Horticultural Society Social Evening, Orange Hall, Fel Durham West Ail Boxes Sent Overseas Id Their Annuai By Orono Branch of Mpéf;~na In Oran Cross Hav'e Been Re ~The County Of ficers Were Eelecteci For The Ensuing Year On Tuesday, February 31rd, the loyal Orang-e County Lodige (if1Du- 1 iamll West held their anrnual mneeting- 'in Oronio. Splendid reports were given by the -varions officers of the year's activi- nt'es, and in sptof wmanadai its ]iorrors, it was f ound that the org-an- izatiom is in a stronger ' and better po)sition than for sm tinie. Froma the hour of 3 o'eloc!k until 7.30, business entIrely was dcalt -xith, after which Rt, Woir. Bro. C .' Devitt, De'puty Grand Master of the CGrand Orang-e Lodg-e of Ontario E a.st, condùicted the election of of- jflcers for 1942, and one of the instal- latinu teamns from the county install- ed thüm. The folloing will supervise the e6unty for 1942 : CGounty iMaster-ýRt. Wor. Bro. Neil iF. Porter. Deputy County Mastr-Wor. Bro. Carl Ferguison. kýCounty Chaplain-Wor. Bro. Rev. S. Little-wood. County .Secetary-Wor. Bro. R. R. -Waddell. Oourty Treasurer - Wor. Iro. 1-lenr'y Thompson. Cotinty iMarshal-Wor. Bro. Cecil Mul. County Leturers - Wor'. Bro. G. R. Morton, Wor. Bro. L. Thoinpson, an'd Wor. ra. R,. 2\L Stutt. SAuditors - Work Bro. Wý. E.1 ]Javey, and Wcor. Bro. E. J. Hami. The District of Clar{keetrand th.le visitors to a lovely diirer, servedl by Prde of Clarke LOBAundfer he Ieadershi.p of 'their W-orthiy Mis- res, [Mrs. J. H. Lowery. The Lisual toasts followed anmd a short but inspira.tiona1 address wa--s given by Wor. l3ro. Rev. S. Littie- wvo odC. %~< Visitors -were present froni Iyrone, Blaàkstock, Devitts, Kenidal, New- ton'ville, ýPurple 1141, Enniskillen, Newcastle, and one fromn Manitoba. ,n the person of Bro. D. Cathcat. Aýfter the banquet table had been 'learedi aw-ay, serveral gaimes of cards 'were played and a very enjoyable zsoial even.ing closedi -with the general feeling that the rood attendanco, fine reports, andi splendid dinnier, ith genial campanionship, proved once mcnore that the princîple of the Order 'were still "Equal Rights to Alil, Special Privileges to None." Former Wfarden Passes ~DeputV Reeve W. Heibert Nelson, oùf Perey Township, passed away sud- denly at hs home near Datford on Friday, January 30th. He was promînent ini the municipal if e of the coniunity in which he nmacle bis ~hoie.MrNelson serve& as Warden of the United Gounties someu years a.gn and took a very active parýt in agrieiultural niatters. Dr. Locke alwas claimled that the foot is. the f ounidtion of the hun bod)(y, undi he laimied wýith the pro- per treaýtmeflit of the boiies and muil's- cles he could aiboliharl ay of the ilîs of the body. H1e aaid the foot is the moaiût com-plîcuted ipiee of mnuscularý machinery in the huimun framne. H-e also desg-nred a shoe which wa worni by thousand(s of people suffering fromn foot trouble. Tô millions of people Dn. Locke was known as "the miracle mnan of Ç'anuda." Litenally the world lient a path to his door as his treatmenits became fanions. Promi the statua of an ordinary7 countrýy doctor hie ros;e to famie thnou2gh the mianipulation of Toncs and mutscles by a remurkable pair of banda. Tweuty yearsý or so ugo lie nias treatinig fifteen or more patients a day. Ilis fumne became such thut ilb the summier of 1928 he nias treating 20 persons a da.1He wasgie widespread publicity and in 1931:1 andj 1932 tiise summnen uttenlaiice of pa- tients totalled imore than 1,000at oech treutmaenit. IChief Draper Fiïned $300 Dangerous Driving Count GERZMANS WILL AlGAIN FACE POLISH GUNS Poluah artilley'mý,n ia Britini are seeun lhndling a 75m, ie ld Iguý,n into positUin. Thisraipid-fiing light gun las idal lu diffiuenît contry, and has always been a favorite weapon ini Poland's ariy. Canada's War Effort A weekly revieni of dvlpet on thse Homie Front froui Januury 29tli te Fobruary 5th, 1942. 1. Lieut. Gen. A. G. L. -,cINauugh- ton, Cormmanider of Canadian troopa overseas, arrives in Canada for con-1 sultation with defence authorities. 2. Ia the House of Comm-îoas, Min- ister of Finance Ilsley intim-ates nar programrme for coiin year "which wiul -train tise human and material resources of thiis country to the luiiit," a programrme -wbichi "ini my opinion andi in the opinion Of my a'd-l visers, la the extreme lirit cf whaýit thîs country cuis do, having in nmmjdi it- hiurftan iland matenial raos'". 3. Manlila fibre m-ny no îlnger ,bel used in maniufacituer of rop o y inlg iparcels anici undies- or for tyling treus cf anly kzi nd(jfor si ipmen1ý'11t. Neither mniila for, silmaybe used in~ ~ Olesacn f skippig opsand 41. Base plant for producing syni- thetic rihrto be constructed Lut Sarnia, Ontuirio. 5. Retail tradte in Canada hit 13- year peak in De!cembler, 1941. 6. Canada's externial trade un 191 nias the 'highest ia history cf Do-1 mison otal Value, excluding gol-d: $3,08!M,389,658 ag-ainst $2,275,168,311 in 1940, an inèrease of 35.7 per cent. 7. Domninion Bureau of Statistics cost-of-living index declined from 116.3 on Novernber 1 to 115.8 on De- cember 1. Warti-me increase: 14.9 per cent. 8. Britisli Columbia west of Cas- cade mo(untains and includhing villages of Terrace and Hope defined as "'pro- tected area" under Defence of Can- ada rgltos Certaini persons of Japanlese originl will ho miloved out of ibhis area. 9. Totting-sfromt Canada's wýar pro- Enitire outpuit of one type of me- dium tn goinig to Ruilssia. Onle thouisand BreCn gunis froi Canladaamnfrs Allied war. eqluipmient ml l ad0e avrailable to Chlina. Shiploada af niar isuaterial goinlg th le Near East. I1942, Canada wiul launch al- ïost as nmny merchant ships as Great Bian Airplane Production inicreased war to 740 a -wqek. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________________ meet them lu tise various cities they Chef Constable D., C. Dr-aperý, cf 1I Teronto, nias founld - ilty of agr eus driving at Cobourg PoliceCor on Monday, Paibruary 9th, wisen ho appeared before Judige L. V. O'Con-l non. 11e ias fined $300. The case- nias tried by a judgc nithout a juryl after lief Draper entered a pleat of not guity. -Jurige O'Connor saîdlihe would neot im-tpound i Chief Draper's car, as lie neecls it in his business. T. N. Plielan, counsel for Draper, said there definitely null be an ap- peal.' ;Chief Draper took thse stand lui his onin defenice. He said he bas driveni over 12,000 mniles each year for a numnber of years, driving in Canadla, Europe, the United ýStates and sev- eral trip- to Ploridca, aud lu aIl that tun-e claim-ed he nover had an acci- dent, wvith unir person or mnotor- car, ecliusi-ve of a fender scrape. "Ritzin' 'The Blitz" Comning To Newcastle, Direct from- the Royal AIe onte, tise secor tieBlitz," tise iceus ahl-servie sentod ut tise!C c.astle, on Mon( connoctiols wit ipaign. Top-rai anud radio, who thse unmy, nari up the eat of s3wft-novinIg T sihan outst: vice camps thi ý iviliais theatr( Thev lie allowe, Mass cf South Anfnicu, thse n-ui- ngered piano-accordionist, niso sRuvel's "Bolero" and deFalla's ual Pire Dance"; Bill Harding, im-personates tise stars of stage sreen lu an unicanny nianner; Doyle, tise rmaster of cc'eemen- nIa gave up a fine orchestral ler in tise States te jein tise Cana- ifarces; ýMel Keay, formner direc- of Hurt Bouse Theatre, Toronto; Barett, Athur (Sin-i) Burgessa, Raille and Syd Bagnall, 0t- well-ki American Arnied Forces To Visit Canada Anmed forces of tpie Untod States will visit Canada for the finat tume in this war lu the period cf the forth- coming- Second Victory Loan Cami- ipa2n. A detdachmiert of one hun1dred pick-- ed, infantry-meni fron tise Twenty- sixth Divisio of the Sixtis Unitedi States Army ýCorps -of tise, First Amneiican Armry, led by a 'band of thirty pioces, w-ill arrive in Toronto on .Peibruary l6th--whielh us-the fit day of thse V.ictony- Loa Camipuigu proper. They will travel froni Port Edwund, Massuchusotts, twenty miles fron Bostoni, where for sanie montha they have been unagon dvanced tnuining for active ser-vice. They -,vl" camie to Canadla oquipped ntI teirý inrm-al fighting ,paruphe(rnalia. They wiill he)( commianded1 by a Briga-dier und a group cf officens of uppropriiate ýrnk. The District Officer Coinmnding, iMilitury -District No. 2, MjnGnn ah C. F. Constantine, D.S.O., ru e- ceive and inspect tise for-ce in c!us- tomuary fashion iupon its ar-rivalinl Toronto. Pollowingl this inspection, tise Amer-icup anmed v!iis ull parade tbsnoughýl the streets cf Ton- onito ta tise Leg1-islative Buildings. The Legislatune wnul probabily ilie un ses- sion at the tui-e of their airal ut 'Quteen's ?urk in the aftenno-on. The session nwilil ie suspende-d ta permit Pre-mier Mitchell P. Hepburn and lis Cabinet formially to nielcomie tise visitons iii the name of tHie Province cf Ontario. Leuving Qneen's Paunk tise unifoInJi ed dietuchment will proceod te the City Hall, where a fonmal Civie nel- come b, tise Mayor and City Council %vil!l awuit it. A detuci-ment af Cunudian armred forces null meet the AmerIicun gr1-1OUP aand mardi witli thens nihule they -are in Tarante. Similar detachmient-, nilI visit in thse Province and, cf course, participate in there ceremiopas. Two types of armoured tanks will apypear as part of the Canadian equip- ment in a parade in Toronto. These will be followed by a group of Bren gmuns mounted on carriers, the non 2.5.pounder urtiilery piece, thse new- est type of seurchlights -used for uniti-aircraft, defeace, and naval work; and a retaclient of anti-tanIk guns of a type not seen by t'he gen- eral public bof ore.. The Amierican troopa will remain un Toronto for two an three dLys, par- tici-patinig in% c(-eemionials, their baud pnçÇibably guving baud concerts, and ýbeinig enter-tuined. Tbley nul tlsen leuve for other points uniiOnitanio ln- cluding Hamilton, Lonidon, St. -Cath- urinles and Niagara Pulls;, whenre they -will be s;imilarlIy welcoimed anid en- tentainied. The c oin f the Uniited States rmdfonces ut thiis tume is a ges- tar cigod-wllteniards Cmaaaand a mak 'fthe cnidneand solidan- ity nýiths which the Canýadi-an and Amnirucn forýcesare co-oper-ating for- the suc(es-afl prosecution cof th i s War1. This parioiular tume for the, riait ha been selected te help the fonthcoming1 Second V\,ictory Loa Cumpaig.-n DOG SAVES MISTRESS "Scottie," tise 17-year-old dogý of MNrs. F. D. -Eldred, Penelon Pulls, suved the hife cof his mnitresaon Fni- day, Pobruunay 6th. M-Yrs. Eldred, wif e cf tise proprLieten ýOf tise Brooks Hotel, wolke cup to find lier upsairs bediroons IIi.a ivifh m)io1i -,. and the fi-rnt AIl1 Sections of the District Are Sending in Sewîtng anrd Knitting The February business meeýting of the Orono Brach of the Canadian Red Cross Societywa held in thei OrneHall Lat Tusayevenling with tche Presýidentü, Rer. S. Littie- ooin the chair. IUNITE Good fil-l preliiiinry Fihe auditor. 1941. Thus plete asý the Reports froni the difi'erent com- Ini the astl m-,ittees were, given and! the feeling 0 in the c ("f the memnbers presenit ilndIcates thait th(ýe is, the sewýýing and knitting are coming nefund, esti in veny satisfaictorily from iill sec- watys grant, tionis of oun district. ni-o bû More messages iof thanks forhspiazt Christimas boxes wene received from shlare, $900. Frel Whittalcer, Win. Muir, Wmjý . with the Su IMcKenzie, Geo. Wesiton and NZorma,-n $500.00; caS Biluton. 0f the sixteen boýxes sent e45.4 to England, sixteen have been ac- to 1942 schc knowledged. bilities -B It was decided to hold our monthly counts paya 'business mneetingsa .5i h f dry), $1,820 tornoon on the first Thunsday -of each bank loan, n-th, ilistead of ýin the evening. A n-uation sch<i onther afternoon tea will be held in 31, 1941, the wook-room on Felbruary 26th. ucenaunt as Poll-ewing- is the January finuncial 139.06; tota statement: Incomne - Receipts 'administruti refund of fii Balance Dec. '31, 1941 _...... ...$481.1 9 ay, pros Donations ......................>...... 1900 Jicense ,$ Claike Uionti.................. 12.40) boner camIp A.'ftennoon Tea ......... ..........75vcocu Two Quilts aold......... . .............. 1.0 $,3 48 Kenldal _........... _ .................... 6.0 $243;. A.pion Booth at Bza............1.j ur - s a Ic îa l o n , s-S a ss u t s 1ttemeni ere a nIL set, hicli uretbal adiniistra ion, local .00; deposit uipreme Co shý; on hani C. G.Armstrong, -matenýiial. Ornge Lodge, ....d....... ýRuissian Relief...................... Prisoners cf WýNar Bxs Ca.Red Cross, M-Aatenial.... [ Balance on hiand.. ............. The fo'llowing articles cam,,e to the ~ wokomdL1rimg last ee: I Comjparat Pro Kedal1 lanket 4pair 0Of Revenue -G seamren's stockings, 12 Pairso,- 74.41buget turtie neck sweaters, 1 khaki~ sweat-tai expendituE er, 2 scarves. 2 pair mitts, 10 blouses of justice, $18,50 Fromn Kirby-5 quilts, 1 blanket 064.07, actual; and 1 pair of pyjamas. -$37,000.00, bu and 2 bacby blanikets. pbi and sepa Promi Cowanville - 3 quilts. 000.00, ibuclgette o total, $6-1,500.00, POPULATION 0F THE ditures county r gte,$47,537. UNITED COUNTIES DOWN 'ues,$7,6" asinoulit; patrioti budgetted and i The United ýCounties of Northum- cultural grants berland and Durham, in con-inon ited; $3,5»30'.0ý0, a, wvith miany other i-ural m1-unici palities, $24,ffl.00. Totý Pthshowed a decline in po4pulaltion-1i_ tur es, $237,147.4 during the past ten years. This in- 1954.43, actual. teesigfact -was brought to Iighýt________ l'>y the release of Census figures bly the authorities at Ottaewa, 'Canada's '0, 727 whrile lt pýopulation is now 11,419,896 copa- f lastyerwa edc wîth 10,376,786 ten yýear's ugo. ')f 608. Tin 191)1 The re' relealse gives the popu- lation of 25,782_ lation oif Nrhmelniii 1931 as was 25,091, oýr Shopp,,^ers From Remol May Purchase Mc OtwCanad-a, Jnuy27.- sugar raItioin-1,order. of tise ') tume Pnices and Trude Board Peri somne latitude in puirchusing by sens "remnote from soulrce of supII, No other. interpnetation shoul ý,jý