs F., g ivIDoiadsun- t Ca na d1 a's W ar Efr ~. woki reiewof dvelpmets ontralPreidet 'anaLdian We- hei hlome front froms January Sth fte Gouii; J. WV. MK e, OtawL, 1Primae Mnse announces Gov- 1ment of Pensions and cNational muent programme rogarding per Health; Lieut-Col. J. G. Raymuond, s of Japanese racial or-igin oa Ottaw'a, memer, ependnts'AIIow- eille coast immoabi1ized; (b) cer- ance Board; Franik Stapleford, To- s of Japanese racial origin pro- onto, gener-al secretary, NPigh(biIouir- )tedl, for duration of wa r,* froM hood Wiorkers' Association; Major J. ing or servîng oin fshng vessels Dogls inslow, WoodIstockj New on other vesl perateil hy jup Brunswick,ý. ese, off British Columbia Coast-; .0 .Bnet ciiiiiDpa Sale of gasoline and explosives dents AllHowance Boand, will be ailis- persons of Japanese racial origin, orymebr Jack Pîniroke as-ist- be directly onrle drcn- ant imanager, Royal TrustGo, Mon- ions prescribed by R.C.M.P.; (d) treal, to be special assistant to Dr. panese niationals forbidilen to ýps Weir. sor uise shortwave radio receiving 6.Uepcyetisurance xed s, radio transmnitters andl caamras; ed to include those -whose annual Intensive surveillance of Japan- earnings excoed $2,000 (the present nationals to hoe continued; (~ ii' as a result of receiviflg cost- vilian corps of 'Canadian Japanese of-living bonus, by un increase in bie organizerl to be used on pro- working hours or oetm due 40 the -ts of value to national cause; (g) war or because their basie wage lias ,rtaina areas to be deflned as; "pro- increaIsed sinie June 3-0, 1941. te" Fromprtote are'as on1 7 Total value of contracts award- hiih Columbia coast, ailenemny ied andl cornm-iiiitmencits madle by Deparýt- ens. excent those holdng Rl.C3.M . l. met of MVunitions and SUPOy on rmtwill 'm' reoulired to m)ove;: Canadian, United Kingdom and othe Separateornizatin to be account now morey than $3,200,000, eptecf to provide opruiisfor 000.Over 230,090 contracts lace(i ncpoymnt of adult Mme enemy on Ganadian account by the Depart- ens ousdepotected areas on mntdiand as predecessorbois ert os natinal iimorane; 10) Sue 8. New 0Order -issuedretitn i o=Pc to ho establid in BriiH- sale of automlobile tires, cas;inýs :and humllbia to a-couîre Jpns fishling- tires. From idniiiighit January 5th, seil and flsbino- eqipmpnt imi- nonw tires, csnsor, tubes, othïer bior o Pa'coast; (jý Gov-than !thos-e uedon bccemay 1no-w metto g'iv Peca cnieratio be sold. Excý'epted are doctor-s, visit- nersondof Ja.n'p eso race ho es- îng nurses, amibulances, polýice nndi ,d in 'C.E.F. ilu Worl-d War. (Posons fire departuients, mail tsucks, buses jmnporh4n in British Golum- and somne essential business anld apanese public searvices. 2. toa l 23,428L i ar i n H n. 9. D ra tic urtail ment ordereil in 2.n Canai for a i n ariveFa tr a -1m anufacture of e hetrie ions, edec- fl , Bual . fr. ci n n P r a - tric toasters and othe r electric ou e- ru wr teate. old appliances. Civilian radios may 1. Freihtessurlk bv eOtimyuationi not be produced la Ganadu. -after )0 mlsfrom Nýýova Scotia coast. January M1 without authorizatori 4. Finance Miiste le-v an- from the Controller of Supplies. acsvitorv 1loan of $600,000 10. Rt. HTon .Arthuir Meien, Con- )o flo9Ad in February. servative leader, opeunu lis by- 5. lýDominion DuPIenldents' Board of elec(tioni campnaign in York South. "Iustees fsmdto provide deed- cahîs for 1-ational governument w'ith Ats of Oaa adgs armed forces witha total cons(crintion.. Cuirreni sst Govt. bond.,000 Cash svns) 1552 Gaýlsh (Op0 ain) 362.02t Cash o0 nhand.....7.78 -___ $ 3,76,5. Total Gallital and Currenlt A .........ets................ $1, 26 218 shar............ Deprceciation Reserve Ap- proýpriation ............ ....... Surplus over Lialbilities. 4,840. Total ,..... ..... . .. . .. ......... las TPhe following -were re-elected for me the yer 1942apédf President - Reîbecr J. Souch. cor se, Vice-i'res. -Fred Trul. Mr11 Se-c.-Treas. -\W. S. Cobblledlik. treasi Asst. Se--c.-Treas. - J. -M. Morris. -ith Gomptroller - Anosn Gilroy. rýtatem Director - Jamies Nixn. Y angr- J. Hl. Morris. Vote 23 Times Tc Warden -iFor Reeve Roy DodIge, oug elected wse of the Uniited (c ties, of Nosthumher1lanl'cland DuI at Gobourg on Tuesdlay evening, 204Oh, and is the firsL mani fromn towvn to hold the wardeln's set 19ý16. PReeve Dodge bas beýen a il, municipal affairs in Goýbourg 1934,. and Tuesday ig#hý1t's cuntes wvarden iras one of the stiff est la the county town since 19,4 lbt toek two Sessions of counc Expenditures ,n tcçcount ..... Accounlt........ ihanid ............ Tot-al..............$ Capital Asýsets, han o nhpw 1