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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jan 1942, p. 5

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Rwe, lenyRichar-d - On Sun- dayJaniarv 8th,1942 athis late re~ienc, Min tret, Oiono, 1Henryv Richard .I-Le,2aged 0 years. Plrivate fau rai from "thý_e fatnily residenice or ThesdaIy, January 20fth. Sefrvice a[ 2 p.m.Lintermeîinît Orýono Cemetery. t.Sviour's Chuarch VestryIM1eeting The nnua Vesry metin ofSt. Saviour's Anglican Chiurch was helld on Monday evening,,, January l9th. The financial statemit was given by Mr. F. J. ýHall and showed the hburchi ln good standing. Mr. F. J. hlall was re-elecýted People's Warden, and %Mr. Georg-e flutters as Retor's Wardcen. Mr. Wm. Mitchell and Mr. Harry Lewis are the auditors, and Mr% Mitchell was also n'amed Envelope Secertar and Oissionary Secretar-y-Treasurer. l~0~~atyour service SPE-'1-CIALS WRILE THE PRESENT STOCK IN OUJR STORE LASTS Luncheon Sets, 36 inch Cloth and Four Ser- 7c viettes, rez. $1.00., Sale Price .... ... 79 Bath Towels, size 42 x 22, regular 75c. each. 59 Sale Price, each ............ ......_ 59 Red Soled Knee Rubber Boots, per pair. $2.25 Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at IRear of Store MAC. SMITH PHONE 61 r 2 - - ORONO MI lED &WIIITmE STORES Il leire's REAL VALUJE-- SPECIAL JANUARY FOOD SALEI Readicut Macaroni, 2 lbs. Handy Amnionia, 2 pkgs. Diced Beets, 2 tins Gold Medal Pumpkin, 28 oz. tins, 2 for Choice Tomatoes, No 2, sqt. tins, 2 for Bee FIlve Syrup, 10 IL pail Cooking Onions, 5 Ibs. Super Suds, pkg. Soap Flakes, 5 lbs. Choice Alymer or Gold Medal Peas, in Mince Meat Cookies, to be l3eated, IL Lushus Jelies, 3 large pkgs. Cross and Blackwell Tomato Soup, 3 tins Fresth Salmon Fîsh, sliced 9c lc 17c 21c 19e s1.10 25c 22c 40c IOc, 29c 23c 25c 20e 18c 24c 25c 24c 22c .LJtvLLtel ali i oXverrfl 01,J 01,11tct W, 431 head the distingoished group of it i- -lins woon Flruary 44 illmake "ýhe drwtiirat ends h R&ail Fur- r-ier s' spcaua c. lag or liedl Cross funlds fo, meýdical id( toli- sial.1 The d'aw will 1he made-- (1 inti Male LafGardenis durirg itermns- rosof the ..A. seior )igame b- tweeun 1Hamilton and the Toronto Mîbosfroni a seilpafx built foi' the puî poseý. Ot'her nii- 2~.Atknso. Eq.,of the Toronto it 1a; Dr-. -F. W. Routley, National Commnlissioner of the Candin e C-ross, and -Mrs. W'allace Caiiipheli, President of the Ontario Division of, the Ried Cross Society. TPhe response to the Retail Fur-l r-ierýs'cmag has been over'whel- ilg. This group of nien b)and-ed itself- oether under the chairmnanshlip of Mr. Jaelk Creed and gave furs, valuedà at about $15,000, to 'ha sold 'by dr-aw tickets at 50c, a share, the entire pro- ceads to the turnedl over to the Red Cr'oss in answer to the Dominion Gov- eramilents" appeal for medical aid to Rbussia. There are 36 items in the collection, m-ost of them beautifuil coats whose 'value ranges froni $200 to $3,00. Thousands of letters have poured into the office of the Retail Fut'riers -with individùxal requests for tidkaets; and many eager organiza- tions have taken ont >large bloeks of tickets for sale as a way, of reaching their owýýn self-established quotas, in answer to the appeal of the Govern- mient. Tickets on the coats are still avail- able. T'he last ticket sold may be one of the lucky winners-; the 50 ýenits paid for that iast ticket may save the lifa of some brave mian who is fig-ht- ingr our flght in Russia. It is aatici.pated that on the nig-ht of February 4tih, in Maple Leaf Gar- dens, the cheque presented liy the. camiiipaig-n commnittee Vo the lied Cross Society wîll represent the lar- ge-st contribution miade, inl group la this appeal for Russian aid. Tiere is still timie to maike it even larger. Tickets namy be obtained fromn Retail Furriers, Toronto, or ïin person from any of the Furriers who are dconors. The Orange 'Hall is now comleel renovated, the tfliing touc-ea- ing beau conipleted on Wedinesda'yah ternooni lasit. The hall is niuchý bigheter, having bean given a light colored coat of so'mething that rasem- hies paint, ani the woodwork bas also been painted. The linoleum-i has heen glued Vto the floor, then, rolled ýwith a1 haatvy water roller, nr1akînig a very neat pieca of work, whieh wifl getly help- la lengthening the wear of the floor covering. New, modern test equipmrent en- ables oaa to imake fast, depeadale repairs. to any inake of radio, Chas. R. Kuox, 42 r 2, Oronio. tf. PARK ST. UNITED CHIJRCII R.S. L7 ittltiwood Sunday, January 25th 11.00 a.m.--On bahaif of the Church Offiiais (Installation Service). 2.30 p.rn.-Sunday SohIool. 7.00 - A serias on Key- words of the Bible. "LOOK"- Let us flot love ili word but IN ])EED AND IN TRUTH. 1 John 3-18 Orono Tins hap Firsjit Cl«%as PLUMIBING HîEATING and TI'NSMITHiING13 And ail kinds of Repairs R.E. LOGAN PROPRIBTOR Cenittre S, O*u hn Ol aposition ii la ,,,i Mr.Jas. Eaiglesoni is speading a fcew weeks visit il)oono Mr. James 'gl~n li sp eniag a few wek aPtebnuh 3~.John Thonis,3n, of' Tyrone, '-p(ent a few days in the villalge this week. Mrs.A 1'.Chl-lapmniï sedn :ýew mlonItha in T.uto -with her -Ar. Stanley Bruton, of Toronto, spent Suaday wthbis 1mother, 'Mris. Bruton. Pte. Sid. Hughes, of the Mîdland IRegimient, is spending a ,faw days irn ouri m-idst. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sis and famiily, off Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hazel Flintoif. Miss Valima Morgan aspent the week-end 'wýith hier grandm-other, Mrs. Morg-an, Park Street. Wa are glad to see that Mr. Geo. Luna- is able to bea at work again af- tal being on flhe sick list. Mrs. Bradley has returned home after 'spanding a waek 'with hier daugthter, Mrs. A. Walker, aliss Marion Cooper, of Toronto, spant the week-end with hem parents, Mr. and M-ss. F. 0. Cooper. A large nuniber attanded thie dis- trict meeting of the 1.O.O.F. i Oronio on Wednesdlay evening last. Mr. Cecil Cowers has secured a 'position at the Pedlar's Plant at Oshawa, inspecting sieli casings. Mr. ard Mrs. Allison Cowan and son .Bobbie, of Toronto, spent Sunday lasI'with IMr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowr.n. Somie of our maerchants are :getting their ice houses in 5ýhape for the ice that wîill soon 'be stored for surnmer use. Mr. J. E. Richard-IJs is abl1e to 'De out and arouaid agai:n alter being confied to his hom)e a few days last week. Mrs. Isaac Cohbledfick was taken to Bowian-ville hospital on -Monday last where she is recei-ving mYedical attention. The sale of homie cooking h-eld by the Girl1 Guides on Saturday last, proved a eal snccessful venture and netted thiat asso)ciation $10.30. M-r. Will 'inch, of Weston, was operated on -recently in a _Montreal hostpftal for a tumnor on flie lbrain and is repoited progressin~g favolirably. Mss. Carl Billings returnied homne from the hospital on Fidav last much.i improvad, after having conges- tion, not pneumonia, as fimt eported- Br-os. Ivan Farrow, Hairmy Milîson and W. C. H. 'Mitchell visited Lodge Wellington Sons of England, Bow- manville, and took part la the instal- lation carenmories. CGraca Hudson, young daughiter oh Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson, was taken Vo Oshawa Hospital one day last weel-k whare sheunren an opera- tion for appendicitis. Durhani Central Agicultural So- cietv held their anniual meeting la the îown 'hall, Orono, on Wedmesda4y afternoon. A full report of the pro- ceedingls will appear in next weak's issue. Mrs. W. W. Harrison had the pleas- ure of hearing her two niephews, Ptas. J. S. and fE. G. Porter speaking hmomn the Beaver Club, London, Eng- !and, over the radio on Sunday aven- ing last. Congragational meeting of Kirby United Churchi will ba held on ýMon- day, January 26th, at 8 p.m. (S.T.), in the Sundlay Sehool roomn. Annual re'ports. Electioni of offilcers. LuLnch served. Let us have a good rally. The Red Cosis startiagl the monthly ahternoion teas again t1his winter. The first oaa will be held ini tha Orýange Hall next Thursday ah- ternoon, Jmnaiy 2thi. Al th- ladies oh th(, comnmuaiity ara umged to com-ie and have a Social tue 1É,anrd join in the quilting- andseng inancially, 1941 had been a mrost ,essful year, and on revieinjg minutes one could not fail to no- Cards, p( the imany worthy causes -whiýeh Supplies been helped by the varions dona- Flowers, S. Tun'ingf he niany -acknowledginents of Painting ýiksfrn thé sic', and shut-ins, Shrubs from the families of the bereav- Rev. Hur, ssure one that the work of the Supper- espondingI Secrotarv and the Quilting -Il Committee had been Very Postage .h appreciatedl. The canvass, taking the plae of t he annual goose supper proved to be the fiighlight of the year's workl, Bpi and -was folloiwad by a special Sunday Sai Moring Ser-vice eonducted by the Wa Rev. W. (W. Hunst of the Fred pjý Victor Mission oh Toronto, who dle- Tilz livered a mnessage whîch was mest W. inspiring. Ru The Traasurer's report was then Mji, read as follo'ws - Ch Receipts AR MS' IT PAYS 1 Specials, Thiursday, Friday, Maple Leaf Pure Lard 2 for 29c.- Carbolie Soap bar 50c. Fresh Shoulder Pork 24c. Round Steak lb. Redpath Sugar per cwt $7,50 Large Apple Juice 48 oz. Steak ib. 297ce Fresh IFillets B-arry Ilocýrue',s Jelly Powders 4 pkgs. Loin Pork ChopQS The Goodi Will Bible Class oh Parl St, Suanday School held their agl ini-oinly meeting- on Tuesday avenir at the hiome oh _Mus. K. GamSb-Y, Mr Hfarold Allen presided at the meet ing and Mrs. A. A. Dus-mnond gav a ~very haîphful account oh Paul' joumney to Rome and aIse 'very adu cational descriptionls oh analei :Rom»e ,vhieh se had the priviiegeû N7istng a hew years ago. k '~~__2 P4ý>n* soïiel

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