boeng yardl. ô is ail C'li s wear oeyu ls, t anid Cubea, us v aresev- oilk to Lonl- r' oÈ coutquest fan has i- power ex. threatoned. 1 A.GL ander in sud sis wbo I great k tPe of the Ian) nrmty he 1bound the was thpei eng- iisto get il îiIuPCIIs or rt es tond lino sol- led with the loir buoth ors d the speak- put la ouder elînost uabe- y Important ustroyed rail red la three sut inaction sy and nlght. Yes, iMsAndy Hardy-ail gro-wn upii)and iisg te real lifeý ode of bridegroom. The 21-ye!od film star is pictured WihAbi 19yar-om tdie,the foumer Ava Gardner, of IVWiloM.., shartly aftrterwdin ntPehterian Choc F Balard, Clf If iut P fsdthat write1 Vol, an ito te ieo fo th 1dglie jt ahn For Uvrtw orsh LasPo utsassy wlord l hal(1a arhs miul, oakforsem nle\w humiýor n ag uth u day night CROC nd BCola i The 11' , at7 Gildj r lt-, ue 1 iv McG;eo's ho w, wt ce' ie hick CGildy, sralnd it shlow of Pis ýown_. A on Lhinîn 'en lTttie htys yon Leru' s inlg( ý1ent ttr ajra Lu1renle alo is fea;itil tu , :n nî on CC K0 . T]eGetGidrv 'S i) n BCsow Per Snd at 7.30 p.m. D) . njý1 T, timle diaIlîs (una 900DST, and iThe apy Gng (COCan shw vit h dy-ie oiees Othic sstn i ngttm ily (jum1ped ta :il) i e ati ye~.r l Canadan Rado,Fihe McGoe ad the Kaft M !eHal y, y, A fuw 1150 Iistening Tipa-: EeyTiîr yteesaao lai glu e away o te app (ju 1 iulau( i Ei 1 , ug;liiuie Bob Fa rKti tl'e ld d t Allen aad l atl geo OUR RADIO LOG twuJs vIc. ISifo, a770k WABG (C.IIS)iixi 0k WOR (MB S.> 710k cKT S. cmami . 230 tli auKiraaad .. 560 \ ISC V. Onlai 110 sIGi Tplu,,s"i 147k 1%UI»i Sudbrms 780k l7' rl >r1 9350k Uh'%AWlngkw 550k WE1II Bua,1520k jVL1A CiaciaIl700 GS Il GSC Il (us i: CSF GSG GSI-' LiS V BAR EAQ BAN RNIS R~96 > suioi W'4WvI l~ngIaod Englend Eeg la ail Eaglaad Englaad Eegand Englanil Engîaad Spahi S pain Russili R 11551 Il Russie 1514e, UGUA i ,ntd iiAi, R h & , j,27 WCB'oe N. l'ork 1. ýS UN DA Y I C -,HE TEMPTATION OF' JESUS> Matw 4: 1-11; 'Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4.1143 PRINTED TEXT, M1a1tthew411 GOLDEN TEXT.1For we hav e .one that bath been iii ail point, tenspted 1kc als we are, yek withiou m. Hein, w-4:15. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Timne-11thspig fA.D, 27. PIaCe.--A wlenspoa on the west side of the Jordan, thouli is loatio i-not, defini- ieykno-wn. Satani's Deimre~ M Tobe temptod ofithei doi" Satan's dee iandcïon- sntdesire, us the eneruy of odisto thtwart God'spuoes topeotGod fL(om ]saving mn, and ta make it impassbleuor te Krdomof od o h flilie d. 2"And(! whe ho adfasted fty das and forty ni h, h alasbear ila mmd Lthatto ur- Lodstemptatuion ocurmred -îimmne-; ditoly after Mils baptism11, that is, inmidiatLi fter tho hýour HP waufficially one by the Holy Spiruit toud ItaelisC pleut minsty. Mhenumber unety frqetyre cu1rs iin te sCrJip- notalogthr isimiilar from itilis wvntd. -. Ani the empocanmeand said unto his, f thou art thi'e sîon of God, conmmnind that the stno bcome Iý 'l'liTe temp- erputs tomte in this7 forma orýdývrto itiat tat Lho certain- ly lias the right tus tesatisfy bishug.Jeuwstmpe lim- bi b ige u r Li noer perfrme mircle mcrly[or Lv uh o do gýood týo otLhersý, and bybradalno bt'by vry wor tht pocodetîout of the aîout of od."In ech oef the risths wrdof God which e arýe to fls hog idsoîo lik th thusroi taegleaming swos'dit ls tIe wordf ivineo tuuth it s thewor jufUdvin prois, ayig odsitrenghe- ting ci omotupnethe heart. Not surason atclr epaîn lootcoly of~an ose l itnn isaihut l, fto r don; fo it Sk wrialetc esa thee: adaon teiv hans tbe thu. as tyfot gaas pin ne o te e , or of te tahe ai to nethupon l! thest The Pi-ice to Be Paici One w-%onders l ifteGra people are doomied tLo go on1 fo- over lann ntigfrom nex- perionco.(,. The Kaisor thougLht deocac vould go-t0 piecesin th ast wa, and it cost the ilve,ýs of 3,500,000 Gormns ýýto ho him Iis ýerror., Howmuchilli cost thieThird Rih hcg Suni, Caniada's p IUlpadaerids trY will ship approximiately $~200".. 000,000 worIth of aepint nnd a rýecenjt addro,ýs to tho ornt raieArts Ascaîn n bring niuch nieeded funts teCan ada, whlich win bucunh ue fýor the purchase oi-faraet frmthe UnitedSaes Nearlyv7,000,000pouds f pprWas Shipp kro ,E ec -incIo-Chiina tio odte ontis the -flrst eiht otha of rd I41 A PHiýLANTHROPISTI Ipop.-A Action By J. MILL4AR WATT YOU 'fl-41N1i YOLYR~ SMAR~ ~ON'TYOU 2 -j WC-LL, W, WNT SOMF-ON=-, AWI-q SMAIPT ON P,-RADE-.r